Šalyje – tūkstančiai be priežiūros paliktų automobilių

Neatsakingi gyventojai netinkamą naudojimui seną automobilį palieka bendro naudojimosi vietoje ar tiesiog prie namų ar gatvės, nors privalo pasirūpinti jo utilizavimu. Bešeimininkio automobilio savininko paieška neretai tampa detektyvine istorija.

Socialiniuose tinkluose juokaujama, kad netinkamo naudoti automobilio savininkas mašiną stato ne dienai ar mėnesiui, o keliems metams ir nemokamai. Tokių automobilių turėtojams siūloma neturėti vilčių, kad viešąją tvarką prižiūrinčios institucijos, pavyzdžiui, policija važinėja su metalo laužo surinkimo mašina.

„Bendro naudojimosi vietose paliktų senų automobilių apstu kiekviename didesniame ar mažesniame Lietuvos mieste. Vis tik pastebimą gerą praktiką – daugėja gyventojų, kurie neabejingi dėl ne vietoje paliktų neprižiūrimų transporto priemonių“, – sako Eksploatuoti netinkamų transporto priemonių tvarkytojų asociacijos (ENTPTA) vadovas Vladimir Jankoit.

Asociacija vien šiemet iš gyventojų gavo beveik 1 tūkst. pranešimų apie eksploatuoti netinkamus automobilius bendro naudojimo vietose, o nuo veiklos pradžios (2012-ųjų lapkričio) – beveik 2,6 tūkst. pranešimų. Daugiausia pranešimų buvo iš didžiųjų miestų: šiais metais iš Vilniaus gauta daugiau kaip 500 pranešimų, iš Kauno – apie 200, Klaipėdos – apie 70, Šiaulių – virš 40, Panevėžio – 25.

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės Viešosios tvarkos skyriaus vedėjas Andžejus Dinikis sako, kad bendro naudojimo vietose palikto nenaudojamo seno automobilio savininko paieška neretai sukelia daug problemų dėl teisės aktuose numatytų privalomų procedūrų.

„Pirmiausia savininką būtina raštu perspėti pasirūpinti bendrojo naudojimo vietoje palikta nenaudojama mašina. Dažnai būna atvejų, kai asmuo vengia perspėjimų, neįsileidžia į namus pareigūnų. Teko su lipnia juosti ant būsto durų klijuoti ir fotografuoti pranešimą apie pareigą pasirūpinti apleistu automobiliu. Pareigos nesilaikančio asmens „medžioklė“ trunka ganėtinai ilgai ir gali nuvesti net iki paieškų skelbimo“, – teigia A. Dinikis.

Pasak jo, pirmiausia pareigūnai gyventojui įteikia pranešimą per nurodytą terminą pasirūpinti nenaudojamu automobiliu, vėliau tikrina, ar asmuo įvykdė įpareigojimą ir surašo protokolą, jei vengiama tą daryti. Po pakartotinio įspėjimo pareigos vengiantis asmuo kviečiamas į teismą, kuris sprendžia, ar konfiskuoti bendro naudojimo vietoje paliktą nenaudojamą automobilį.

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės atstovo teigimu, šiuo metu procedūros ne tik kad yra sudėtingos, bet ir užtrunka itin ilgai. Didesnių sunkumų kyla, kai ant palikto automobilio nėra valstybinio numerio ar mašinos savininkas yra miręs.

Dažniausiai gyventojai teisinasi nepasirūpinantys netinkamu naudojimui automobiliu, nes jį pardavus neišregistravo iš „Registros“, arba juo naudojasi tik kelis kartus per metus. Neretai seną automobilį bendro naudojimo vietoje be priežiūros palieka studentai, supratę, kad Vilniuje  studentams paprasčiau naudotis viešuoju transportu. Sostinės Žirmūnų rajone buvo atvejis, kai žmogus naudojo savo automobilį kaip sandėliuką.

„Administracinių nusižengimų kodeksas turėtų numatyti, kad pakaktų vieno įspėjimo gyventojui dėl bendro naudojimo vietoje palikto nenaudojamo automobilio, o to nepadarius, asmuo būtų baudžiamas ne tik pinigine bauda, bet ir automobilis būtų konfiskuojamas. Kita vertus, mokestis už automobilį skatintų utilizuoti eksploatuoti netinkamą transporto priemonę (ENTP)“, – mano A. Dinikis.

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės Viešosios tvarkos skyrius 2017-ųjų pirmąjį pusmetį gavo beveik 1,3 tūkst. pranešimų iš gyventojų apie bendrojo naudojimo vietoje paliktus senus automobilius. Pasitvirtino 1,1 tūkst. pranešimų, buvo pašalinta 650 transporto priemonių, o 6 automobilių savininkai nubausti. Dėl kitų automobilių dar vyksta procedūros, nei viena byla dėl automobilio konfiskavimo (griežčiausia bauda) teismo nepasiekė.

Už neeksploatuojamos ir be priežiūros paliktos transporto priemonės laikymą bendro naudojimo vietose gyventojui gresia bauda arba automobilio konfiskavimas. Už pirmą kartą padarytą pažeidimą numatyta bauda siekia nuo 70 iki 140 eurų, o už antrąkart – iki 300 eurų su (arba be) automobilio konfiskavimu.

„ENTP yra pavojingų medžiagų (alyvos, filtrų), kurios kelia pavojų aplinkai ir žmonių sveikatai, todėl tokie automobiliai negali būti ardomi asmenų, neturinčių tam leidimų ir licencijų bei paliekami be priežiūros kiemuose ir gatvėse“, – sako Gamintojų ir importuotojų asociacijos (GIA) vadovas Alfredas Skinulis.

Pagal Lietuvos teisės aktus ENTP ir jų atliekos turi būti perduotos atliekų tvarkytojams, turintiems teisę užsiimti tokių transporto priemonių surinkimu ir tvarkymu. Automobilių atliekos taip pat gali būti atiduotos transporto priemonių gamintojams ir importuotojams arba pristatytos į jų įsteigtas ENTP priėmimo vietas.

Bet kuris gyventojas gali pasinaudoti GIA kartu su ENTPA sukurtos senų automobilių tvarkymo sistemos paslaugomis, sudarančios galimybes automobilius priduoti kiekvienoje Lietuvos apskrityje (

Arba kreiptis į tuos, kurie tuo užsiima. Automobilių supirkimas Kaune Vilniuje Klaipėdoje

Panašios temos :

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  • Hallo Manuel,ich meinte weniger das Design, ich meinte die Technik. Also das eine Art Chat-hin-und-her im Eintrag angezeigt wird. Müsste man warscheinlich irgendwie das Post Format abfragen und dann in der Ãœbersicht die Kommentare eines Beitrages anzeigen, bei den anderen Post Formats dann nicht.

  • They say that ,TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED IS TO FEEL THE SUN FROM BOTH SIDES….. I couldnt agree more. Biscuit was loved unconditionally and gave it back in return, it is a wonderful feeling, he felt the warmth of the sun from both sides……. something some animals never get to feel not even once. He was a very lucky kitty.To Viktor and all the animals lovers ,lets continue to feel the sun from both sides.Much love

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  • Ha, wyÅ›ledziÅ‚am je!!! No ja bym zamierzaÅ‚a upiec i o przepis siÄ™ bardzo uÅ›miecham, bo na razie znalazÅ‚am tylko jakieÅ› algierskie wersje (nawet na youtube sÄ… i mąż siÄ™ dziwnie patrzyÅ‚, gdy mnie zastaÅ‚ oglÄ…dajÄ…cÄ… to z arabskÄ… foniÄ… 😉 ). Ale one sÄ… brzydsze niż Twoje i jakieÅ› nie bardzo, bo majÄ… w skÅ‚adzie wodÄ™ pomaraÅ„czowÄ…, a mahlabu ani szczypty…. 🙁

  • Q – So. much. yes. That’s a hard one to figure out, and if you’re a drama queen for struggling to find the “right” balance in that, then I’m one right along with you. (Now, if we were agonizing over them not doing enough hours of Latin grammar a week… 🙂 )Tiffany – <3

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    • Muito bem xor Lusitano.A escumalha portuguesa é da mesma estirpe dos 'politicos' educados da europa.Uma cambada de gente do piorio.É ver o q se passou na ex-Jugoslávia/Kosovo(protetorado de assassinos e traficantes de órgãos/ópio AfPak),guerra no Iraque.Esta gentalha tem as patas sujas com sangue e,deveriam-nas pagar.Os povos são tótós e,com o romper do pano económico da UE/USA vamos começar a levar nos cornos para aprendermos…

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    • Regen kann doch so schön sein, wenn man Fotos machen kann, was ich gestern auch tat, aber heute war so ein Mix aus Sonne und Wolken, nicht wirklich Sommer, aber er kommt bestimmt, bin ganz hoffnungsvoll und in meinem Blog gibt es auch einen Artikel über den Sommeranfang.Wünsche dir schon mal ein schönes Wochenende und liebe GrüßeMathilda

    • – Yeah after I wrote that I did think it would be pushing the boundaries but then I read another site suggest it would be the ultimate power show with Apple saying “we are so god damn dominant in this space that we are open to letting ‘little ol’ Microsoft on our hardware” They will be just like any other company showing off what they have designed for iOS.(camtab has made 480 comments)

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    • Valuable info. Thanks, Mr. Withome. (Kidding!) Writers are always so concerned about submitting and nudging our babies into the wide world we sometimes forget agents and editors are human. Always interesting to hear the take from the other side of the desk!Thanks, Christine. (And thanks for picking me as a finalist in the Hook, Line & Sinker contest. Was thrilled to receive the Mysteries and Margaritas tote bab AND chapter request!)

    • This meme has gotten out of control, I was at a gay ass party and told my buddy, “Let’s bail.” And he screamed at the hostess for five minutes about how the 7 layer dip only had 6 layers.

    • Spring wheat was much better then winter wheat in Manitoba!! Winter wheat ran out 50-60 bushels an acre while spring wheats ran out high 50s to mid 60s. With close to a $2/bushel price spread spring wheat is the clear winner, hands down.

    • Pbrain, step away from the Fox news wannabes and use your head. WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO’S AHEAD IN THE POLLS WANT AN EARLY DEBATE?

    • I am speechless. In the midst of your trials, you are being used mightily by God. To read your words encourages me in my trials. It puts things into perspective in a big way. Thank you for your encouraging words and reminding me that God is in control, no matter what. I’ve been praying for Abby and for your family. I posted this on Facebook and emailed it to friends. Please know that God is using you in ways you cannot know.

    • Excelent purchase, is a good deal base on the prices offered in the market, just be careful with the transport fee because I payed around $150 to get the product in less than 3 days I think is expensive. But the product is great and I strongly recommend to buy it.

    • Con tantas XXX, XY, YYY y más, ya no sé quién demonios soy.Así que si tú lees libros y te lías imáginate yo que no leo nada sobre la teoría queer.Casi que me quedo como estoy.Por cierto a mí me gusta tal y como eres…Besitos guapetón

    • “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!

    • that this is a scam email, since it’s pretty much impossible to knock someone out with a whiff or two of ANY substance, including ether. Still, you never know, and when some stranger approaches you in a parking lot — well, to use a cliche: better to be safe than sorry.

    • Something fun you can do without a lot of work is to use empty spice bottles and fill them with different “scents” of ET: incense, coffee, popcorn, turmeric, chiles, garlic.

    • हार्दिक अभिनंदन !!!!!काका आपले ब्लॉग तर आहेतच मुळात सुरेख शब्द रचनांनी भरून आणि “प्रहार” च्या अंकात आपलं केलेलं कौतुक आणि प्रशंसा ती पण उत्तम प्रकारे शब्द्लेखीत केली हे..अर्थात काय तर लिखाणाल शोभेल अस शीर्षक आणि शीर्षकाला शोभेल अशी शब्त रचनेतील स्तुतीफुल…परत एकदा आम्हा सर्व वाचकांना आपल्या लिखाणातून मराठी भाषेशी जवळ आणल्या बद्दल मनपासून आभार आणि हार्दिक अभिनंदन !!!!

    • When I was in a bad mood, my hiding place is my room. In my own room, I feel comfortable and safe that could make me be in a good mood. I usually listened to music and took a good long sleep to relax myself.

    • Yes, I still eat the food that I like including desserts but I definitely cut down on the amount. As long as I have at least a bite or two. It may take a little longer to lose, but hopefully I will keep it off longer that way too!

    • Senhor NN, há uns anos atrás, uns leitores deste blog tentaram explicar isso, mas não entendi. Quer tentar de novo?Quanto aos pescadores poveiros e caxineiros,eu saí desse meio e conheço bem, porque vou lá quando preciso de forças e apoio, mas não falamos em arianos, nem caucasianos. Preocupe-se mais com eles que destroíem os nossos monumentos e as nossas cidades, que se deixam corromper por quem quer que seja.

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    • Totally agree about the lack of novelty, although I almost feel bad critizing at all. Collins is truly amazing! Nice review, Nicole. You captured my feelings exactly. Believe it or not, I finished Catching Fire last fall, and have yet to read Mockingjay. Not that I’m not interested, but I had other stuff to read first, then my intensity for it sort of faded. Now that I’ve seen the movie, I want to get going on the last book.

    • Posted on Ada satu perkataan guru geografi saya saat SMP yang masih saya ingat sampe sekarang.“Klo orang pinter di Indonesia ga ada yang mau jadi guru, lalu siapa yang akan mengajarkan generasi penerus bangsa.”Sampe” pas ada tugas PSAF untuk nulis cita” di scrapbook, saya nulis ingin jadi guru. Eh, malah diketawain sama tim kretif yg meriksa scrapbook saya. Hahaha,,,

    • Who is 1:11? Thats amazing. And who is 1:17 WOW. You guys are incredible. I will never be able to jump that high but I am working on my vertical exercises to atleast try and poster someone. Do you guys do exercises also? I know you have amazing ability just wondering is all.

    • I've used sour cream in chocolate cupcakes before, they come out really flavorful and moist. Everyone can't believe there's sour cream in it.So cool to see your family/friends participate in the run. I'm still trying to get the husband to do a small race with me, but he can't do long distance because of his knees, but 5K will be fun with him.

    • Hi Giselle, I personally like to use dark chocolate but some people find it too intense, so sometimes I use a mixture of dark and milk, it is up to your personal preference on that one. What cream – in Australia you can use cream, whipping cream or thickened cream, you can also use double cream but you do not need to so you might as well save your money. In the US what you need is called heavy cream.

    • Lovely card, great image and layout. I love the colours too. Thank you for joining us at Fashionista Challenge Blog, good luck and hope to see you again soon. Hugs Suzie xx

    • Hey Sheryll – Thank you so much for your comment and kind words I’m always excited when I hear that other people are thinking about spending a significant amount of time in Sayulita. It’s still one of my favorite places on this planet to live. I’ll definitely go ahead and put together an email with some helpful information for you…I might be able to get it done today if this internet connection holds up, but if not, I’ll get it to you as soon as I find another good connection somewhere (it’s not so reliable here in Syria!).

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    • Reminds me of Barthes discussion on studium and punctum. Many thanks Bernard for an interesting and thought provoking piece.——————–Thanks, Tony, for this kind reference to « La chambre claire ».When taking pictures, some coincidences are also provoking.BJ

    • If she were a resident she would have to tread more carefully. Israel operates by more European laws. So some of the same things that apply in Europe apply there.

    • disse:CONTINUAÇÃOLiguei essas duas discuções porque ACHO que as duas coisas estão diretamente ligadas.Evoluir o mercado deve refletir nas criações e logo nas premiações. Resultados serão consequencia disso. O caso da sua agência e o Ipod no palito, para mim, é isso,Daí a frase “Ser artistas sim. Artistas capitalistas”.Viajei longe demais?! rsrsrsrs

    • Your style is so eclectic. Unlike most ladies of the blogosphere. And you look like an old bestfriend of mine, so it makes me feel nostalgic when I see your blog. Pretty thing!sweetness xxhope to hear from you*!

    • Nghề nghiệp : Không thể nói đượcGiá»›i tính : con zai (Mr. yahoo bff)Vị trí sở trường : Translator, Editor Timer(kinh nghiệm bên freestyle FS và các nhóm vô danh khác)Liên hệ :

    • je ne comprends pas l’amalgame qui est fait (volontairemet=nt me semble-t-il) entre un parent qui donne une gifle ou une fessee a un de ses enfants et un parent qui maltraite ses enfants. ce n’est parce qu’un coup part un jour que l’adulte doit etre catalogue comme maltraitant.on dit que la violence est un aveu de faiblesse. mais c’est aussi un electrochoc. et une gifle a pour effet positif de remettre les choses en place, a condition evidemment que cela reste exceptionnel.

    • Die Klammern finde ich auch ganz wunderbar, leider habe ich die bisher nur online entdeckt, du Glückliche, den Supermarkt hätte ich auch gerne Mir gefällt besonders das zweite von den Farben!

    • Noutros sítios do mundo há menos gente a andar de borla e as CP's que por lá existem não são diferentes da nossa: monopolistas e com prejuízos… mas concordo com a redução das «borlas» a começar pelas borlas que a CML paga aos copofónicos dos fins-de-semana à custo do dinheiro dos impostos dos trabalhadores.

    • no hay que agradecer, trata de eliminar los archivos auxiliares de forma manual mientras Pinnacle está cerrado, después abre Pinnacle y revisa si los archivos volvieron a ser generados, si es así quiere decir que esos archivos los necesita Pinnacle para no aparecer nuevamente, probablemente eran archivos auxiliares de otra aplicación o por alguna razón Pinnacle no los está eliminando desde la pestaña archivo.saludosVN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)

    • dit :Passionnant les commentaires ! Bean qui nous fait en direct le compte rendu de son épilation du maillot. Et pour le pubis, elle va nous faire un joli petit dessin ?Non mais je rêve !

    • This is a very helpful write up especially for those businesses and individuals considering this IT movement for their internal system. You guys really helped me determine what kind of Cloud I need for my personal life and for my professional life. Keep up the great work guys.

    • Você disse que atua em outro nicho de mercado desde 18/07/2011. Qual é então? Ainda é “sigiloso”? rs Acho muito estranho você não divulgar essa informação.

    • SÃ¥ er du tæt igen..smiler,,, Har aldrig hørt om Grønland voks, hvad er det for noget??Super lækker taske du fik dig der.Tillykke med den.Ha´en dejlig dagKnus Susi

    • Ponytail; black jacket. Complaining how Farrell always needed to be centre of attention (or some such nonsense). I made that line up. Took my character very seriously. Other notables – Dr. Lim was our actual family doctor growing up. Note how he got invited back for the sequel.

    • Well aren’t you the clever one. In my mind I see you in a Donna Hay setting grilling haloumi on your deck while looking out over ocean.

    • Ok. Here is a way to test a theory in a “meaningful” way, and outside the box. (I think) Subject;, A Christian, and believer in the written Bible. Statement;, God was an alien. “In the begining, God created the heavens, and earth”. Conclusion: God was not from this Earth…It is rational to say He created it, therefore, cannot be native to it. He is alien to earth. Is this not pure logic?

    • Hi Glynis, if you are hoping to find homes for some of the dogs, see if a nearby rescue will allow you to post them on their pet search site and attend their adoption events. You can also post them on the PawsTexas Fb page. If you haven’t checked out Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP) and/or North Texas Pet Food Bank, they may be able to help with some of the expenses (both have a Fb page). Thanks for caring for those that are abandoned.

    • Oh my goodness… the first bulletpoints scared me to death. I was thinking, “we’re going to have to sit Ally down and talk to her about real life”… so glad it was followed by “Just kidding!”At 25, I read, “How to Get a Date Worth Keeping” by Henry Cloud. It transformed the way I saw the dating world. I know for a fact that I am with Brian because of some of Cloud’s advice in the book. I wouldn’t have given the relationship a chance had I been following my “rules” prior to the book.Anyway…that’s my 2 cents.

    • Più che “un amico ambrosiano”, gentile Tornielli, il Suo sembrerebbe essere un narcotico politically correct travestito (malamente) da amico.Se il Giornale ( e non solo il Giornale) usasse Codesto stile di comunicati pensoi che ci faremmo tutti delle grandi dormite…

    • Thanks for your review! I was looking for something like this to make my diet plan more effective and this fruit bar looks great. Right now I’m following the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure program and I wonder if you have some other recommendations about more fruit bars that I can use with this diet.Thanks

    • Tout cela est juste et clairement dit. Comment limiter la religion à la sphère privée (je dis ça alors que je ne pense pas être athée) alors que toutes les grandes religions (même si elles ne prônent pas une théocratie, comme l’islam) ne peuvent se concevoir sans prétendre légiférer dans la sphère publique ? C’est un immense chantier sur lequel les religions ne voudront jamais s’avancer.N’oublions pas que Christine Boutin est la conseillère pour la famille du Vatican.

    • Hey there, in my opinion which came across everyone frequented my website thus got to “return this favor”.I’m attempting to find things to advance my website!Perhaps the fine to utilise a number ideas!!

    • Thank you so much for the Christoph ones. I’ll never forget being the first member of the Christoph Contingent to have the chance to meet him off the set. I can’t wait to see this film! I’d say that between the fans of all three stars we should be able to make it a HUGE success!!!

    • et celle-ci, on adorera ?trouvé dans le Monde des livres de ce jour sous la signature de R.-P.D. : « A tel point que la lecture de ces fragments souvent énigmatiques ont fini par devenir l’un des exercices cruciaux où s’affrontent des conceptions divergentes de la philosophie dans son ensemble. »Cette lecture m’auront laissé perplexe … Encore une grande plume prise au piège de son clavier ? certains sont dispensés de correcteurs ?

    • its all bull,how are they coming out with a new cod after just a year of mw2, the hell with infinity ward.they are cashing in on all u dumd ass gamers map packs,old maps,releases a year apart.short ass story lines.infinity ward should show some love to its fans and provide some free content for their consumers.15 bucks for new maps eat crap infinity.

    • I carry out agree challenging ideas you might have presented inside your post. Theyre really convincing and definately will definitely perform. Still, the posts have become short for starters. Could anyone please expand them a little from the next time? Thanks for that post.

    • “Good times. It will be a long, hot Summer.”That’s ok Bill Gross is going to save the stock market:) Seriously I wouldn’t expect Gross to be buying a market that most observers think is overvalued just because “HE CAN”.

    • Such a cool article! You should be super proud! And I guarantee you will motivate at least one person to get out there and run with this article!!

    • You are quite right, of course. With the exception that we both work and have a shared economy, I was just the driver and photographer.And expect to stay that way 😉

    • Hi Heidi,Oh, I know what you mean. Whenever my life gets stressful it always, always shows up in my skin. My dark circles seem that much darker and the brightness/glow disappears. How’s the job hunt been? Any new prospects on the horizon?Hi to Missy from Tabs!

    • I have some feedback regarding Google Webmaster Tools.Not sure where to put it so this seems like a relevant spot for it.Regarding Top Search Queries Tool:It appears that the "Avg Position". if your ranking for a key-phrase on page 3+ is off by 10 exactly. Page one and two positions unaffected.Can anyone confirm this? If true could this be corrected by the powers that be?Thanks

    • Amazing Bev,Unusal colours but fantastic!Those Pinks are so lush and Fab colouring too!Have a great Bank holiday week end!Take careBig HugsCasperxxx

    • sept titres c’est graver dans le marbre et ça nul ne pourra lui enlever.J’ai le souvenir que le plus grand nombre de supporters attendaient que le club rentre dans une nouvelle ère en cassant la tirelire, cela à été fait, mais teaming n’était pas le bon.Pour ma part, mon ressenti c’est de la tristesse, pas de la colère.

    • got it sorted now, averaging 400-500 pips a week easily. Find a better trading technique. I’ve tried them all, narrowed it down to one extremely powerful technique. Check out the video here >

    • Tried cooking something similar before but probably with wrong cut of meat i.e. beef dice and without the intermediate steps. On the scale of 10, mine is probably 5 (just good enough to fill the tank)

    • The meta question that I find myself grappling with is how much of all this is personal and thereby relative. That is to say, how much of this change is a fundamental change for our species and how much is normal change in the context of history. When automobiles hit the road for the first time, I’m sure someone was pronouncing that the future was collapsing into the past, and when we start cloning dudes years from now, I’m sure some dude will say that we have left the “here” and are now living in the “there.”

    • Thanks, Scott. Here’s a more typical example, from this week:The Saints of New Orleans looked great,And we by comparison, second rate,While it furrows my brow,Come ten weeks from now,Might Superbowl Champs be their fate?

    • Gwebe is right.There are hundreds of thousands of black lawyers looking for jobs.Why should Willie Hofmey hold onto two of the top legal jobs in the country?The fact that Hofmeyr was detained in solitary confinement does not entitle him to stand in the way of transformation!

    • Olá amigo , tenho uma pergunta , procurei em todos os sites mas achei a solução somente aqui .. então vamos direto ao assunto. Instalei o The sims 2 original e o CEP , depois disso visitei alguns sites de downloads e baixei alguns cabelos e roupas personalizadas .. mas quando eu entro no jogo ele não reconhece , apenas aparece o asterístico. O que devo fazer ?

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    • Misschien is het gewoon minder belangrijk dan we het hebben gemaakt Jezzebel? Misschien is het een levenskunst daar de lol van in te zien. Maar voorlopig lijd ik met je mee.

    • Ouais enfin Pat pour le coup il ne suffit pas de savoir faire de bons cookies, y'a toute l'industrialisation du produit a prendre compte derriere, adaptation des machines a café, ect…

    • I was inspired by this post to google "long pig" in my morning naivety (only one cup of coffee state).Yeah… I wont be clicking those links.Best,McVee

    • Tegenwoordig (ik spreek van 1996) lopen de Australische dames topless op het strand van Kuta….weliswaar alleen vlak langs het water op het strand. Maar toch..en plein public. De Balinese dames heb ik nooit topless gezien…….Vroeger namen de Baligangers van die mooie plaatjes mee terug onder het mom van ‘souvenirs de voyage’……

    • Men hellanduttan da… selv om det var herk sÃ¥ ble det jo noen utrolig flotte bilder da! De bør du jo sette i ramme, uttrykket hennes er jo helt skjønt! 🙂 Ha en fin søndagskveld.

    • Choices… sisters just think alike! 🙂 These make up such a good list Debbie, and every one of them apply to me too. Yep, we're on the same page here!Love you sis!

    • February 18, 2008 at 9:38 pm · Actually….yes, I would like to see just how long of a sentence you can write, and it still be coherent….ready? GO! *g* Funny thing is about me though…I was an atheist, and I moved towards Paganism. Weird, aint it? How life takes you through many walks?

    • Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a couple of unrelated information, nevertheless truly worth taking a search, whoa did one study about Mid East has got a lot more problerms at the same time

    • Ali,It was nice to meet you this past tuesday. Please know that you are not alone in your sufferings, I have been there in ways that can’t even be described in words. If you ever need to talk please feel free to contact me and I look forward to getting to know you better as time goes on.

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    • Update: C1 flight (customer test flight) has actually not yet taken place. Planned for today or tomorrow. Then there will be three days of crew training. A photoshoot flight also needs to take place. So no delivery until late in the week, probably.

    • Posted on December 21, 2012 at 2:42 pmCan you add a Blackberry template? This web page is challenging to read otherwise for all those of us browsing with cell phones. Otherwise, in the event you can put a RSS link up, that would be good also.

    • Tôi Ä‘ang ở Hoa Kỳ, chú của bạn ở tiểu bang nào, nếu được bạn có thể cho tôi email hoặc số Ä‘iện thoại, tôi sẽ tìm hiểut thá»­ xem sao.

    • Thank you, Sue, for your kind words. As we all know, it can be challenging to stay in the present when anticipation sets in, and I by no means suggest eliminating positive anticipation (not only can it inspire creativity, but it can be fun and help us prepare). Negative anticipation, on the other hand, can easily lead us down a dark and lonely path, and who wants that?

    • Juliana, eu também me emociono cada vez que pego o livro. É uma sensação muito boa de ter feito algo capaz de tocar as pessoas. Sem dúvida, ser mãe é um trabalho divino, de amor sem tamanho. Somos privilegiadas!Muito obrigada pela visita e pelo comentário.Beijos.

    • Thank you finally. I had a link to my site placed on a global sidebar with the alt text of 'ad code'. Despite being a relevant site, and not purchased, over 1000 links all of a sudden crippled my search rankings.

    • I’ve frozen chocolate chip oatmeal cookies in the past that were fine. Otherwise, this is the first year I’m going to freeze “Christmas” cookies. I’ve read that Christmas cutout cookies freeze really well. I never have time to make those and decorate them with icing and sprinkles and all. So that’s what we’re baking this week. And probably some dreamsicle cookies too. Those are easy. (I want to host a cookie swap in December!)

    • Ich spreche mich weiterhin für den Bau einer neuen Spielstätte für die Bochumer Symphoniker aus – bei 30 Mio. € Baukosten und jetz 800 T€ Betriebskosten, die im Kulturbereich anderswo gesparten werden sollen.Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass ohne neue Spielstätte die Bochumer Symphoniker insgesamt infrage zustellen sind. Ohne Bau der Spielstätte sollten wir uns dauerhaft vom eigenen Orchester trennen. Das ist allerdings auch nicht so einfach.

    • Your logic implies that you need to be in Iran, Lebanon ,Syria and Gaza to secure Israel from all those. Security is more than soldiers and weapons and even Hezbollah knows that the strength of Israel is in its society. The settler "bashing" is the result of arrogance that was tamed only once by Arik Sharon when he pulled out of Gaza. Everybody knows that Israel cannot control the territories not because the Americans don't want it but because it is bad for Israel.

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    • Здравствуйте, Валерий.Одни курсы у нас сейчас уже идут, но мы продолжаем проводить набор на следующие. Приблизительная дата – это где-то через 1 мес.Заранее спасибо,HR

    • Carrie,You are awesome. The battle with weight is a challenging one and your inspiration here is sure to guide others in such a healthful realistic way. I was happy to have you not only leave a comment on my blog recently. Keep up the good work, it’s all about the journey. I can’t weight for my town’s Turkey trot!Jen (A Girl and Her Carrot) recently posted..

    • Helmut, what you will find here are people who aspire to a higher state of spirituality, but who aren’t trying to imply that they’ve transcended their humanity. Simply put, if you’re still here, you’re not done. Keep in mind that judging others for being human is still judging, no matter how many “blessings” are tied into the end.

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    • And while we’re on the topic, if anybody out there wants to ignore the overwhelming subsidies and regulations that engineered and are required to prop up suburbia and make the argument that dude, people just like living in suburbs, I’d love to hear why so many suburbanites have such nostalgia for small towns. Personally, I don’t think all that many people actually like the suburbs very much. There just isn’t much choice.

    • Tak. Też marzÄ™ o domu, w którym nie brakuje zapachu drożdżowego ciasta. Póki co jednak nie mogÄ™ siÄ™ nim cieszyć częściej, niż w weekendy… A mogÅ‚abym, oj… mogÅ‚abym siÄ™ cieszyć na staÅ‚e. I chyba, podobnie jak Ty, Basiu, spomiÄ™dzy biszkopta i buÅ‚eczek, wybraÅ‚abym jednak te drugie. Gdyż nic smaczniejszego nie znam. ;))Chociaż… taki Poleczkowy biszkopt z dżemami zapowiada siÄ™ absolutnie bosko.Åšciskam!

    • It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Personally I dont think Chavez trusts anyone, he may trust his brother a bit more. . His political strength is to keep everyone else weak and guessing. That game is over if he pushes a succession plan in my view. He may be able to get the law changed to allow a VP to continue in his place but asking for that and having that law allow succession of a family member may be a reach. His loyal love him, everyone else, not so much.

    • "about the koch brothers being partisans?"And then you link to the Soros sponsored, left-wing sewer that is Media Matters. Way to prove your case, Larry.I don't think most people would dispute the Koch brothers are anti-Obama. He's a committed socialist, the Koch brothers are for pro-freedom. None of that means Dr Perry's chart is wrong. Anyone half-paying attention(obviously that excludes you) to Obama's actions can see he is anti-oil.

    • Hey, no I don’t. I already canceled my subscription. Since I paid through paypal all you have to do is find the area that says “manage subscriptions” and cancel your subscription through there. If you didn’t use paypal I’m sure there’s an email you can contact to have your subscription canceled, because even though you might not like the service, I’m sure they’ll let you cancel, otherwise its illegal for them to take your money without your permission, so don’t worry.

    • I didn’t know you’re church was moving, a brand new building? You’ll have to tell me more about it. And yeah, I love talking geek to other sound guys .

    • should be a fun year next year with that schedule and some of the young guys that should’ve played this year that will actually play next year….nice write up.i don’t care what weight benjamin shows up at next year…too light too heavy that young kid from wisconsin needs to start in the middle of the dl from day one and when i say day one meant day one of last fall—he shouldn’t have redshirted.

    • 2009å¹´08月15æ—¥ 星期六 下午8:36 匿名:又唔可以咁講,「幽默感」唔係大晒,如果有個鬼佬,喺天壇大佛面前舉起中指;或有條鬼婆喺天后廟面前露對波出嚟,然後高舉「I like Anal Sex」紙牌,咁中國人又會點睇呢?係咪又要「 幽默感」å‘¢?

    • Bonjour,En fait, il suffit de s’inscrire à la Newsletter en remplissant le petit formulaire sur la droite. En plus de recevoir mon calendrier, vous recevrez toutes les mises à jour de mon eBook !! J’espère que mon eBook vous apportera de l’aide

    •   SodaloHar ikke peiling. Helge HafsÃ¥s holder nesten samme fart pÃ¥ maraton som jeg har pÃ¥ mila, og jeg vet jammen ikke om jeg har sett han uten megaleppe…. Men jeg hÃ¥per jo jeg kan fÃ¥ et bittelite løft pÃ¥ løpingen nÃ¥ som jeg foreløpig føler bare ubehag med Ã¥ slutte!

    • Fish oil? Please tell me it's in pills, not that nasty cod-liver oil stuff they made kids swallow in those grim black-and-white orphan movies back in the 1930s.

    • Eber,vc poderá se registrar como MEI e terá seu CNPJ, tranquilamente.Karina,se vc ultrapassar os R$ 36.000.00 vai automaticamente para o Supersimples e começará a recolher uma alíquota de 4.5% sobre sua receita, que englobará a tributação federal, estadual e INSS. Quanto ao exercício da atividade em domicílio, realmente a lei prevê essa possibilidade, mas ainda vai depender do município.José Coelho,leitura e interpretação de desenhos é um termo muito vago. Está vinculado a alguma área da engenharia? Se estiver, não pode se registrar como MEI.Grande abraço a todos.André Spínola

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    • You look so beautiful at the ponds edge, with pussycat to keep you company.Your grandma's beads are fabulous, I have a brooch from mine that would match so well.I hope you have a restful and happy weekend!!!Much love v

    • Vidberg > Oui, je sais bien, la note m’a bien fait sourire d’ailleurs. C’est quelques rares commentaires qui m’inquiète un petit chouille


    • we need a lot more dippers than last year.It may be a record of some kind but a few thousand just will not get much attention.Lets go for a million plus. Bob , Port st. Lucie, Florida

    • I am looking for a Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM. I prefer the jkdjf87839 handles not be patina yet but would consider one that is only a light patina. As long as it is authentic and the monogram canvas, I would consider.

    • My spouse and I stumbled over here coming from a different page and thought I may as well check things out. I like what I see so now i’m following you. Look forward to looking over your web page for a second time.

    • Chris-Since you are already represented by an agent I can’t do much to assist you. I’m a bit confused though as you say your agent (buyer’s rep) is contacting BoA every day. Do they have specific written permission from the seller to be in contact with BoA regarding this transaction? Most buyers agents are not the one who is in contact with the lender. It is the listing agent who handles the calls on the transaction and should be asking for the file to be escalated to Sr. Mgmt at BoA.

    • Yo creo que la serie de autorretratos también hubiera estado muy bien como proyecto final… Estas fotos están padres, extrañamente bellas (como te comenté con las de La Bufa), aunque al menos en mi caso, sí necesitaría una explicación o descripción de cada una, creo que no capto bien el mensaje con la pura imágen y los efectos de color b/w…

    • I can only echo the frustration of those who've posted above me…my site was hacked…I've fixed the probelm within 24 hours…why does it take weeks for google to restore my status and remove the warnings?I'm losing money daily!!! Please help mitigate my damages…don't delay. It's unfair when you're a small business trying to operate an ethical

    • I really feel very uncomfortable with the self-promotion thing, but this must change. I want people to read my story, so I must talk about it from time to time. I can’t wait for you to read LIFE AFTER YES either!

    • Excellent submit, very informative. I’m wondering why the opposite experts of this sector don’t notice this. You must continue your writing. I’m confident, you’ve a great readers’ base already!|What’s Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I’ve discovered It positively useful and it has helped me out loads. I’m hoping to contribute & help different customers like its helped me. Great job.

    • Wow another beauty!! I love this card. The leaves and butterfly just jump off the page. Thank you for another inspiring tutorial. I don’t use my markers enough!

    • Anon, The test wasn't a firefighters test it was a basic skills(reading and writing). Of course your point holds but it's not related directly to what these guys do.The bleeting about this from the right is so annoying. People in America are under a myth that the spoils of America are generally dispensed fairly based on merit and things you know in a test. People make arbitrary decisions based all kind of subjective measures all the time in hiring. Why does the City of New Haven have to use an objective standard.

    • to the friend who brought me, “This is either the stupidest waste of time any people has ever been engaged in, or the most loving and holy thing I’ve ever seen.”

    • Gosh, Jesse, while playing Twister in those Speedo swim suits, I bet if you weren’t really careful, you could easily end-up feeling those other guys’ penises right up against your body. Or maybe your face ended-up right in another guy’s crotch. How awkward and embarrassing that must have been!

    • my teeth looked fine and that it wasn’t necessary and there was no mention of flossing. Hmmm. Here you are assigned a dentist according to where you live, unless maybe you go to a private dentist.My theory about the non-emphasis on flossing was that Europeans are much less bacteria-phobic and less sanitary freaks than in the US. Here you can hardly find any anti-bacterial products like hand soap, body soap, household cleaners, etc.

    • Just made the hummus! So good. I accidentally over roasted the beets and had to add some water but it still came out delish! thanks so much

    • satt hur länge som helst och försökte lägga upp IQqYKuvCl6w frÃ¥n youtube men felet var att det fungerar inte när man fösöker förhandsgranska men när man väljer publicera fungerar det fint. Om det kan vara till hjälp för nÃ¥gon annan.

    • That’s the fun of it. If someone cares that much – let them vote to let us know!!Quite frankly I thought JZ and her peeps would flock here for the other poll

    • Als Straubingerin trage ich natürlich Dirndl zum Gäubodenvolksfest. Oder auch zu Hochzeiten, Geburtstagsfeiern, etc. Das ist ja das schöne mit der Tracht… die geht bei uns in Bayern immer

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    • Hoi Louise,We zijn weer terug van vakantie en willen jou vanharte feliciteren met je 18e verjaardag!!Ik heb net wat verslagen gelezen op de site en ben reuze benieuwd naar jouw verhalen!!Nog hele fijne dagen daar in Afrika!

    • BuÅ‚eczki i ja upiekÄ™, tylko nie wiem kiedy. Mahlab od Ciebie leży grzecznie i czeka na swojÄ… kolej. SÅ‚yszaÅ‚am w dzieciÅ„stwie o szkodliwoÅ›ci gorzkich migdałów, później sama spróbowaÅ‚am i faktycznie byÅ‚y gorzkie, nie tylko z nazwy:)Wierszyka nigdy nie sÅ‚yszaÅ‚am, a szkoda, bo jest z "charakterem".

    • а зара твой день))))))))))))))8 июня День жизнелюба • • • Да, был и бабник я, и пьяница, и враг любого воздержания, зато желающим останется дурной пример для подражания. • • • Я в гостевальные меню бывал включён как угощение, плёл несусветную хуйню, чем сеял в дамах восхищение.

    • My first impression of this iron was that it felt much heavier than the Tefal iron it replaced. So I weighed the two irons, to see just how much heavier this one was and on my didigtal scales, the…

    • Very hard work but what a clever puzzle – not helped by a very small computer screen and lots of position changes! Had trouble with 9 & 19d but got there in the end!

    • So cool! I know Rudder has been getting some buzz, nice to know they live up to expectations. Sounds like a great show, perfect for a Friday night.

    • There were two dispersals yes. But the early one was of non-woolly sheep. It's not a question of poor quality. The early sheep were kept for meatI see no reason to think that early Neolithic people did not use the "non-spinable wool" or that they did not have a word for it, or that PIE wool was limited only to the spin-able kind, which, anyway, originated in the Middle East.

    • comentou em 28 de janeiro de 2010 às 13:57. Eu AMO os lenços da Nívea! Limpam super bem a pele, deixam muito pouco resíduo e não deixam a pele oleosa. Mas acho que os lenços são mais apropriados para viagens ou momentos em que você não pode ter todos os seus produtos de costume a disposição, já que produzem muito lixo (ando uma chata com esse tema).BJsss!!!

    • Oh, this is awesome to know. We gave up our cell phones a few years ago because the cost just wasn't worth it to us. I miss the convenience, but not enough to spend $100+ each month … something like this would be perfect for us, though.

    • Все начинается с идеи, мысли! И эта тема для меня! Как обрести мышление успешного человека всего за несколько недель.

    • I’m a traveller and Jeremy’s a good sport so we try to go somewhere rather than give items (we have too much clutter anyways ). We usually discuss what would meet our needs financially and time wise and then see what presents itself. I’m also a sucker for a theme and so far it’s worked out (paper and cotton). Guess we’ll see next year!

    • Hát ebben nem értünk teljesen egyet, de nem is kell mindenben ;-)))Míg nálunk kicsit több minden belefér, ad abszurdum kontrollált mennyiségben olykor a csoki is :-[ , addig téged mindig is csodáltalak a következetességedért, kitartásodért és állhatatosságodért! (Hú, ez kicsit hülyén néz ki így leírva, de tényleg!!!) Szóval gratulálok! (Bár ebbÅ‘l a posztból pont az jött le, hogy lám-lám "lazulsz" ;-)))) Egyébként ez egy tök érdekes felvetés, nem? Mármint hogy kinek hol a határ az ennivaló és a méreg között… Illetve, hogy létezik-e átmenet.

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    • June 7, 2010 at 4:22 pmHi Srini, I found your blog from your guest post on GetInTheHotSpot. I agree that presence is key to coming alive and being yourself. Ultimately, we are the ones who get to decide how to live and being our truest self is most liberating. To quote Neale Donald Walsch, perhaps it is best to “Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you were yesterday and dream of who you can be tomorrow”. .-= Sean G,´s last blog ..How to Make Money With Google Trends =-. Reply

    • Caro PM, infelizmente, é mesmo assim. Se for ver o tablo das partidas e chegadas dos aeroportos de Moscovo (3),constatará que a esmagadora maioria dos atrasos registou-se nos voos internos. A explicação oficial que foi dada foi a seguinte: "só poderão pilotar os pilotos russos que tenham experiência de voo em condições de visibilidade nula". Os ocidentais são treinados para isso.

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    • João Roberto Gomes disse:Sacanagem, ahahahaha… Putz, beleza de texto, Arsenio. Que gaitada antológica. Tô me estourando de rir… Esse Roniquito era um gênio…

    • Bei meinem PC ist der Ton aus. Das Teil soll Arbeiten und die KLappe halten! Gepieps und Gebiommel, je nachdem ob Fehler oder E-Mail ist mir ein Graus.Den Fluenze Z.E., die A-Klasse E-Cell und der Elktrosmart sind wunderbar leise. So muß es sein!!Deswegen “Ton aus!” beim Auto. Wenn schon Rdau, dann nur wenn das Hinderniswarnsystem z.B. einen Fußgänger erkannt hat. Abstandssensoren sind ja an Bord. Und bitte nur nach außen den Radau im Inner4en will ich mein Ruhe.

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    • I wonder what horribly untransparent dictatorship was the first? Seriously, usually there's a big nationalistic blurb in that country's media, I wonder why they would be so mum on such a large expenditure?

    • comentou em 9 de novembro de 2011 às 20:45. Pra crescer não faço nada. Mas tem vbários medicamentos hoje em dia que ajudam a estimular o crescimento desse fiozinhos que não crescem. Vale conversar com um especialista. Para o briho, uso xampus e condicionadores para cabelos com quimica e nunca faço tintura no comprimento dos fios. Retoco apenas as raízes.Bjsss!!

    • Greetings! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog article or vice-versa? My blog goes over a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you happen to be interested feel free to send me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Fantastic blog by the way!

    • DmwangiMay 15, 2012 at 19:46 pmHey Dm,“Thank you for not boring us with an opinion about something which you obviously could not know.”Would an economist know whether “the youth wage subsidy is a good thing or a bad thing”???p.s. PdV and his partner “kissed each other passionately” – that’s a clue that he is GAY.Sies!!!!!Even your half-brother, Obama, would be enraged.WDYS?

    • Wow. He just yesterday posted a long post about his lawyer and how without her free speech in Kansas City would be dead like he was going to win in court. Doesn’t that take the cake? Guess maybe I have good reason not to believe anything he writes.

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    • Imagine you are in a park. Someone runs over to you, shoves you over, rips out your wallet and takes out a quarter of your money before tossing the rest next to you.Is this really how Libertarians picture how legislation is passed into law in a democracy? Is the Governor-General the person who mugs you? Does Her Majesty know that her Viceroy is doing this?If so, I’m shocked. Shocked.

    • The very root of your writing whilst sounding agreeable at first, did not really work perfectly with me after some time. Someplace within the paragraphs you managed to make me a believer unfortunately only for a while. I however have a problem with your jumps in logic and you would do nicely to fill in those gaps. If you actually can accomplish that, I would undoubtedly be amazed.

    • ich bin AAARBEITEN – um die Kohle ranzuschaffen die ich dann an den Herrn W weitergeben kann.Also benötige ich auch eine Aufzeichnug – sonst wird´s nix mit dem dritten Album-Kauf und ich kündige meinen Job

    • Reading Barbra Tuchman’s book may give you an insight into why sometimes governments undertake a “March of Folly” that is patently against their own vested interests.Human beings very often do things that are irrational. Reminds me also of the ideas in the book “Stumbling on Happinss” where the author (I forgot his name) explains why the mind is a very unreliable instrument.

    • That is the most un-educated thing that I have EVER heard. Is there ANY proof that a man cannot imagine a woman naked unless he sees her hair?????? Give me a break!

    • Bueno es un super notición, pero estratégicamente no creo que sea factible para la Valve sacar su juego para una sola plataforma. Yo super que agradecería que cuando lo hagan también liberen una versión para Linux, con eso bastaría.

    • hi jeanny!answeet! 1 of the few cheesy-ness na kaya kong i-tolerate. most of the time ganyan din parents ko, after 30 yrs of marriage, lagi pa din magkaholding hands habang nanonood ng TV. kwentuhan ng kwentuhan bago matulog. and til now sabay pa din maligo! ^_^may you have more sweet years together! ♥

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    • Your answer Penelope was pretty lame. I coudn’t agree more with Sandy. I think I find that post so disappointing because the last previous four were so awesome. Anyway the difference between a pet and a farm animal is not just semantic. And about the links, remember that you get money for them because you built an audience that now trusts you enough. Break that trust and you’ll see what you get. You don’t believe in MBAs, don’t link one, no matter how great their marketing is.

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    • Sí, Clara, lo pongo en la receta. Tienes q reservar 40 grs de los gofres para luego ponerlos encima del chocolate.En el blog hay más recetas sin horno, a cada cual más rica… y bienvenida! me alegra q hayas descubierto el blog.

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    • Dear Ramesh,There is nothing hidden in EPF scheme and contribution. The contribution happens as following — 12% of your basic salary contributed by you to your EPF- 8.67% of your basic salary contributed by your employer to your EPF- 3.33% of your basic salary contributed by your employer to your “Employees Pension Scheme 1995″“Employees Pension Scheme 1995″ is pension scheme managed by EPFO, your EPF manager

    • This page appears to get a good ammount of visitors. How do you advertise it? It offers a nice individual twist on things. I guess having something authentic or substantial to talk about is the most important thing.

    • Mateus_LB disse:Eu to a muito tempo sem postar no blog esperando uma coisa bastante interessante e agora achei.Primeiramente eu queria saber quem fez a simulação,normalmente essas simulações são feitas por instituições sérias e simuladores ñ são simples videogames ou jogos de pc,as simulalões são feitas com a máximo de informações possíveis sobre a aeronave.Segundo,vcs já viram o tamanho do su-35bm em relaçao ao gripen ng?O gripen ng além de ser bem menor q o su-35 bm,é mais moderno tb o q resulta num RCS bem menor,o q em parte justifica as vitórias do gripen ng.Mas eu confesso q tb fiquei surpreso 6:1?

    • Io voto per un manuale per coloro che hanno troppo tempo libero e una buona videocamera.Alternativamente possono anche essere le indicazione minime per la decenza, sotto le quali lo Stato non garantisce incolumità nella metro…

    • Scot,Sorry to hear about the layoff…it seems as if you have the right attitude about it though. Take some time off and jump into the job search after the first of the year.I have a few contacts in the Seattle area that I’d be happy to share once you start the search.RegardsEric

    • Congrats on the new you! “What is left is a smile that almost never fades – and lots of laughter.” Amazing!Thank you too for stopping by our blog and liking our latest post “I could have danced my way home”.

    • Vous devriez essayer Dominique. Qui sait ? Peut-être qu’on se laisserait faire ? Avec des durs à cuire comme vous, tout peut arriver.Mussolini aussi voulait faire « la cage sans les oiseaux », nous déporter en Abyssinie et installer des gens de la péninsule à notre place. C’était avant que les partisans ne le pende par les pieds à des crochets de boucher. Votre merveilleuse idée, comme vous voyez, à un précédent célèbre.W.

    • dank!@bert: meer lijkt mij inderdaad noodzakelijk Gaan we doen zo langzaam aan… en I*am*a*niche is een goeie!@gurdonark: weird translation But funny. I think I should put my KlankBeelden on Melodiefabriek as well with a little info in English.

    • Zach, as the Boyz from say: Great Merciful Zeus, I hope you’re right!So far, I’m seeing the *Scott Brown* machine steamrolling along while support for Maatha is scant. She is conspicuous by her absence.I think I’ll need a new pair of rosary beads after this is over!

    • Plop,Le bug que j’ai eu est avec la conservatrice de la Flotte Impérial!J’ai fourni les fragments pour le cadeau de partenaire (normal ou prototype) et pas de cadeau en retour… Quelques déconnexion suite à la "transactions" avec les fragments qui reviennent dans mon inventaire…

    • Oh Naomi… your bringing a tear to my eyes. I moved out of a house about a decade ago and left my Chambers Model C because the new house could not accomodate it. That was the best non-commercial stove and oven I have ever used. I miss it to this day.

    • Mi inquieta il numero di post che tenta di spiegare l'effetto delle resine scambiatrici, del tipo "ah Paolo, non hai capito? Aspetta che te lo spiego…". Tanti neo lettori che non hanno ancora colto l'ironia?

    • I do agree with all the ideas you have offered in your post. They’re very convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are very short for starters. May you please lengthen them a little from subsequent time? Thank you for the post.

    • “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!

    • Great to hear from you, Alan. Re: the message to you from your body, some words came to mind that will be familiar to you. As my mentor would say, “What wants to happen here?” Peggy joins me in sending love and light.

    • Muchas gracias! Esperaré con ilusión los comentarios de los alumnos. Por favor llévate mi más sincero agradecimiento y transmiteselo también a los alumnos.Un gran abrazoTeresa

    • dimentichi una cosa, nella tua analisi: l’esistenza di carlo rambaldi e i suoi colleghi.Per quello che si può vedere nelle foto, potrebbero tranquillamente essere ricostruzioni fatte ad arte per shockare, come suggerisci.Esempi del genere sono visibili ormai quotidianamente in tv: ad esempio in e.r., dr. house o nip/tuck…Come mai non l’hai fatto presente?oppure non l’ho notato io?

    • "Btw, good luck taking "your" country back.I'd like to know how that works out with your teabagging bed buddies; you know, with the whole color difference and shit."Try watching the elections or is that too much for you to handle? Tea baggers are sweeping the country but you are too stupid to know. You should get to AA and NA as soon as possible before your IQ falls below 10. How long have you been out of prison, knucklehead?

    • >Oh pez! It's stunning. I luff luff luff the second picture (how did your hair get so long?!)… it's so whimsical and mysterious. It's definitely a dazzzling number and will look fabulous with your booties xoxo

    • Hey, maybe this is a bit offf topic but in any case, I have been surfing about your blog and it looks really neat. impassioned about your writing. I am creating a new blog and hard-pressed to make it appear great, and supply excellent articles. I have discovered a lot on your site and I look forward to additional updates and will be back.

    • Kaza« …ce n’est pas parce que l’on est confortablement installés dans nos fauteuils d’Européens … »Ce ON, à suivre de quel possessif ? et cet accord du participe, ce ON est une terreur…passons à nous. Mettons-nous d’accord , jetez-le dans votre fosse à purin , pour ma part j’ai une fosse à on.

    • Good morning Janell. I should be able to get a good start on the book this week. This is why I love the blog world–we meet great people and find gems that probably would not have been on our radar any other way.

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    • This book sounds so intriguing. I love the James Bond series, too. I know that I'm going to love this book. I love reading books that keep me on my toes as I turn the pages.

    • sweet. I’m building somthing related like that to exhibit rss /It will likely be mounted in my rest room. So enough time I expend there I employed to read through news without touching a information paper while seated.

    • „You’ve changed the desktop theme! What is this, ‘Coral?'” so there’s been suggestions in the new series that the TARDIS can change its appearance on the inside.When Tennant regenerated into Matt Smith, they made a point of showing that the regeneration energy damaged the TARDIS, knocking columns over etc. I think what happens is the Doctor goes away on his adventure and sets the TARDIS on a „self-repair” programme or something, so when he comes back it’s fixed itself and also redesigned the interior in the process.On a completely practical note, the set was rebuilt because apparently the previous one looked rubbish in HD.

    • 1. one-on-one conversations don’t value from video conferencing. You are never looking at each other anyway.2. phone consults will take less time.3. You don’t have to hold still to receive calls.4. I don’t have to hold still.5. Because your materials are so complete personal sessions will become more intervention and less coaching.6. I know for myself I wouldn’t call unless/until I have a “burning” question, so I’d expect to pay that premium.That’s just how I see it.

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    • I did not understood this post.Why bashing Cuba when one’s very own people is electing Obama?And I must say I disliked that assertion over Canadians… so, you want to tell them where to go on vacations? As if Americans don’t do the same in Southeast Asia… That blockade has been the main factor for the survival of Communism in Cuba. And you know what? Even if Cuba becames capitalist I doubt the Cubans in Miami will return.

    • Perdona Tania, ens podries donar l’adreça del wiki?. Quan dius que està bloquejada, et refereixes a la pàgina d’inici? o és el wiki en general?. Gràcies.

    • ecThanks for another wonderful article. Where else may anybody get that type of info in such a perfect approach of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I am at the look for such info.

    • This is gorgeous, Bev. I can't do clean & simple, nor can I stick to 3 colors, lol. You did a FAB job though! I have that same paper & am hoarding it because I only have one sheet ~ you've inspired me to dig it out & use a little snippet of it!! Have a great Sunday!

    • Hi charlie I told you i would join your website. I can only talk to you on Bs1 so please be on there Friday night. I cant wait to talk to you again you are so gorgeous!

    • henk zegt:hmmm, DAT doe ik dus fout………. je laat de verbeterde verpakking zitten, en dan smaakt het wel….heb ik toch nog 2 dingen geleerd vandaag… 1 til nooit alleen zware dingen, dat scheelt de pijn in mijn rug die ik nu heb, en 2 laat de verbeterde verpakking zitten om de mora broodjes… dan smaken ze henk   0 likes

    • peh.. ko siap buat game lagi kan.. memang amarika mu ayeem.. tapi kan, pesal dia lari laju sgt.. menggelupor duh aku nak baling taik.. 5kali je kena.. pui~

    • Every day you open your eyes and can figure out how the caps lock works is even better!God bless us every one!Sorry it's been that kind of year.

    • Casual readers, they always create drama from nothing Don’t worry too much about it. It’s someone else’s opinion not Sookie’s    15 likes

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    • it!LinksThe View – Website / Myspace posted March 16th, 2009 at 12:28 pmUncategorizedThe View It is time to get back to work! Lets surf! – 03/16/2009 Well, the vacation is now long over, and after getting a few other

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    • One of the cultural enrichers at that event was also waving a Hezbollah flag.I believe Toronto recently started allowing female Muslim police officers to wear hijabs on the job. Feh!

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    • aaah, voilà exactement pourquoi je ne m’habille pas toujours comme j’ai envie…*sic*. parce que, habitant à la « campagne », ca serait ça tous les jours, et y’a des jours où j’ai envie d’être tranquille, lol

    • Szopen / 25 Mayıs 2012Haritanın en alt katmanında Bedrock denilen kayalar var onları hiç bir ÅŸekilde Survival modda kıramıyorsunuz. Creative modda kırarsanızda boÅŸluÄŸa düşüp ölüyorsunuz. Dediklerim pc versiyonu için geçerli tabiki.Cevaplamak için giriÅŸ yapın

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    • Post-It notes are brilliant! And yes! – World's Grossest Bidet – ACK. And I hate those center top buttons too, because you could really hurt yourself trying to push that down with your shoes.

    • Quel chemin !Depuis le « Jour J », « Impact Project », tel Tim Roth, ce fût dès le début le succès assuré.Félicitations

    • There are always and only two people who previously knows who is the winner and who is not. And these two speople have nothing to do with the Oscar cerimony organization. And the folks from Oscar cermony organization really thought that Meryl Streep would win her third Academy Award. That is the only explanation for putting Sandra Bullock winning after Jeff Bridges, and not before.

    • Good luck! I’m running the Urban Dare in NYC tomorrow (it’s a scavenger hunt with obstacles and trivia questions from what I can gather…I don’t know much about it haha) and I cannot wait! The beer at the end won’t hurt .

    • Olá! Tenho uma dúvida: eu não tomo a pílula e eu e o meu namorado tivemos relações e usamos preservativo. Que nos apercebêssemos este não ficou danificado mas tenho muito medo.Há alguma hipótese de estar grávida?

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    • Bleeding disruptions intrigued to snris and ssris [u]prednisone 20 mg tab side effcts[/u] have ranged from ecchymoses, hematomas, epistaxis, and kaliuresis to life-threatening hemorrhages.

    • 4afకొండపల్లి కోటేశ్వరమ్మ గారి పుస్తకం నచ్చినట్లయితే, ఇది కూడా చూడండి. “మనకు తెలియని మన చరిత్ర: తెలంగాణా రైతాంగ పోరాటంలో స్త్రీలు ఒక సజీవ చరిత్ర”, 1986. H.B.T. వాళ్ళు ఈ మధ్య మరలా ముద్రించారు. మంచి పుస్తకం. అప్పట్లో బాగా చప్పుడు చేసిన పుస్తకం కూడాను. — శ్రీనివాస్P.S. I know who is going to follow up to this message about the availability of its recent edition .

    • , I think race is not the real issue. It is the mindset of the individual and their belief in freedom AND responsibility that counts. Just as there are millions of Americans who hate our culture, there are millions of foreigners of all colors who are Americans at heart, just born in the wrong place. Makes me want to see if there is some way we could make a trade. Our liberals/leftists for your entrepeneurs/freedom-lovers.

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    • I think it’s about where you’re putting your effort, not that there is effort. Effort on the right things in life – things that make you feel good and say ‘fuck yeah’ to the day – are totally worth the effort!


    • Bonjour Emeline,Je tiens quand même à préciser (pour éviter toute confusion) que la formation n’est pas faite pour devenir pro à la fin évidemment, mais que je suis content si certains de mes élèves arrivent jusque là bien sûr !Effectivement, quand on est autodidacte, on a tendance à aimer fouiller et assembler les pièces du puzzle soi-même (je le sais, je le suis aussi). la valeur ajoutée de la formation est vraiment dans la structure, la méthode et l’accompagnement

    • “Slight”? Well no more slight than ours, that is. Only 3 weeks back did we actually start married life by living together! (We were based out of 2 different cities till now)So I guess it’s all justified!

    • Es un alien…Miren la foto fijamente por 30 segundos, despues miren una pared blanca y verán un alienígena.Así que por allí debe ser la publicidad… si, suena a Fringe

    • protestant: “Je to podobné, jako by Karel ÄŒapek popisováním zla ve společnosti ve svých románech byl obhájcem toho zla.”Hovorím o krutosti biblického boha. A to nielen starozákonného, ale aj novozákonného (vyhrážky pekelným ohňom), ak prijímame dogmu o sv. Trojici.protestant:Vy jste biblická fundamentalistka?

    • You need people who know the legends of Foster Ghosts and can give you the real story not the made up ones. Actors who tell the real story would do well. We have been on channel 36 and other stations with the stories. Others in town know them.

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    • Godt sagt! Jeg vet ikke om hun i det hele tatt har satt seg inn i hvordan adopsjon foregÃ¥r i Norge, men hvis hun tror det er en lett prossess tar hun skammelig feil. Neste gang hun skal mene noe sÃ¥ sterkt om mennesker hun ikke kjenner, kanskje hun bør sette seg litt bedre inn i saken?

    • Hei Mirjam! Ja, det var helt utrolig artig, synd du ikke kunne bli med! Vi satser pÃ¥ en ny runde neste Ã¥r; ikke vel? Ha en fi helg, klem

    • I can definitely hold out another 6 weeks for this phone. Question is what are the actual specs and how will they stack up against the Thunderbolt 2 and Droid HD? If the rumored specs are true this will be the phone that sets the pace for devices in 2012.

    • Jonny and Emma — BEST OF LUCK! You are both truly lovely, hard-working peo­ple and deserve this to be a mas­sive suc­cess, which I am sure it will be! Hope to see you soon. Sarah x

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    • que le ridicule ne tue pas… Vous avez entendu parler de Persepolis, la BD de Marjane Satrapi ? Sinon, lorsque vous aurez vécu la peur au ventre, connu les arrestations arbitraires et la torture, vous arrêterez peut être de raconter des inepties.

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    • "I bet white Americans are wondering the same thing: Why do I have to identify myself as white American, why can't I just be an American….?"Yeah, right.

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    • Tarde mas cheguei a tempo de dizer que assino por baixo tudo o que dizes sobre o Zeca. Também sinto saudades de ti, e pensar que hoje em dia as tuas letras estão cada vez mais actuais, até parece mentira que já passaram tantos anos. Um Abraço.

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    • la coincidental amusingly writes:Herman Cain is in a long line of GOP token minorities who are useful until they stop towing the party line….towing the party line. Towing. That's funny. Again you make your misunderstanding of simple concepts as plain as could be.You need a lesson in the idiom of English.It's "toeing", as in following the playbook. Not pulling something on a rope. But I understand your confusion.

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    • Liberals never let facts get in the way of their argument. And they think that the Iraq war is the cause of the deficit. Our economy is so tied in with government spending that if we had a balanced budget we would add to unemployment. Politicians don’t want to do that, especially in an election year. So they borrow more and spend it to keep employment high. It can’t last forever.

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    • . If I use liberal logic…since more people die from auto accidents than gun violence each and every day, shouldn’t we ban the use/ownership of cars?

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    • Gano Ferrer y por fin tendra la gran posibilidad de ganar un M1000, un titulo que su brillante carrera merece, por este luchador y batallador del circuito. Y no habra otro que pueda parar a Crazy Jerzy que el correcaminos español. En londres, Del Potro espera, pero quien duda a esta altura, cansado o no, lo duro que es Ferrer…

    • Well, considering that Brad has the schedule set in a manner so that each person has exactly one month’s time to get a hold of each film, I don’t really see how much further the schedule could be set in advance…

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    • Francesa is a pompous jerk who purports to know everything when it comes to sports. His opinion is always right, so don’t disagree with him! Even when he gets something wrong (as he OFTEN does), he’ll spin his way out of his mistake.

    • Thanks Harry for the update.With Congressional leaders at home for the recess, is there anything we can do from our localities/messages we can bring to our elected leaders, etc. Or, would you prefer that we wait and see. M

    • Thanks for the plug of our activities. We are deep into community meeting across the country and EVERYONE is welcome to these multimedia and participant-heavy-involvement encounters seeking direct input from the public on a matter of greatest importance to us all — our health care system.

    • Colin, Afraid to say that there was no influence from S.O.A.P. on my novel (though I have subsequently seen the movie). I do, though, much enjoy writing scenes that involve aircraft, as I spent 6 years in the Air Force, many years doing volunteer work with a group called The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) restoring a WW2 B-17 bomber, and have been around aircraft, in one capacity or another, for pretty much all my adult life. This likely shows in the writing where aircraft are involved in some way.233d

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    • Letadlo rolovalo na startovací dráhu, najednou se zastaviloa vrátilo se zpátky. Po hodinovém čekání znovu odstartovalo.Znepokojený cestující se zeptal letuÅ¡ky, co se stalo.LetuÅ¡ka na to odpoví:Pilotovi se nÄ›jak nelíbil zvuk motoru a trvalo nám skorohodinu, než jsme sehnali pilota, kterému by to nevadilo…Takhle nÄ›jak si pÅ™edstavuji že hledali sponzoÅ™i ODS „kvalitní politiky“ do současné vlády

    • I hope Ivison is just blowing hot air with his story of Horwath. The NDP platform is even scarier than the Libs. They propose to build no additional nuclear power plants ever.Makes one wonder just where our electricity needs would come from.A Lib-NDP arrangement would constitute a nightmare scenario, but Ivison notwithstanding, I think it is a bit early to talk of it.

    • пишет:Хм, а вот такого рода списки я люблю, потмоу что ненадо париться и нет вероятности “лоханутся”. Спасибо за подборку!VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)

    • Thanks for the sensible critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research on this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more from this post. I’m very glad to see such great info being shared freely out there.

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    • Wow! Your week sounds insane, but in a positive way. Hope all is well, and you find some time for yourself this weekend. Take care.

    • Tudo lindo! Só uma grande observação: o vídeo que vc fez ficou com qualidade muitoooo melhor que os brasileiros, inclusive o detalhe da segunda câmera. É uma pena![]

    • Sir Andriotakis,Confus peut-être; Peut-être vaut une lecture et d’aujourd’hui sur le thème "mémorandum" livre publié par AA. Livani (2011) titré: "Les contrats de prêt ILLEGALES DE GRÈCE – Les documents ont révélé la subordination servitude du pays "George CassimatisChristos Kallitsis

    • Gee, thanks Joe, I’ve never really been keen on these things either, but I’m doing it this year (well, next year to be exact). Happy new year to you too and good luck to yourself!!

    • एक बात और … जो लोग सोचते हैं कि कठिन शब्द और शुद्ध हिंदी के प्रयोग से ही केवल अच्छी कविता लिखी जा सकती है उन्हें इन क्षणिकाओं को पढ़ना चाहिए …

    • visit to the local rail yard last year. You can see a previous composition from the same location here. It was one of those days where I knew I was going to pass something interesting on and errand, so

    • I always think/say "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride" I think if wishes were fishes is from the same rhyme. Sometimes I think Anger is a very healthy emotion, it is ok be angry but it makes me angry when someone tells me it is ok to be angry, who the hell are they to say that…think I'm just saying "still here" x

    • I have not checked in here for some time as I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my daily bloglist. You deserve it my friend

    • suggerisco di leggere l’articolo di Pingback, che, secondo me, mette in luce, l’assurdità di questo conflitto interno nella chiesa su uno dei suoi elementi più di spicco, che per le sue posizioni sulla realtà odierna era stato messo un pò da parte dal vaticanoe sul quale non c’è, tuttora una precisa, pur se generica valutazione del suo operato

    • pardon, une erreur d traduction: ce n’est pas « massacre » mais:  » l’égorgement en masse des buffles a commencé…

    • I was curious if you ever thought of changing the layout of your website? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 images. Maybe you could space it out better?

    • Reviewed on: February 28, 2012Shes still awesome Shania is so great in concert. Not only is she beautiful, but she can really perform! her show did not disapoint! We left singing her best songs and wanting to see her again!!

    • I want to build a blog in wordpress where I can share photos, have people upload photos and everyone can rate them. Can anybody recommend a good theme or some tips? Free is preferred or like, under $100.Thanks!

    • that Jesus is the Lamb of God, but under no circumstances do I take that to mean that He is a member of the species Ovis aries. Nor does anyone else, no matter how “literalistic” they claim their approach to biblical hermaneutics might be.Come on, people! A little common sense, please!

    • Hey are using WordPress for your blog platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and create my own. Do you need any html coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!

    • 20) Jesus rose from the dead, jews eat unleavened bread.Every fucking thread.On a more fun note, has anybody read the website "newsflavor" supposed interview with a "White House Insider". My guess is fake, but its pretty fun and well done. It reads like a Tom Clancy novel (or rather what I imagine a Tom Clancy novel reads like, since I have never read a Tom Clancy novel).

    • Gagdetblog startet zum Weihnachtsfest ein Gewinnspiel zum Thema – ihr werdet überrascht sein – Gadgets! Gadgets sind sooo cool sagt die eine Seite,

    • We have a washer disinfector which has recently arrived in our practice. We are used to using ulra sonics. And we still do have ultrasonics. My question is that I have no idea what involved in the testing side of a washer disinfector for effeciency, protein test, soil test. What equipment do I need to order for my practice to carry out these tests?

    • The minute I saw this news on the New York Times website I had to run over here to see what you would say.This is a joke. I am not a fan of Mr. „I love Sean Hannity” Steele at all.

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    • apparently fake weed doesn’t have THC, so it shouldn’t show up a all. but that’s retarded so I’m guessing it just has less THC.. normally- with normal weed- it takes about 2 weeks for a few sessions to get out of the system (as long as its not being abused/ if you only had a small bit it would be less than that). .. Btw tests only look for the chemical THC (and not the others that are present in weed)

    • Fik lige lyst til at shoppe lidt Essie neglelak efter at have set billederne pÃ¥ din blog 🙂 har dem til 38 kroner lige nu. Jeg har bestilt 6 😉

    • dit :Daniel…You really make it appear so easy along with your presentation but I find this topic to be really one thing that I believe I’d never understand. It kind of feels too complex and extremely vast for me. I’m taking a look ahead on your next put up, I wi…

    • Shalima dit :Del4yo, j’espère que tout coeur que tu vas pouvoir allaiter, c’est une relation tellement incroyable, et c’est ce qu’il y a de mieux pour une maman et son bébé ! Enfin, tu le sais tout ça… J’ai mis du temps à accepter ce sevrage, maintenant la page est tournée, mais j’en garde de très bons souvenirs, et un lien particulier avec mon ptit loulou.

    • Thanks! We had been hoping that we were out of that stage, since the kiddos are 3 and 1. Hopefully, we can get her back to normal. Hopefully, you’ll be getting some rest soon as well too!

    • Ignore the ones who tell you to choose between sexes are whatever! That makes me sick, because you think that maybe they would accept you more, but please, there's no sense in trying to have someone else accept you. Just accept yourself!!!!

    • That is so rude, even if it was from ANY blog reader! I personally think £80 is quite a large budget for an outfit. The fact that the woman is actually FROM HoF horrifies me. Her stupidity and rudeness have tainted the brand for me now. I never really shopped there anyway but I won’t be now if this is how they look down on their customers with smaller budgets. Don’t they know we’re coming out of a recession! 😉 I really hope that HoF deal with this in a suitable manner. Not in an infantile way like this.

    • according to trudell:“I’d wondered aloud (or in words, two paragraphs ago) about whether or not L.A.’s defense could lock down for a stretch , and it’s certainly fair to say that they did as Phoenix managed just four points from the 7:16 to 2:35 mark of the quarter. The score had been 91-90 Lakers, before the home team stretched it to 103-94 … Quite the time for a 12-4 run, right?”

    • hugely significant…Thanks a great deal in terms including expressing the considering the following. The a number of additional a person point could be who any time an issue develops together having a personal very personal pc motherboard, persons can’t have the financia…

    • I have been to many overseas countries where indignation is not a strong cultural attitude, however expressed, and they certainly don’t practise medieval punishment techniques. I was merely wondering if the strong ties to the community and family (in contrast to ours) was a reason for the growth of indignation and outrage in our society.Maybe my use/misuse of the term ‘communal’ mislead you, but I simply meant societies that had a stronger sense of community as opposed to the individualism that pervades our society. And we have our own ways of ostracising non-conformists as well.

    • Admiring the commitment you put into your site and detailed information you present. It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same unwanted rehashed information. Great read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.

    • Thanks, Desiree! I do think money complicates things – it definitely adds to the pressure/expectations when your art becomes your source of income. But yay for having a passion in the first place – I think we forget sometimes that lots of people don't ever find theirs!

    • My love, I’m glad you’re back online and what a relief that your operation went well – at least you’re minus some metal bits for now! I’m holding thumbs that the fluid drains soon and that the pain subsides without help from the morphine. Tell that new lady in your life to take special care of you for me. I heard you guys had a super time at the wedding!Pandi sends puppy kisses and Serge sends man-love from Sri Lanka. Keep us updated. We love and miss you as alwaysxxxxx

    • Great stuff as always Bret! It sounds like you have access to an amazing facility and are connected with extremely intelligent coaches/professors. Glad to hear things are going well. Just one question, Can you give me some recommendations for literature (books) relating to biomechanics that provide practical as well as scientific information? Thanks man.

    • Makinde enjoyed the beat when the music was sweet .He should be ready to dance to the new music of prosecution. Shikena. EFCC should stop at nothing to make him face the music. Youth is not a licence for immoral behavior

    • Howdy are using WordPress for your blog platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and create my own. Do you require any html coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!

    • x Francesco (# 84) e Maria (# 83).E’ la solita storia del chiodo che vi ho racccontato, con una sarda (anzi, una Sardina) al posto del bulgaro. Lei batte il chiodo con la testa e io, da buon albanese, con la testa gli impedisco di avanzare.CiaoRitvanP.S. Se mi preferite ipocritamente falso modesto dovreste inventarvi un altro Ritvan a vostro esclusivo uso e consumo: io non sono disposto a cambiare.

    • Bruk banc-tskjorter som veggpynt! 🙂 Jeg har selv hatt det som veggpynt. Band-tskjortene mine blir brukt for skjeldent, men kan ikke kastes, og da er det fint som veggpynt! 🙂

    • Hi, perhaps this posting could be off topic but anyhow, Having been surfing about your website and it appears truly professional. It is obvious you know your topic and you are passionate about it. I am setting up a new site and I am struggling to make it look great, as well as present the best message. I’ve discovered much from this site and also I look forward to further posts and will be back soon. Thanks.

    • H.R,j’aime beaucoup le travail de Nina Companeez. Il me semble que J-Y Tadié regrette essentiellement qu’elle n’ait eu que deux soirées pour exprimer son cheminement.Je vis dans un voyage entre créations : celle de l’auteur et toutes les variations qui naîtront de la rencontre avec son oeuvre. Certaines sont sacrées et inégalables, pour d’autres, il m’est arrivé de préférer l’écho à l’original.Chacun rencontre l’oeuvre de Proust à sa façon…

    • By October 24, 2012 – 9:42 amThese are great tips. For me, the biggest change occurred when I started eating more REAL foods. Get rid of most of the package, processed foods in your pantry and eat more fruits and vegetables, and the weight will come off.

    • Merci Patricia pour ce bon moment de fou rire. A lire certaines phrases, on a du mal à croire qu’elles soient réelles et pourtant…J’adore particulièrement celle-là :« Selon certains critères, je ne suis pas du tout professionnel. Les heures de sommeil, la diététique, les soins, la maturité : OK, zéro professionnalisme. Mais à ma manière, dans mon fonctionnement, je suis un grand pro. »

    • Hey ErlyBrd and Beat Dad!!!Great answers!!!Though I think some readers might not pick up on Wayne’s inside jokes. ;^)Erly — what do you mean what did you do? You did fine. ;^)

    • Hey! This put up couldn’t be written any higher! Studying through this submit reminds me of my previous room mate! He always stored chatting about this. I’ll forward this web page to him. Pretty sure he will have a superb read. Thanks for sharing!

    • I shot a wedding once wehere they hired a babysitter. I thought it was brilliant. The kids were still there and cute but when they got tired, bored or started crying or something they could go hang with the babysitter in the other room.

    • Otra perdida de otra leyenda: Lou Rawls. Hace un año se nos fue, una verdadera lastima, ya que había posibilidades de recuperación. De cualquier manera siempre tendremos sus canciones que nos haran recordar momentos inolvidables. Espero que se le rinda un tributo al mismo nivel del desaparecido Luther Vandross. Y sería fantastico que pudieramos contar con toda su discografia reeditada y remasterizada. Pero supongo que esto último es un brindis al sol. Descanse en paz.

    • Hi ne sorry ist ein anderes Projekt ich arbeite an meiner Privateb Seite :-Wie gesagt der Mailversang geht soweit das die Anfragen im StorageOrdner angelegt werden – auch die Absender und Empfänger Adressen sowie der Text wird Angezeigt auch die Tolle Grafik mit der Statistik füllt sich mit meinen Testmails. Es geht irgenwie eben nicht aus Typo3 raus. Ich habe die oben genannte Quellcode ins Setup eingebunden -ganz unten ? aber es geht leider einfach nicht —

    • Yea, but they don’t play really good in their national teams. And as an example, because I’m a German, the youth of Germany has got a big future. Like Mesut Özil, Mario Götze, Toni Kroos, Andre Schürrle.. Do you think they are good because of money? And btw we are talking about national teams, nobody can buy players there. So the countrys has to trust on their own talents

    • I have a 4 week old and although I realize it may be to early to implement all of these ideas, I am definitely trying to learn as much as I can now so I am better prepared in the future. Thanks so much for your expertise! I look forward to better sleep in the weeks and months to come!

    • Mas joe, -Semoga Alloh memberikan Hidayah kepada kita- Tetap saja dengan memberikan tanda petik atau tidak namun masih meng-link blog saya pada kata “mengkafirkan” itu sama saja anda menuduh saya melakukan takfir atau mengkafirkan orang lain.Sekali lagi saya mohon anda menunjukkan kata-kata saya dalam tulisan2 saya yang mengkafirkan orang lain? Jika tidak maka anda telah menuduh saya, dan ini merupakan fitnah.

    • Sosiaalifoorumin käynnistys tapahtui New Yorkista käsin ja Rockefellereiden ja Fordin säätiön rahoilla. Eli siis kovan linjan kapitalistit kesyttivät protestiliikkeet merkityksettömiksi vertaistukiryhmiksi,voi voi.

    • I was curious if you ever considered changing the layout of your website? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or two images. Maybe you could space it out better?

    • Antes que nada no me pagan por criticar a Gnome Shell, bueno, de hecho no me pagan ni por eso ni por nada, así de sencillo como lo lees.Se han publicado artículos acerca de LXDE y de Xfce, quizás alguno de ellos pueda ayudarte.salu2

    • You guys need a way so peoplecan add captions over videos and a title or credits…just video and music doesn't say too much

    • Oh my goodness!!! I love this theme and how you used the locations. Seriously so amazing and of course Chelsea looks gorgeous. I must say the black and whites are my favorite.

    • suis sans illusions, il n’y a pas de bon gringoIl y en a un autre qui disait « un bon indien est un indien mort »L’histoire continue (avec vous).Pierre Henri

    • Domnule Siuleape romaneste singura solutie onorabila ar fi fost sa isi de Basescu demisia. Dra nu si-a dat-o. Asadar, cea mai putin perdanta solutie (pentru tara) este sa fie demis, indiferent cum.

    • Hi Laura,I'm your newest follower although I've been reading for a while. I have a food blog too, although I'm NOT a photographer! And, I only have 14 followers and one of them is myself! HA hA. I just got a Cannon 50D and I LOVE IT, so maybe photography is not far behind!Krysta

    • yusuke dit :hh ça n’a jamais été mentionné dans le manga .. Si vous avez le numéro du scan où il a été dit se que vous avez dit sur le nidaime , alors donnez le moi ..Aime : 0

    • Hi Caroline – I guess one disadvantage to playing it safe is that one will not discover the unknown gem. When it comes to most other things in life such as food, music, etc., I am really all over the place on what I try and love to discover the obscure and unknown. Reading is so time consuming that such free choices become a problem.There are however much lesser known classics and great works that few others reading that at least partially fill in the gap for me.

    • satu perkara saja saya nak cakap..mintak maaf byk2. susah nak perbetulkan sekiranya aqidah terpesong iaitu menolak hukum hudud. allah Maha mengetahui melalui apa yang diperkatakan. tak nak buat dengan alassan pelbagai kaum hanya alasan orang2 yang terpesong aqidah. wassalam

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    • Thanks for jogging my memory Ellen, I was able to go back and look at Sumal and also found the space to re-read Tessa’s article in more detail The POCA element in these 2 cases seem to result from more than just breaching HMO licensing. Planning regs and statutory dangers appear to have paved the way and make them different from Sumal.My excuse? I’m tired and I spent a happy hour in my local county court being shouted at by a DJ reluctantly forced out of retirement to meet the shortage and taking it out on me.

    • A few things i have seen in terms of pc memory is the fact there are features such as SDRAM, DDR etc, that must fit the specific features of the mother board. If the pc’s motherboard is pretty current while there are no os issues, modernizing the ram literally requires under an hour. It’s one of the easiest personal computer upgrade procedures one can think about. Thanks for expressing your ideas.

    • Chachachoubidou dit :Bonjour!Merci pour le concours! Je suis très joueuse alors je me devais de participer Je verrai bien cette petite lampe dans la chambre de mon bebe qui arrivera mi-février!Je suis à fond dans la deco et je me dis qu’elle serait parfaite!Voilà! Au plaisirChacha

    • Note: Dec.4th for link references, including Booker: EU dream and Kyoto expire together, Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade” as in enter the ‘valley of death’ for emerging out the other side. Best roundup incorporated here. Hannan’s recommending the time for action is imminent for the UK. Wouldn’t the amendments/changes to the Treaty absolutely mean democratic referendums, without which, a dictatorship by Merkel/Sarkosy is established (in fiscal terms) and that would be a total infraction on the democratic process.VA:F [1.9.20_1166]please wait…VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)

    • Nei har du sett, adventsstemning de lux 🙂 og med de omgivelsene utendørs blir det jo litt ekstra. Smilte litt for Marshmellowsen er jo like stor som den søte lille Noah munnen jo 🙂

    • You should watch a NeweggTV video on monitors. It explains how contrast ratios aren’t actually realistic after a certain point. Especially when you start hearing things like 10,000,000…I don’t do it justice, so just check out their channel.

    • Had a conversation with a girl a while back who is neither “gentle” nor “quiet” on the surface.She thinks (and I do as well) that the Biblical version of those are not necessarily about “personality” but your “heart” (or … spirit?).It would be a difference of internal vs external. Meaning, when it comes down to one on one conflict resolution or some other such thing, a gentle and quiet spirit is an incredibly different quality then someone who on a social level is neither of those things.Make sense?

    • I should apologize to all the East Asians who are going to be offended by this, but… speaking as an American, is the embrace of globalism by East Asian elites bad for us? An immigration restrictionist Japan doesnt do us any favors. The media will not permit the public to see it as a model. But there are billions in the third world and many billions to come. China, certainly, could soak up alot of African migrants that might otherwise head here. Korea and Japan could mop up alot of southeast Asians. We've had to contend with a tremendous influx of MesoAmericans. We wont be able to handle much more.

    • Concordo com o Fábio, a volta saudável do Gronkowski é fundamental pros Pats. É bem provável que ele jogue, agora se vai estar saudável ou não é difícil saber!!

    • J’espère que ce n’est pas la culinosphère qui te plombe le moral, ça n’en vaut pas la peine ! Je viens encore de me faire avoir et ze chante, hihi … attends, ze vais aussi, bien que pas velue, monter un club … ;-)) Bon courage

    • Jens, Det sker heldigvis meget sjældent, at de dør. Oftest falder de til jorden og sidder og er groggy et langt stykke tid, hvorefter de kan flyve igen. Jeg sidder imens og er vÃ¥gekone, hvis en kat skulle komme forbi 🙂

    • I love the combinations you’d put together. I would’ve never thought of styling the outfit this way. That’s the thing about reading blogs. You get inspirations that I’d probably never read about in magazines. BTW, I saw a gorgeous lady at Selfridges recently wearing a pair of Willows and I had to force myself not to keep gawking at her shoes!

    • “jump”, USA pols ask “how high”. Perhaps it is a convergence of interests, here, between BIG MIL and BIG ZION, with the other BIGS (BANKS, OIL, etc) just seeing no reason to interfere. Perhaps the recently spawned tribe of “neocons” which are often considered a manipulation of AIPAC are actually (or also) manipulations of the MIC, because surely the MIC must have profited from the Trillions spend in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    • ГеллаНу що у нас за ******************** при владі сидять… І головне, куди дивляться?!? Вже ж ясно як білий день, що не дасть їм ніхто нічого на тому божевільному Сході, ні, треба ще посидіти, попросити. Краще б уже закрили той дурнуватий “Інтер-фільм”, то їм би всі й подякували… Кляте ганчір’я… Тьху та й тільки!

    • / I once had a problem sorta similar. I was already advertising in a local publication. They told me that if I had pictures from recent events at the shop that they would publish them in the next issue. I had to get every parent’s permission to use photos from a recent event only to find out that instead of putting them in the publication, they put the pictures in my ad. My ad looked awful by the way. It was horrible. Because of that, I did not advertise with them anymore, and I guess they must have had other problems because they went out of business not that long after that.

    • Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with a few pics to drive the message home a bit, but instead of that, this is fantastic blog. An excellent read. I’ll definitely be back.

    • 25 julio, 2007AnónimoNo hay que activar ningun servidor propio. Bueno si lo quieres hacer lo puedes hacer pero no es necesario.Si lo suyo sería poner un from propio. Bueno lo voy a corregir.Sacaré una versión nueva en breve.Un saludo.  

    • Cozy, elegant and inviting living room! Who else could had designed this kind of living room other than Vicente Wolf!? Love the 3 mirrors on the wall! Unique…

    • Portretowo Å‚adnie wyszÅ‚a ciekawe jak siÄ™ prezentowaÅ‚a w caÅ‚ej postaci, bo jednak ma to trochÄ™ znaczenie patrzÄ…c po JugosÅ‚awii 31. Gdzie portret caÅ‚kiem fajny natomiast 100% postaci nie za bardzo

    • This is precisely why the bbplan is flawed. If the goal is to get broadband to more rural customers, then look at what's currently working. The plan as I understand it, wants to install the rules that have led to these areas with no broadband, everywhere. Seems counter intuitive.

    • Nej de er vist bare lidt pylret…den skal jo ikke glide af. Den skal ko trække skidtet med ud, men det gør overhovedet ikke ondt eller noget….pjat med dem:)

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    • "Luôn nhìn thẳng vào mắt của người mà bạn Ä‘ang nói chuyện."Điều này có thể làm người đối diện cảm thấy không thoải mái.

    • I could watch Love Actually any time of the year because Liam Neeson is so dreamy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, thanks for all you do.

    • What a cool contest!Zivah -Purple/ButterflyGabriella – Pink/HeartSofia – Blue/FlowerThank You for the opportunity to solve the never ending “belonging retrival and wretling match”!!! Keeping everything crossed!

    • I'm with Stranger…wait, no, I'm gonna split with Stranger by listing his preferences in the opposite order.Which makes this a heck of a lot like the Church of the SubGenius, wherein one's first official act (for given values of official) is supposed to be to declare a schism.Praise Bob!

    • Two thumbs up for this beautiful post on chennai. will check out on chronicles I-III.I too find the chennai city vibrant and lively along with all that you mentioned.

    • My new blog seems to still be at zero, I really thought it would gain a pagerank this time (last time it was just a few posts into existence so it didn’t surprise me). From what I remember though the page ranks can fluctuate for a couple days so maybe I will be lucky and get an increase.Addiction Rehab Blogs last blog post..

    • The mexican fisherman story really caught my attention. A few weeks ago Pauline posted a summarized version in one of her comments and it was the first time I had read it but it made so much sense.Tackling Our Debt recently posted..

    • Very useful tutorials to understand the basics of this framework, which we are just starting to use. But here’s the thing, I am not doing the YII and php and database stuff, I am just responsible for tweaking the css that controls the look and feel.I see that there are several copies of styles.css (in our case for detailview, listview and gridview. There are single copies of form.css, main.css, pager.css.I’d love a tutorial (or pointer to one) that explains how to manage the css for a YII project. Thanks.

    • Amy’s Party Ideas is giving away – Over $750 worth of Halloween Party Supplies including 2 sets of edible fondant cupcake toppers! (Ends October 20/USA)

    • unbelieveable. Can I just say how angry judgemental people make me??? You are right, even bubble wrap can’t protect our kids from everything and isn’t quality of life as important as quantity. I certainly hope the judgemental jogger wasn’t hit by a car, because I am pretty sure joggers are hit by cars You had far greater restraint than I would have in that situation. Hugs to you and your babies, they are lucky to have such a great mom!

    • no the vita uses game cards? kinda like the nintendo since the vita doesnt have a real memory hard drive. game saves into the card as well.

    • I adored James Dean as a teen, 30 years after his death. Had his posters everywhere. Related to his rebel stance. And he was so fleeting here on Earth, and so young. I dont believe in curses but funny how coincidence is. Like the curse of Poltergeist. Is his car Christine not in motion? GREAT post! Thanks for reminding me of my childhood crush.

    • Thanks. I looked at the Focus today. It has a gorgeous screen and it is very light. However, it seemed to have all kinds of fingerprints on it. More noticeable than the iPhone I think. Has this been a problem for you at all, or maybe it was just because it was at the store with everyone touching it?

    • Tack för att du röstar!LÃ¥ten heter “A new morning” och är med pÃ¥ en cd som jag köpte av indianer som spelade pÃ¥ gatan i Göteborg för 3 Ã¥r sedan.Kram!

    • DEIXE SUA MENSAGEMsaindo aqui da italia,minha filha vai levar duas malas de 23 ela levar mais uma d e 23 kilo.qto ela deve pagar por essa mala a mais?obrigado

    • Technology Aide jobs are typically min wage up to $12/hr and usually found in public libraries and college campus computer labs. Essentially act as a babysitter to the facility and it’s shared resources. Change the toner cartridge, reboot the computers, assist with minimal troubleshooting, and act as an assistant or mentor to whomever uses the lab. Generally part time only work with no benefits and unless your a recent grad or still a student little chances of being hired.

    • Salar. We are trying to keep this simple for patients of all ages. Take the shot at face value. What number do you see in the photo? I create dynamite smiles… hexadecimal numbers is not my area of expertise.Good Luck!

    • E' imbarazzante segnalare errori, ma come tutti sanno o dovrebbero sapere, è impossibile definire il precedente e il successivo di un numero decimale come richiesto nel test d'ingresso per la classe quinta. Questo è a mio avviso l'errore più importante, ma ci sono altre imprecisioni nei test di terza e quarta.Ringrazio comunque per il prezioso aiuto che questo sito offre a noi insegnanti.SalutiClara C.

    • When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove people from that service? Bless you!

    • Don, congratulations on your sale to HBR!I’m not sure I understand the situation. Do you have 2 cartoons that have been on hold for a couple years at HBR? If so, I would resend them and clip a note with them with the details and ask if they are still under consideration. HBR has regular cartoon meetings and I’m not aware of them holding cartoons for months or years.

    • Almost all of the things you claim happens to be supprisingly precise and it makes me ponder the reason why I hadn’t looked at this with this light previously. This article truly did switch the light on for me personally as far as this particular subject goes. Nonetheless there is actually just one issue I am not really too comfy with and whilst I attempt to reconcile that with the actual main theme of the issue, permit me see just what all the rest of the visitors have to say.Well done.

    • Este artículo carece de contenido y comprobación. Bastante inexacto para ser exactos, basado más bien en sus prejuicios y corto ideal, de lo que cree debería ser un estudiante sobresaliente.Le recuerdo que el hecho de que estudiantes activos promuevan integraciones al interior de la universidad, no significa que estos muchachos no la aprecien… dado que ud es economista, debería entender que las personas hacen valoraciones marginales diferentes a las que ud hace.

    • I am starting to like the back more than the front!!!! The panels look great and I love the comparison to concrete…my initial reaction to the ‘rear yard’ photo was metal.

    • salihkurnaz diyor ki:slm ben elektirikvsellozik kaynakcısıyim gazaltı çıplalkve özlütel kaynağıda yaparım 15 yıllık tecrübeliyim yurt dışlarında genelde çalıştım tank ve boru kaynakcısı olarak iÅŸ arıyorum ilgilenirseniz memnun olurum tel 0538 371 8893 telefondan ulaÅŸa bilirsiniz

    • My “Jade Mica” was a 97 Honda Accord – “Bordeaux”. I see her siblings around everywhere. And point them out to my boys – like they care.I’m sorry for your loss.

    • I haven’t read Sarno but I’ve heard about his work. And it’s an interesting point you make, about how one kind of pain can distract from another. It’s not exactly somatization but something related.

    • Bruno’s own words reveal his character and class (or lack thereof). Good riddance. Baseball shows us a lot about what people are made of.Hot debate. What do you think? 14  6

    • LO que me cuentas sobre las Fallas, claro que se pueden aplicar a casi todas las fiestas, sobre todo aquéllas que ocupan una ciudad entera… La Feria de Sevilla, cabe muy bien en tu descripción. Que disfrutes, Bea, que lo pases muy bien. Besos miles

    • Oh! Et bien ça, ça m’a l’air d’être du bon Je m’en irai à sa recherche derechef! (enfin, quand il sera sorti bien sur)

    • Hello POPTARTCAT,thanks, I know sandboxie. :)On x64 the safety sandboxie provides is limited (so be careful), but anyway I would never run any kind of malware on my system, even if sandboxed. Better to use a virtual machine.

    • Penelope, I so needed this today. Thanks! It almost makes me feel like crying, it’s such a relief. I knew I could ditch some stuff, but it’s good to read it from you instead of just telling myself in my head.

    • Em S. Vicente que é onde moro, a recolha porta-a-porta funciona muito bem: lixo indiferenciado no saco preto, recolhido de 2a a Sábado; embalagens no saco amarelo, recolhido às 3as e Sábados; e papel no saco azul, recolhido às 5as. A junta distribui gratuitamente os sacos. Os moradores só têm de os deixar à porta nos dias respectivos, após as 19h.

  • Very good post. I’m experiencing a few of these issues as well..

  • When I initially commented I clicked the „Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each
    time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the same comment.
    Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Thank you!

    • Great post with lots of imarotpnt stuff.

    • Oh and a thought Abdullah,from my readings, the gap between Jesus life and John’s writing is much smaller than that between Muhammad’s life and the earliest extant accounts of his life. Both sides can claim excellent memories etc. before writing.ian

    • Helt rätt av KHK att förstärka innan det är för sent. Blir spännande att se om Butler kan fÃ¥ fart pÃ¥ laget. Tror dock ändÃ¥ att KHK hamnar i kvalserien. Väl mött där KHKare!

    • Those institutions can cooperate only in moderate way, due to their national task which often is counter-intelligence. Therefore cooperation in fighting terrorism is lesser than in fighting crimes, because national institution are not so eager to exchange certain types of information.

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    • Rihanna looks like an evil witch and that dress is cheap looking; she has a long chin and a wide but pointy nose.Love Kelly and already pre-order 2 copies of the Deluxe version of “Here I Am.”Chris Brown, so talented and he still looks like he’s 16/17, but I wish he would mature a little. He’s young, but dresses a bit too young.Halle Berry, age has finally caught up with her and OMG at her daughter, she’s growing up so fast!

    • Ik had al een filmpje van hoe je mooi eyeliner opdoet gezien en daar zei je al dat gel liner erg fijn is. Ik ga die van essence is uitproberen.Kan niet wachten!!

    • oh sure that funny it wait everybody be toss they PC in the shop today try like geek squad telling they it was joke watch the news network today bonk?

    • motivation (and why we won’t do sticker charts) on disagreements and choosing a different path on being open you are not what you do on perspective taking on the most important thing when the going gets hard

    • AFJ. I’m not sure I should answer that question…but if I did answer it…I might say something like: …I don’t think the rules would apply to Connor as he has no faerie blood in him at all…but the real question is whether someone with half-Faerie blood would love one person forever. In other words, if Tania has the “love forever” gene – can she ever stop loving Edric – and if she doesn’t get back with him, can she “settle” for Connor, if her other option is to have no one at all???

    • Há umas boas imagens que podem ser coladas nos cacifos do Pingo Dôce: Zero de Dignidade.Não sei se perceberam, mas a ideia era implementar a taxa única para os bens da alimentação. Uma ideia vinda da mulher mais asquerosa (e nazi) que temos no governo: Assunção Cristas.

    • Underligt.. Sender beskeder og beskeder.. men de kommer ik frem pÃ¥ din side.. Noget er galt.. æv.. Prøver igen.. Tak for dit svar.. Nu ligner min hækleting en pære.. Men jeg har forstÃ¥et det med maskerne.. men nÃ¥r jeg nÃ¥r til 30 masker kan der ikke hækles mere.. HVA F::: GØR JEG FORKERT.. Tænk at man kan blive sÃ¥ sur at jeg bliver ved.. hi hi.. NÃ¥ men sku du fÃ¥ lyst og tid skal jeg vist se det hele i billede form..Utroligt.. KH Iben

    • Hi Mirco,ich kann Dein Problem leider nicht nachvollziehen… ThumbSniper läuft auf Deiner Website doch super! 🙂 Ich nehme mal an, die Thumbnail-Einstellung steht auf “external”. Fahre z.B. mal mit der Maus über die externen Links in Deinem Footer. Sieht gut aus, find’ ich.Gruß,Thomas

    • hey, running is mostly mental…so so long as u decide to believe 10k = 5 miles i say it works…i mean if that doesn’t work we’ll just blame it on mathematics. i’ve had kelp noodles, do u like them more than shiritaki ones??

    • Ich frag mich wie das weiter gehen wird, die nächsten ähm.. 60 Jahre oder so. Wo soll ich dann mit den ganzen Büchern hin *kicher*. Ich kann die ja auch nich einfach weggeben, da häng ich zu sehr dran :). Ja, okay die 5 Sterne Bücher merkt man sich natürlich am Besten! Ja, gell mit den Rezensionen und den Communities merkt man sich das halt besser, bzw. lässt es sich merken! 🙂

    • Cong. Allan West lost. This nation ,unfortunately too late,will learn why the Natural Born Citizen clause was a prerequisite to becoming President or Vice President.We got the government we deserve.CW, I was thankful North Carolina went Republican. I read that the Dems still owes quite a bit of money for the convention.Well back to the drawing board for the next congressional and one third senatorial elections in two years.

    • Oliwko, zobaczyÅ‚am ten link na NK i bardzo mi siÄ™ spodobaÅ‚. Na razie wirtualnie (majÄ…c na uwadze krÄ™goslup naszego miÅ‚ego pana listonosz) piszÄ™ do Ciebie. Spodziewaj siÄ™ jednak również ode mnie przesyÅ‚ki pocztowej. CaÅ‚uski i ciekawe czy zgadniesz kto do Ciebie napisaÅ‚?

    • I am so surprised to hear you say that it’s been awhile since you created anything. It doesn’t seem like that to me. But, I understand all the personal factors, challenges, perceptions and desires that make it feel that way for you. I think you are making exciting progress and embracing new possibilities. It doesn’t have to happen quickly. I’m enjoying your process. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    • Hei sweety;)I'm back, hi~hi…….og nyyyter din herlige inspirasjon og nydelige bilder!!!Dette var bare knæsj!!!Kan godt hende jeg knabber litt inspirasjon herfra med kvist og fugler….;)))Og se det vakre skapet med smukke lampeskjermer, hekleduker og jisus!!! Me ♥♥♥! Takk min kjære inspirasjonskilde! Du er gull verdt!Tusener pÃ¥ tusener av klemmer;o)

    • I like the cartoon, and your application to religion. I keep having to remember to restrain myslef and not try to convince people. I’m just so excited about it that I want to SHARE it, but I have to keep remembering that no one I know even wants to know the evidence, let alone why I believe it. So I (mostly) keep my mouth shut.

    • Siempre hablando con la verdad, todos sabemos que las “varitas magicas” no existen, màs que en los cuentos de adas claro, con trabajo dedicación y amor a nuestra ciudad se pueden lograr muchas cosas, además depende de todos los morelianos salir adelante y tener una ciudad de Diez. Muy bien Wilfrido, se nota la experiencia y vamos contigo.

    • 146I think it is important to note that this is also not a call for “Protestant-ization” of the Orthodox Churches. Holy icons, chants, and all should remain in tact. I don’t think anyone is seriously stating that we must emulate the local United Methodist parish hall.

    • it all weird too! Men!I think Lil Bit makes a perfect Vivian. That’s also the street we live on and I love rattling off our address! It sounds fancy and fun!

    • Well, Field, he could have blamed his disappearance on black men. No, he's the wrong sex.Well, there's always those pesky little green men from the Pleiades!

    • Implicada: La verdad es que cualquiera que hubiera visto a este animalito lo recoge y se lo lleva. Mas bien no entiendo como alguien tuvo el corazon de dejarlo ahi.

    • Hola, Manu:Nos encantaría ayudarte, pero no disponemos de esa información cartográfica. Los planos que podéis bajaros desde esta web se dibujaron antes de la convocatoria y ahora estamos ya preparando los de la siguiente, no tenemos más recursos humanos para redibujar estos últimos. Puedes encontrar planos más generales en los servicios cartográficos del Gobierno Vasco y en los servicios de urbanismo municipales.El aparcamiento es de titularidad privada. El ámbito de intervención es decisión del concursante. Nosotros hacemos la pregunta, no ponemos el solar.Gracias a tí por tu interés.

    • WOW!! We went to tortilla flats and swam in the lake…visited the resturant, put our dollar on the wall. we Did the wild west town and a trip in the mine shaft. we went to an old native dwelling in the side of a mountain…did I mention I love Arizona??

    • on As a former school trustee who wanted to scream everytime I heard “social justice”, “self-esteem”, “diversity”, etc all I can say is AMEN!!Our current system does not unite, it divides.

    • Oh my God !! I want to know what colours will be displayed in it !! Bon, pas trop de pailletés/nacrés j’espère car ils aiment ça chez Urban Decay 🙁 Allez, des fards bien mats c’est joli aussi ^^

    • parabens ao bernardo cavaleiro que ia na frente era o virtual vencedor e partiu a corrente a 5 km da meta e acabou a prova com uma bicicleta com os pedais difrentes das travessas.Parabens pelo esforço grande BERNARDO

    • Hi! I’m at work browsing your blog from my new iphone 3gs! Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward to all your posts! Carry on the superb work!

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    • Jag har precis kommit hem frÃ¥n New york och saknar pulsen, livet, känslan och nätterna där. SÃ¥ en sjuhelvetes fest i stockholm skulle vara ett bra plÃ¥ster pÃ¥ sÃ¥ren! 🙂

    • Flotte bilder Rune! Helt enig, man kan helt klart ta bildet av det samme flere ganger, de vil aldri bli helt like. Og det viser du tydelig her. Tror jeg liker det siste best. Ha en fin helg!

    • Livro fantastico. Um romance no qual Orewll Realiza um ensaio sobre as ideias e o modo de pensar dos diferentes tipos de pessoas. Mais dificil de perceber que a literatura chamada comum mas muito mais proveitosa.

    • Families enjoy Belgium for its to take too much gear, and end up unable to. Rather, they often share the culture of their surrounding area, and reflect the taste and.

    • Peter – TrÃ¥kigt! :(Linda – Lite läskigt är det allt fast jag vet att det finns par den den ena har ms som lyckats och jag kan inte se vad som skulle hindra mig dÃ¥? Lustigt att folk har sÃ¥ mycket Ã¥sikter om en sjukdom dom oftast inte har koll pÃ¥. Tycker ni är häftiga med 5 barn sÃ¥ skit i vad andra tycker och bevisa motsatsen istället! 😉

    • Gabriela Lizarraga – Oh my! This is just BREATHTAKING exponentially… wow the colors are all so soft and beautiful and romantic, the couple impeccable, the details, the location, perfection lara!

    • That's a pretty heavy duty vid you put up there Aa. All these powerful yet evil people with connections all over the place and over generations. It's almost unbelievable and for that reason it won't be believed.

    • In addition to who is dating who, a focus is also placed on celebrity fashions. In fact, where are many out there who wish that they could dress and look like one of their favorite celebrities. While this feeling is quite common, it often leaves many others wondering why.

    • i hope you enjoyed your special day dear.☺ sorry for this late greeting but as the cliche goes, better late than never. many happy returns!

    • Ã…hh et sødt mønster.Har lige lavet et med Granny strips, sÃ¥ dette ville være super godt at prøve.Venter spændt pÃ¥ en DIY.

    • last month is one where the software industry has materially, structurally and … Read more on Enterprise Irregulars Related Products: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsMarking the next-gen console debut of

    • I would like an apple that has no worm holes in it, but all the apples harvested by the two parties continue to be rotten. I think I’ll just have an orange instead. Now if enough people opted for the orange rather than the rotten apples, the apples would do a better job avoiding worms. Instead, you choose to promote the rotten apple with 20% less of an infestation than the other rotten apple.To each their own. 😛

    • no need to apoligize for the word in the back, it kind of adds character 🙂 love the pop of turquoise against your black & gray getup. so pretty.

    • If that’s the case then maybe your DRL actually control by the negative ground wire, some cars do that. You just have to connect to the correct ground wire of your DRL and it should work.Mine is oposite it uses the same ground for the DRL and headlights but separate power source, my DRL power source is only half power at 7V vs 12V of the regular lamp.

    • Pray for the family of Dr. Camacho, whose wife went to be with the Lord. Together they served as pastors, editors and directors of Editorial Evangelica, directed the Pentecostal Bible College in Puerto Rico and in various positions as Overseers. Dr. Camacho was a professor at Lee University, and preached at the General Assembly.

    • This is literally a gold mine of opportunity for the hard-working SEO! But it’s not something that you can accomplish over night. After you’ve created the ability for your analytics reports to generate the right data points (easier said than done), you’ll then need to analyze that data and finally begin to chip away at the large number of projects this analysis will create as outcomes. Long live analytics!

    • Confession is part of my private prayer/worship times. The church leaves it to individuals to reflect on God as we prepare for worship. Perhaps during that reflection session confessions may take place.I however would prefer a private and or corporate confession session (non scary) before entering into worship so that everyone is aware of its significance as a prelude to entering into the courts of praise and worship.

    • T. Ellis exhibit, “Let Me Tell You My Story” featured at The Sylvan Gallery in Charleston, SC, Nov.4-30, 2011 | Tellis Fine Art I was recommended this web site by my cousin. I’m not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my difficulty. You’re amazing! Thanks! your article about T. Ellis exhibit, “Let Me Tell You My Story” featured at The Sylvan Gallery in Charleston, SC, Nov.4-30, 2011 | Tellis Fine ArtBest Regards SchaadAndy

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    • Specjalistyczny powinien kalibracjÄ™ plotera wykonać po dowolnej interwencji serwisowej, nawet jeÅ›li byÅ‚a to tylko wymiana paska napÄ™dowego w ploterze bÄ…dź wymiana rolki transferowej. Ważne jest to, że by osiÄ…gnąć kapitalny wydruk, to wzorcowanie plotera musi siÄ™ wykonywać w regule dla każdego rodzaju papieru. WiÄ™cej dowiesz siÄ™

    • External drive just for pictures. ALL pictures go on it when downloading camera, after we’ve picked the ones we want to keep. They are organized by year, then within that folder month, then they are labeled something like: Halloween or Recital or Hilton Head. If there are videos taken at the same time from the same camera, they go in the same file with the pictures. I have not really adapted to using my phone as a camera…yet, so there aren’t so many photos…maybe only 300 or so…so they are not organized in any fashion.

    • Alessandra comentou em 12 de abril de 2012 às 10:40. Julia, você lembra qual foi o primeiro pincel que usou nos olhos no Base aliada desta semana? Foi o que você usou pra passar o delinador em gel. Perguntei no outro post, mas não obtive resposta… :/ Eu chutei que é da Contém 1g… será que é isso mesmo? Beijos!

    • Jajaja…yo estoy de acuerdo, esta semana caí con las compras de mi ropa para el civil…supuestamente iba a ser relajado y nos ibamos a ir con ropa de todos los días, jean incluso, pero bue, me surgió la imagen en la cabeza, y la semana pasada me compré un pantalón, el finde un sweater que combina, y esta semana hasta me fui al shopping para comprar expresamente unos zapatitos dorado clarito que iban a quedar di-vi-nos…. y los simple a dónde se fue? no sé…alguien sabe?

    • Sounds so good. I've had Moroccan food, but not North African. I liked that the eating style was communal. Looks like at this restaurant everyone had their own dishes.

    • T’inquiete je le sais que j’ai l’air cave sur la photo c’etait voulu et sa change quoi de toute façons, c’est pas a cause que Harrison Ford était le président dans Air Force One qu’il a déjà été président !En passant Martin, si tu brûle toute ton essence t’en aura pu de feu Comme vous avez pu le constater, ne prenez pas au sérieux mes commentaires.

    • Eu desisti de testar ele na VM. acabei instalando no meu netbook. mas não gostei muito da forma como a MS dispos a interface.vamos esperar os proximos betas!Usando Internet Explorer 9.0 em Windows 7 x64 Edition

    • Código: 1915155472553703Por favor entra na pagina das instruções que você vai encontrar o passo a passo de como usar o código.Se tiver alguma duvida pode entrar em contato.Abraco!

    • What's wrong with the designers – You can't say clearly looking from back-end if that is a MB E-Class, CLS, Tesla Model-S, Jag XF… – everywhere the same design clues (lights etc.)!

    • I think other web-site owners should take this web site as an model – very clean and great style and design, in addition to the content. You are an expert in this area!

    • Thank you. This skin was inspired by a blog layout I saw a long time ago and haven’t been able to find again since. No, I’m afraid I don’t understand the ins and outs of WordPress themes well enough to make a themes.

    • ordinarysparrow I found it quite ‘Rodgers and Hammerstein ish ‘… musical theater … i can appreciate it as the Asian culture… but then i love Asian movies…Something like this would be a brilliant suggestion for the prospective presidential wives at the conventions the night before their husband delivers their big speech. You think? We are almost there…:)

    • Morrn.Mina bilder är frÃ¥n i dag, faktiskt sÃ¥ var jag ute pÃ¥ Fm. för att testa nÃ¥gra innställningar pÃ¥ kameran.NÃ¥g on kallar det „flax”.

    • I only recently tried a Thirsties Duo AIO, and it’s my new favorite. SO CONVENIENT!! I turn the diaper inside out, like a sock, before I put it in the dryer to help it dry faster. I need more of these diapers!

    • Lovely to chat with you last night Vix and thanks for the reassurance. I hope we hear from her today – it's is amazing how much you can care for a person you have never even met. This makes our meet up next month even more poignant – I am going to squeeze her so hard! Love, Sarah xxx

    • Thank you…I’m not sure I really expressed myself well on this one. It’s funny, though, because I didn’t plan to write this one at all…I planned to write about my week…and then I had a thought.. and it seemed like such a profound thought…I’m not really sure I was able to get it out, though…so thanks for getting it….

    • Jag gillar nog ocksÃ¥ avsnitten om konditionsträning mest av alla, framförallt för att jag gillar konditionsträning mest av all träning. Vi kommer absolut fortsätta, nästa avsnitt kommer nu pÃ¥ söndag. Tack för kommentaren och för att du lyssnar, spread the word!

    • Another pair of fab curtains! Loving Stephen getting in on the photo!Bless the oddball, every town/village has one. Ever felt like giving him a blast of Turn Back Time?! :)Great buys, love those sunglasses.X x

    • Galit: By now, you must know that you have become one of my favorite people in the blogosphere. I love tweeting with you. The words you assigned to this post are the words I would use to describe most of your posts.The one you recently did at spoke to me on eleventeen hundred levels.You are beyond amazing. I’m so glad to have found you.

    • Gracias por ayudarnos ayer Bidan, al final pinche el 3 puesto en un torneillo de 40€ de entrada XDMe mola más el horario de esa sala que el del penique, a las 9 ponerse a jugar un viernes es muy temprano.

    • You will need a laptop computer with enough memory to save files.RCA Cables and some Cords to split the TV and the capture deviceA USB video capture device (Usually these are around 60 ish dollars but I recommend the Pinnacle Dazzle DVD Recorder Plus) its extremely easy to use and the quality is great. Its also only $50After you record, the files should be on your computer.

    • [..YouTube..] hay un equivoco de traducion muy grave, La chica dije ” somos brasileiros e não desistimos nunca” y lo traducirán como “somos brasileños y no lo quisimos nunca a LULA”, se cambió todo el sentido, muy feo CQC Argentina!

    • Zeca,Teacher, thank you for your kind words.I still feel like I’m a student here, so much yet to be learned.And Zeca, every day when I wake up,I shit, start up my computer, make coffee while waiting, and then first thing, I check Loronix !Thanks a million !Moos

    • Lauren Nicole hits the top 10 craziest things Christian women believe about relationships: If you ever meet a man who says “Oh I won’t marry a girl unless she’s a virgin,” run for the hillllllsss are alliiiiiive with the souuund of conntroollll problemmmmms. Spare yourself from a lifetime with a man who hasn’t yet grasped God’s grace or the reality of brokenness within his – and your – heart.Â

    • franky26 war dort am und meint: Der Zockclub ist einer der umfangreichsten Plätze im Netz wo man seine Lose schnell anbringen kann, oder auch um den persönlichen Losestand etwas vergrößern möchte. Gut strukturiert, superklasse Design, gute Spiele. Für jeden etwas dabei. Sehr zu empfehlen.lGFranky26

    • Oh how awesome!! You know, I would love to see a movie under those settings. I’m the one trying to hide from the too-loud sounds, the strobing lights and the fear that getting up with annoy someone. We’d love to come see one this way. Maybe the smurfs?

    • Wonderful blog! Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you recommend starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely confused .. Any ideas?

    • Je suis d’accord avec vous. A l’encontre des tartuffes qui ont beaucoup alimenté cette page, il peut sembler légitimement injuste que des élèves de la République, dont les études ont été financées par la collectivité, partent immédiatement à l’étranger contribuer à la finance globale. Cela est injuste relativement aux étudiants de la plupart des université qui coûtent tellement moins chers à l’Etat qu’on ne chauffe plus les amphis l’hiver…

    • Intent in criminal law terms is not motivation. Motivation is your ultimate reason for doing something, whereas intent is more immediate. Iago intended to kill Othello, but his motivations were murky. When I throw a brick at a wall, I intend that it hits the wall, but my motivation could be to protest the existence of the wall.It used to be that Courts could assume that you intended the natural and probable consequences of your actions. Nowadays there needs to be some extrinsic proof of such intent in criminal cases.

    • lol Gorilla bhaii’m not a Hrithik fan…although i like some of his workBut i genuinely felt that LBC was a good movie.Nice songs/different style/different cast – Farhan & Konkana were v.good

    • excelentes los conceptos,sobretodo, que esta diciendo los errores que cometemos algunos magos, yo en lo personal ,que a veces trabajo en un colegio en la mañana, en la tarde una fiesta infantil,y en la noche una reunion de adultos,estos consejosme vienen bien, porque hay veces que en la mañana actuo en un colegio, en la tarde una fiesta infantil, y en la noche un evento solo para adultos, y tiene razon danny davis,cada evento requiere una presentacion diferente. gracias

    • Un pelín demasiado clásico para mi gusto, aunque con algunos detalles muy bonitos. La galería, la escalera, las vistas, el primer comedor, la habitaicón blanca. Tampoco me importaría pasar alguna noche ahí.Besos!!

    • Its amazing how many legitimately famous people arent deemed famous by The Committee. Who the hell are the members of The Committee anyway? From the looks of the people they deem famous, its a bunch of jocks who can remember the name of every third base coach from the 1930s and half-talent wrestlers but overlook well-known actors, actresses, musicians, etc.

    • de stock. El pasado lunes os hablamos de cómo este servicio había decidido cambiar la marca de agua que usa en sus fotos para hacerla más útil. Hoy os traemos un curioso vídeo promocional de

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    • Tinnitus………………………………………….?Alright, hopefully there are some health experts out there…I have an almost constant ringing in my right ear. It comes and goes. I should add that when I wake up in the morning, it is not present; but when I stretch or yawn, it comes back.This tells me that it is some sort of pressure problem.Would Ginkgo biloba help the situation?????And what else would help?????

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    • Hi Terri! The link to their neutral colors is . They group colors by color family (you’ll see the other groups listed on the right column). I’ll show the colors I got when I do a follow up post on the walls.

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    • oi Jane fiquei feliz com o seu depoimento, minha cirurgia esta marcada para o dia 06/01/12, sexta feira, estou ansiosa, preocupada, enfim, é uma mistura de sentimentos.Gostaria de saber sobre a cicatriz… o que achou?

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    • Bien mauvaise posture pour Roger! Ca sent le roussi… Les têtes tombent de jour en jour à Roland! Ca contraste avec la monotonie de ce Grand Chelem depuis plusieurs années. Ca me fait penser à un vrai western ce RG09, les sioux attaquent Fort Knox à coups de fleches, invraisemblable! Esperons que toute cette agitation profitera enfin aux Français, surtout Monfils, qui pour moi a vraiment les armes pour aller choper la coupe des mousquetaires avec les crocs! Messieurs, les jeux sont faits, rien ne va plus!

    • Hola! a mi me faltan 81 dias! y el modisto sigue sin llamar! cada vez mas sueño con que entro desnuda o con el equipo de gimnasia a la iglesia! ayuuudaaaa!!! besos a todas

    • I’m gay, and don’t think we need a ‘pride’ week at all. Advertising this only suggests ‘gay people’ are different and there is no need to market this anymore. It is counter productive organised by radical gays.

    • You know, it just might be the name … our Maggie is a total loon. And has had constant, well, let’s just call them “issues” since day 1. Circles are her best friend … and we have had her from puppyhood on …

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    • Whew! I got picnic shoulder today for .69 a pound. What to do with all of this fat? Thank you so much! It is so good. OMG! The simmer trick with the baking soda is a must try! Thanks!

    • SÃ¥ fiiiint:) Det er sÃ¥ koselig og lunt med heklede ting -her gÃ¥r det i puter!God kveld til deg og dine – klem fra Bente.

    • Hi there! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading through this post reminds me of my good old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

    • births in another country, the non-attending Hawaii physician signed Hawaii Department of Health issued and Hawaii Department of Health Director certified Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth also IS the Hawaii birth record."A physician can't sign off a birth that he or she didn't attend.

    • First Bill, God Bless all our Real Americans, the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and other little known danger spots around the world. Semper Fi to you all. Were it not for these patriots, (exclude the current president of the United States, their Commander in Chief), then this country would not have the right to vote. It is just a shame that our politicians are so self serving, myopic, greedy, corrupt and pathetic or else we might be able to have some real CHANGE in our voting system. I guess the real Audacity of Hope is to hope for real change!

    • Bob,Are you guys gonna comment on Bennett and the last Hard Knocks? Will you praise the rookie or bash him because of what was edited last night?

    • cynthia: heh I think he was stunned.Rob: thank you thank you.ront: Yes which is why her friend pointed it out in the photo too. girlstar7: I love randoms! As mentioned, my fav was Bob Sinclair. The others were good in spurts. But I did dance longer than I did at Two Tribes last year.

    • Sumamente interesante, pero bastante difícil de llevar a la práctica, conoce Ud todas las implicaciones que ello tendría en el cálculo de los agregados económicos de un país? El cálculo de las Cuentas Nacionales se afectaría enormemente

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    • Is she too polarizing? Is she sincere? Is she a good leader?1. Yes2. Only when taking a far left of center position I think.3. I don’t think she’d gotten as far as she has if she were a bad leader, but as I do not agree with the vast majority of her politics I do not intend to vote for her. I don’t intend to vote for Mitt either should it come to that unless I see the Brethren pull back on their deep involvement in politics.

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    • Viene a Perú también. ¡Qué emoción!Por cierto, soy nueva en esto del bloggermundo como le llamo, pero llevo algún tiempo siguiendo tu blog. Est´´a bueno.Saludos.

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    • puisque que tu le soulignes, je choppe la balle au bond !et je lance mon appel du 18 juin 15lovien : nous avons besoin de quelques éclaireurs pour défricher la première semaine de wimbledon !!!de préférence quelqu’un qui n’aurait pas beaucoup écrit ces derniers mois au pif : JC, montagne, Pierre, Sylvie, fieldog, who else ?s’il y a d’autres volontaires j’achète !1942

    • Anton!We need larger sizes in the 110!I'm like a 16 and can't get a pair of shoes for shit, would love to see some sasquatchian sized minimus,I know you have little card in that game, but for once I'd love a rad pair of shoes that actually fit and I have no idea how to get my voice heard by big cat companies,Keep the blog rolling your an inspiration and an entertainer Emerson

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    • We use this stuff for certificates at work, its so fun! We've found that if you run it back through the laser printer as a blank print on card stock (I usually set up a layer of big white block) your fuser will heat the foil enough to adhere it to the toner! You just have to make sure you use repositionable tape to tape off the edges of the foil. I had no patience for the iron 🙂

    • 21/06/2012 at 14:51 · Trong 5 Ä‘iều này thì mình má»›i chỉ làm 3 Ä‘iều. Vẫn chÆ°a có bussiness card và má»™t dá»± án thú vị. Phải cố gắng hÆ¡n má»›i được

    • No fair teasing about the good news. But I guess I can wait for good news and not bad news. Your pie looks yummy indeed. Sorry about the time issue that is extremely rude and you are exactly right in today's age a phone call would be easy to make.Your ornament is gorgeous.

    • Renata 16/12/2008 ResponderConcordo com os virais que vocês citaram. Mas, acho que não houve nada tão viral esse ano quanto o conceito de “viral”. O que será que vem depois? *musiquinha de mistério*

    • If the above calculations are correct, why does the 2012 tax table show a tax amount of $876.00 on $8,700.00, that comes to more than 10%. Wouldn’t that come to 10.065% IRS is calculating? 10% would come to the $870.00 you stated above.Thanks

    • Ohhh nein, wie süss ist dass denn?! Der kleine Henry ist ja total herzig und mir gefallen die Farben und wie Du ihn in Szene gebracht hast. Total super! WOW!Liebs Grüessli und bis glii,Francine

    • Looking forward to see how offline then online editing is performed. As all this is dependant on timing media to the correct start frame. I wonder how the frame counts and frame starts are carried over to the compositor or 3D view background?

    • PS. I found on Peter Ryan. Read it and keep in mind that the NSW police force was (and always has been) perfectly rife with corruption. Then ask yourself 'what would a battle between a saturation-level corrupt police force and an honest, uncorrupted police commissioner look like'?

    • Die Bilder sind noch bei Natalia. Ich habe an sie ein Brief geschrieben mit der Bitte mir die Fotos zuschicken oder dir am Dienstag zu geben.

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    • dit :Humm je te verrai bien en wonder woman avec une doudoune en train de manger une raclette en plein mois de juillet. Bon trêve de balivernes, elles sont superbes ces shoes. Madame a du goût. Elle était bonne la clope ? 🙂

    • I love how your kids spend so much time outdoors. There not sitting there watching television and watching the days pass by. They are living life to the fullest.-Zane of

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    • Happy New Year FN family!Hope it was fun and enjoyable for all of you.Just back in from a few days in The Big Easy New Orleans.Things are still rough in the 9th Ward and we should never forget our brothers and sisters who are still displaced.

    • Qué risa eso de que sintes al mismisimo Batman en el ombligo jaja. Pues nada a ponerse rodajas de pepinos en los ojos para las ojeras y a resignarse, qué mas! …. Queríamos ser mamás.

    • Thanks for the nice words, Patrick. In a team project, using a framework is even more of an advantage as it standardizes all the code and processes. If you weren’t to use frameworks, you’d have to spend a lot of time deciding how code would be written, who would do what, etc. So I would definitely consider Yii. If not, then you really need to plan everything out well. And you should look into using a version control system regardless.

    • Bonjour,Tres beau cliché de mes fleurs préférées…J’en ai planté tout autour de ma maison…C’est vrai que la lumière du soir est toujours tres belle.Cet été je me suis lancé dans la photo de concert en découvrant un groupe montpellérain très sympa : “Delph et les chics types”A bientotMARC

    • I like your blog and I see that you have a good following of people. Take a look at my site and let meknow what you think. I am always looking for some fresh commetns on how we can improve our site.

    • Jim and family, My prayers are with you all and also for your mother. May God Grant her eternal life and may his face shine upon you and your family.Ken Guay

    • This is gracefully executed and brimming with poetic zeal, particularly your handling of the first person POV thoughout and especially stanza 3, I love the language and unique tone, imagery.

    • I had dinner at JSG last Tuesday and ate the lamb chops with chanterelles and I have to say it was fantastic. In fact I told Marc that when he gets chanterelles again to let me know as I just can't stop thinking about this dish…

    • Thank you for such a fantastic web site. On what other blog could anyone get this kind of information written in such an insightful way? I have a presentation that I am just now working on, and I have been looking for such info.

    • Chris – you are a moral coward. Those photos are of people who are fighting for thier country. Even after this, they still keep lining up to serve as policemen and in the Army.And, the Americans closest to this, US Military members, see this everyday and choose to stay and help. Your smug comments simply illustrate the decadance of your detached point of view.

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    • I think alot of people misread my facial expression, I got it from my mom. Smiles just doen’t naturally appears on my face I have to make them stay even though I’m usually smiling on the inside.That baby is too cute even with that angry face. Awwwww.

    • Don’t forget, Michael, Sleep No More is successful not just because I had a vision and went after it. It succeeded because every Wednesday morning at 2am during 40 Days for Life I’m on the sidewalk for two hours.

    • Dogguie, no sé si “raro” es la mejor palabra, pero que ya no funciona, eso es seguro. Mientras ellos apoyaban ese uso, les convenía, ya que ganaban enlaces y nosotros más ranking. Evidentemente algo no rindió, o se les hizo inmanejable el volumen de peticiones, no sé, lo único cierto es que a Fabián de PuntoFape, le confirmaron que ya no apoyan esa “iniciativa”.Saludos.

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    • when it comes to operating systems, but in the last few years it has received major defeat on the Internet Browsing market, competing with companies like Google, Mozilla, Opera, Safari and so on. Of course,

    • so humbled and yet proud to know people like Kathlyn and my other friend Evelyn Cheatham (who I’ve written of previously). The difference they make in people’s lives is tangible and immediate. It is also

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    • O tiririca havia prédito;”Pior que está não fica”!.A verdade é que piór do que estava,está se tornando cada vez mais!.Principalmente, com a eleição de votocidío dos eleitorado tiririquense.Ocupando um lugar de um candidato preparado, ético,quem ficou de fora do Congresso Nacional.

    • Det är inte säkert att en befolkningsökning kommer att vara positivt för LHF. Se bara pÃ¥ UmeÃ¥, en stad som växer sÃ¥ det knakar, men befolkningen är inflyttade studenter. De har sin lojalitet annorstädes, eller är fotbollsfantaster. Faktum är att man under de tio Ã¥r jag bott i UmeÃ¥ generellt sett fler AIKare och LuleÃ¥fans bland befolkningen än Lövenfans.

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    • She may be "Hellary! on Wheels" however the Rage Machine is carrying Obama, if she steals the nomination from him all hell will break lose; I’d rather see Hillary moveon.orged than McCain, he doesn’t seem to notice just how vicious is the Left when they want something.

    • angel lol yeah seeing Billy kissing on Anya.. was like what!!?Josh has only been away 4 mos for goodness sake! haso much for NA 2.0 being about Janya!

    • Actually, emigration of French Jews should rise, after the recent slaughter and the fact no one who believes in self-preservation would dare wear a kippot on the street in many French cities.Remember that while a number still live there for now, the relevant question is how many have bought homes in Israel.

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    • #32 Free -> Creo que desde que se estrenó el programa de puntos, los puntos de tarjeta y los puntos de contratos nunca fueron ni costaron lo mismo por lo que (corregidme si me equivoco) no se ha variado nada sea un HTC Magic o un Nokia 9500. Sobre un precio o el otro, dependerá de lo que más te convenga a tí, si quieres seguir siendo de tarjeta o si te quieres pasar a contrato. Creo que no hay ninguna novedad en este campo siendo así de toda al vida :-/

    • Dear Mr. Milliken:On the subject of the map, that particular map represents an older version of the plan, which included a proposed PHase Two area. That option is no longer being considered, and that’s why we are not using that map. Thank you

    • I’m Burmese, and Michelle Yeoh did a damn good job playing Aung San Suu Kyi! I’m impressed that her Burmese is so? clean and precise… if anyone’s ever seen Burmese writing before, it’s all loops and squiggly lines, and for her to learn the Burmese language, that’s awesome.

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    • Et, pour la petite histoire, ce plat a été créé par la femme d’un cuisinier du 19ème siècle, qui avait des marques sur le visage. Le nom du plat veut dire “Tofu de la femme au visage grêlé” – Pock Ma Tofu en anglais.

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    • Hmm, tuomarin puolueettomuus objektiivisesti arvioituna. Ajankohtainen kysymys ensiviikolla eräässä käräjäoikeudessa.Esimerkki kuinka yksipuolinen tuomio (mielestäni oikeudenmukainen) muutetaan käräjäoikeuden tuomarin sidosryhmään kuuluvalle myönteiseksi. Objektiivisesti arvioiden, pitkä hmmmm.. Oikeusmurha on lähellä, vain viikon päässä..

    • gian scrive:se è cambiato il regolamento in questo senso mi stà bene, io non ho detto che fosse sbagliata, mi è sembrata eccessiva in quanto il tongano non mi sembrava fosse andato a deflettere il passaggio, ma abbia provato l’intercetto, quindi non puntato ad interrompere il gioco ergo giusto il calcio, una mano, eccessivo il giallo. secondo me l’arbitro ha avuto una pessima interpretazione della partita.

    • Can I just say what a relief to find someone who actually knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the story. I cant believe youre not more popular because you definitely have the gift.

    • Nicola i formati FLAC o Waw sono troppo pesanti.ok non perdi niente e sul pc di casa te li puoi permettere.per olla fine credo un mp3 rippato bene a 128 kbps o almeno a 192 sua un buon compromesso.anche perchè se vicino al bitrate buono no ci metti un impianto in grado di trasmetterti tutta la varietà di suoni…un mp3 in formato flac occupa solo spazio.bel link comunque. grazie!

    • I’d have to say, not crazy about the name. Too long, for one. It also sounds very “kid” — which is okay if you’re not doing any writing with/for adults. I do like the suggestion of using 4am. Scribbling Squid actually makes me think of doing Japanese calligraphy — probably because of the ink, and because ‘scribbling’ to me, has more of an art feel than a writing feel.Good luck in the endeavor!

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    • In response to your question–one orb was pretty big. What got me was how bright and obvious they were, you know? Most people see it and assume it’s a reflection off the glass. Then I tell them that there isn’t a glass window there, and they freak!

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    • That’s the best answer by far! Thanks for cobigtnutinr.

    • Seriously, how good does Rob look in this trailer? Every time I watch it, I have to remind myself not to lick the computer screen (Did I really just say that?)

    • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean eget diam dolor, a congue enim. Morbi at justo vitae nulla molestie sollicitudin eu nec risus. Vestibulum sollicitudin facilisis metus, at sagittis justo porta quis. Nulla vitae magna nec nulla luctus euismod et non enim.

    • Ich schaff zwar die mit den wenigen zahlen, aber dann wirds mir auch zu herftig! danke vielmals für das tolle tool!Kurze frage am Rande, ist das bei euch auch so, dass bei manchen Rätseln die Zeit läuft und bei manchen rennt die Zeit nicht mit?? Oder ist das ein Fehler in (meinem) Spiel??

    • wrote:My partner and I stumbled over here different web page and thought I may as well check things out. I like what I see so now i am following you. Look forward to looking at your web page again.

    • Yup, Cebu Pacific’s got an ongoing sale till March 9 I think, 888 to all international flights. It’s a bit more convenient since you dont have to go to clark.

    • Quem quiser conferir um pouco mais da filosofia de negócios da Red Bull, saiu uma boa matéria sobre a empresa na Isto É Dinheiro do mês passado.E com a reflexão: quanto a marca Red Bull perderia se não deixasse seus dois pilotos brigarem pelo título até o fim da temporada passada? Com certeza perder o título seria um prejuízo muito menor para a empresa do que ter sua imagem manchada por interferir na competição esportiva.

    • One of the big differences between the Lakers and Cavs is that while Lewis and Turk also are difficult for the Lakers to match up against we give them the same match up problems on the other end. Cleveland’s problem was guys Verajeo, Walllace & Z provided very little or nothings on the offensive end. They were almost or no value in that series. While Odom,Pau, & Bynum will make Orlando play honestly.If this series turns into a scoring fest I like our multi dimensional attack to be more consistent then Orlando’s three point shot.LA is six.

    • et @Bernard LEQUESNE, Le prix de l’heure en France n’est pas le même que la chine, les taxes d’entrés sur le territoire non plus. Et un vélo à 1200 € en France est un vélo haut de gamme fabriqué en France. 400€ pour un chinois ça représente combien d’heurs de travail ?

    • PDRTJS_settings_3472391_comm_19 = {„id” : „3472391”,”unique_id” : „wp-comment-19″,”title” : „Really+interesting+event%2C+I+have+been+inspired+to+find+out+more%E2%80%A6%E2%80%A6+Consider+me+yet+another+follower+of+your+blog%E2%80%A6%E2%80%A6…..”,”item_id” : „_comm_19″,”permalink” : „”}Really interesting event, I have been inspired to find out more…… Consider me yet another follower of your blog……..

    • Oh wow Erin. Adoption???? That is a lot on your plate indeed ;DGood luck honey getting things all sorted and working out seamlessly for you.You guys are such a cool family – you new kiddo will be very lucky to join your family ;DYes – keep on Focusing 😉

    • Holly Pickett!You are amazingly talented and incredibly brave. I have finally caught up on your blog and thus your life. Can’t wait to see the pics of your new digs and follow along on your adventure.Nam

    • Je sais pas en France, mais au Québec, toutes les phrases énoncées dans cet article (sauf p-e celles dites « sous le radar » dans le point 2) ne fonctionneront absolument pas et feront passer les hommes pour des boulets, des ringards ou autres bébittes nuisibles.Le titre de cet article aurait dû plutôt être : Quoi ne pas dire à une femme pour l’aborder.

    • Labrys,Yes, „you may call me a dreamer,…”The reptilian brain is a safe place–it provides all your needs–breathing, eating, sleeping, etc. Things get messy outside of that safe box.Makes you wonder sometimes why the almighty (not GWB, the other one) decided to build us that neocortex.L.

    • Hiho,also ich freu mich schon auf God of War 3^^Naja howeverfinds aber auch schade das dies nun nicht mehr auf Giga gezeigt wird…meine Fresse,ein Montag ohne Giga….kann man zwar verkraften,aber is derbst ungewohnt…Naja viel Glück in deiner Zukunft und halt uns auf dem LaufendenMfG MacesVold

    • Have you ever thought about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is fundamental and everything. But just imagine if you added some great visuals or video clips to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and videos, this site could undeniably be one of the very best in its field. Excellent blog!

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    • I swear down dead it wasn't ME!When I pointed you at PlentyofFish I didn't realise they let actual sea creatures join as well..sorry bout dat.

    • s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) while you are younger than 6 years old Take cialis watermelon rind chemical comparison for longer than recommended by your doctor. Do not crush, chew, or break a regular table spoon. If you take cyclobenzaprine if you are using, especially: diureticUse a disposable needle only once. Throw away any unused liquid after 10 days. Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it seems like you might be pregnant; have a dose-measuring device, ask your for Thanks

    • I don’t get the autism stuff, does McCain think Palin’s child has autism, or does he think autism and Down Syndrome are the same thing? Or does someone with a child that has Down Syndrome become an expert in all types of Special Needs? It was all wacky.It was close, but Obama won and McCain didn’t get any kind of home run that he needed.

    • Barcelona staat voor een bepaald waardesysteem. De waarde ‘familie’, ‘altruïsme’, ‘gevoel’ en ‘pacifisme’. Wereldwijd heeft men sympathie voor deze club, vanwege de uitstraling van deze waarde. FC Barcelona, of het Barcelona model symboliseert een (maatschappelijk) ideaal. Hier tegenover kan je meteen Real Madrid stellen, een club met andere waarden, zoals multinational, oorlogshitser, egoïsme, en onbehouwenheid.En daarmee is de voetbalwereld is een reflectie van het alledaags bestaan.

    • Mmm, those veggie fajitas look SO good! Happy belated Mother’s Day to you…and love that picture of you and your kiddos, such a great photo!

    • chrish: marmite rocks!cherry potato: i am sure it was good!bbo: why wait for me to open a restaurant? u can still come over herewmw: marmite crabs? i’m not sure…krizz: my MIL always taught me to use egg whites only when deep frying bc the yolks r rich n oily n can cause d batter to turn thick n flat…don’t know how true, but i stick to tt advice 🙂

    • And, leave the conversation open. Messages will play live- just like a walkie talkie. If you miss one, just play it back- which is not a walkie talkie! It’s a walkie talkie, voicemail system, AIM chat and group media sharing!Who would have thunk a walkie talkie could be a social networking medium?

    • Leuke job, leuke foto's!Je hebt inderdaad een fijn baantje ;)Wij zijn inmiddels weer thuis, maar ik zag dat we inderdaad wel heel dicht in de buurt zaten!Mooie omgeving hoor!groetjes,Wilmi

    • Gostei muito do seu artigo já passei por isso minha solução foi instalar o wordpress em uma pasta separada intitulada “blog” e funcionou perfeitamente, agora fica minha pergunta, caso tenha como me auxiliar agradeço. Você sabe como migra um site inteiro HTML para WordPress, sem perder pagerank, redirecionar os arquivos como no exemplo ao lado “contato.html” para “contato.php” e etc.. Quero modernizar o site sem recomeçar do zero entende?

    • Yes, to a degree they do correlate, I wanted to point out the steering issue, I have ridden some other wide rims that had slightly better steering, but there seems to be some other synergy going on (rim shape, spokes, hubs, ?) that makes it more anomalous.

    • Thankyou for sharing Mary 2 – Historical Village Women | Arrachme Art Blog with us keep update bro love your article about Mary 2 – Historical Village Women | Arrachme Art Blog .

    • DKL – Data please? I have neither seen nor heard that. Reality is that the US will not remain the financial center of the world – London, Dubai, Shanghai will all take their share. That is fine – we cannot expect NYC to be the capital. We talk about London, but you forget that taxes in the UK are pretty high, but they seem to get people to stay. Not sure any of this is because of the current mess, but is due to globalization…

    • This page appears to get a good ammount of visitors. How do you advertise it? It offers a nice individual twist on things. I guess having something authentic or substantial to talk about is the most important thing.

    • I’ve never been to Hong Kong, but year’s back I worked on a translation of a Travel guide for Hong Kong and it sounded as if the outer islands are quite amazing.…I know how easy it is to get sucked in, if you don’t watch 🙂

    • I liked the Plies album and the Gucci album… Other than that list is on point… Slim Thugs album and Sheeks albums could have taken those two spots…

    • The gang-raping was clearly caused by the evil white man giving them foodstamps and subsidised housing.Because of this type of charity Aborigines get bored and restless, whereas previously they would have been kept busy hunting with their boomerangs.

    • Or Americans are really, really, REALLY DUMB.If you go travel the world you will see there is much understanding of this fact in every other country other than America.Well the media is not as controlled by Ashkenazi in other countries, so other countries have an advantage in understanding this.

    • I’m looking to get some work experience this summer as next year is my final year in University. I was thinking with a solicitors office..How should I go about doing this? Is it best to send a well written letter , and if so what kind?

    • Yes, you are right on the newspaper article. My bad.However, check Nakai’s submission to lease and the Niitaka’s report.Dokdo was a „rock island” (岩島)Documents that describe Dokdo consistently desscribe Dokdo as an island made of rocks.No other island near Ulleungdo is described in such a manner.Now, Gerry how are you going to explain you’ve been misinterpreting Chosun maps for the last year and a half?

    • Seriously amazing feat. Even people who lift regularly struggle with such an extended set. I have mucho respect for goal chasers Joel. Keep it up, I’m sure to follow along. Cheers.PS. When you said long post, you meant long post.

    • Amazing! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a completely different subject but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Outstanding choice of colors!

    • Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. I presume that birth control in general is dysgenic as it's practiced in the US, considering the White birth rate. And part of that birth control is abortions, but I don't know in what proportion. Therefore, I don't know if abortions are eugenic or dysgenic. Do the poor have abortions at a greater rate than everybody else, or do they just go ahead and have the kids and get paid more? Are there statistics?

    • Non che ci sia qualcosa di male.Certamente nel travestitismo non c'è nulla di male, ma se non ho frainteso l'articolo del Daily Mail, Shayler si è dato al travestitismo perché è convinto che Gesù Cristo fosse un travestito ed è altrettanto convinto di essere la reincarnazione di Gesù Cristo stesso:anche qui niente di male, ma di malato (e molto) sicuramente sì…

    • Olá vou de sao paulo para aruba-caribe,qual a quantidade de malas e peso que posso estar levando no meu caso minha esposa minha filhinha de 1 ano e eu.==================Resposta à pergunta:Consulte o site da companhia aérea, pois cada uma poderia aplicar pesos ou quantidades diferentes.Como você viajará em famía, com certeza já tem um mínimo de 2 x 23kgs, mais um bolsa de mão adicional e carrinho de bebê.

    • открою тайну:Код для вставкиВсё понятно, во ВСЕЙ РОСИИ наверное показатели лучше только на КУБАНИ, так их и сравнили?!?!?!?!?!?! заказная статья

    • Ã…sa S, är du indisk? Annars är din kommentar tämligen OT. FrÃ¥gan gäller en kvinna av indiskt ursprung som förmodligen känner sig väldigt hemma i sari. En fin sari är ett festplagg, finns inget skäl i världen att det inte skulle kunna användas i Sverige av en indiska! Helt ointressant vad en europé kan tänka sig att ha pÃ¥ sig i detta sammanhang.

    • Chris was and always will be a major part of our lives, my mother and sibling miss him beyond believe. Thank you all for your kind words, friendship and family are things Chris valued a lot. He loved sports and never let anything get in the way if is training and was taken too soon! Our love remains eternal xxxx if you wish to contact us please use

    • I'm so glad a friend just put me onto your blog. I loathe lazy / stolen cover images and you have shown some corkers I hadn't seen yet.. Thank you!

    • I have a website, as you know to get higher page rank I maade a multiply account and I linked my website to it. Is it a good thing to my website?multiply sita has 70000 sites linked in. Is that good?

    • Grande Ico! Acho que Hamilton, Kova e Rubinho não pega o 3º – o RB vai melar a corrida do brasileiro na estratégia. A menos que algum alien tenha sequestrado o cara e colocado um robô no lugar.

    • Mmm … The combo sounds so yummy! I can feel my saliva running down my throat! If I can ever get a hold of a bunch of Brussels sprouts for a good deal, I'm going to have to play with it! Thanks for sharing!Pei-Lin

    • Juu, psykologitätini on vahvasti sitä mieltä, että joku kelpoisuustesti pitäisi vanhemmiksi halajaville järjestää ennen kuin lapsia saisi hankkia ja minä sitä kyllä kannatan lämpimästi! Mutta leikkipaikoilla on myös mielenkiintoista seurata lasten ja kotikasvatuksen eroja. Viikonloppuna ABC:n leikkipaikalle meni kaksi veljestä, noin 6 v. ja 3 v. Vanhempi potkaisi ennen alueelle astumistaan kengät jalasta ja ne jäivät sikin sokin lattialle. Nuorempi taas asetteli kengät siististi vierekkäin alueen reunalle. Hetken kuluttua tuli 3 lapsen sisaruskunta, jotka lampsivat alueelle kengät jalassa…

    • And I love the warm, fuzzy maternal sound of Kerf saying that Karen “handed off” the baby to her when she was done with her workout. I think I refer to my favorite pair of stiletto heels with more genuine affection.

    • am cautat pozele sa vad cine o fi “Amicul nostru metalist – eco MiÅŸu Băra”. Ma asteptam sa fie vreun tip mare, barbos si grasun, genul motociclistilor din flimele americane. Si cand colo ce sa vezi?……….un rocker de la Voltaj.

    • Checking in! I moved my HIIT and ab burner from yesterday to this morning…tomorrow is my last day of work so it has been a busy week! I tried out the interval function on my Garmin this morning and loved it! I just went running outside and sprinted for 30 seconds/walked for 1:30, repeated 10 times. Great workout. I’m leaving for the beach on Thursday and I feel better than I ever have about a bikini! (Not just summer shape up, but it’s helped )

    • poonam is the best female contestant of this season.Her vandemataram was out of this world! She is so simple 7 so beautifull.Pls vote her!I want her to become a champion! i am so upset,no one has sihgned her so far,why? When average singer like mauli can get contracts why not deserving poonam?i really want her to be a big name in the music industry!

    • I’m not saying gender is a construct- I’m saying that toys for girls and boys encourage certain behaviors and goals, and that can have a negative impact. It indicates that society has larger problems when it comes to gender roles. Telling girls from birth that their place is in the home, cleaning and cooking and looking after children, can be very harmful. Unless you think that that’s what they should be doing.

    • mamma mia che angoscia le prime domande…sbadata come sono chissà cosa gli risponderò!!!!!!!!!! Cmq la tua risposta mi sembra più che onesta!!!!!!!

    • Wow…these were great shots. And I love, love the last one. I just got an iphone and I’m loving the camera too.Have a blessed day♥

    • Make sure to leave your link in the Green Room. I know I have linked you out before, but you will find other really great people there as well…and I have some lurkers who do not blog, but read, who frequent there as well! Eww. The thought of a restaurant. *Shudder*

    • {Read|Study|Examine|Go through|Browse|Read through|Learn|Check out|Look over|Look at} was {interesting|fascinating|intriguing|exciting|appealing|engaging|attention-grabbing|unique|remarkable|captivating|useful}, {stay|remain|keep|continue to be} {in …you should have a look at the internet sites we abide by, as well as this an individual, as it represents our picks with the online…

    • Ja, és nehogy kimaradjak: utazások során mindig gyűjtök. Némi aggodalommal, hogy nem tudom olyan ütemben felhasználni, hogy ne avasodjon rám. Itthon felhasználástól függÅ‘en: cora, culinaris, egyéb delik, de kísérletezÅ‘ típus vagyok (bátornak kell lenni!). Majd ismét aggódok, hogy a felhalmozás avasodáshoz vezet, bár biztosan szakszerűen tárolom:-))), mert sosem. LepkePillangó

    • ;"Words alone cannot hold back violence, but words can form a basis for political action, which can create a new political consensus that would mobilize military and law enforcement to protect a nation from the Jihad."TY that's what I meant, largely.:) Now, how to say that as well,in only 140 characters, and vocabulary the average uninformed person can understand? 🙂

    • This design is steller! You certainly know how to keep a reader entertained. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Wonderful job. I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!

    • Lol… vet du jag tror Kajsa läst SVERAKS regler ang. kattungar, att de är flyttklara vid 12 veckor…. =P Hon är nog lite upprörd för att du missuppfattat det stycket.. Kram frÃ¥n släkten o lilla Lapisungen!

    • Quedan años aún para que se lleve a cabo la plena adhesión y seguro que muchas cosas pueden pasar. La gente responde y no será la ultima vez ni la primera

    • smugly, And you are getting a D this semester. I was so humiliated I burst into tears.That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the Capri’s Weekly newspaper. To my astonishment, they published it and sent me two dollars. I was a published and paid writer. I showed my teacher and fellow students .LJP

    • Now, that was fascinating… love the writing style u’ve taken on girl..also,scary facts abt elephants being poisoned n all that.. scary!! sad world we live in…. sigh!!!

    • Si es que hay por el mundo unos padres !!!.Sin salir mas lejos de castilla yo tengo un familiar que se empeño en poner a su hijo el nombre del protagonista del coche fantastico,pero no conforme con eso y como su ingles es algo cutre le puso al niño este nombre:”MAKEL”, y se quedo tan tranquilo,menos mal que no le dio por ponerle al crio el apellido,por que imagina a un nene llamandose „makel nig”.Salud y republica

    • Und schon wieder alles vorbei. Das ist echt frustrierend. Grmpf. Das ist doch nicht normal, dauernd das Programm zu ändern. Wieso machen die das. Welchen Sinn soll das haben, wen wollen die ärgern, wem gefallen? Grauenvoller Sender.

    • May 26, 2012 Hi Jordan,Great example and a great idea to add GPS tracking, though I can’t believe it would be legal (or good marketing at least) to show cabs that have passengers inside. But great ideas Peter Sandeen recently posted..

    • Mário Silva:Esta gente safa-se dos processos por truques legais mesmo quando se sabe que são culpados e mesmo assim continuam a ocupar cargos publicos.Deviam era ter vergonha, agradecer a sorte que tiveram de não estarem presos e irem-se esconder muito caladinhos fora da politica. Mas não, ainda acabm recompensados por isso.abraço

    • For a tired person, you look fantastically pulled together! Love how the dark tones in the tank, belt, and shoes anchor the pale ones in the skirt and cardi.

    • Another brilliant creation, Tara! Fab sketch, great choice of papers and image, and finished beautifully! A really bright and funky card! Lisa x

    • This has been a great friendshipas I hold off a teari want it to stay this way forevereven though your departure is nearyou’ve helped me through all timesthrough thick and thinyou know what im going throughyou know me withinthank you for being there for mewhen i needed you mostthanks so much for comforting mecheers and a toastnow that you are leavingthis time its for reali’ll never forget youthis is how i really feel

    • You will find undoubtedly a lot of details like that to take into consideration. That is a great point to bring up. I offer the thoughts above as common inspiration but clearly you can find questions like the 1 you bring up where the most important thing is going to be working in honest good faith. I don?t know if very best practices have emerged about points like that, but I am certain that your job is clearly identified as a fair game. Both boys and girls feel the impact of just a moment’s pleasure, for the rest of their lives.

    • Es gibt wirklich kaum jemanden der es besser auf den Punkt bringt wie Sie!!! Danke dafür!!!. Schade dass es kaum Gehör findet.Ich bin leider selbst betroffen.Nochmal vielen Dank für Ihren Bericht.SPD = UNSOZIAL, UNFÄHIG und DUMM!!!GrüßeD. [Klarname von D. Schmidt entfernt]

    • Green Home Staging Tips & DIY Green Design Projects | DigitalSherpa10 Home Staging Tips to Make Your Listing Look like a Model Home

    • She truly is the particular world zero. One particular in regards to the WTA Excursion and possesses stored this place for additional than sixty months, in the time of November. The newest 12 months. Since the 1st Scandinavian girl to hold the excellent standing circumstance and 20th all spherical, she has elevated the woman’s year-end standing each and every 12 months correct up till finishing forward

    • , it doesn’t make it right, but what can we do now? This guy’s ego wouldn’t let him say no.I know one thing, the dems. should just let it go, and let the process play out. Let him serve his two years and be done with it if you have to. Don’t make a side show out of this thing. „… Heck, Bobby Rush looked so happy that Blago picked a Black man that brother almost licked Blago shoes on stage.” Yeah that was kind of pathetic and sad.

    • Tanks for sure.Also, I found it’s best to buy pants that fit a little loose early on in pregnancy, since I actually grew out of some of my maternity pants (my hips expanded). I had to buy a size up for my third trimester.

    • Não sei de onde ele tira esse medo, Laiane!A chefe aqui é a fã número um dele heheTexto maravilhoso como sempre!!Brigada pelo carinho viu, flor?Beijos

    • Yep, hats down to piracy. Fifteen years ago, videogames were — with hardly any exception — not available for legal purchase and you simply couldn’t buy even if you wanted to in the country where I live. I now buy all my games, but without piracy I might have turned out a non-gamer and the industry might have never seen a cent of my money.

    • · Hvala, hvala…… ideji Leci posto mi je danas rodendan, divan poklon koji cu da pamtim jer cu od nocas da meditiram sa vama. Blagoslovljeni svi ljudi ove nase planete.

    • Az ételízesítÅ‘ (delikát is) tele van mesterséges anyaggal, onnantól kezdve nem lehet azt mondani, hogy "természetes" a leves. Egyébként lehet kapni minden glutamát meg miegyéb nélküli bio leveskockát a dm-ben pl. Ugyanolyan finom, mint a mesterséges-ízfokozósok, csak nem ártalmas. (ha valakinek nincs ideje készíteni alaplét)De amúgy ki fogom próbálni, mert jól hangzik 🙂

    • Your local SBA office will provide you with a representative who might not seem willing to assist you. A bank is calculated by a finance company, then your account receivable is debited increasing the amount estimated to be the case. This requires you to submit a business from one or numerous accounts.

    • Wallace (from Wallace & Gromit) should use a stairlift due to being made from so much clay and plastercine-Seriously though, theses access products really help – and can give a much easier life wherever you are in the UK, especially such a beautiful city such as Bristol. Anyone there with a problem in the Avon/Wiltshire area climbing stairs, might think about contacting Castle Comfort Stairlifts Ltd.

    • Brian – What time should we be there on Christmas Eve? We’ll bring our own PJ’s! What a great way to spend the evening and the morning. Never heard of Monkey bread, but we might have to break some of that out this year too.

    • I wish I could see him (her?) better, no idea what you've got there.I've learned to identify a lot of birds since moving to Cape Cod but it's partly because I keep a Sibley's Guide handy. If you don't have one, I recommend it. It's too large to be a good field guide but it's an excellent reference to have at home.

    • I was thinking that we should all send Sarah bottles of Pepto Bismol, imagine if she recieved ten thousand bottles on her front doorstep! That would take care of her belly. The problem is that we don't know where she really "lives". (& I wouldn't want to waste money on her, maybe we could send her coupons for it instead…)

    • Oh oh! I just read the story and that is truly sad! The woman is obviously deranged. I wonder how many beatings she gave that child before she finally killed him. I'm totally sad now:((As for Mr.Bachmann,after listening to the audio all I can say is,UH OH here we go again! Me thinks he doth protest toooo much LOL! and we all knooooow what that means, don't we :)and he's lisping, HELLLLOOOOO!LOLOL

    • Ai André que lugar lindo, fiquei com vontade de conhecer! Sem falar que amo fazer esse tipo de viagem…Adorei as fotos, os vídeos e os comentários, rs.Beijinhos.

    • Ja odpowiem – żadnych. Å»eby wypromować twórcÄ™ to trzeba lat ciężkiej pracy i niezÅ‚ej kasy, bo machina promocji kosztuje. OczywiÅ›cie można siÄ™ pobawić jak Cezik, ale to trzeba trafić w moment i w modÄ™.

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    • I know what you mean. I did that when I got out of college and for the larger part of my career. I will admit that I have some advantages that many people don’t in that I’m don’t have the responsibility of a wife and kids. But I think that people who are willing to make short term sacrifices for a long term gain, ultimately lead more fulfilling lives. Hopefully we’re headed in a direction in which people make choices that align with their values. Reply

    • I really am so impressed with these. I saved the recipe. Love the flavors and it seems easy too. You had me at "fresh goat cheese." It looks so good oozing out of the center! Happy New Year!

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    • Cerco chi era alla Spaccamela, il 6 maggio 1976.La sera del terremoto, poi…dopo.Caporalmaggiore Roberto Fabbri, 3a compagnia 5° Battaglione Bolsena: si cerca di raggruppare esperienze e sensazioni.

    • Bueno una cosa es determinismo y otra condicionamiento, yo creo que sí hay condicionamientos genéticos pero si hay que hacer leyes para cada perfil genético apaga y vámonos.Que una persona sea más propensa a cometer un crimen que otra y por tanto ese comportamiento sea más alevoso en uno que en otro eso yo lo deslindaría hacia el terreno moral, la ley considero debe aplicar justicia no moral.

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    • That was the most useful widget i have ever had. Can you help me please? I have a woman’s magazine blog and i installed your widget. The problem is that i want to exlude some posts like fashion 2011 or swimwears 2011 because they are not useful any more. How can i exclude some posts from this amazing random posts widget? (Sorry about my english. It is not my mother language)

    • and ugliness.This site gives me a good laugh.I haven't laughed so hard at negros since Dolemite."Some folks say that Willie Greene,Was the baddest muthafucka the world has ever seen.But I want ya to light you up a joint and take a real good shit and screw your wig on tightAnd let me tell ya about the little baaaaaad muthafucka called Dolemite."Priceless!!!!

    • my favorite so far!!! a história deixou-me de lágrima nos olhos e até um bocadinho invejosa… de quem tem coragem de arriscar e seguir os sonhos desta forma tão simples e bonita. Tb já fui uma menina com as mãos no pedal da máquina de costura da avó alentejana, e apesar da avó me elogiar sempre os "dedos de habilidosa", infelizmente não me ficou qqr jeitinho para os trabalhos manuais. Adorei!

    • I agree as well. I’ve yet to find a religion that fits me, but being in a community of people who want you to succeed can be VERY helpful! It’s all about positive relationships, both with your higher power and with other people.

    • Playlists inaccessible from homepage. Playlist autoplay shutting off 3/4 of the way through my playlist. I'd like to know who the related videos are from so I don't end up with a different start or a raw instead of a subbed.Need I say more?

    • Fabulous outfit. Always something wonderfully kitsch about candy stripe. There are some fine public houses up your neck of the woods, we are often up there for football. Favourites include the Wellington in Brum and the Vine in West Brom just for the indoor barbeque (though appreciate that might not be on the short list for any vegetarians!) Got to say I have never seen any footballers wives in our regular ales haunts, the WAGs of the midlands clearly have good taste, more CAMRA than Cristal 🙂

    • – I totally agree. That was a coup, but was treated by the US as two equal, but opposing, parties having to come to an agreement.But no – it was a coup. It was Guatemala, Chile and all the others once again. And most likely again, although I am of course only speculating, “facilitated” by the US……And mostly overlooked and misrepresented by the media, even our european media. And now all but forgotten and accepted. It is very sad.

    • "You think elite college students are really into opera and serious literature"A significant portion of elite college students actually are into those things. I'm sure a smaller percentage than when I went to an Ivy League school, but a still meaningful one.

    • I like number 1… its simple and neutral so you can use it with any bright summery colors and its simple enough that it will let the flowers stand out rather then compete with it!!

    • It is so good to hear that I'm not the only one that has an extremely messy place right now. I agree with you there is something about being in your own home and relaxing instead of being on the road. This weekend we will be gone so no clean apartment or relaxation for me 🙁 Have a great weekend!

    • Hola de nuevo Yolanda:Nuestros profesionales quieren añadir el siguente comentario a lo explicado ayer:“Tienes la posibilidad de acceder a la prestación por cese de actividad del autónomo pero tampoco puedes renaudar a la prestación por desempleo aprobado con anterioridad al haber estado de alta en autónomos más de 24 meses”.Gracias de nuevo por visitar nuestro blog.Saludos,

    • Good morning everyone, I have entered my offering into Mr Linky. Thank you for giving us the choice of colours, I chose to use green/blue.Good luck everyone :o)Jackie xx

    • Me trulliteltiin lapsena tai oikeastaan murrosiässä parin ystävän kanssa, mutta vain pääsiäiskokolla, maitolaitureilla ja kylänraitilla. Paistettiin makkaraa kokon raunioilla, kun pelto oli vellinä kuumuuden takia.Kerran olin pääsiäisen Haukiputaalla tätini luona ja siellä tehtiin minun mielikseni kokko, kun siellä ei muuten ollut sellaista tapaa.Muutamia trulleja kävi, eräät kävivät pari viikkoa sitten, mutta saivat palkakseen halauksen muista toiveistaan huolimatta 😉

    • I just want to mention I am just beginner to blogs and seriously savored your blog. Very likely I’m want to bookmark your blog post . You certainly have terrific stories. Kudos for sharing with us your blog.

    • You have so much patience to try the most difficult recipes but somehow when you explain it it seems so easy. Your Aleppo mortadella is beautiful and I’d love to have a taste of it and your chicken sausage as well. Take care, BAM

    • Paul – Thank you for the advice! I think a few more weeks are in order, we are not yet getting temperatures above 50 degrees consistently and I took a close look at the neighboring cherry blossoms and you are right, they have not fully bloomed and I have not seen much in the way of other bee species just yet. A few, but not many. I hope my little guys and girls are happy to wait in the fridge for a while longer yet!

    • Respetuosamente, creo que el silencio es esencial para vivir, por eso mismo, consecuentemente, lo es para tomar decisiones. Todas. Las importantes y las no tanto. Dicen los misticos que “Solo en el silencio se escucha a Dios…”, por lo tanto, si estamos en Su búsqueda, necesitamos del silencio…

    • Až sa raz dožijem aj ja toľkého Å¡Å¥astia ponáhľaÅ¥ sa na poÅ¡tu pre dôchodok, budú mi smrdieÅ¥ okolo vÅ¡etci, nielen tety-jehovistky; jediné nesmradľavé budú peniaze od Å¡tátu:)

    • It's a two'fer for the jews. They will finally be able to get rid of Buchanan and blame blacks for it. When in reality it was probably the jews' idea in the first place and probably already have a lesbian mulatto picked out to replace him.

    • a cala a boca seu retardado n deve entender nada de carro nunca um gol o mais preparado que esteja vai pegar este carro irmão ele ta com 540 cv pela 320 km o gol quando chega a esta velocidade desmonta!

    • Liebe Manu,an meine letzte SMS kann ich mich nicht mal mehr erinnern, denn seit ich das Handy habe, das ich jetzt habe, vermeide ich das, denn das schreiben mit diesem Ding macht mich irre :-)Ein schönes Wochenendeund viele liebe GrüßeYvonne

    • I've been learning to draw which was a big fear (that I couldn't) that I've carried around for too many years. It's amazing to find that I really can do it. I went back to school last fall to study art. It was scary, but I knew it wouldn't kill me! And little by little, I'm getting better.And bookmaking? Just too much fun. I'm trying to learn as much as I can. Taking another class next week, and I can hardly wait.

    • This site should be renamed obama release your ballot challenges because for the past 3 months the only thing you post are these stupid ballot challenges. FIND AND POST SOME INFORMATION ABOUT HIM NOT BEING BORN IN AMERICA OR HIM BEING A INDONESIAN CITIZEN SO HE CAN BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE BEFORE THE ELECTION. Dam what the fuck is wrong with you.

    • I am from Bangalore…trust me… Cubbon Pet, Avenue Road, Vidyarthi Bhavan can go take a hike…Central Tiffin Room kicks everyones butt…including all dosas from whichever part of the world you may bring…its the worlds most perfect masala dosa.. and I am from Basavangudi… I dont even compare Vidyarthi bhavan to it…VB changed hands long back and its not been the same.. and yea Janatha has the best vadas

    • KBros had this up today: Elias only has preseason information back to 1995-96. Only three teams since then had winless preseasons of 5+ games:2012-13 Lakers 0-82008-09 Bobcats 0-82007-08 Heat 0-7 The prior two teams did not make the playoffs

    • ambien…Can I just say what a relief to find someone who actually knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the story. I …

    • dit :le problème c’est que dans ma cuisine, y’a pas trop que le four à changer, quoi… Mais je retiens l’idée, le jour où je me déciderai à me lancer dans le gros oeuvre

    • I have the sony 900 daily reader and I love it. It is my third sony reader. I have the nook 3g and the color nook. They frezze up and have to be charged all the time. I will by a tablet when sony makes one.The kindle is made of plastic. Sony invented the ereader. Kindele was the first book company to make a reader. Deb

    • Threat on Blake’s family, even if it is a joke, it is the height of craziness of demented fanaticism. This is just a game, an entertainment of all sorts. Yes, there is passion in it but one has to distinguish where his head is, and where passion ends.Secondly, Blake’s shot was a difficult one, it is a mercy shot from heaven. If he did not make it, at least he tried. We have to move on…..

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    • SÃ¥ søte dere er 🙂 jeg feirer ikke i dag, ingen Ã¥ feire med, hehe! Har trent og vært flink jente isteden ;)iseliniselin recently posted..

    • Mainioita löytöjä. Mä en ikinä uskalla lähteä ostoslistan kanssa kirppikselle, kun sillon en kuitenkaan löydä mitään. 😀 Jos lähden vaan katselemaan ilman tarkoitusta ostaa mitään, löydän jotain hauskaa!

    • Wow, fantastic blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your website is magnificent, as well as the content!. Thanks For Your article about LifeLeague launches new ‘Stop TV abortion adverts!’ leaflet as part of our new campaign | The LifeLeague .

    • Hey there! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could locate a captcha plugin for my comment form? I’m using the same blog platform as yours and I’m having difficulty finding one? Thanks a lot!

    • disse:ah, mas até quem participou do forum teve acesso ao show depois. pra mim swu foi mais um movimento ‘fake’ bem articulado pela mídia.

    • I always have a hard time comparing the potential destruction of Israel to the Holocaust. As terrible as the Holocaust was, the Jews who were killed were basically guests living in foreign countries, in exile from their homeland, the Land of Israel. In other words, the root cause of the Holocaust was the expulsion of the Jews from Israel 19 centuries earlier. So, while it is important to remember the Holocaust, the main tragedy in Jewish history remains Tisha B'Av. So from my perspective, Obama is more like Titus or Hadrian.

    • Gillar att läsa bloggen trots att jag är en "Rödhök", kul med lite(mycket)gnabb om vem som är bäst i SkÃ¥ne. och det är det ju ingen som helst tvekan om, eller hur??? Malmö Redhawks……Jonas är en härlig kille som ska ha kredd för riktigt bra och sakliga intervjuer och reportage. Kör hÃ¥rt Jonas.

    • Love doesn’t fly off the handle!I love and hate this line. I only fly off the handle with my hubby, the one I love the most. This is definitely the hardest for me…great scripture and great convo!

    • That’s what the Greeks do! *DEAD*These women are freaks… probably actresses who some bullet points to riff off of, but hilarious regardless.But you know what else?There’s about a generation-plus of freaky white girls out here that are about 25-40yros that are gonna be just like this when they grow old. Man, the retirement homes for our generations are gonna be completely outta pocket.

    • Hey, I just stopped by from a google search.I’m an Obama supporter and this was a wrong turn, but I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!Seriously, this site is simply hypnotic! The logo at the top and all.Anyway… thanks for the most enjoyable site I’ve been to today.

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    • No, the sun is getting hotter. That would heat things up a bit right? There is no evidence that our carbon footprint on the earth is affecting the globe. Al Bore is an idiot. The only reason they want us to buy into the idea of global warming is so that they can start a global, yes global carbon tax. The powers that be are already talking about it.

    • Luis disse:Pra mim o FX poderia já ter acabado:1) Se o FHC tivesse mais tempo de mandato ou o processo de escolha, durante o seu mandato, não tivesse se arrastado algumas vezes.2) Se o Lula tivesse continuado o processo de onde o FHC parou.Segundo especulações da época, seria Gripen na cabeça!

    • dan mengikut statistik yang sahih negeri termiskin di Malaysia ialah Sabah dan Sarawak,..kalau rajin sgt nak kena tipu dengan SuratKhabar Utusan Meloya dan TV3, lantak koranglah..korang akan terkejut jika betul-betul duduk di Kelantan dan Terengganu kerana korang akan jumpa ramai org melayu yang berjaya berniaga dan kaya..walaupun takde LRT,LCCT dan KLCC..hidup bandar besar tapi merempat buat apa.

    • Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.

    • No Luis, que conozca hay dos herramientas web de traducción automática que tienen opciones para el esperanto: y . Pero ninguna de las dos tiene la posibilidad de traducir del esperanto al español |

    • I have to get some done.. but I hate to have my picture taken!  Thanks for the awesome tips Sarah! your Brand looks Fabulous!elizabeth Maness recently posted..

    • essa, idda: No, ti prego, fermati qua. Quando vuoi, possiamo parlarne: a mio avviso, l’unione delle nostre comuni sfighe potrebbe, chessò, spostare un isola come su Lost, o alla peggio riuscire nell’impresa che al CERN hanno miserrimamente fallito.

    • Your explanation is correct. But wiping battery stats do help in gaining some extra juice. I have tried and tested it numerous times, and it’s not a placebo effect.

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    • Exactly, he assumed the protests would blow over and tried to stay out of it. Now under pressure from his own party, he's taking a weak wobbly stand he can retreat from at any moment

    • This week for the first time in 2010, I bought a 1/2 pound of the Dolce blend.  In the past year, I have learned how to pull even better shots on my Rancilio Silvia.  After watching the CoffeeGeek video on temperature surfing, my shots got a lot better.  I also stopped doing the side tap after the tamp that David Schomer mentioned in his book.

    • Oh Maddie, I just shake my head at my room, worst than hoarders, I also had table for cutting, it's piled high. someday it wil happen, thanks for the inspiration. smiles

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    • Wonderful blog! Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m completely confused .. Any ideas? Cheers!

    • …I wander why flat tax was never seriously consideredI wonder if it is simply due to 1% being easy to calculate and math check, but then not giving quite enough revenue. Even 1.1% or or 2% would have led to a lot more errors.

    • Uih, die würd ich wirklich riesig gern gewinnen. Bis jetzt war mir mein Glück noch nicht hold, aber vielleicht klappts ja diesmal. Freu mich jedenfalls jetzt schon aufs Stempelmekka im September 😉

    • Alex, prova a spiegare meglio il tuo pensiero. Queste minacce lasciano un po’ il tempo che trovano.Prova ad articolare una risposta a quello che leggi, invece di nasconderti dietro frasi che non hanno alcun senso. Vuoi i nostri nomi e cognomi? Che vuol dire? Di cosa ci stai minacciando?Entra nel merito, non urlare frasi al vento. Dicci dove sta l’insulto esattamente, in ciò che scriviamo.Well-loved.

    • I LOVE your new color studies series. Since purple is my favorite color, I thought that collection would remain my favorite, but there’s something so peaceful about white. Looking at your images, I can almost feel my heartbeat slow down.

    • The Polynesian tattoo looks wicked!! I’ve been wanting to get something like that! Where did you do your research to find design idea to build your own look? I want to make mine unique but with meaning.

    • It was a real pleasure to visit! Thanks for checking out the blog. Next time we’re back in your neck of the world, we’ll make sure to check out your mountains! Cheers,-Phil

    • Her var det mange fine tøfler Ã¥ velge mellom. Jeg ville ha valgt Stella Polaris. De kunne jeg brukt til bÃ¥de gutt og jente. Klem Vivian

    • Sure. All modular helmets have their weaknesses though. Anytime you’re integrating a hinge, that hinge becomes an additional failure point. Do you really think you’re getting the same protection out of a modular that you’re getting from a full-face race helmet?

    • Mimo, że Migalski dosyć skutecznie odstrasza ludzi od PJN (i mnie również), to tym tekstem przekonaÅ‚eÅ› mnie (ważne jest też kontekst, twoje poglÄ…dy polityczne i wczeÅ›niej przedstawiane opinie), że warto dać ugrupowaniu PawÅ‚a Kowala mojÄ… szansÄ™.Choć „nobody’s perfect” i Kowal też nie [= either].DziÄ™kujÄ™.

    • vikinikisziasztok külföldön vagyok és sajnos itt nincs cool tv és nem tudom nézni a sorozatom nem tudnátok meg mondani hol lehetne meg nézni ingyen magyarul kösszi írjatok fontos

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    I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site?
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    • A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this inotfmaoirn.

    • Há muitas imcompatibilidades entre browsers. Se quisessem falsificar alguma coisa faziam-no de uma maneira invisivel com a maior das facilidades. Esse gajo usa o Internet Explorer que é famoso por incompatibilidades. Em vez de perder tempo com teorias podia ter experimentado outro qualquer. Firefox, Chrome e Safari. Qualquer um é melhor XD

    • I saw you over at I Heart Faces. I was so excited to see a face I knew! I am so sorry about your job. Things have to be a little scary at the moment, but I do know that things happen for a reason and you will be just fine. I will be praying for you (for a new job that is perfect and for peace until it comes).These are such lovely photos. You are making me want to travel.

    • Hey Ron, After many years, I finally tied the knot again last Friday to a beautiful, wonderful lady. I am going to use your very smart advice everyday with her. Thank you for your insight and wisdom.Randy

    • i dont know, i think that now he would have to think about it even if he did not have to be altradich’s servent (did i spell that right?) because of the row that he and tania had… but i think that if that hed never happened he would have lived there in a hart beat! and i had a question for you, was edric all ready in love with taina before he really got to know her as even? and was he scared of going into the mortal realm when drake first ordered him to?

    • Hi there! I’m new to this whole blogging thing… like really new, as in I just started mine last week. So I found your post very useful, to say the least. You bring up a few really good points. I guess it should be obvious, but I never really thought about checking if the people leaving comments had blogs. If you’re constantly looking at the same blogs, you’re bound to see some familiar faces, which is great, because we have such a great community of writers and all of this really helps bind us together. Thanks again for the insight!~Christine

    • This is the best question ever asked on Yahoo Answers!! And to evoyrene being all moral or whatever, leave Salonge alone! It’s her choice whether she has sex or not or drinks or not and let’s be honest it’s more fun with alcohol than without!

    • Thanks Karen!! I just ordered a few things… I wanted to order many things but I might have to check out the larger items at MAC! This holiday collection is overwhelming! But I’m diggin it! I got the two lipsticks/lipglasses you swatched. I wish they were selling those big black bow bracelets!

    • Just back from trip and had no time to read the full press release nor visit the site but curious about who is the domainer who own all these’s domains that every domainer has for sure seen many times.

    • Je n’ai jamais été fan de ce style de jeu, pourtant Far Cry est l’exception qui confirme la règle. La série est fort sympathique et merci pour cette découverte !

    • Hé ben je suis vachement content d’être pédé et de ne pas avoir envie de lardons !Mais c’est super drôle à lire ! Je me suis parfois occupé de mes petits neveux, et je me suis retrouvé dans plein de descriptions. mais moi au moins je pouvais rendre les terreurs à leurs parents en disant: « J’en peux plus, vous les reprenez… »

    • Nuits blanchesJuste pour vous donner une idée de comment se déroule (et se soigne) un piratage, lisez donc cette page du Potlatch… Cette fois, ce n’est pas qui en a été victime… mais ça aurait pu. Ces petits rigolos de desperados n……

    • I’m so proud of you DOD!!Keep up the good work!!!So sorry i havnt been around much :/Much love to you and the rest of PSTalent! Great Job!!  

    • It’s a shame you don’t have a donate button! I’d definitely donate to this fantastic blog! I suppose for now i’ll settle for book-marking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to brand new updates and will share this blog with my Facebook group. Talk soon!

    • WOW Steve thank you so much for capturing our amazing time in VEGAS!! It was an absolute pleasure to have you there with us and we are so thrilled with the amazing photos. A perfect time to view the pics the day after our reception has just brought it all back. Officially – YOU ROCK!!!!!!! Love the O’Coys xxx

    • "Nice to see what petty thieves progressives are. "Can your feeble mind really not distinguish the difference between a conversation about the reality that file-sharing is not going to be stopped, and advocacy of file-sharing?

    • What a cool way to propose. I think it’s awesome the way you handled it and the images of her reaction are gonna be a memory that they can relive forever through your photos. Great job, Amber & Jordan.

    • I love your tutorials and have even been branching out on my own with “my” card creations. Thanks for sharing your ideas with all of us and not minding if we “copy”!!!! Would love to be entered in the drawing. Have a great trip!!

    • Résultat : « Vous avez de la misère à aborder. »Rien de surprenant là-dedans, mais maudit que c’est vrai. Gros travail à faire là-dessus, encore et toujours…

    • はじめまして。ミニとまとと申します。我が家は転勤族プラス、旦那が出張が多い職業柄、この手の質問は得意分野かと思って遅ればせながらコメントを残させていただきます。まず、みなさんが心配されてるような、5ヶ月間もの長期間をご主人と離れてくらす・・ということは別にそれぞれのご家庭しだいから心配ないかな〜と思います。うちは旦那が仕事で5ヶ月間不在にすることもありますし、そういう関係で出産時に奥さんが里帰りすることは普通です。逆に里帰りしない人を見ると「大丈夫?」と心配されます。年末年始や三連休などがあれば交通費はかかるけど会いにきてもらうことだって出来るし、ご主人だって転勤したての職場で仕事に馴染むのにも大変だろうし、大変な分野は違うけど、お互いがんばろ〜と励まし合って過ごせばよいのではないでしょうか?転勤する事自体いいかどうかは、旦那様の中で、自己のステップアップのために・・などの考えがあるんではないでしょうか?男と女では仕事に対する考え方ってやはり微妙に違うところがあると思うので、一度話し合われたらいいかなっと思いました。話しは逸れましたが、ご質問の住民票の移動については、やっぱりお金のことが一番重要かと思いました。妊婦検診しかり、小児医療助成制度など地域によって助成金額が違うので、調べて助成金が多い方に住民票を置いておく方が得です。住民票を写してしまうと、妊婦検診も小児医療も他市町村でかかると、まずは実費で医療機関に支払いをして、後から役所に申請して償還払いをしてもらわなければなりません。これも意外と負担になります。私の知り合いで、二人目出産時に里帰りをして、冬だったから暖かくなるまで実家にいるつもりだからと、わざわざ実家に住民票を移した方がいます。住んでる市は小児医療は無料ではなかったし、実家の方は無料だった。それに保健師さんが訪問してくれる一ヶ月健診などは、里帰りの人は対象外だったりと、なにかと住民票がないというのは不便だからという理由でした。ただご主人の勤務先次第では、同時に住民票を移さないと扶養手当をだせない・・などという場合もあると思うので、その点もお調べになったほうがいい思います。私的に、どちらが楽と思うかといえば、やはりご実家のほうに住民票があるほうが行政的には楽だと思います。そうそう、産後三ヶ月健診は恐らくどこの市町村でも一斉に子どもを集めて行うと思うので、里帰りしてる方はこの日に合わせて大体住まいに帰ってきます。こういうのも、ご実家のほうで受けれたら帰ってくる時期もご夫婦の都合で決めることも出来るしいいのになって思います。大変な時期だと思いますが、家族の為、がんばって乗り切ってくださいね☆

    • Hey you! Loving your blog. Wondering if you’ve ever made your yogurt with anything other than whole milk…2% or 1%? Will it work? Possibly take longer to drain into labneh?

    • Yo hace un tiempo que barrunto que la piratería no tiene ningún efecto en la literatura. O lo tiene tan escaso que ni siquiera es un problema. Lectores hay muy pocos, antes y después del P2P. Y lo sé por propia experiencia. Mis novelas han dado el mismo dinero antes y después de estar en el Torrent. Osea, ninguno.

    • The trouble with these shows is that they avoid the depictions of hyperviolence which would take all the romance out of them. They make it all seem too noble and worthy.I grew up watching the news from Vietnam, which occasional did show some terrible violence, but was overwhelmed by the romantic war movies and TV shows of the post-WWII military worshiping type… it now seems incredible to me that my cousin killing himself after getting back from Vietnam didn't deter me in the slightest from joining the army. I guess it just wasn't discussed with any candor.

    • Two interesting bits from Bartlett’s story …“For this column, I tried to find some data on who benefits from various government programs. It turns out that the government doesn’t really know.”On average, maybe no one.“The bottom line is that cutting spending is neither easy, nor simple, nor fast.”But we knew that.

    • Hallo,Laufschuhe sollte man in einem Geschäft kaufen, daß darauf spezialisiert ist. Zuerst Barfußlaufen auf einem Band mit Videoanalyse um heraus zu finden ob über/unter proniert oder Normalläufer ist. Der Fachmann kann dann den richtigen Schuh finden. Leider bleibt bei den Markenherstellern der Schuhaufbau nicht gleich, so daß man nicht einfach das Nachfolgemodell kaufen kann. Desweiteren ist es ratsam die Schuhe ca alle 800-900 km auszutauschen. Die Dämpfung und Stützung läßt dann merklich nach.Beste GrüßeRalf

    • I like what you guys are up too. Such intelligent work and reporting! Keep up the excellent works guys I’ve incorporated you guys to my blogroll. I think it will improve the value of my website .

    • I was exactly like you. I did my research and bought my diapers…and yet it was not meant to be. My baby boy has some super chunky legs and the cloth diapers cut into him. I tried all kinds of things to keep this from happening but in the end I his comfort is the most important thing and the cloth diapers just didn’t seem to fit his body correctly.

    • diyorum.. Ä°nanmak istesenizde istemesenizde evrim devam ediyor..Ayrıca bu tür istemesenizde gibisinden cümleler yersiz kavgalara kıvılcım oluyor lütfen dikkat edelim,herkes düşüncesini yazsın ama benimki sizinkini döver cinsinden gereksizliÄŸe kaçmaya gerek yok =p…

    • I just realised I’ve been reading your blog for a long time as I’ve read all ur ‘repost’ as well! =)I still remember being introduced to your blog by Yi!Thanks for being such an inspiration (oh, and I’ve had you in my blogroll for a while too hope you don’t mind!)

    • this is such a lovely post – cats really look after you when you need it. I love your outfit, the colours are quite subtle but very effective and not wishy washy. I hope you're feeling and bit better and the deafness goes by the time we next meet. I love all your gifts. I'll see what I can pick up at the jumble that might cheer you up xxxx

    • e1soy panameño tengo una deuda cobro poco en el cheque y nesecito 10,000 dolares para pagar las deudas por favor son personas altruista ayudeme yo vere como pagarle ese dinero gracia

    • 25 julio, 2007AnónimoHola, estoy encantado con la aplicacion, para ayudar a que se convierta en algo mas grande si cabe, te comento que cuando tienes varios monitores ( es mi caso ), no se inicia en uno sino que lo hace en el medio de escritorio virtual.Un Saludo y animo  

    • No comparto esta Nota creo que estas sobre poniendo en un altar a una persona u organización esto no es sano puesto que durante muchos años otras organizaciones hicieron mucho por conseguir el avanzase en torno a a la ley anti discriminación ejemplo de esto el mums y este ultimo año la fundaciones iguales la OTD, y otras organizaciones que hicieron lo posible para que lograra incluir la identidad de genero y felizmente lo lograron las personas trans son las que mas sufren de discriminación. Valoro el trabajo del movilh pero no lo son todo .

    • Instead of buying expensive rings for stacking just use a used canof tomatoes with both ends cut out. Just remember to dremel or sand down the sharp edges first. Best of all you can use the same can for cuttig your biscuits to the perfect size!

    • Alexis I’m going to need to bookmark this and review the list several times, I think. Many good ideas here that will guide me in choosing jobs. The book must be an interesting expansion to look into, as well.

    • CALMA. Los otros votos están entre el PT y Movimiento Ciudadano. convencido de que hay fraude, pero no sería tan burdo para restar dos millones 750 mil votos ya contabilizados. La trampa está en otro lado.Busquemos más pruebas. Ánimo.

    • souls mamat.. hang tu artis… mcm mne follower hang pancing hang… bakar hang.. maki hang.. hang balas la scara pro…. jgn ikut balas mcm budak2… nt nma hang jgk busuk………

    • Beach,I just took a trip down to Delmarva, then VA Beach, then the OBX looking at houses and beaches and there is little down tere that compares favorable to NJ.

    • paleo recipe book…[…]powerful drinks,GHB,african mango,what is african mango,popular fat burn,body by brazil,low carb,fruit smoothie,ab workout,jillian michaels,cardio,sugar blocker gum,macaroon | Feed the Muscle|Powerful drinks|Cardio|Popular fat burn|GHB|African man…

    • Tecnicamente era davvero sbalorditivo. Io però l'ho trovato noiosetto, mentre mio nipote si è spaventato… mi sa che per fare contenti tutti alla fine non hanno accontentato nessuno! ^^Simone

    • Oui, on réclame le droit d’insulter les gens ! Pourrais-je avoir le nom de cet utilisateur, histoire de voir s’il pense que sa liberté vaut plus que celle d’autres personnes (avant d’être des politiciens, ce sont des gens, bizarre, hein).Si je l’insulte 466 fois,je pourrais avoir un hashtag de ralliement aussi?Autant se battre pour garder ses libertés est louable, autant faut pas déconner, les prémices de ce gars sont bidons, le seul mouvement est un rejet de l’UMP.

    • Aaaaargh ! Je n’étais plus venu sur le blog depuis quelques temps (pas facile depuis un iPad, non plus), et maintenant j’ai super les crocs (comme Eliott).Sinon je voulais surtout dire que je trouve la référence à l’association Laurette Fugain vachetement bien, et en rien déplacée. Le don de moelle osseuse est super méconnu et pourtant tellement vital. C’est très bien d’en parle, fusse au détour d’une recette de cuisine !

    • Do is nice, but gnome-session-daemon isn’t. Frequently doesn’t run Do, panel or nautilus for me. I’m not filing bugs ATM, since 2.24.x might make them go away for me.

    • Liebe Joanna,deinen Blog lese ich schon seit einiger Zeit still und bin absolut begeistert!!!! Ich liebe ihn!Deine Art zu schreiben und die Fotos…. es ist einfach alles toll.LG Agnes

    • Esteva:É algo que está a acontecer por toda a Europa.O sarkozy também veio dizer que quer acabar com o Maio de 68, como se isso podesse ser feito por decreto. Bestas.Quanto ao Homem se professor ou não, isso pouco conta, porque o acto em si é que é importante.bjs

    • NiezÅ‚e komentarze z pana strony, ale to jeszcze jeden przykÅ‚ad ludzkiej bezmyÅ›lnosci, coby nie rzecz gÅ‚upoty. Sprowadzili je z Hawajów (tam tez byÅ‚y zawleczone z PoÅ‚udniowej Ameryki) aby wytÄ™pić szkodnika plantacji trzciny cukrowej. Tylko, że na Hawajach szkodnik żerowaÅ‚ w dolnych partiach trzciny , a w Australii w gornych. Ausi niestety zapomnieli przprowadzić dla Ag kurs latania, cóż taka maÅ‚a mistake…Pozdrowionka z UKCount Toad

    • With all due respect, you should get your facts straight. Ask Cleve Jones if HRC’s support is lukewarm or if they are skeptics, and you will be enlightened and I hope you will write a retraction and apology to HRC. Your writing makes it sound like fact and there is no basis. It is simply your opinion and it is misguided and you are misinforming your readers.

    • I’m very plain. I just use egg coloring kits that I get from the US How bad is that? I need to take some of your ideas this year and do something spectacular. maybe not.

    • Much as this is an awesome feature with the Wii's Internet Channel; there are some faults that make this a bit sluggish to navigate. For starters, most of the videos I watch are from subscriptions, and the problem I am having is that I can only play the most recent of these videos. It would be nice that I can access the list of videos the user has that I had subscribed.

    • Wasn't this always pretty standard practice in the Open Source world? You release on product as Open Source and keep some additional things (like connectors to Exchange etc.) proprietary and solely available for sale/licensing?I hope people aren't going to freak out about this…

    • Thanks so much for including Fast Track Biz Plan on your list. I’m truly honored. More importantly, I’m inspired to check out the other resources recommended. Excited to dive into Rosh and John’s especially.

    • You GO, Windebanks! Look Out Fish! Sending special love to Wendy and Richard from Jim and Harriet and the sunny skies of Santa Cruz–you be cruisin–we be biking and horsing around today,

    • I think this is among the most significant information for me. And i am glad reading your article. But wanna remark on some general things, The site style is perfect, the articles is really nice : D. Good job, cheers

    • Not sure if anyone is still paying attention to this article but I found the chart and general conclusion very interesting indeed and have been waiting to see what would happen in the General Election. And it would seem the claims made here are being born out. In fact, it looks as if the Tory vote will be even lower than the "very slightly under 39%". The long slow decline of the Tory party continues.

    • These are AMAZING.I know I don’t always comment, but I read this blog religiously everyday. You find some fantastic stuff. Please keep up the good work!Signed,Devoted Fan

    • Did you move the litter box to a new location? If you did, that might be why its using a different place for the bathroom. Cats get used to a certain place for things like eating, sleeping, and using the bathroom. If that’s not whats wrong, then think about any changes you might have done to the cats litter box area. Cats can be sensitive to small changes.

    • Jon Murphy: Also, I don't know the laws where you live, but I have never heard of a popular election on zoning rules. The typical procedure is popular election of a mayor and council. Rules are proposed, followed by open hearings. A council vote is taken on the proposed rule. Then, new, periodic elections.

    • Do you have a spam issue on this blog; I also am a blogger, and I was wanting to know your situation; we have developed some nice practices and we are looking to swap methods with others, be sure to shoot me an e-mail if interested.

    • My turnip tops the evening before your visit only cost £3.80 & they were pretty good. Highlights were anchovy & chickpea crostini and the polpette.

    • à°¸ుà°œాà°¤ à°—ాà°°ుà°«ోà°Ÿోà°²ు à°­à°²ే à°—ా ఉన్à°¨ాà°¯ి. à°®ీ à°®ాà°—ాà°¯ à°µేà°¨ా? à°…à°¯ిà°¨ా à°®ీ à°®ీà°¦ à°¨ాà°•ు à°šాà°² à°•ోపమోà°šేà°¸్à°¤ోంà°¦ంà°¤ే. à°®ంà°šి à°®ంà°šిà°—ా à°¬ోà°²్à°¡ు à°¬ోà°²్à°¡ు పచ్à°šà°³్à°³ు à°ªెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿేà°¸ిà°•ుà°¨ి, à°¸ీజన్à°²ో పచ్à°šà°³్à°³ు à°¦ొà°°à°•à°¨ి à°¨ా à°²ాంà°Ÿి à°µాà°³్ళని à°¬ాà°§ à°ªెà°¡à°¤ాà°°ా? à°ªైà°—ా à°«à°£ి à°¬ాà°¬ు à°—ాà°°ు à°®ీ à°‡ంà°Ÿిà°•ొà°¸్à°¤ే à°¬ోà°²్à°¡ు à°¬ోà°²్à°¡ు à°µంà°Ÿà°²ు à°šేà°¸ి à°ªెà°¡à°¤ాà°°ా? à°¨ాà°•ు à°•ొంà°šెం à°ªంà°ªింà°šొà°š్à°šు à°•à°¦ా?à°¨ాà°•ు à°•ొà°¤్à°¤ à°®ాà°—ాà°¯ంà°Ÿే ఇష్à°Ÿం à°•ాà°¨ి à°ªాà°¤ à°®ాà°—ాయతో ఇన్à°¨ి à°Ÿైà°ªు లలో à°šà°Ÿ్à°¨ీà°²ు à°šేà°¯్à°¯ోà°š్à°š్à°šà°¨ి à°¨ాà°•ు à°¤ెà°²ీà°¦ు. à°…à°®్à°® à°¤ెà°š్à°šిà°¨ à°ªాà°¤ à°®ాà°—ాà°¯ à°‰ంà°¦ి. à°¦ాà°¨్à°¨ి బయటిà°•ి à°¤ీà°¸్à°¤ా.

    • irishvampiress / OMG!! my friend and I are just sitting here all ghosted out she’s all into it then that things pops up at the screen and she jumped and screamed so loud it was funniest thing in the world, i hate that I didn’t catch it on video that would have been great to put on here lmao

    • 3 juillet 2012Na rynku osiÄ…galne jest mnóstwo typów robionych z myÅ›lÄ… o najróżniejszych gustach i potrzebach konsumentów. W sprzedaży osiÄ…galne sÄ… tradycyjne, drewniane ogrodzenia, pÅ‚oty metalowe (pÅ‚oty kute, siatka ogrodzeniowa), betonowe oraz od kilku lat również .  

    • Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

    • that the site seems to work fine with Opera 8, 9 and 10 – but she thinks there may be problems with older versions. She asked me to find out from you which Opera version you are using, and exactly what the problem is, in case it can be fixed without causing problems with other browsers.

    • É por isso que, com toda essa mordomia, ser juiz nesse país é a maior ambição de advogados mercenários. Por sua vez, tornam-se juizes corruptos, sedentos de poder, inescrupulosos..

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    • Ma i problemi di riconoscimento delle periferiche variano a seconda della distribuzione?Perchè se così fosse, a pensar male si potrebbe ipotizzare che tu abbia provato le varie distro sul laptop fino a trovare quella che si installava con meno problemi :DVedremo, anzi sentiremo, domani.

    • I pay my therapist weekly even if I cancel within a few days time, and that is to ensure that no monetary issue interjects into the work. Still, a thirteen month advance notice…? That is beyond annual expectations. That amount of notice should not be revisted as a reminder to anything other than absolutely normal human behavior.

    • Veggies, no matter how these are manufactured, new or out from a can, low-calories decision. They satisfy your hunger and give you important nourishment for your health. Consist of several portions of vegetables in your daily diet each day, broth or other scrumptious food.

    • Kia ora Bob, What a great view for a spot of contemplation! Howlett’s hut and Top Maropea hut in the Ruahines also offer superb dunny vistas. Though the last time I was at Top Maropea stuck in a howling blizzard I saw the roof of it torn off and disappear into the bush. I did not bother with any „business” that night. Have a great day Bob.Ka kite ano,Robb

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    • Greetings Albert,Thank you for your question. I’d like to help you but don’t understand what you mean when you say “without corp”. Haven’t come across that term.

    • Tusen takk for gode tips! Jeg mÃ¥ definitivt bli flinkere til Ã¥ rydde etterhvert.Stusset pÃ¥ en ting bare: Drikker dere mye kaffi? Jeg synes det i sÃ¥ fall sÃ¥g tungvindt ut Ã¥ ha kaffitrakteren inni et skap slik at en mÃ¥ ta den ut for hver gang. Hvordan løser dere dette?

    • Kiva kun tykkäätte. 🙂 Eipä taida olla edes sallittua lintujen ruokinta kerrostalossa, tai ainakaan kovin helposti ja siististi se ei sujuisi. Mutta onneksi tuossa alhaalla on pihlaja, jossa titityyt välillä käyvät ilahduttamassa.

    • I'm sure there's a glut of coders by now. If the objective is to make Johnny computer literate, maybe SQL is the way to go. Should lead to the kind of aha moment that anonymized data provide no anonymity, for example. Assembly of "dossiers" from disparate sources, etc.

    • The blooms are so beautiful. Spring is such colorful time of the year. Congrats on the 30 plus entries last week, hopefully this week will bring more. Also thank you for choosing my photos as one of your favorites from last week.

    • Beyonce is a good daughter. she is being loyal to her mother. I wouldn't meet my dad's outside kids either. Especially from a relationship that hurt humiliated my family publicly. get real.

    • Des souris et des riresâ–º zerbinette : « le batailleur Jacques C, à coups de calot*, de calot**, de calot***, de calot****, ou de calo***** ? ou de Kahlo ? »Pfuiii…. c’est La Guerre des Etoiles ! May the force be with you !And…Va-va-voom !Qu’on engage donc ce Jacques C …tout-à-l’heure* !Et qu’il grave* !Au suivant !* énantiosémique** emploi adverbial d’un adjectif bien éloigné de celui qui nous ramène à un autre impératif par-dessus le  !PS : Il va sans dire que l’insecte enverra sa redoutable (!) doctoresse après que la guerre aura pris fin !

    • ZmysÅ‚owość i romantyzm to nie wyÅ‚Ä…cznie odsÅ‚oniÄ™te ramiona bluzek, halki oraz półprzeźroczyste tuniki na modelkach pozujÄ…cych do oraz na bilbordy. Sukienki a także spódnice, damskie sweterki spowodujÄ…, iż każda kobieta, nie tylko ta pozujÄ…ca do niewiasta, może poczuć siÄ™ rzeczywiÅ›cie czarujÄ…co.

    • mhlongoNovember 7, 2012 at 11:21 amHey Mhlongo,“our Chief Justice is an exemplary instance of the humility that the judicial office requires.”It seems to me that someone who claims that god deployed him is anything but humble (or honest)!

    • I always try to watch Charlie Brown and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. This year due to work, I missed this both so it really doesn’t feel like it could be close to Christmas.We used to spend Christmas Eve with my folks and Christmas Day with the in laws but we had to move the one with the in laws to the weekend after Christmas so we could all get together.Hope you have a marvelous Christmas.

    • I was going to request your give away but with the book selling so inexpensively on B&N I decided to let you keep your cash and I’ll buy a copy myself. Win win. I’m looking forward to it and I love writing reviews.

    • Este la fel de rusinos si pentru baieti. Orice prunc de pocait care a trait in liceu, stie cat de greu este sa spui raspicat intr-o discutie ca nu ai nici cea mai mica intentie de a incerca vreo “treaba” inainte de casatorie. Rasetele sunt si mai mari din partea “boilor incaltati”:“Da ce, esti prost ?”.” Pai nu stie nimeni”.”Eu nu te cred”.”Fii serios”. Astea vin acompaniate de cuvinte mai colorate pe care nu le pot reproduce.

    • Em que medida é que a condenação de Khodorkovski impede investidores de investir no mercado russo? Têm medo de serem presos?Poderemos equacionar que M. Khodorkovski foi preso por intervir na política contra Putin e por querer vender a sua empresa a capitais estrangeiros (entregando de bandeja um sector estratégico da economia russa). Será que isso é impeditivo de investimentos por parte de outras pessoas? Não creio.

    • Hi there. Very nice website!! Guy .. Beautiful .. Wonderful .. I’ll bookmark your blog and take the feeds additionally…I’m satisfied to find a lot of helpful information right here within the post. Thank you for sharing.

    • said it first and @damy671 copied @Eviastt comment and for some strange reason, they both don’t have the same rated comment, @damy671 comment has more thumbs-ups than @Eviastt comment. The popular comment = “whoever is in that suit isnt getting paid enough”by @damy671 with 57 thumbs-up and less popular comment @Evaistt have 29 thumbs-ups. So, @damy671 copied the comment from @Evaistt, @Evaistt said that comment first. @ltlrenati

    • it is bulky #4 but to me it is not more than a ww yarn.I have knit less rows and have almost the same amount as I had in the other yarn that used a lot more rows.I told you wrong in the stitch I was using I am using the stockinette stitch like in the diagrahm.HugsMarcie

    • Oregon is a beautiful place–the gray days make you appreciate the sunny ones even more. The biscuits look delicious–love the garlic and cheese.

    • ritzimitziHi I thought your review was very good but i have a question about the mascara. I am stuck with short stick straight lashes that never holds a curl unless I use hard wax mascaras, which i love BUT I AM SO tired of fighting to take it off. Does this mascara hold your curl and is it easy to take off, I would really appreciate any response. thanks !

    • this is one of the greatest benefits of targeted networking . . not only within your professional field, but withing your personal circle. a solid network of doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, realtors, mechanics etc is not something everyone can say they have and benefit from. great post

    • 30 Days to a Stronger Scene Table of Contents Before we go much farther in writing and plotting with scenes, I want to give you an example of keeping things on track in a scene. Here are 5 things to monitor as you write your scene.

    • Si vous voulez mon avis, Federer ne l’a pas encore gagne son RG….Bravo a Wawrinka.Les sponsors vont faire la gueule si c’est Stephanek / Wawrinka en finale…quand tu vois la tronche qui ont…. De plus maintenant que la Sharapova ne veut plus faire de photos !!

    • I think it is shocking that after all that women have lived through in Venezuela,after witnessing the horrendous lack of legal justice for women there, the machismo, the broken homes, and the Caudillismo, we still see so called ” educated men” on these boards who do not care about, or even see the damage their attitudes do to women,ALL WOMEN.I can assure you this attitude will keep Venezuela mired in retrograde politics for some time to come.

    • Thank you for stopping by, sis. Keep representing our King! You do it well. Looking forward to catching up on your posts and yes, I’m also glad we’ve met. Blessings…

    • THIS IS AWESOME!! Reed was so jealous when he heard your story because he never gets that lucky ) I got pulled over in KC by a lady cop once and didn’t get a ticket… he thought it was unfair i wasn’t even given a ticket by a girl lol.

    • Hey Sergio richies dad here what’s the phone number there so I can get in tough been looking at the Picts great place you have there hope one day to visit.whats the time differenceCheers steve

    • hahaha, makanya gue kasih tanda tanya, karena sebenernya gue sendiri gabisa nemuin chemistry yang bagus di film superhero (ya secara demen nonton film romantis sih ya hahaha)Serius Revenge of the fallen??? TF 1 itu udah paling baguslah, yang kedua final fightnya over banget. Nonton pertama kali okelah, tapi untuk ntn 2x dan seterus gak kebayang deh..

    • Ik heb goede ervaringen met het dieet.Het is best lekker en het levert resultaat op.Spieren heb ik dus niet, dus die kan ik ook niet verliezen.In 1 week ben ik 4,7 kg afgevallen, dus ik ga zeker door!Bijkomend “voordeel” : ik droom snachts niet meer over Olga, maar over eten.

    • அம்பி, நித்திய001000ானந்தா ஆதீனமானால் பார்ப்பனிய இந்து மதம் தனது புனிதம், கவுரவம், பெருமை, மரபு அத்தனையையும் நொடியில் இழந்து விடும். சாமியார்கள், ஆதீனங்கள் அனைவரும் கேலிப்பொருளாக மாறி விடுவார்கள். நித்தியை பார்த்த மாத்திரத்திலேயே மக்கள் விசமத்தனத்துடன் சிரிப்பார்கள். பிறகு நாம் நித்தியையும், ஏனைய சாமியார்களையும் பழனி படிக்கட்டில் பிச்சை எடுக்க வைப்பது சுலபமல்லவா?

    • When you delegate, you distribute responsibility and authority to others while holding them accountable for their performance. The ultimate accountability, however, still lies with you.

    • Does this Alka-Selzar reduce each and every stomach ache?It is an amazing news that stomach signalling has been reduced to atomicmotions i.e. even steps beyond chemistry.

    • Kees Pootjes zegt:Hoi Jochie,Zo te zien ben je je weer aardig aan het vermaken.Ik neem zo maar aan dat je die Orvis gympen mee hebt………………toch wel leuk dat dat schoeisel waar ik op gelopen heb zich nu aan de andere kant van deze aardklloot voorbeweegt.MzlVan Poothoven

    • Interesante lo del japones chupando pulpo seco. Sabreis que el pulpo es la insignia gastronomica del interior de Galicia (Orense y Lugo) e incluso zonas de Leon, pues el famosos pulpo a feira se hacia, hace no mucho tiempo, a partir de pulpo seco. Mi padre, de Lugo, me contaba que era normal en su infancia (decada de los 40) mascar pulpo seco a modo de golosina. Como veis hay referencias menos exoticas para este tipo de costumbres.

    • AT,Olet aika onnekas jos selviät migreenistä noinkin helpolla 🙂 Itselläni oli aiemmin keskimäärin 20 migreenikohtausta kuussa ja jouduin siksi vuoden sairaslomalle ja mitään tulehduskipulääkkeitä oli turha ottaa koska ne eivät tehonneet millään annoksella. Ainoa mikä minulla tehoaa on triptaanit eli migreenin täsmälääkkeet ja niistäkään en voi käyttää kaikkia. Pahoinvointilääkkeet ovat myös ehdottoman tärkeitä, koska vuorokauden jatkunut oksentelu vie nopeasti sairaalaan tiputukseen :-(Onneksi löytyi lopulta toimiva estolääkitys käytyäni läpi melkein kaikki epilepsialääkkeitä myöten. Nyt olen tilanteeseeni tyytyväinen :-)-Satu

    • I only have eyeshadow in nude colors so I would love to experiment with all of the different colors! I would invite my friends over who are more creative with their eye makeup and we would have lots of fun creating different looks!

    • Nu har jag efter hemkommen fest för 50-Ã¥ring lagt upp lite gamla bilder. Glömde kameran när jag begav mig till festligheterna sÃ¥ därför var jag tvungen att fuska lite… Ha en skön söndag!

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    • A beautiful lady, she will definitely be missed for sure. Although she played well Erica seemed to never be satisfied with her play. She was gracious young woman.

    • I do enjoy the manner in which you have presented this particular situation and it really does give us a lot of fodder for consideration. Nonetheless, through everything that I have observed, I basically hope when the actual comments pile on that men and women continue to be on point and don’t get started on a tirade regarding the news du jour. Yet, thank you for this superb piece and even though I can not really go along with it in totality, I respect your perspective.

    • >皆さんの目からはどの様に映りますか?悪い人じゃないけど、どこにでもいる残念なパパ&夫。これから結婚するなら勘弁だけど、結婚して子供居るなら地道に頑張って教育するか、という感じ・・・(ごめんなさいね。率直に言うと・・・。)まだパパ暦浅いから仕方ないといえば仕方ないですかね。ママは必然的にやらないといけないから無理してでもやるんですけどねー。私の夫も、子供が3歳になった今は良きパパですが、最初はなかなか・・・。そうそう、ベビーカーを人にぶつけるのは、他人に対する配慮がないからでもありますが、ベビーカー押すこと自体慣れないと難しいんですよね。育児のひとつひとつって、簡単で誰でもできそうですけれど、意外と慣れないと難しいですよ。ご主人はどんな人でしょうか?負けず嫌いだったら、友達のご主人を引き合いにだすと、じわじわ利くかも?好きなスポーツとかあります?うちは、サッカーが好きなので、子供用のボールで遊んでくれます。パパの方が上手、パパじゃないとできない育児を探す。(私はファッションセンスがないので、パパに子供の服を購入するときに選んでもらったり、ときどき組み合わせを聞いたりします。)何かパパの好きなところから育児に参入できるようにするといいかもしれませんね。本当におつかれさまです。パパ教育大変だと思います。でも、小さな頃から子供と信頼関係築いておかないと、大きくなってからパパの言うこと聞かないんじゃないかな?このままだとママがパンクしそうなので、心配です。あまり良い案がなくてごめんなさい。259d

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    • Hallo Barbara, Hier der Gegenbesuch von mir, Die Idee ist klass und auch die Fotos toll.Ich hoffe Ich lerne dich bei der Ausstellung kenne, ich komme mit meinen Menschenfruenden. Lgund immer gutes LichtDein Jocko

    • hej jag undrar vad som är bäst, eller vad som blir bäst kvalitet av, 3:4 eller 16:9?Jag har en power shotSX1IS med 10mp. MÃ¥ste bilderna skäras pÃ¥ nÃ¥t sätt när dom framkallar dom om man har det ena eller det andra alternativet?Jag vill naturligtvis utnyttja kameran till max och även undvika att dom skär bort delar av fotona när dom framkallar! tack för hjälpen! Ingela

    • purtroppo siamo arrivati al punto di augurare a certi imbecilli di avere una morte in casa perchè riescano finalmente a capire quanto sia pericoloso rivolgersi a certa gentaglia.

    • Ja już także szukaÅ‚am pokrewnej duszy, z natchnieniem i prostotÄ… gÅ‚oszÄ…cÄ… prawdÄ™. I znalazÅ‚am! DziÄ™kujÄ™ serdecznie i ciesze siÄ™ na kolejne rozmowy! Tak mi miÅ‚o, a ponieważ czasowo jestem daleko od domu, polskie sprawy sÄ… pokarmem dla duszy!I za to dziÄ™kujÄ™!KÅ‚aniam siÄ™ uniżenie!

    • disse:Ruan, saiba que agradeço bastante pelo link e mais ainda por se tornar leitor do meu blog.Realmente o que você citou é o básico para um blogueiro começar com o pé direito Abraços, Arlindo Armando

    • bende ödev için açtım bazı kiÅŸiiler ne anlıyosunuz dio ama iÅŸte bi içnce bi daha bırakamıyosun ben 13 yaşındayım gizli gizli içiyorum çok fena biÅŸey

    • ååh! VIlken underbart fin layout!!!!Härliga färger och härliga detaljer!! Ursöta blommor! Blev riktigt kär i dem.Trevlig helg!KRAM Petra

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    • Another spot-on essay by Daniel. I'm happy that he cited the Wilson administration's moves against the First Amendment. Woodrow Wilson is another politician canonized a saint by the Progressives as a selfless martyr in the cause of a "global village," a man of "higher ideals" who "kept us out of the war" by getting us into one, and who also helped to establish the institutions that are the bulwark of our looting welfare state. Other political saints on the Progressive calendar are FDR and JFK.

    • peace with the natural environment is the beginning of peace with all of God’s creation, including people.“Respect for creation is of immense consequence, not least because creation is the beginning and the foundation of all God’s works, and its preservation has now become essential for the pacific coexistence of mankind,” the pope said.”debps we are going to start buying your milk if our grocery store has it.

    •   Ik heb een vraag. Ik wil heb een tekst over een Voorbeeldopgaveblad van een Natuurscheikunde proefwerk. Ik begrijp echter niets van de uitleg hierboven, Photoshop is nou eenmaal niet mijn element. Zou u deze foto misschien kunnen verscherpen? Groetjes, Julia.

    • And it's not necessarily an either/or proposition. You can take your book to agents and publishers, and if they don't want it, take it to indie/e, and if that doesn't get you what you want, self-publish after that.

    • It is so amazing to me how much my perspective on EVERYTHING has changed since becoming a mother. I love seeing women who are pregnant for the first time and know what an amazing adventure they have in store for themselves. After becoming a mother the world changes. I am a better person because of my daughter. I appreciate my mom so much! I don't sweat the small things that would have been large issues before, I enjoy the simplicity of life. Your post could not have been more spot on. I am not mormon, but I have to agree with everything you wrote about being a sahm!

    • Hi Very nice your blog! Love it! If You want You can go to my blog see if you like Maybe we can follow each other What do you think?! Xoxo❤ ❤❤ ❤

    • thanks, I ran into pneuma (sp? Greek for spirit) last night at church (use Logos on my netbook, the Strong’s pops up for each word) and remembered his videos would be nooma, thanks for the confirmation

    • Lisa! I can’t believe you have aehnotr blog. Something else for me to stalk (apart from the jeffandlisa blog). I could not resist commenting on this. I am so absolutely happy for Jeff and you. Parenting is the best thing that happend to Ej and me too. And I can totally relate to knowing how such a small little bean makes such a BIG impression in your life. Good luck guys!

    • able to generate from my writings. i…don’t think, considering how lazy i am, lol, that i could have done the same in the corporate world!the least?i would say that there’s nothing i really hate about my work, now that i’ve systematized and outsourced the processes that were…

    • Those last two photos are just wonderful. Frame-worthy. Glad you had a lovely weekend. I know just what you mean about the nostalgia. On Easter morning IEP woke up in my bed with me at my parents’ house and his first words were, “I love you, Mommy.” I know all too well that those occasions are numbered.Happy Easter and happy spring!

    • Coolies! I love custom dollies!!! Kaylee looks so cute with her wrench and Jayne with his idiot hat! Yo saff lookc sool, so do River and others! Keep up the good work!!

    • I tried the 4200 router, and went through 3 of them before I went to netgear. went to 3 different stores.. could not make either work. The net gears, had 2 consecutive bad. Finally just went back to my WRT-54G. Works great. Now I am trying this unit. Since CISCO got away from external antennas, I will never go back to them.

    • I’m against polygamous marriage, but if consenting adults want to have a threesome, foursome, tensome, that’s their own perverted paradise. Any underage relationships, however, should be prosecuted as child rape and endangerment.

    • Det lyder rigtig godt med dit job; tillykke med at du er sÃ¥ heldig… ;o) Jeg glæder mig rigtig meget pÃ¥ dine vegne. Kan bestemt godt forstÃ¥, der har været spænding og nervøsitet undervejs; dejligt at spændingen er udløst… ;o)

    • so hab ich die noch nie gemacht, hab ja auch eine eingestellt, die schmeckt aber ehr so wie die Dönersoße die man kennt.Aber das werd ich mal ausprobieren.Danke für dein Rezept

    • Alors si j’ai bien lu mon livre de code, les bande jaunes signifient que l’on peut faire un arrêt mais on ne peut pas stationner ? :)Ce trotoir mouillé qui reflète la lumière est vraiment joli 😀

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    • Ne pas oublier que les cyclopes, très ingénieux, ont inventé l’.Ils étaient aussi très calés en biogénétique, à preuve les cyclones, dont l’existence est attestée bien avant celle de Dolly et qui comme chacun sait n’ont qu’un oeil.

    • You’re right it’s not possible for single people to cheat, because it’s not called “cheating” when you’re single. But even if you’re single, when women “play the field” they are looked down upon b/c of what I stated in the article above.

    • Ton interrogation est judicieuse, viens nous la poser… C’est d’ailleurs sur ce thème de ce qu’est la fraternité que j’interviendrai à Cannes le 6 janvier invité par le Cercle philosophique Azuréa…

    • I too, Roz, worry about being able to think deeply and write well as I attempt to clear the dizziness in my brain from all the newness out there. And just when I think I've succeeded, yet another new buzz word like "blosh" pops up and I sigh……

    • Thanks Ian, I appreciate the kind words. Lots of people have told me I’m going to be fine, and I’m sure I will in time, just very daunting and, of course, incredibly bad timing for me. Thanks for the offer of help to. I’ll let you know!

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    • i would say anywhere from 10 to 15 but dont buy to many new born diapers because your baby may not where them for long as they grow fast in early months my oldest son was 10lbs 6oz at birth and i didnt ever use newborn diapers on him he went strait to size 1, but most places will exchange unopened packages for a bigger size +1Was this answer helpful?

    • Amen. Rien ne vaut les anciens par Crom. La nouvelle version ressemble à un blockbuster de maintenant. Beaucoup d’effets visuels mais peu de contenu. Déjà qu’il y en avait peu en 1982 mais là, ca frise le néant ^^Enfin, je fais comme toi, je me tourne vers Schwarzy

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    • Aww, thank you, Lori, for such a sweet introduction! 🙂 I would send you a bundle of balloons any day for being such a sweet sponsoree 😉 Thank you – you totally made my day!

    • actually 2017 is when Obama will be unconstitutional and will be forced out of office ….it's 2010. You guys have a lot of time to whine between now and then. have at it. all you're doing is wasting your time, nothing will ever come of your constant protest.

    • Movimentação atípica no sertão , governadora tomando partidos, trocadilho de lideranças como Gonçalves Dias Aurino indo para Vadilson, Em Governador Archer lideranças históricas como o grande DR MESSIAS há meses se arrasta aos pés do prefeito que o derrotou o NONATINHO, em D Pedro Chico do Valdemar mudando a casaca.

    • Posted on This is strange. Living in Germany, I do not see the differences with the US. Due to the social safety net here I would predict that the mental health rates would be better here than in the US. If a similar study was done in the US, so a comparison could be made, I don’t think the US would score much above 98%… (Just kidding…)

    • rohhhhhhhhh! mais que c'est beau martine, j'adore les photos de tes lutins et ton journaling à la main,wow!je souhaite un bon rétablissement à votre grand-maman rosette et j'espère que les tests pour les intolérances de mathis seront encourageants…bisous.laurence

    • Gorgeous siew Mai! Wow, I really applaud you for such beautiful work Sonia. Love the colors! If sell in restaurant, I think will have to charge more, it's pleasure to the eyes beside the taste as well!

    • En ik ben nu toch bezig, en voor deze kimono en haori heb ik maar 1 woord: WAUW!Dit is pas de 2de shibori kimono die ik heb gezien, de andere was een mooie lichtpaarse, maar het zijn toch wel mooie kimono zeg. Mss tijd om er ook eentje op te snorren haha.En de kleuren passen ook heel erg goed bij elkaar van de haori en kimono.Supercombi hoor :-)(heb je m’n 2 mails nog gekregen?)

    • Hey Kip! Obama or McCain, it makes no difference–they are both the same and had McCain been elected, America would be in the same boat. As far as I’m concerned, both political parties are wrong about everything. Besides, it really doesn’t matter who he president is.

    • Thanks Juliet! I’m very happy and lucky that I get to write full time. I couldn’t write 3-100K books a year, with kids, and work outside the house . . . so being able to support my family writing makes the sacrifices worthwhile.

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    • hehe…jeg fikk hverken kaffe eller vin i halsen for da heter det vakkerT lem:))RÃ¥stilig Marit!!! Skjønner meget godt du mÃ¥tte ta med deg dette hjem! Noen lem mÃ¥ jo stÃ¥ til pynt ogsÃ¥, ikke sant??Vært pÃ¥ møte i kveld og er overinspirert!!!!Klemmer fra venninda ved havet:))

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    • Hey,freut mich, dass Dir der Beitrag gefallen hat. Ich habe es glaube ich erwähnt aber wenn du mal wirklich geniale Aufnahmen von Wassertropfen sehen willst, schau mal bei vorbei. GrußJack

    • Thankyou so much for this article cause I cannot agree with you more. It’s worse in countries where cross stitch has never been popular as it is in the USA and getting access to so many of the amazing stitching resources is so difficult.The question is, what do we do to get the word out there!?p.s. blogrolled ya

    • I keep saying I want to run a half marathon (in support of cancer research xoxo), but don’t have the discipline or motivation to commit most, if not all, of my workouts to only running. Thank you for showing me that I can still do it with one run a week (and I realize you are active the rest of the week which I plan on doing also, while listening to my body).

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    • Ivan de Lara • 3 de Janeiro de 2012 às 14:16Olá,Parabéns pelo artigo…. Passei a utilizar o cloudflare em meu wordpres e estou gostando muito dos resultados. Só ainda não tive a oportunidade de testar no caso do servidor ficar off, mas em termos de carregamento e diminuição do tráfego já melhorou muito. Gostaria de saber se alguém que usa a versão gratuita já teve a oportunidade de testá-lo em momentos dos servidor ficar off line?

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    • Minulla ei ole edes lapsia, joita voisin käyttää kirjastossakäynti- ja kirjojenlainausalibina. Voisin kuvitella, että vähän helpottaisi omaa lainaushimoa, kun voisi sentään lainata muille. 😉 (Joskus ostan kirjoja mies-alibilla, mutta mies ei kyllä aina ilahdu erityisemmin niistä kirjoista, joita hänelle raahaan…)Ainoa tapa onnistua kirjastokäynnissä on tuollainen suoraviivainen eteneminen. Kirjastoon pitää asennoitua kuin maito- eikä karkkikauppaan: hakee vain äkkiä tarvitsemansa ja poistuu välittömästi. Edes talonmaalausopppaita ei saa ottaa mukaan herätelainauksina.

    • We shouldn’t forget the drought either – the NSW wheat belt, as well as other important agricultural areas have been hit very hard in recent years, and worse than in many other states….

    • St. Jude. They St. Jude. They deserve it. There was a girl from my city who died last year from an ipnoerable brain tumor and St. Jude made her comfortable, treated her, helped her, and they were just outstanding to her. After she passed, I looked up more children/patients from St. Jude and just knowing the good that that hospital does for every patient warms my heart. Their dedication to finding cures and researching is amazing. I choose St. Jude because the more money, the more research they do for cures.

    • Jan, you are so right about momentum! When you’re posting frequently, it is easy to stay on track. Once you get off track, it is tough to get back on track. It’s a lot like working topic: how are you doing with quitting smoking?

    • Silly media. A person can’t make gaffes when she spends 23.5 hours in the proverbial undisclosed location, and the other half-hour repeating her writers’ convention speech.

    • There's no 'African' admixture in "southern West Eurasian populations" identified here2. There's no ADMIXTURE hereEither you posted in the wrong post, or you need to re-read it.

    • Siis onhan tuo extremeä.. Mutta onhan leikki kovaa jos siihen ryhtyy. Henki olis voinut olla löyhässä, mutta jokin pelasti. Anniina!! Ja miten niin sukset pelasti? Kyllä naisen optimistisuus loistaa!!

    • I'm still here! Or back — I was at Scout camp all week. I'm pulling back on the dropping, too. It's taking too much time and I have books inside me that need to be written!

    • heureusement l’Eglise catholique n’est pas la seule à protester contre l’installation de la dictature, mais des émeutes et des tués sont attendus

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    • Ottimo. Concordo in tutto e per tutto. E’ quello che in un certo senso dicevo io nel mio primo post su questo forum di pochi giorni fa. Per le storie di sesso (come dicono le mie amiche) contano solo certe caratteristiche psico fisiche ben note. Il resto zero assoluto. Se paradossalmente questo psicopatico frequentasse la cerchia delle mie conoscenze femminili automaticamente verrebbe considerato un maschio alfa dominante (MAD) con la conseguenza di avere rapporti sessuali garantiti a vita.Tutto questo viene ovviamente negato dalle femministe.

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    • while watching, it just feels right. I perhaps need to emphasise this proposition; and reword number seven -  the voiceover one. I often used voiceover as a crutch for visuals that weren’t useful.

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    • Donald,I think you’ll find a bit more information about the Falmouth meeting than you’ve mentioned, including the phone number and email address of the contact person, the name of the building and the street (although admittedly not the address) on which it is located. How about you direct an email to the contact person and ask for more information.

    • Linda I agree “faith” wouldn’t be “faith” if we could always see the outcome . I haven’t read David Wilkinson’s book, “The Dream Giver”, but will put it on my list to read .Danielle I know what you mean about now wanting people to say something and they don’t. Like you I try my best to use “fear” as my motivation. Sometimes I’m good at it and other times no so good, but I don’t let it stop me from continuing to get better at working my way through the “fear”.

    • Bravo mon oncleencore une fois un exemple à suivrela foi, l’effort, le courage, la fraternite… et tant d’autres valeurs magnifiées pour ce voyage!une parole à suivre: pour avancer « Il faut se fixer des objectifs dans la vie »Bien different de l’EPOcrisie du tour de France.A bientot

    • To those who want to go back to the last update, follow these steps:1. Go to settings and go under apps2. Find Chrome and click on it3. Then click on "uninstall all updates"This made Chrome go back to the last update (at least for me) which solved the blurry text issue.I hope this helps!!

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    • This is really important stuff. Your research will be a blessing to all of us. Thank you.I am slowly but surly getting back into the swing of things. I need you to know your comments and emails bless me beyond words. SO SO SO SO comforting to know I have sisters-in-Christ praying for me. And you are a dear sister!!!I love you friend,Roxx

    • I was just there last month, great place. Just outside the Everglades national park is a fruit stand with the odd name “Robert Is Here” that has a key lime and fresh coconut milk shake that is worth the drive back from Washington state! Enjoy and don’t forget to relax.

    • Contribuindo com o anonimo das 07:32……Se voce que compraa um produto, ruim, batato e VELHACO compre um LG.Vamos inundar a internet com frazes esculhambando qualquer empresa que contrate esse ladrão para palestras…Vamos esculhambar esse tal de luis inácio, inviabilizar suas asneiras …vamos adotar as mesmas táticas dos PTralhas!!!

    • Boas,alguns pedidos de troca de publicidade estão em atraso devido a tempo para a colocação dos anuncios, desta forma durante esta semana espero que sejam todos os pedidos colocadosCumprimentos

    • You should come down here and check out the race. George, Levi, Dave Z and the rest of the best Americans racing – what more could you ask for?

    • succes met je tuinhuis-klus. Ik heb er zelf geen ervaring mee…Goed dat je weer kan beginnen met arbeiden. En ook nog bij je vorige werkgever!Tot later.P (aka Pascal)

    • Prezada Maria de Fatima,Obrigada por acessar nosso site!Você deve entrar em contato com o distribuidor da sua região, para lhe indicarem onde encontrar os produtos que deseja.Segue o contato:Maninho CosméticosContato: Regina e Sebastião ManinhoTel: (13) 3361-1668 | 9137-7700Email: Obrigada!

    • mehmet yaman diyor ki:ben 1/11/1992tarhinde emekli oldum.14775 katsayı ile 12517gün pirimdaima tavan ödedim.onay pirimödedim.1/1/1992ayni katsayı aldım.vatandaÅŸ 10aylık aldıbenpirim ödedim.kanun takvim yılı imiÅŸ ben pirim keserken 3 aydabir artırıyor.bu kanuna uygun oluyor.kanun cıktığı zaman mali yıda bir artıyordu.genelgeile bunu yapıyor.bizim katsayıayni kalıyor.sonra 7000 günpirim ödeyenbenden fazla emekli maaşı alıyor.emekli sandığında çalışanson aldığı maaÅŸtan emelioluyor.nerede sosyaladalet.saygılarımla.mak mühendis emeklisi.

    • Merry Christmas to you and your family. I can´t put on the sound as my children are watching TV (they are three against one, after all), but even without it, your daughter´s happiness is gorgeous. Some things re easier when your youngest is 20, but not as funny as when she was 2. And I promise I´ll read some more Irish writers in 2011. The ones I tried in 2010 were excellent.

    • Enjoyed looking through this, very good stuff, appreciate it. “Nothing happens to any thing which that thing is not made by nature to bear.” by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

    • Hey joeGreat review, went got myself the game and contrary to many of my “former wow” buddies, i managed to convert every one of em to GW2 and now i gotta say , am having a blast, thnx for the review , and keep up the great work, will look forward to your next vid man , hell , do an occasional lets play of GW2 , that part about juicers had me cracking up . Peace – FOR JOEMACIA!

    • exceptional distribute…We have noticed that motor insurance policy strategy agencies recognize this automobiles that’s often susceptible to incidents along with other dangers. In introduction they know which kind of automobiles can increased chance as well as increased chan…

    • Doesn't matter where Barry was born.Barry was born, by birthright, a subject to the crown of her majesty the Queen of England. Inherited from his foreign father, regardless of where he was born.At best, he was born with conflicting allegiances. There is no chance the framers would have considered someone born with multiple allegiances a "Natural Born Citizen" as required for the position of Commander in Chief.

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    • Meg – Thanks. It turned out to be really tasty.Erica – Makes for an easy gift in my book. :)kat – Thanks! I took so many. It just didn't want to be so exciting for the page. :)Amy – I was the same way. I loved cereal for dinner, but I don't eat it so much anymore either. I have a feeling we'll be having lots of things I would have normally considered dinner foods when we get to SE Asia. :)Emily – Yep, me too. Omelets, quiche – love the flavor and the protein. 🙂

    • O apogeu do Judd Nelson foi Clube dos Cinco depois, uma pena, nunca mais fez nenhum filme relevante… Noooossa, foi transmissão de pensamento mesmo! Adorei o post, deixei um comentário lá no seu blog, agora vou começar a falar ponto de cruz 🙂 . bjos

    • This post was very much required at least in my FB circle! Yupp, I play FarmVille! And while I take care to ignore all the zillions of invites I get from spam pages, most of my FV neighbors fall prey to these schemes.Anyways, this point about Group was a little unclear… would be great if you can elaborate… “the new Group capability is automatically turned on, and users must opt out in order to disable it.” Thnaks once again!

    • I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog and was curious what all is needed to get setup? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very internet smart so I’m not 100% positive. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    • Pharpe, estuve a punto de volver a actualizar la entrada, pero decidí esperar y la prudencia me dio la razón. Acaban de anunciar hace un rato que han encontrado los primeros cadáveres y objetos que si pertenecen al avión siniestrado.Saludos

    • Thank you for the sensible critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research about this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more clear from this post. I am very glad to see such fantastic info being shared freely out there.

    • Hi James!Have a great time at China, its sounds amazing! And please, write here how are you doing, because it is so great to see that at least someone is having a life 🙂 Im still writing my final thesis and I hope I will gradute in this spring…All the best to you James-honey and good luck to China! And hi to everyone else who I know from Prague and read this!Kisses from Hanna

    • Là, nous sommes d’accord. Et j’ajoute que seule la régulation des banques peut et doit empêcher les banques de faire de arnaques de Ponzi, de l’usure, etc.…

    • Du har sÃ¥ rett…nye minner i et nytt hjem er fremtiden. Lykke til. Kommer til Ã¥ følge deg/dere trofast gjennom bloggen ogsÃ¥ i Narvik og gleder meg til Ã¥ se huset dere ender opp med og all fixingen du skal gjøre der.

    • Have you ever considered about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is important and everything. However just imagine if you added some great images or video clips to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with images and video clips, this site could definitely be one of the most beneficial in its niche. Terrific blog!

    • [..YouTube..] I dont see my Calpernia as a trans woman.. shes a beautiful WOMAN 1000000000% inside and out. more people should be like her.. the world would be a better place if they were, i know im trying. Love you my beautiful Calpernia. Cant wait to see this movie <3

    • Je to iste dnes scifi, ale je to problém, s ktorým sa bude musieÅ¥ pohnúť. Na absencii podobných zákonov totiž stál obchod s otrokmi – černosi neboli považovaní za ľudí, ale za hovoriace opice a proti zruÅ¡eniu otroctva bojovali otrokári nie z vieroučných dôvodov, ale ekonomických, egoistických. ZruÅ¡enie otroctva totiž ohrozovalo hospodársky rast.

    • I’d like to see a compulsory minimum distance. I always try to pass bikes etc like I would another car, and always notice the courtesy when drivers do the same when I’m out on my bike. Presumably though, a policeman could prosecute on the basis of driving without due care, much as they could if cars are following too close. For what it’s worth though, I’ve become much more considerate around cycles since I started cycling myself!

    • You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. I cant believe youre not more popular because you definitely have the gift.

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    • Hey Guys, Jesse was just asking about Ben today and I pray for you guys each time I see your picture on my freezer. Sounds like you have been plenty busy!!! We’ll keep the prayers coming, especially for Josiah’s paperwork to get fixed.

    • Såå fint det blir :))AngÃ¥ende lus pÃ¥ rosebuskene sÃ¥ har jeg et tips:1 liter vann blandet med 2 spiseskjeer rødsprit, 2 spiseskjeer bakepulver og to spiseskjeer grønsÃ¥pe, gjentas etter 14 dager til de er borte :)Funker hos meg :))Ha en fin dag,klem 🙂

    • Hey Yo, may I ask you a question? Why does your registration page say that my e-mail can’t be used on this site? I really, really want to be able to talk on the Loafing Lounge.

    • Gracias CaballeroZP.Poco después de dejar aquí el mensaje, me fui a buscar por google.Y eran asombrosos los resultados de esta persona.Bueno para no menear mas el tema, gracias por contestar y gracias por tu blog.

    • Hola Eduardo, buenos días. Ya pasamos tus datos a uno de nuestros asesores para que se ponga en contacto contigo, en caso de no recibir una respuesta rápida, favor de hacérnoslo saber. Buen día y quedamos a tus órdenes.Atte… Equipo RFB Composites.

    • I really like the snake pattern, but I am not too sure about the color. Everyone seems to love it but I an just not sure what to think of it, lol. Guess I need to go and give it a try!Kiss & Make-up recently posted …

    • Yes, the sugar bowl in the hedge is odd…but fun!I should put one in the rosebush – maybe the wrens will nest in it, instead of in my garden supplies.Great list – as usual. Here’s hoping for a less-hectic week-to-come…

    • Thanks so much for posting your recipe, I've got frozen Marionberries in the freezer and was looking for some recipes to get them used up before the new season. mmmmm, sweet and tart all at once, it's my favorite berry!

    • But the bill is actually about preventing an organization (e.g. the BCS) from promoting a post-season college football "national championship" when such a game or process does not truly generate a national champion.ahh now that you have cleared that up, I change my mind, I no longer see this as a frivialous waste of time and am glad to see our politicians concentrating on 'the things that matter'

    • June 3, 2012 at 3:59 pmYa, the truth is exposed!Mom and our issues, which date back to age 2 1/2 for me, are currently causing much angst. I was able to ignore the problems for most of my life, but they are in my face again, rudely saying “look at me… I will not be ignored!”It will take a boatload of added carbs to sweeten these lemons.I read that siblings come into play with the eclipse as well, and that has been true also. Rudeness.Ya, who loves whom. That’s the question. And how can I see this history and situation as a gift…Here’s for Dixie… Reply

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    • Gdyby ojciec z matka o to zadbali to dzisiaj Ci mÅ‚odzi nie wyjeżdżali by tylko myÅ›leli by przy urnach. Tak tak wiem dzisiaj oni nie chodzÄ… do urn bo maja wszystko w d…… MÅ‚odzi Polacy maja dzisiaj totalnie inne cele, ojczyzna? No cóż zapewne wiÄ™kszość nawet nie wie co to sÅ‚owo znaczy. Sorry za taka opiniÄ™ ale to wszystko widać, sÅ‚ychać i czuć!

    • ChatLe dit :La partie sur les glaciers… jette un FROID Ah ah ah ah ahahahaha. Bel article une fois encore, et les Sand Flies ont eu ce qu’elles méritaient. (« Et la sanction sera : la moooort », hein Ben.) En tout cas chapeau pour ce train de vie que vous menez là-bas, il fallait oser et clairement ça en jette, et ça vous permet de voir des tas de choses. Vivement la suite!

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    • Hi Mynnette, she's a stunner, and your colouring is wonderful as always.Sorry I haven't had a chance to leave you more messages but I do so appreciate you stopping by.By the way I have so enjoyed the Bargello this month I have loads more cards to share I just need to find the time to post them:O)hugs Kimx

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    • Pia Mellody wrote in Facing Love Addiction that it's a common misconception that every breakup is a failure. Wouldn't it be better to part as friends, enjoying the time you had together than to stay together and struggle to try to change each other until you can't stand each other? It was a helpful insight for me at the time I was reading it.

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    • – I’ll probably just make a huge order of cheap plastic junk from Oriental Trading Company so he’ll have more things to open than he can deal with.@Mike – He’s stopped shooting the window and started shooting me. I hope it’s at least cathartic for him.

    • Oh Julyanna, pero cuesta, cuesta!! Mucho trabajo! La mayoría de los días no duermo ¡Entro en coma! Pero como dices, es una satisfacción cuando ves que los estás encaminando bien.

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    • Kaneganeseさんpdf届きました。ありがとうございます。これを見てはっきりわかることは、『鬱陵郡誌』の編者は「無実」であるということです。南面の地名と北面の地名が段落分けして記述されていて、北面地名と同じ行から続いて(管轄)竹島 石島と書かれています。これでは誰が読んでも石島が北面所属であるとしか理解できません。GTOMR さんI have a question about Imperial Edict 41.article 3.第三條 開國五百四年八月十六日官報中 官廳事項欄內 鬱陵島以下十九字 刪去ê³  開國五百五年勅令第三十六號第五條江原道二十六郡의 å…­å­— 七字로 改正ê³  安峽郡下에 鬱島郡三字 添入 事.what kind of å­—?字はそのまま「å­—」という意味ではないでしょうか。「鬱陵島以下十九字 刪去」は「鬱」から続いて十九番目までの文字を削除するという意味で、「安峽郡下에 鬱島郡三字 添入」は「安峽郡」の次に「鬱」「島」「郡」の三文字を加えるという意味だと思います。

    • Má smysl vaÅ™it (zcukÅ™ovat) slad vícermutovým způsobem, jako pÅ™i vaÅ™ení piva?Jednoduché ifuzní metody údajnÄ› nazajistí dostatečné zcukÅ™ení.Existuje nÄ›jaká tradiční metoda na vaÅ™ení režné?Díky, Ondra

    • He has been hanging out in the comments section under the September 6 post: "Maliki's office targets nightclubs", where we have been argu…er…debating a number of topics. Although I haven't seen him in a couple of days.

    • Na jedné diskuzi o kÅ™esÅ¥anství jeden historik a knÄ›z poukázal, že to nebyly jenom ženy čarodÄ›jnice, ale i muži, takže pozor, to byste obviňoval z diskriminace žen.Prý to nebyla vina církve, ale společenská hysterie hledání viníka za mor.

    • Helt klart välförtjänt vinnare =)Men vadÃ¥ oroad!? Jag kan inte rÃ¥ för att jag blir ronery ibland. Mitt lag rÃ¥kar vara byggda sÃ¥ ;D(Och alla grabbar därute vet att det är sant) =P

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    • I filled out a request for a press pass for the American Chemical Society Meeting – and posted the post that ended up in Open Laboratory from the press room!At the ACS, press get in free to the meeting, hence the guardians of the pass.

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    • I was sad not to hear a single pundit tonight talk about the fact that Obama’s proposed policies are more in the interests of poor, uneducated people than any of HRC’s policies, proposed or proven. These folks are much more likely to join the military or need to claim bankruptcy or to be in any number of situations that her legislation has made much worse. Their votes, then, boil down to a too-familiar „hierarchy”–if she were running against a white man, they’d vote for him over her, regardless of policies. It’s awful.

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    • Post sensacional, Oportuno e muito bem escrito, conheci a Banda em meados de 1996, coloquei na MTV e vi o Gastão Moreira entrevistando James LaBrie e John Petrucci, na epoca passou 2 clipes, Lie e Silent Man..cara vi o Petrucci esmirilhando aquela Ibanez Preta de 7 cordas, e fiquei Pasmo, de la pra cá é vicio…compro, consumo td…saiu, é novo? eu compro!Parabens pelo Post!

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    • 119Puno hvala na brzom odgovoru. NaÅ¡la sam bus koji vozi i po noći (10) pa se nadam da sam sad sve sredila. Jel znaÅ¡ možda koliko bi od Kings Crossa do Marble Archa koÅ¡tao taksi otprilike, za svaki slučaj? I jel taj noćni bus siguran? JoÅ¡ jednom puno hvala.Pozz1f

    • まずは、ご懐妊おめでとうございます。そしてコメント、ありがとうございます。こちらの「井戸端会議」に相談させて頂く前は、私の体を心配した実母から「あと2回くらい移植したらもう止めなさい」と言われたり、夫からは「卵がたくさんあるんだからそれが無くなるまでは頑張ろう(=12回)」と言われたり、もうすっかり混乱してしまって・・・気持ちばかりが焦って自分の考えがまとまらない状態でした。でも、今はお陰さまで「休み休み進めばいいんだ」と思えるようになりました。あきさんのおっしゃるように、「もうあと一歩!」と考え、ダメでも焦らないで趣味のことなど、妊娠以外のことを考える時間を増やしたいと思います。夫や主治医からは、「あと12回分もあるんだから」と良い意味で言われますが、私にはかえってプレッシャーとなっていて、「これで妊娠しなければ、あと12回も続けなきゃならないの?」と気が重くなっていました。先々のことは考えないようにして、穏やかに過ごす方法を何とか見つけたいと思います。

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    • Fish was definitely fouled on that layup attempt. He still should have made it. He should also realize that his contested driving layups should be the last option on a fast break.

    • No, we won’t. Economic policy run by either Frankfurt or London, foriegn policy run by Brussels, tax policy run for the benefit of rich companies and a priviledged head of state picked by succession. Not really seperating from much are we…

    • aaaaah, c'est tellement vrai! moi qui prends 10 kilos chaque fois que je passe une décennie, je ne sais plus quoi faire… Mais j'ai arrêté de faire de la résistance quand je me suis aperçue que j'avais l'air moins grosse dans un pantalon taille 42 que dans un taille 40 boudinant!

    • “Blagojevich maintains he wasn’t trying to sell or trade Obama’s Senate seat and was trying to arrange a deal…”Ummmm, soooooooooo you WERE selling/trading the seat in exchange for personal benefit, to get something that you wanted. That’s what a DEAL is all about.Ohhhhhhhh, I get it. Wink, wink. “….it followsthat the past is whatever the party chooses to make it.” Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and selling a Senate seat is not SELLING a Senate seat.I believe Illinois has had ENOUGH of you, Blago. Do the time for your crimes.

    • Pues es algo un poco raro, acabo de probar lo que decías porque todavía no lo había probado yo y no me ha dado ningún problema. Has instalado appsync? Y de las apps que has instalado, te funcionan bien en el iPad?Cuentame mas cosas a ver si puedo echarte una mano ;)Te ha gustado este comentario? Vótalo! 0  0

    • Let me get this straight if I can, Two Women sex it together, nothing comes of it,Two men sex it together; nothing comes of it However, take the sperm from one male and introduce it into one of the females, you bring life into the world……. Now what;s so wrong with Gods plan. Oh He made a mistake with you you say.. One Day you shall SEE!

    • al muhajirUntuk hal ini banyak yang sudah menjawab. Ketik aja di google” bukti kebenaran Al Quran ” anda akan menemukan ratusan atau bahkan lebih banyak lagi bukti tentang hal ini.hem… sepertinya Tuhan ada di google ya? sebelah mana kira kira biar saya dapat menemui Beliau.

    • Fais le calcul avec l’angle solide, pas la surface (ou rajoute un coeff sinus). Une même surface au sol vue de la taille de Karlo ou de celle de Rochus, ça fait pas pareil.

    • oles oi eikones apo tin ellinikis mainstream koultoura, otan parousiazoun gays, tous parousiazoun san kati pou vgazei gelio. Kai to lipiro einai oti polloi senariografoi einai oi idioi gay.

    • Hey there this is kind of of off topic but I was wanting to know if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding experience so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be enormously appreciated!

    • kan nauwelijks wachten. Misschien moeten we er gewoon een dienstbezoek van maken. Kennis delen en uitwisseling van informatie en opinies is per slot van rekening ook werk.

    • I like your mothers plan. Will remember. ha @ JES I know what he is saying with his Bon Mot. Nice beacuse if you have had a strict academic education it is a liberation and allows (maybe ) for more invention. However,@ Squirrel I think there is some serious benefit to not letting ‘the spiral’ seduce you away from your point of investigation. You have to purse your idea till you have speared it, thrown it over your your shoulder home and are dicing it for the pot. Afterall what is the opposite of an intense investigation…?

    • What we need is provocation/agitation things so small that Europeans will start wondering why the muslims are overreacting. These minor issues will cause the muslims to resort to violence. Europeans will be left with two choices continue cowering and surrender or wake up and take back the streets, cities, countries.

    • "Before I start this post I would like to join numerous republicans and others in calling on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns."Media Matters is really pushing that one, eh Mr. Negro?Jig for your democrat masters Field, jig.You are the ultimate House Negro.

    • Sou usário linux, hahaha. E daí? Se acha especial ou melhor do que alguém por isso? Eu tb uso linux, e daí? O papo aqui é sobre navegador. E vc continua sem entender o que eu escrevi. Volte para a escola para aprender interpretação de texto.Usando Unknown em Unknown

    • Emma, this is a fantastic post and I cracked up while reading it. Nice job! I work at a digital agency and most of my SEO counterparts are males so it’s always fun seeing what happens when you throw a girl into the mix. Us women bring a certain level of femininity, creativity, and insight that guys simply can’t understand. Like the difference for optimizing for a shrug and a bolero and how that differs from a cardigan. Thanks again for sharing!

    • Huff da, hehe. Men det er jo veldig typisk at slikt skjer nÃ¥r det passer minst! Skjønner godt du savner kjæresten og snuppa di! Da blir det ekstra godt Ã¥ se de igjen i morgen! 🙂 Klem 🙂

    • Andrea comentou em 11 de julho de 2011 às 16:28. A roupa é linda, merece ser muito usada!Agora, é claro que ela tem que usar roupas mais “sérias” do que a verdadeira idade dela, devido ao cargo que ocupa. Não dá pra usar nada que não seja bem formal.

    • to bless them curse you… to pray for your enemies. That doesn’t seem natural but what Christ has done for us is not natural either.In Christ,Philip White

    • Between me cute blue mittens free and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.

    • Just because y'all have me spending too much time on YouTube … Am I alone in loving Morris Day and the Time?I do love comic, sexy, jump r&b …

    • Sziasztok éjjli baglyok! :-)Én is nemrég ültettem a bazsalikomom ésmár megintdultak olyan édesek! Imádom nézni, ahogy fejlÅ‘dnek.Nem tudjátok hol tudnék menta magot venni??? Nagyon szeretnék mert imádom a mojitot és a menta fagylaltot! 🙂

    • 10216Sep9928Bryan Magana3b 519Glad you clicked! Thanks so much for sharing your story. The families of people who struggle with (or embrace) same-sex attraction are such an important part of this conversation, and part of the reason I decided to speak up. Please know that I’m praying for you and your daughter. Hope you’ll find lots more encouragement. God bless you.VN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 7 votes) 167

    • हा हा हा.. वाढदिवसाला श्रद्धांजली.. प्रचंड आवरा आहे.काही गोष्टींचा आता अतिरेक झाल्याने नकोसं वाटतं. एसएमएस मधे माझ्या मुली तिस रुपयांचे कार्ड घालतात, त्या मधे १००० मेसेजेस फ्री असा काहीसा प्लान आहे. सारखे मित्रमैत्रीणींना मेसेजेस सुरु असतात. म्हणते की बोलण्यापेक्षा स्वस्त पडतं..

    • Salam alikoum,J’ai trouvé pour vous une fatwa, qui je pense doit vous interrésser, mais je n’y ai pas vu de distance obligatoire a respecter pour le voyageur, et d’après cette fatwa, il n’y a pas de distance, voici le lien :bis lama

    • Mentira! Mentira! Mentira! Simplesmente, era tudo uma mentira. Aliás, tudo o que se refere ao Small é quase sempre uma peça de ficção. Eles dizem ter 30 milhões de torcedores, mas as pesquisas mais otimistas revelam um máximo de 25 milhões, ou seja, já começam mentindo tentando aumentar o tamanho da torcida.No final, havia mais são paulinos assintindo o jogo contra o Al Ithad do que corinthianos no jogo contra o Al acolá. A verdade dói, não é corinthianos? É mais fácil viver no mundo dos sonhos

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    • Christine~I am so excited for you. Not nearly as excited as your Mom is, but VERY excited to hear about your latest project!. Just wanted to say ‘congrats’ to an extremely talented young woman. Best wishes in your new venture.Love ya,“Miss” VickyP.S. Sweet Baby James has a super mom!

    • I believe all media has the potential of a „pernicious” or „insidious” effect on young minds. It’s up to we caregivers to keep the channels of communication with children open. Reflection and discussion time after reading a picture book, or watching a movie is a great idea and enhances the experience. Susan, the Book Chook

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    • Nem me fale de tempo. Fico louca ao ver as empresas contratando comunicólogos para alimentar suas mídias sociais, mas que não permitem que esta ferramenta trabalhe da forma que ela realmente é. TWITTER, FACEBOOK, ORKUT, …., SÃO FERRAMENTAS DE DIÁLOGO!!! É tão difícil entender isso?!Sim Nepô, estou revoltada!!! rsQuando é que vamos parar de perder tempo em simplesmente informar ao invés de discutir e solucionar problemas?Esse tempo perdido ninguém sai ganhando, nem as empresas, nós funcionários e muito menos os clientes.

    • .Yep, insurance companies do quote the max they will pay but you egregiously ignore the big difference. I can choose to pay the extra above what the insurance company pays and get the procedure anyway. This single-payer plan makes that illegal. You're damn right it has something to do with liberty.Kowalko and Jaques would make even supplementary insurance or supplementary payments illegal.That's simply reprehensible and I am surprised to find you stooging for it.

    • Már az Ószövetségben sokszori utalásban tiltva van a az azonos neműek kapcsolata. Isten a férfi és a nÅ‘ közötti házasságot áldja meg, Jézus a Megváltó a törvény betöltése, az én Megváltóm és a Tiéd is, ha tiszta szívvel befogadod. Abban talán egyet értünk, hogy ha az Isteni rendelkezések uralkodnának a mai világban, akkor szép élet lehetne egyénileg, a családban is, és a társadalomban is.

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    • Na seriál se chci podívat až si pÅ™ečtu oba díly, které se tam zatím objevují, nechci pÅ™ijít o žádné pÅ™ekvapení. Teď bych se asi mohla podívat na první sérii ale to bych pak chtÄ›la rovnou sledovat i druhou a to zatím nemůžu.

    • Brillo made a monkey of him a few weeks ago. Really pulled his pants down on expenses.But I agree he gets a lot of coverage and airtime. Because he gives good copy I reckon rather than a sinister bbc plot. But I guess that’s the explanation you need if you think the BBC is always slanted to the left in its coverage.   2 likes

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    • Katha –Yes! I guess Tom is “cute” and watchable. I don’t think he’s a very good actor, though, and his performances are not unique or everlasting. If he has a talent it is picking the right script that fits his limited persona.Yes, Anthony Quinn is irreplaceable — as is Audre Hepburn. Barbara Streisand is another irreplaceable as is Liza Minelli.

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    • al lettore al di sotto della media, la turcomania di questo tipo ha fatto venire in mente una battuta che gira da queste parti (dove ci sono una marea di immigrati portoghesi che lavorano nell’edilizia)“Un jour les Portugais domineront le monde…. Mais pas demain il y a chantier”

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    • The baller’s action epitomize the „mentally weak and physically strong” characterization espoused in the Willie Lynch letter: The Making of a Slave. Status via the cash vehicle is fleeting but knowledge still drives power.

    • E essa „tábua de passar roupa” nada mais e que o perfil eliptico da asa do Spitfire, aviao mitico da segunda guerra mundial, no intuito de reduzir o vortice da ponta da asa…falta tambem a carenagem mais aerodinamica original do projeto inicial. Toda a aerodinamica estava aos cuidados de Frank Costin, aerodinamicista emerito e por acaso socio do Keith Duckworth na Cosworth (COStin-DuckWORTH)…o seu trabalho sobre a aerodinamica dos condutos de ar no motor foi uma das grandes razoes da excelente eficiencia deste.RDV

    • HS YOU hit it out of the ball park once again!! This was so friken fantastic!! The only thing that could have made it better was if ” I ” was the one squeezing it…lol This is my all time fav o rite kind of cyst to pop. This is def a 5 !!!!

    • ” Never, ever trust the politician who goes around talking about God all the time.You’re going to love this video by George Carlin, which is one of his most hard-hitting critiques of the establishment.” Politicians have traditionally hidden behind 3 things: the flag, the bible, and children – no child left behind, no child left behind.

    • The Jeep Wrangler got the Best Brand Expression award. The Infiniti G35 was named vehicle with Best Interior Trim. And according to the editors, the Chrysler Sebring has the best cup holder and the Lexus LS 460L gives the best overall comfort. Car makers nowadays take on center stage the importance of interiors to vehicle sales. As a matter of fact, OEM spending on interior materials alone, according to CSM Worldwide, is estimated to reach $10 billion by 2009.

    • Why would Jesus cure a load of Lepers in his lifeltime, but God does fuck all for Cancer sufferers these days. If there is a God, he retired when his son died.

    • Haai my good teachersWhen I speak English I feel more comfortable now than before. Thanks to you my teachers and keep up the good work. I am spreading the gospell because I believe that there is a lot of people out there who need the kind of lessons that I get from you. Thank you once again.

    • This has a very "Financial Times" look to it. Is the paper pink even?! It's a nice blend of aesthetic and social commentary; but I admit to some wry anticipation of the day when you just let your unsuspecting readers have at it with a pure-hauteur fashion piece. I remember college newspaper as a fond place to let rip with the rantings, as they did seem to fall into a well of silence. I admit, it would be fun to see you rock a serious updo for your byline pic, maybe with a scolding finger tsking the fashion-unforward to task!

    • oct10Marie-Michèle Mon coup de coeur va à La Salle à Manger sur Mont-Royal. Ce n’est peut-être pas le meilleur des meilleurs à Montréal côté culinaire mais chaque fois que j’y vais, je passe des soirées mémorables. L’ambiance est agréable, la bouffe est excellente, le service soigné et il faut l’avouer, la vue est agréable (on s’entend que jolis garçons attentionnés, c’est toujours un plus pour un souper de filles!)

    • With their help I soon discovered all that I was doing wrong, and my head no longer hurts from banging it on the desk…no I simply have a palm print on my forehead from slapping it and proclaiming “of

    • siger:Var egentlig ogsÃ¥ ude efter en strik i bouclé-stil, men synes det er svært at finde. Er god stadig helt forelsket i den fra Rabens Saloner jeg viste for noget siden. Kommer den pÃ¥ januar udsalg skal den hjem! I mellemtiden ville denne være en god mÃ¥de at opdatere et simpelt look til fest…

    • Basiu, chlebek wyglada przepieknie. Oczu nie moge od niego oderwac. A dziczyzny jeszcze nie jadlam. Nie, zaraz, zaraz, kiedys chyba jadlam i przypomnialam wlasnie sobie, ze mi smakowalo 🙂 Mysle, ze powinnam wyprobowac Twoj przepis dla dokladnego przypomnienia sobie smaku 🙂

    • no amiga te equivocas cuando realmente hay amor puro el la esperara todo el tiempo que sea necesario hasta que llegue el momento de casarse ya despues todo vendra por asi solo y que bueno que tenga lo mas valioso de ella su virginidad y el hombre que le tocara en su vida estara muy afortunado de estar con ella

    • 讀書多?你我有個這樣的老豆,十個degree都讀到啦。人家有歷練ma,好的心懷感恩,壞的則知道笑面虎、無聲狗和悶聲發大財之道。其二代,我總覺得就算有多好的教育始終不及。一手一腳打江山的視野是學不來的,就如開國君主及其後人的分別。再者,假如我出世時「應有盡有」,我對眼都會生高d。其實,我成日見d報導話邊個個二代好勁,邊個個二代二十多歲就如何,我總懷疑其中不少係太上皇班老臣輔政的結果。據聞,希特拉平時私下對d秘書、近身都係好有禮貌,甚至體貼,完全不似我們心目中的希特拉。這就是大人物了。

    • Re: Dopico. Does good arise from amidst evil? Let us praise his deeds, only after they are done. NY lawyers usually only offer vain hope, without results.

    • Carrinho feio mesmo. Mas espero que ele ande. Alonso está de olho no título. E, não duvidem: Alonso foi o melhor das últimas oito provas do mundial passado (48 pts, contra 43 de Massa e 40 de Hamilton) e começa 2009 querendo manter essa hegêmonia ao longo de todo o campeonatod e 2009!

    • gangbusters with women but most men who are not Black or Hispanic have soured on him quite a bit. Rasmussen today: men 47%, women 50%.Hoo boy, what a gender gap.~Svigor

    • I agree darrell. Annetts clearly has an agenda beyond that of justice for abused Indian children.Notice how he heads that article with a picture of Jesus performing an obscene gesture.I realize that one shouldn’t judge by appearances, but there is something creepy looking about Annetts. He looks like a flamer himself.

    • FörstÃ¥r att massa tankar cirkulerar! Det är ju riktigt vÃ¥ra beslut! Skönt att du kände att den nya läkaren var bättre iaf. Hur lÃ¥gt blodvärde har du förresten? Och hur mkt tränade du när du tog ursprungsvärdet? Träning ger som du säkert vet en utspädning av blodet, med ökad plasmavolym och sänkt Hb som följd… Men nu är det slut pÃ¥ sjukdomssnack fram till loppet:), eller hur!? Det kommer att bli super. Du fÃ¥r kanske se om Hb:t ökar av medicinuppehÃ¥llet ocksÃ¥!

    • Well 24 seven, there are supervisors all over the place that are paid many dollars to run the State of New Jersey.There are always mangaers in charge. I am sure the people that were away could always be reached by way of email or cell phone. Also texting etc.In 2010 communication is done by these means. I like the old school way but the world is changeing.

    • OMG I can not believe those women! Question- When hostess called to see if you were going to sue did you respond with "well I hadn't actually considered it until just now"?

    • I wrote about this back in from a social justice stand point. Many of the women are not voluntarily “employed” in the sex trade. Many of the pimps beat and force the women to submit to their authority, similar to little kings running around demanding payment for brokering services.

    • Jill Vila – Beautiful pictures of Casey, Meg and Phil! You really captured their personalities. Can’t wait to see the rest. I will definitely keep your name in mind if I or other friends are looking for a photographer. Jill McPartland Vila

    • gizmodo was da los? großartig habt ihr neue redakteure? schon der zweite gute artikel in so kurzer zeit =) freut mich, frohe ostern eurem team!

    • Excellent point and yes,Rafe and Damiens site is a really good, tell it like it is resource of facts, science, opinions and politics. of course, you forgot the option that Romney prefers,which is to ship all the goo to the US. If you recall, he even stated he would support Harper’s stripped down environmental regulations and review process IF Canada gave the goo to them instead of China.

    • C, Ruben is sometimes too aggressive but he is active and wants to improve the team. His big issue to me will be to be creative with his contracts or trades so he can fill the three main holes the Phillies have(CF=RH or SH; 8th Inning Setup Relievers and a corner outfielder with power). Frandsen was a surprise at 3B and can be more valuable than any Free Agents and I can live with Frandsen..

    • Anonym 10:04 har et godt poeng. Hvorfor selges det ikke kjøtt fra eggleggende høns? Etter hva jeg vet blir verpehønene gasset og kastet etter at de har verpet i 1-2 Ã¥r. Imens blir kyllinger avlet opp pÃ¥ haradiøst vis for Ã¥ vokse fortest mulig for at vi skal fÃ¥ mest mulig, billig kjøtt.. Galskap.

    • The only time over-the-counter medicines are deductible is when your doctor prescribes them for treatment of a specific condition. Vitamins are not deductible but calcium with Vit. D is deductible if your doctor specifies it for treatment of osteoporosis.With the 7 1/2% threshhold and the standard deduction being so generous, most people wouldn’t get a benefit even then.References : Was this answer helpful?

    • d’accord… vous n’êtes pas le pion essentiel dans cette mascarade …mais ne vous méprenez pas non plus, cette finale n’est que l’aboutissement d’un mécontentement général latent chez les amateurs de basket depuis des années concernant le traitement audiovisuel du 2eme sport nationala bon entendeurloïc K.

    • não fica assim Olívia….tenho aprendido muito com meus clientes….também já passei por situações complicadas….mas suas corujas ficaram lindas…..gostaria até de saber se você me vende o projeto….amo corujinhas….

    • Fantastico… che cosa aggiungere? Che l'informazione in Italia è in mano a Berlusconi; che l'Italia dei partigiani sta facendo sempre più strada all'Italia dei corrotti, degli evasori, delle veline e dei pecorones.Mi chiedo: l'Italia si merita tutto questo? Si, grazie a Berlusconi ed ai pecorones acritici-appecorati.Meno male che qualcuno ogni tanto ci fa fare quattro risate.

    • When adding 301 redirects to multiple pages Google is very slow at realizing that a proper redirection is in place and continues to advise you on creating 404 not found pages.

    • Juliano / Meu sonho é ver ao vivo a aurora… talvez, só no próximo máximo solar! =/P.S.: As auroras do norte chamam-se “Auroras Boreais” e as do sul “Auroras Austrais”, só pra constar… Gostei deste comentário ou não: 5

    • //wrong. he uses the word ‘crooked bsuinessman’ ; he does not condone frauds which are part of any system in this world.//businessman என்று சொன்னாலே போதும் crooked என்று சொல்வது superfluous . இவங்க எல்லாம் crooked ஆக இருப்பதால்தான், இவங்க கையில் அரசாங்கங்கள் இருப்பதால்தான், நாடு (சமூகம்) சீரழிந்து போயிருக்கிறது. //so what alternative do you propose nanbaa ?//நேரில் பேசலாம்

    • This was a great video — good explanations and very helpful. It is also nice that you speak well and don’t just have conversations with yourself but rather direct your information towards the audience. Too many people on youtube try to be cute and funny.. you were straight up reporting the news! Thank you.

    • Es ist nicht nur mehr heutzutage unproblematisch, einen Kredit per Internet zu vergleichen und zu beantragen, sondern laut Finanztest sogar besser (siehe )!Das schlagkräftigste Argument hierbei war, dass die Transparenz und Einhaltung rechtlich und gesellschaftlich geforderter Beratungskriterien immer erfüllt worden. Wohingegen “offline” Banken sehr häufig sogar versucht haben, langjährige Kunden beinahe “über den Tisch zu ziehen”.

    • Imitazione, l’esportazione della propria cucina dovrebbe essere un grande riconoscimento, la paura e l’ossessione di rivedere proprie tecniche in altri cuochi e segno di grande debolezza e poca professionalità, dovremmo tornare a cucinare con pietre e fuoco allora, perchè in qualsiasi e più originale preparazione, vi è sempre una parte che arriva dal passato e da quello che la storia ci insegna.

    • marta disse:gostaria de saber se exite uma lei que me afaste do emprego seguido de uma remuneçao pra cuidar de minha sogra que depende de cuidados e que nao tem nem uma filha mulher.

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    • Ех, скільки ще наївних романтиків в Україні… І хто сказав, що люди їдуть туди на все готове? Хто для них там щось приготував? Люди їдуть працювати, бо тут їхній труд ніхто не цінує.

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    • åååååå Marianne for en grande finale!!!Helt utrolig kort og sÃ¥ vakkert at en arm nyvÃ¥ken nattevakt blir helt mÃ¥lløs…Jeg elsker fargene du har brukt og alle dine motiver er satt sammen pÃ¥ en helt perfekt mÃ¥te. Nydelig brettekort og ja, bare helt nydelig…Tusen takk Kjære Marianne for alt du har bidratt med under vÃ¥r sommerkonkurranse! Gang pÃ¥ gang har du inspirert og trollbundet oss og virelig bevist at du fortjener denne finaleplassen!Masse klemmer fra Jill

    • I’ve got a d7000 & love it to pieces, it’s totally worth the money. i’d suggest you shop around as the prices do vary. don’t be scared, it’s a beautiful camera that you’ll learn to love

    • Obama has hurt our ties with our Allies. He must despise Britain & Israel, the way he treats them. He is putting America at risk financially with his Radical agenda. Daniel, your writing is always superb!

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    • Ramón Ángel / Puñetas, estaré fuera de Murcia desde el próximo miércoles hasta el domingo siguiente, con lo cual no podre saludarte. Por tanto lo hago desde aquí, compartiendo contigo la indignación que supone observar en que se ha convertido el debate sobre la ley más importante de cada curso político. Un mercado persa tiene su aquel. Esto no se sabe muy bien qué es.

    • …qui plaide pour un instrument « positif » de lutte…C’est quoi ? une prime pour les parents qui n’envoientpas leurs enfants à l’école ?.Ca devient chiant cette manie de défaire ce qui aété fait démocratiquement.

    • I love the Dorothy Parker quote and I give you kudos. Yep. My friend did that and I thought “never.” And “Nevermore.” But wish I had the nerve – to see all that beauty below.

    • Wonderful word here Elaine….I just hate the way satan muddies things up don’t you? He has made a muddy mess of the world and yet the truth still stands, and it will keep standing until He comes back. Thank you for continuing to be a light on a hill through your life, and your words…Lori

    • While I have been contemplating the crop-a-dile, I’m wondering — do you need it to use these great eyelets or are there other tools that I might have already that can be used?

    • Lololo…I used to feel lonely from being abandoned but now it doesn’t matter ( he doesn’t get to meet the actresses he had kissing scenes with )…..The reason why it doesn’t matter anymore is coz he had Eunjung now…xD

    • HiJust asking, when you audition and you get accepted into Foster Idol, do you have to sing three songs on the same day?Please respondThanks for reading ~Cc

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    • Alexandra zegt:Goed artikel en heel herkenbaar! En helemaal mee eens dat de mens goed gedijt op ‘doen wat je echt leuk vind’. Alleen zijn er, in de loop der jaren, ook vaak verplichtingen ontstaan waaraan je niet ontkom en die kan je niet altijd nakomen als je je passie achterna rent. Desalniettemin blijft het een goed stuk!

    • Can I just say what a relief to find someone who actually knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the story. I cant believe youre not more popular because you definitely have the gift.

    • beeautiful bunting but as the others say its far too cheap.. saying that I have no money at the moment or I would so buy the rocket one for the boy. thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.. its cheered me up a bit on a down day…

    • mohadiin marki ay maxkamada kiskooda ugudbiyeen may kudareen intay intaas howlahani ka dhaxeyen sxb arinta iso fahfahi bal ado mahadsanU codee: 1  0

    • Ann:There are many factors at work here. Human sexuality is a complex thing! That doesn’t mean there’s no reason to examine this correlation.Holly:My point is that Mormonism makes men feel ashamed of their sexual desires instead of affirming them.Rebecca:It is my impression that sexual frustration can lead to aggression. I didn’t realize this was a controversial idea, but perhaps it is.Sinister Porpoise:Okay, I’m dense, but I don’t understand your comment.Cynthia:Thanks for pointing out that it’s possible for erotica to be positive and affirming. 😀

    • You…are…my…hero!!! I cant believe something like this exists on the internet! Its so true, so honest, and more than that you dont sound like an idiot! Finally, someone who knows how to talk about a subject without sounding like a kid who didnt get that bike he wanted for Christmas.

    • I hope you recover soon! Keep your chin up lovely, afterall, how would you be able to see when things start to look up if you're eyes are set on the ground!? Things could be a lot worse, you're right!P.s. Those flowers are gorgeous!


    • To lartey and gloria: its no more past glories ooooooooooo…. u guys are surprised i guess..that your schools are not included and WINNESEC are included……. we are in a new era,21st century not in the 70s. wake up and open your eyes. from a PROUD WINNESECAN…

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    • Karel: “ten kdo neuvěřil toto těžko pochopi, snad pomůže pÅ™ipodobnÄ›ní, velice hrubé: Máte nÄ›jaké problémy a dozvíte se, že pÅ™ijíždí “tetička z Ameriky”, která vám tyto vaÅ¡e problémy jede vyÅ™eÅ¡it. Pokud této zprávÄ› uvěříte, i když tetičku nevidíte ani jste s ní nemluvili, nutnÄ› to ponese, ta víra, své ovoce”Jirka: Já jsem uvěřil, ale toto pÅ™irovnání nechápu.

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    • Thanks Kate for your reply. Yes the SIBO test was negative and b12 and folate levels were normal. I really appreciate you taking the time. Monica

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    • I have tried the cinnamon buns and the cheese cake and both were very rich but yummy.All my friends Gluten-Free and not loved em both,can not wait to see what is next on the menu,thanks or sharing such yummy foods

    • >Vill bara tipsa om att INTE köpa den större flaskan. I den är det 8 ml, men den kostar väl runt 70-80 kr?AlltsÃ¥ dyrare än att köpa 2 st. 5 ml-flaskor!

    • white people are too FUCKIN PUSSY to defend themselves, you FUCKING CHICKEN SHIT BASTARDS! That is why Mexico is taking over YOUR country without a shot. ROFLMAO. I attend University of Texas, and am very active in the anti- tea party movement. If anyone wants to be an infiltrator, please message me, we have several hundred students as members. I am half Mexican and half white. Texas id 55% minority now. Enjoy your new BROWN masters, you republican racist pigs.

    • Oh the movie is much, much worse than the book. At least with the book, you have Chris Van Allsburg’s fantastic illustrations to look at. With the movie, all you have is subpar animation and various creepy Tom Hanks personae (Creepy Train Porter, Creepy Father, and Creepy Hobo, to name a few).

    • Estimada Leila Palacio:Le haremos llegar su consulta a los vendedores de Meditea, para que se contacten con usted. Respecto de los cursos aún no tenemos los temas de los mismos. Agradecemos su interes, y le mantendremos informada sobre los cursos de Meditea 2012.Cualquier consulta estamos a su disposiciónSaludos CordialesRomina Osorio

    • Hello there I am so thrilled I found your webpage, I really found you by error,while I was searching on Bing for something else, Anyways I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a tremendous post and a all round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I donÂ’t have time to go through it allat the moment but I have bookmarked it and also includedyour RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back toread a great deal more, Please do keep up the awesome jo.

    • Multi:MM (to my knowledge) doesn't deny that a Korean backwater couldn't happen.His argument is that if every nation in the world is a patchworked one then 1) there is little financial incentive to go full-Kim2) full-Kim won't be the norm3) it will suck for those people if it happens but not for the majority of humanity who will be better off.Perhaps that's not trans-humanist but it is utilitarian, which MM claims to be.

    • Suomen luomuvalikoima on edelleen turhauttavan pieni ja oletettavaa on, että valikoima laajenee kauttaaltaan. Onkin toivottavaa, että normilähikaupoista löytyy tavistuotteiden rinnalta tulevaisuudessa luomuversiot. Jos ja kun näin käy, pienemmät kaupat voivat erikoistua kukin tavallaan esim. pientuottajien tuotteisiin, riistaan, villi- ja artisaaniruokiin tai esim. superfoodeihin.

    • what do you mean what and when The UFC controls what fighters fight but after that they cannot tell the judges i want this fighter to win of this would be a horrible tactic for making money because half of the matches dont even go to a decision the other half end via KO or Submission. WHen the judges make a good decision everybody applauds them they make a stupid mistake they are all of a sudden corrupt If your so smart go of and build a case against the UFC and stop acting like your so cool

    • The MTCategory plugin link has gone 404… The links to the plugin from the template tutorial and even from Sixapart all produce the 404 error page. Does anyone have a zipped copy of the plugin that they would be happy to share?

    • Thanks Rick. No grass on the AIS track, only the one down at Calwell and the cross country course at Stromlo – the kangaroos help with keeping it down out there 😉

    • Josh's pork production techniques:Raised in a kiddie pool full of sea water, to boost saltiness.Raised in something else for the same reason (yes, I regret thinking this up).Genetic grafting so the pigs can turn cellulose into ethanol.Teaching them to oink "No animal shall harm any other animal" right before slaughter time. … I kinda lost the point.

    • E de preferat sa vizitezi un muzeu in pogramul normal. de ex la muzeul cotroceni s-a permiks vizitarea a foarte putine incaperi. Si a fost singurul muzeu la care am putut intra. l observatorul astonomic, dupa ce am astat la coada 1h jumatate si abia ajunsesem la mijloc, ne-am lasat pagubasi. insa voi incerca sa le vizitez in programul normal, cum am zis.

    • Hey, glad you like it. Hardly one of the best though.And yes, I’m a massive, huge U2 fan – they’re without a doubt one of my favorite bands. I’ve seen them play a whole bunch of times and it’s always an amazing experience so I’m looking forward to the 3D movie version!

    • oh toi aussi tu as la peau mixte et sensible lol c'est marrant hein pour trouver des produits pour ne pas briller mais hydrater qd même ! ahhh chtuuustell*

    • Nekünk a legelsÅ‘ házunkban hajópadló volt (fenyÅ‘) és ugyanez volt mint Lidérckénél.Azóta lamináltot rakunk, ami sokat fejlÅ‘dött az elmúlt 10 év alatt, és a mostaniak annyira jó minÅ‘ségűek, hogy nem karcolódik, könnyű tisztítani… emiatt választottuk. Egyébként a fa a „szerelmem” de nem minden áron.

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    • I believe this internet site holds some real superb information for everyone. “Je veux que les paysans mettent la poule au pot tous les dimanches.” by King Henry IV of France.

    • I don't much like antennas. They are a necessary evil I guess. But you have manged to make that one beautiful. Tall and slender. Say hi to the sunshine and rain for me in Bergen — also all the beautiful flowers. I just recently went over many of our photos from last year again.

    • Mary, i gotta confess you, I simply LOVE these onions!!I have search for the recipe for so many times, and now here itis.Thank you.have a great dayHélia

    • Quali sono stati i termini dell'operazione con cui Riva ha comprato le acciaierie ? Con i soldi di chi lo ha fatto ?Il problema dell'inquinamento , richiede una presa di posizione adeguata…nella Costituzione . Il fatto stesso di non mettere la giusta enfasi sull'ambiente , apre i cancelli al capitalismo .

    • If you write a blog, why not get more out of the work you put into writing new posts? Andrea J. Stenberg at The Baby Boomer Entrepreneur suggests Seven Ways to Repurpose Your Blog in Other Marketing Tools

    • Thank you for doing that. I’m scared to death of confrontation, but I’ve done by best to call out sexism, transphobia and racism when I see it in the past few years. (I just started learning about these problems and privilege, etc.)It’s not easy, it’s down right scary, so a round of applause for you, Benny. I hope you did well on the test!

    • mein sht is a bit too much…if u gonna introduce a new song at an awards show like that, make sure its an undeniable first time banger… not something that may or may not work…on first listen, definitely doesnt work for me

    • that, Bank of America).  Here’s a little more from Working Washington‘s blog entry, November 5: We’re breaking up with the Big Banks (and remember, according to the Seattle school teachers at the other protest, Chase is getting

    • Bonjour Michel,Merci pour cette information. Je l’avais déjà reçue et même si je me doutais que ça pouvait être un hoax, j’y avais quand même prêté une oreille attentive car je croyais que ça pouvait être vrai.J’ai quand même flushé ce message car je ne retransmets jamais quelque message que je reçois.Vos rubriques sont toujours intéressantes, je vous en remercie.JGR

    • Siganus Sutor : « Hasards de la mise en page…Euh, que voyez-vous juste à droite de la “fine bouche” évoquée précédemment ? »☞ Une sévère chéilite* !* du grec kheilos, lèvreInflammation des lèvres.

    • Still confused as how someone on their 60th anniversary of their enlistment can claim to have 7 decades of service.. he may have served in 7 different decades but didn't serve 7 decades (70 years).. it's a question of semantics

    • 01/10/2012Al retirar el taponamiento antes de hora, provocó que la nari cicatrizara mal y produjera cicatrices que le tapan la nariz (se llaman sinequias). Las láminas que le han puesto deberían ayudar a que todo cicatrice como es debido.

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    • So simple, and yet so perfect for valentines. Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to try it with a different flour mix…allergy to wheat! Hope it works! Thanks for stopping by today. Happy PinkDay!

    • My advice is don’t buy, not with $20k a year. You can only buy a fixer at best. Then you’d have to pay insurance and property tax. If you don’t even have a down payment then that means you don’t have a positive cash flow. It’s better to rent and try to save.References : Was this answer helpful?

    • I¡¦ll right away seize your rss as I can’t find your email subscription link or newsletter service. Do you’ve any? Please permit me recognise so that I may just subscribe. Thanks.

    • No es por desear mal a nadie pero…¿que tal si le saliese un grano muy picajoso en sálvese la parte y se le quitasen todos los fármacos que paliasen las molestias, como hicieron ella y el Consepijo Manuel Lamemela con tantos enfermos terminales, solo para beneficiar intereses privados mientras calumniaban a médicos de la Sanidad Pública?No estoy proponiendo hacerle un conjuro de budú ni nada, solo es una pregunta que me hago

    • Po dlouhé Å™adÄ› filmu,které nestojí ani za čas a vubec ne za vstupné.Mne osobnÄ› nadchnul nejenom pro skvÄ›lé obsazení,ale pro hravost kde dÄ›ti hrají sami sebe a dospÄ›lí dÄ›ti .RozhodnÄ› musím vidÄ›t znovu na MFFKV-2012 moc zažitku a filmu .Držím palce Kara Hayward bude velká herečka má na to.Petr P.s Dobra recenze

    • Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading properly. I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different web browsers and both show the same results.

    • LarisaTe admir pentru rabdarea pe care o ai…la noi cand plange Carina din te miri ce motiv ne jucam cucu-bau: o las jos in picioare si ma ascund in camera cealalta si cand ma gaseste e cel mai fericit copil, iar fug, iar ma ascund, iar o sperii putin si cred ca s-ar putea juca asa la nesfarsit!:)

    • Sinon, concernant le sujet initial, c’est simple : les médias en général n’ont d’autre référentiel qu’eux-mêmes.Donc, si pendant quelques décennies ils ne s’intéressaient plus du tout aux « cathos », ayant décrété ce genre de courants ringards et dépassés aux poubelles de l’Histoire,et si maintenant ils s’y intéressent à nouveau en curieux un peu ignorants,ils en concluent très logiquement : « oh, tiens, c’est le grand retour des cathos ».

    • I too looked at stamps today. Couldn't decide and ended up with the patriotic ones. It's fitting since I'm currently working on some projects to post on my Patriotic Link Party I'm hosting right now. Stop by for a visit, get inspired and hopefully you can link up!

    • Nice post!If I may add; I think getting back to basics is just what we need in order to refresh our mind and not think about anything non-work related. But I still think there’s a productivity tool that’s not just for organizing but for tracking time and monitoring work.I’m quite fond of a reliable time tracking tool that’s called . I’m working from home and yes, the huge thing I love about it is FLEXIBILITY. And this kind of software is just what I need to make sure that I stay motivated and I’d still be productive no matter what.

    • I don’t need to be concerned about all this since my hnsabud is not allowed inside the delivery room. It’s tradition in my family that all the men wait outside. My hubby was the guest of honor at my baby shower.

    • Hej, vad roligt med bröllop jag hade ingen större lust att gifta mig frÃ¥n början egentligen – det har liksom aldrig varit nÃ¥gon dröm för mig men herregud vilken fantastiskt rolig dag det var sÃ¥ du har verkligen nÃ¥got kul att se fram emot. Vi hade nÃ¥gon traditionell brudmarsch in & ut genom kyrkan och solsÃ¥ngen var ”Det vackraste jag vet” (cecilia vennersten). Kram Ullis

    • I appreciate, cause I found exactly what I was looking for. You have ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye

    • Ma fatemi capire, fratelli. Ne dovrei arguire che ritornando al gold standard le cose si rimetterebbero a posto?Permettetemi di dubitarne.Quello che io contesto è il POTERE del denaro, in qualunque salsa lo si voglia servire.Quello che io contesto è il paradigma della CRESCITA INFINITA.E il denaro è la benzina che fa girare il motore.Credo invece, che dovremo raggiungere un equilibrio, trovare il nostro posto nell'UNIVERSO, o multiverso che sia e rimanere buoni a vedere cosa succede.All'ORO attribuisco un valore by night

    • Marcos AurelioOla Phillipe,ainda sim hoje este tablet é muito bom — e eu escrevi este texto neste mes, ou seja, ele está super atualizadissimo perante as novidades do mercado.ate mais

    • Regarding the Sea Peoples, archaeologically speaking, they were never numerous enough to spread about their Chromosomes as some of you are suggesting. Even the main group in the Levant, which came into history as the inhabitants of the Philistine cities, had merged into the Canaanite population by Biblical times: they are the only Greek-speakers (as far as I know) who ever entirely lost their language. They can not have been a great multitude, and certainly too few to have influenced the ‘Libyans’ as well.

    • This bill is so awesome! Now I can revive my moments back in China, where I had to use proxies! Now I come halfway across the globe, and this happens!Deja vu!Using proxies to access the Internet will be so cool. I can’t wait!

    • Netter Wagen!Gut das es kein neues GTI ist, denn den soll man erst mit 21 Jahren fahren dürfen Spaß bei Seite: Ist schon ein ausgewogenes Angebot für 4500 Euro! Bisschen Pflege, dann sieht dein Auto wie Neu aus und kannst deinen Bruder zur Schule fahren

    • Thank you for being the first decent response on this page for quite a while. Even if you had disagreed with me I’d still be thanking you for placing a well reasoned and properly spelled response instead of just slagging me off for having an opinion that differs from yours. You are exactly right, it is the sort of music that “gateway douchebags” listen to to pull chicks, just like Ben Harper or Jack Johnson. Music so inoffensive that it is an offense to listen to it.

    • I don’t get it, why are you all ganging up on Darius for addressing the aspersions Robert was making about him? And regarding this hire, it all comes down to Phil overreaching and JERRY, not Jim, saying “that’s enough”. Jerry wants to win again before he passes on, but he wants to win with style. And ultimately, Phil’s demands shot too many holes in that ship to still float.

    • Спасибо, Наташа! Ты меня очень ободрила. Очевидно, что человек создан так, чтоб у него была пара и когда он удовлетворяет эту потребность, становиться счастливее, даже не смотря на то, что у него стало больше забот, больше проблем и меньше времени.

    • Thanks for the review, but to be honest they all look very uncomfortable to use compared to a traditional mouse. I wish there was someway to try before you buy so I could decide if they are indeed worth it…

    • It would help in so many ways. I could read in bed or any place I would like or the kids want to be. I could easily take it to doctors appts etc and get things done on the go.

    • Je pensais que l’encyclopédique Dominique aurait mis fin à mon interrogation sur cette évolution parallèle du couple huit/nuit ?Les lois de Grimm sont-elles en jeu ?

    • This is some very solid, funny and accurate reporting form the front lines! Poignant and laugh-out-loud. You have a true gift for that balance in your writing. It’s special.

    • but they’re all friends now !! they got over it and moved on , so I suggest you do the same , for the love of god !!! he’s celebrating his 20 years in music and that included and still includes take that !! so that would mean he’d have to take the 2 first songs off the album too , cause he wrote them with Gary ( Shame + Heart and I ) I really don’t see your problemVA:F [1.9.13_1145]please wait…VA:F [1.9.13_1145](from 0 votes)

    • oohhh I am very glad that you like my recipe. this bitter gourd curry is my favorite.looks so tempting nice pic.hummmm mouthwatering i am going to make it to day again he he heee. thank you so much dear.Have a nice day.

    • C’est vraiment réussi, on y croirait presque. Il faut espérer que le film final sera plus du niveau d’un Iron Man ou Dark Knight que d’Elektra, mais bon je dis ça, je dis rien…

    • Jess, I’m so happy for you that things are moving along towards Saprrow coming home – I’m sure they’re moving far too slowly for you all, but I’m blessed that we’re all able to follow your journey

    • stir-fry with or without tofu 3. A wrap that includes hummus or beans with lots of veggies 4. Veggie burgers made with beans/grains/nuts/seeds (can make a big batch and freeze) 5. Tacos, either with cooked

    • this has resulted in much better retention rates.I think the government is also very concerned about “foreign influence”, which has been mentioned in connection with almost all of the social unrest this year in China.

    • Amazing! This blog looks just like my old one! It’s on a completely different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Great choice of colors!

    • Excellent blog here! Also your website loads up very fast! What web host are you using? Can I get your affiliate link to your host? I wish my web site loaded up as fast as yours lol

    • dit :Taah ! J’me suis promis de participer à ton coucours, mais à chaque fois je remets au lendemain !Bon il me reste 4 jours, je vais quand même tenter de me sortir les doigts du mixer 🙂

    • Dixie you have too much too soon on your plate, Too bad you could not move up the course for a later time as there are at the moment so many adjustments and getting settled and the kids school after the move etc. Leave those boxes for the time being, Rome was not built in one day. Your house is already liveable . You are in my prayers. I love you.

    • HUhu,hi vọng là lần này sẽ trúng.Anh gió Æ¡i làm Æ¡n cho em trúng giải Ä‘i (.Mong là sẽ có tên mình

    • There would be no end to the joy I would get out of standing up in front of the theater, yelling, “He’s going into the World Trade Center, he’s going to die” and then LeBron James throw my popcorn over the 1st 4 rows

    • Jag röstar pÃ¥ SD nästa val.Men det fÃ¥r inte mig att vilja fÃ¥ bort tex dina föräldrar?Det är inte det de handlar om.

    • Met de dongel van Orange helaas niet af te luisteren in ons appartement. Doen we later wel een keer. Je krijgt van ons de hartelijke groeten en wij wensen jou een fijne zon-dag. Qua voorspelling moet die zon wel lukken. Hier is ie nog steeds uitbundig.Saludos de Mara

    • Bosh on hea valik jääb electroluxiga kvaliteedilt samasse klassi.Ostsin endale sügisel samasuguse Boshi nagu pildil: mahtus autosse, seejärel kappi, transprotpoldid välja, ühendus seina ja peseb nagu kulda, hea vaikne masin. Manuaal ka ei valetanud eriti, aga seda ei ole täies ulatuses kontrollinud muidugi.

    • It’s true. Take good care of them, gentlemen. Check yourself frequently, and soak them in Listerine every now and then to keep them nice and fresh

    • Very informative and trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading

    • I’m definitely in! This is the perfect catalyst for me to get moving on the big idea I’ve been pondering and get it done! The suggested “free-writing” style to get the book done by end of month will be a fun ew approach. Can’t wait for Nov. 1st.

    • I do enjoy the manner in which you have framed this specific problem plus it does indeed present me a lot of fodder for thought. On the other hand, through what I have seen, I simply wish as the commentary pile on that men and women remain on point and don’t start on a tirade involving the news du jour. Yet, thank you for this superb point and while I do not agree with it in totality, I value your point of view.

    • ASorry mister but you obviously lack a deep understanding of both fields you dubbed under ‘biologisms’your entire piece was quite predictable with all its fallacies after a quick glance at the first few linesmaybe this is just your anthropo-ego or human dignity … yes a MEME!or maybe its a rather lame attempt to sell your book.I would rather flush my money down the toilet than buy lottery tickets than buy your book!And btw whats your great plan to decode brains and consciousness?  

    • Jewish Israelis, I meant Jewish Zionist Israelis, Yosef Gorny and Yossi Klein Halevi, not Ilan Pappe or Jeff Halper. And the programs attract only Jews, mostly from the community, no academics other than those cross fertilized with the local establishment. It's like waiting for the Democrats. Just stop.

    • Wenn ich jetzt böse wäre, würde ich sagen: Mal drüber geredet zu haben, liegt in der Natur des Pädagogen. :PAnyway, ich hoffe ihr bekommt das noch hin, wäre doch irgendwie schade…

    • love it!!! I have a group of2nd graders (yes white people pay the bills) 11 are black and 12 are white–such a HUGE difference in intelligence!!!! The niglets CANNOT READ!!!!!!! Their fat mamas do not care–treat them as little slaves and burdens =( so sad…especially because my tax money is supporting those children =( so sad

    • Hi James,I got the following error while running your script:Method invocation failed because [System.String] doesn’t contain a method named ‘SelectNodes’.At D:\\Share\\Sami-VHDs\\GetVmDetails.ps1:12 char:13+ -process {($_).SelectNodes(“/INSTANCE/PROPERTY”) | forEach -process {if ($ …+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFoundPlease help check what is going wrong?Thanks,Roger

    • There’s always that Veuve Clicquot vs. Moet Chandon argument. Completely different wines. I love both Clicquot’s richness of stone fruit flavor and texture. Moet’s bright, zingy fruit and flowers is simply suited for another mood At the end of the day it’s silly to pit one against the other; they both contribute to the same bottom line.

    • Oh boy, I have been there…now my sixteen year old son does this still. It is tiring and hurtful, but as long as I remember that if I don't stay firm, what would he learn?He is learning…Mrs. M.

    • Well, a lot of top-chain hotels I stay at provide an open network with all ports blocked except 80 and 443. When you attempt to use those your connection is highjacked and connected to a sign-in screen where you give a hotel-provided password, consent to terms-of-service, and possibly agree to charges. A trivial test like the one reported here counts those as open, but that's hardly reasonable.

    • Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

    • oryr / is the attorney orly taitz or and gary kreep taking the donald trump birth certificate to court with them tomorrow morning in ca. to be compared beside the forge piece of trash obama has released ?

    • Ein weiterer super Abend Danke!Wollte erst noch auf Schalke setzen aber weil ihr auch nichts geschrieben habt, ich mir auch nicht so sicher war hab ich die Finger von gelassen zum Glück!

    • /*வடக்கின் பண்பாடு என மெச்சப் படுவதில் முக்கியமான பகுதி முகலாயர் வழங்கியது */இந்நாட்டின் பண்பாடும் சுயத்தோற்றமும் ஐயாயிரம் ஆண்டுகள் பழமையானது. இதில் முகலாயர் கொடுத்தது, ஆங்கிலேயர் கொடுத்தது மட்டுமே உங்களுக்கு பிடிக்கும் என்றால் வைத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். அதற்காக நாட்டின் எல்லா பிரிவினரும் அப்படித் தான் சிந்திக்க வேண்டும் என்று சொல்ல முற்படாதீர்கள்.

    • Dearest ANita – wow, one big world party would be so cool! In a way – christmas almost is like that, because so many of us around the globe are celebrating. Maybe we should have, right after christmas, a day for all religions and people who do't follow any particular way, to just celebrate LOVE, PEACE and the beautiful planet we live on.o good to hear youRe busy – keep it flowing! Hugs for a happy evening!

    • Hey Angie… I love moon cake so much, moon cake is hard to find when not in its eating season, I thanks to you for the recipes and I knew that women Chang O… meet her few times at the moon… hehe 😉


    • Human(09 wrz 16:01) Ale przecież Polsat nie realizuje transmisji z toru już od paru lat, przez to odszedÅ‚ MikoÅ‚aj Sokół.Inna sprawa, że na poczÄ…tek siÄ™ kryli, Borowczyk bredziÅ‚ nawet, że siÄ™ z budki komentatorskiej wychyla. Teraz już nawet nie udajÄ….

    • th&#1077 rest here: Hannah Montana Birthday Party! | Birthday Parties Th&#959&#965&#609ht&#1109 This entry was posted in Tv For Teens. Bookmark the

    • – Well, hello, future fashion blogging superstar! I seriously can’t get enough of Ella in these pictures. So freaking cute. Hard to believe she’s already 3!July 19, 2012 – 4:23 PM

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    • Wow, for the near 50% that actually voted that it will, put your money where your mouth is, and go into bonds and cash, or buy some put options? Not ready to do that? Then you should have voted No.No way it’s going to fall that low. – Rate this comment: 0  0

    • There will be whiners in every market and industry. the sooner you figure out who the are and get away from them the better. Line yourself up with winners. Do what winners do and you will get what winners get.I am having fun and the best time of my life. come on over and join the fun.Mike (MykGio)

    • January 6, 2011  2:31 pm WOW that is awesome great for birthday dinner! And I always say never spend more than you save! Camille

    • Ideas bastante creativas que mejorar nuestra forma de vida al darles una segunda oportunidad a materiales que, con imaginacion, se convierten en productos interesantes pero sobre todo reciclables.!!!

    • Adinei dos Santos Ferreira escreveu: document.write(’21 de julho de 2011 as 19:10′); olá,gostaria de receber o convite também,agradeço desde já.Obrigado. pedro sincero escreveu: document.write(’21 de julho de 2011 as 19:00′); o mano me arruma um convite ai blzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • Nach ersten anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten lief Steam jetzt doch. Leider kann ich aber keine Spiele installieren, ich hatte es mit Limbo versucht. Das ist ja auch ein Spiel was auf Linux laufen soll, wird bei mir in Steam(Linux) auch unter Linux gezählt. Er sagt er hätte keine Connection, also entweder Steam hat den Saft schon ausgedreht oder es liegt an mir?!Danke aber für den Tipp, besonders Big Pictures sieht verdammt geil aus.MfG Stephan

    • normal ca atunci cand esti invatat cu cititul nu mai ai nevoie de nici un fel de tehnica, dar ce te faci cand nu esti invatat?@Roscata: si mie imi place Jules Vernes 😛

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    • man.Also, the first story, the guy must have experienced a bad date and needed to get away -fast, or his wife texted him wanting to know where the hell he was and he needed to get home – quick.

    • Thanks Tedius for that comment I have learned something new from you about the water.The idea of water generating electricity is so eye opening to me ,to me that means that everything on this planet is connected .We need just to open our minds and think out of the box.Thanks.

    • Ah ben dommage alors ! Elle part d’où la manif toulousaine pour les dédicaces ? Nan, parce que mon panneau est prêt !Martin, j’espère quand même que tu passeras voir la librairie Ombres Blanches, il y a un joli rayon BD (bon, et sinon il y a aussi des librairies spécial BD bien sûr, je te laisse découvrir !) Enfin j’y songe, tu ne t’intéresses peut-être pas QU’à la BD… Bon, si tu veux une petite visite guidée, y’a pas de pb !

    • Samstag, 10.11.2012Ich möchte euch was Fragen habe den Pakät mitPremium Plus gelöschen lassen, möchte aber wieder freigeschalten, ist aber noch möglich !Weil mein Profi steht das es am17.11.12 gekündig ist.Viele grüße Frau Schirmeier

    • Salut night!Ceva de genul asta spuneam si eu doar ca pentru a reusi planul trebuia sa para legal si altfel nu se putea decat prin deplasarea spre stanga a lui Frunzaverde care a tras dupa el vreo 40 de primari din C-S si toti parlamentarii C-S precum si altii apropiati de el vorbindu-se ca e mare prin loja

    • i replace a 15 year ancient unit. the replacement was exact in every way except the nametplate which read Nataulus rather than Broan. it is obviously the same fine unit

    • 21 mai 2011vasileoarecum ai dreptate, totusi imi mentzin afirmatia ca in moldova sunt oameni cu pielea mai deschisa la culoare si ochi albastri….in ardeal iar, exista…acolo nu stiu de ce (poate de la la aia sunt blonzi) dar in sud…muntenia si dobrogea…scuza-ma, e plin de baieti de 1,65 la 60 de kile bucata, bronzati genetic…pe bune, eu incet incet nu mai deosebesc tziganii de romani…  

    • merci anna. pour ce qui est d’un français qui arrive là bas.. je m’y suis senti comme un poisson dans l’eau. le peuple napolitain m’enchante…

    • You’d have to have a REALLY BIG guest house. ; )How did you like the Alaska cruise? Did you off the ship at all?Melissa Sue recently posted

    • O Brasil terá Espanha ou Itália no grupo. Se o México também cair na nossa chave (o Uruguai não pode), uma eliminação na primeira fase passa a ser algo BEM possível…Eis os participantes, só faltando definir o representante africano: Brasil, Uruguai, Espanha, Itália, México, Japão e Taiti.

    • Den butikken skulle jeg gjerne besøkt, rene kinderegget jo.Her skal senga snart inntas, mÃ¥ være kvikk og rask til en ny uke, tro hva den bringer. Du starter vel pÃ¥ din siste…….tvi tvi…….nattaklem fra Ã…se.

    • Om mer kraft hade lagts pÃ¥ att öva in lite nya ramsor istället för pÃ¥ bengaler sÃ¥ hade vi haft en klack värd namnet. Bengaler är ju för fan leksaker, hur fan kan man gÃ¥ igÃ¥ng pÃ¥ sÃ¥nt?

    • c est fort émouvant,et c’est si vrai que les êtres extraordinaires que la vie nous donne de rencontrer, marque à jamais, notre des personnes qui vivent et transmettent l amour de leurs terres, c’est fort…

    • lovely pics and lovelier description. read some of your earlier blogs. Amazed at the way you've dug out information. Keep going. hope to be a regular on your blogs.

    • I saw you guys passing by the stage you were playing at Warped Tour in Indiana (was it Tilly’s? I’m not entirely sure where you were.), and I had my friend stop just so we could listen to your last two songs. I thought you guys were absolutely brilliant, and I even bought your CD with the last of my money. I hope you go far. (:

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    • >> It is my recollection that on one of its bouts of collection fever, Israel’s army collected the land-records from various registries of deeds. If this is so (who would know?) it would rather impede the efforts of refugees from 1948 to establish ownership and (were this ever a possibility) collect reparations.How to create “a good in the world”: Steal the land, destroy the records, kill the people, imprison the “Palestinian Gandhis” and, most important of all, never forget to “Remember the Holocaust!” (as often and as loudly as you can).

    • pas au maximum et il prend un peu trop la pose. C’est Simon Yam (Election, Filatures, Sparrow… en flic revanchard et mourant qui lui vole la vedette. Avec en face un Sammo Hung (Eastern

    • naturally like your web-site but you have to check the spelling on several of your posts. Several of them are rife with spelling problems and I find it very bothersome to tell the truth nevertheless I will surely come back again.

    • que venga el que venga mientras me enfieste y sepa pasar musica siempre es bueno ir y que los djs te sorprendan que demuestren talento y lo que si espero que el sonido sea una locura super fuerte y los escenarios sean enormes y que las luces hagan que nos agarre un acb jajjaja que la mejor onda este presente y muy importante no dejar pasar a negros villeros jaajajfirma:alex inestroza(argentina)

    • / Jason Tjapkes and one more thing…it doesn't have to be a rainbow to represent "gays" – it could be plaid, and people would still complain about them.

    • The subsequent time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to learn, however I actually thought youd have one thing interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about one thing that you could repair if you werent too busy searching for attention.

    • Det är ju som Jonas Rönnqvist sade pÃ¥ presskonferensen, att ha kan vara nöjd med spelet, hur knasigt det än kan lÃ¥ta. Bara mÃ¥len som fattades.

    • I remember going to the Franciscan factory/store near Griffith park years ago. If I knew then what I know now I would have bought myself a couple sets of dishes :0)I love this apple pattern…The pie sounds wonderful…

    • 15bI conceive this web site has some very great information for everyone . “The test of every religious, political, or educational system is the man that it forms.” by Henri Frdric Amiel.

    • I like the idea that we come together and help one another. If one person doesn’t have any answer to your question, perhaps someone who is commenting will.Brenda

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    • Monsieur KozJe suis désolé pour le ton irrespectueux et familier que j’ai utilisé dans mes 2 derniers messages. Vous pouvez détruire ces messages si c’est possible. Gwinfrid, je vous demande pardon de ce que je vous ai dit et pour le ton sur lequel je vous l’ai dit. J’espère que vous continuerez à vous exprimer sur ce blog et que je ne vous ai pas blessé trop profondément. Je dois faire une pause et pacifier ma pensée.

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    • lot of money to spend paying someone…to write your articles i can help you. with a little practice and the right tools it really is easier than you think.writing every day is important even if you don’t submit everything to the online article directories. when you are…

    • The first collected “Born Again” from 1987, with all its flaws, is still superior to any subsequent one. I always recommend that people buy the original comics books — they look better, and they’re still cheap.

    • Tak for et godt indlæg, jeg har nu prøvet kuren i et par dage og kan mærke at min sult forsvinder med bønnerne. Jeg er dog ikke nÃ¥et til at tabe mig pÃ¥ maven endnu, men jeg kan se det kommer. Jeg har tabt mig omkring 1,7 kg over de sidste 2½ dag. Det er dælme effektivt.

    • I WANT THE VIDEO WATCHED BAR BACK NOW!!!! You hear me? NOW!!!!!!!!!You guys already made the website a disaster when you got rid of the old bulletin box then you got rid of the masterpiece channels and NOW YOU GOT RID OF THE AMOUNT OF VIDEOS WE WATCH! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?!!??

    • Wendy, take a look at my post about “As Told By ” and see if it helps with any of your “sticky” situations…Once I finally unleash a couple of my real hair-curlers, I will definatly be reporting most of them posthumously “As told by”Whew! Families

    • Most pets do it themselves. If you feed them a good diet, they do it when they poop. If you start messing with them for no reason, they will have to have them expressed for as long as they live usually. It smells worse than a month old decomp found in the desert.

    • on foreign exchange market, you’ll need to understand the most basic type of tool there is in forex trading, a forex chart. A forex chart is a graph of a currency pair’s performance (i.e. EUR/USD) over

    • Nice review. I agree that the album is WAY too short and I was disappointed. However when I first heard Kid A / Amnesiac back in 2001 I absoultely hated it and now today I love those albums. What changed my mind was watching and hearing them recreate the songs on those albums live. It made me appreciate it more and it added another element to the music. So I think that for me, I can’t decide whether they still got it until I see them preform this album live.

    • I was going to join flickr, but I’m not a fan of social networking-type sites, especially image-based ones. There are things online that remind me of stuff I don’t like offline, and the list of “friends” and tallies of comments and views, etc. is like a popularity contest. I might join one day, but I need to avoid such sites lest I become “provincial” and caught up in attitudes I don’t want.

    • Who represents the world? What do you think the UN stands for? How incredibly stupid to think there is a set of beliefs for the world. Don’t worry. Supporters of the Zionist rogue-state would never understand that concept.

    • – Great idea! I would love to see Louboutin walking around downtown Seattle in a pair of his own high heels and then hear his thoughts on the matter.

    • and i agree with Justin who has realjapanesebukkake – i have suffered the same thing saince penguin. Spam and copy bogs get in first page and the original authors are not to be seen on google at all. Penguin is a big mistake and not evaluating accurately at all.

    • Minha querida, tudo bem? Apesar de nunca mais ter vindo aqui passo para te desejar um ano de 2012 excelente pra vc e os seus. Obrigada pela linda cia durante o ano de 2011! Beijo, beijooooo!She

    • —–JUST ANOTHER PEN——I hate this thing. Sue Musik is a a jerk. Her product sucks. This thing is crap. I hate it. I only paid like 6 bucks for it but it really sucks. Don’t buy and tell sue how much her last customer hates her and her stupid pen. *Even the pen sucks* Look at the pogo stylus maybe.

    • Bardzo was przepraszam, ale okazaÅ‚o siÄ™ że za list cięższy niż 350 gram trzeba na poczcie zapÅ‚acić 11 zÅ‚. a za wysÅ‚anie za granicÄ™ 15,30. Ojej, już mam kÅ‚opoty, przepraszam.

    • Sarah Burns – 1) Sarah Burns2) Wheat Ridge, Colorado3) I am an administrative assistant at an architectural firm, and a budding photographer.4) The most wondering thing about my life right now is that I married my best friend in July, after 9 years together. I actually almost had you photograph us the weekend after our wedding, but we had a family emergency and had to cancel I can’t even describe how incredibly thankful I am to God and the universe that I met him and we are now married. I still get butterflies after this your work is stunning. just… stunning.

    • These are fab!!! They look like they might be comfy too because of the prfatolm. Even if you’re tall you can still definitely rock them I know someone who is 6’2 and she loves heels!xxChoubelle

    • seb dit :ENFIN!!bon la photo officiel c’est les mains dans le dos mais on va pas chippoter hein rémi;sinon pour nous 30cm de neige au lac bénit et 2 nouveau run dans mon 7c du suet(1 point de repos pareil que miguel)c’est pas loin;PS:en parlant de miguel,tu lui dira que son chien était bon et que ses oeufs vont bien;sur ce bonne grimpe a vous

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    • Write additional, thats all I’ve got to say. Literally, it seems as if you relied about the video to create your stage. You definitely know what youre referring to, why waste your thinking ability on merely posting videos in your weblog when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?

    • Emilie dit :api beurzdeï comme on dit chez nous!J’y mettrais…. après mûre réflexion, il m’a l’air tellement microbe que j’y mettrais que dalle dans ce sac, je le garderais pour agrémenter ma tenue d’un petit peps

    • Joy, you have a true gift. Not only do your images tell the story, but your writing just completes it all. You have left me teary-eyed, feeling like I miss her too…

    • This internet website may be a walk-through its the data you wanted in regards to this and didn’t know who need to. Glimpse here, and you’ll definitely discover it.

    • Wat een indrukwekkende fotoverzameling van Berlijn, lieve Gerda. Het is dan ook een indrukwekkende stad. Ik ga zeker nog eens een keer uitgebreid terug.

    • Why was Bellie brought back? I've thought about this too. Given access to Nimoy would be limited, I think the writers did not have too much flexibility with the character. However, it is my opinion that Bellie coming back was a fluke anyway because who knew when the bell he left for Nina would have been rung. I saw it as a last effort for Bellie to run one more experiment. He did not seem in an exceptional hurry to download intel or even to find a new host. Perhaps it was more about spending time with a old friend (Walter) before NOT saying goodbye so to speak.

    • the way. Her blog, is a top read, and I have a particular fondness for her VLM 2012 race report which genuinely had me feeling like I was there every epic step of the way. But it’s not all

    • Hallo Andreas,bin zufällig auf Deine Side gestoßen.Traumhafte Bilder,mehr geht nicht!!!!!Bestell doch Deinem Bruder Stefan mal ganz liebe Grüße.Alles liebeNicole

    • And the sad thing is that Gale's reactions are very realistic. It is part of a cycle of dehumanization and hate that perpetuates violence and revenge. We see it all the time in the world. So I find him very realistic, but also very scary. I understand why he is reacting like this but I just get an uneasy feeling about where this is going. How will Gale react if he ever has to face the consequences of seeing these kinds of tactics play out? If he sees it up close will he change his ways or is his hatred too ingrained?

    • Mónika szerint:Én eddig futottam hetente 3-szor, tegnap kezdtem el kondizni, így a heti 3-szori futásról le kell állnom, mert az edzÅ‘ szerint elfogyok mint a nyárfalevél:o) Heti 3 kondizás és heti 1 futás. Én nagyon jól érzem magam:o))) Csak ajánlani tudom a sportot!

    • I am really loving the theme/design of your blog. Do you ever run into any browser compatibility issues? A handful of my blog readers have complained about my blog not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Chrome. Do you have any suggestions to help fix this issue?|I am curious to find out what blog system you are utilizing? I’m experiencing some minor security issues with my latest site and I would like to find something more risk-free. Do you have any solutions?

    • Snälla söta tomten gör min önskan hörd,ge denna bok till en äkta kokboks nörd.“Kaksmulan” skulle bli sÃ¥ glader,och baka kakor i lÃ¥nga rader.och om tomten är snäll fÃ¥r han säkert smaka,pÃ¥ en riktigt delightful Sophie Dahls recept kaka.

    • I must say, as a lot as I enjoyed reading what you had to say, I couldnt help but lose interest after a while. Its as if you had a wonderful grasp on the subject matter, but you forgot to include your readers. Perhaps you should think about this from far more than one angle. Or maybe you shouldnt generalise so considerably. Its better if you think about what others may have to say instead of just going for a gut reaction to the subject. Think about adjusting your own believed process and giving others who may read this the benefit of the doubt.

    • Mi-am dorit tare mult sa vad “The Tourist”, dar cum l-am ratat la cinematograf, am incercat sa-l vad pe net…fara succes(din nou). Pe langa controversele create in jurul sau, as putea adauga ca motiv intemeiat pentru alegerea acestui film si marele regret ca nu am ajuns pana acum in Venetia. Acum, se mai naste o intrebare, ce-mi doresc mai mult, sa vad filmul sau sa ajung la Venetia? Cred ca stim cu totii raspunsul.

    • I wanted to thank you again for your amazing web-site Ritornando da Cumiana! | LB.World you have created here. Its full of useful tips for those who are seriously interested in this kind of subject, specifically this very post. Your all so sweet plus thoughtful of others in addition to the fact that reading the blog posts is a good delight if you ask me. And thats a generous surprise! Ben and I will certainly have pleasure making use of your guidelines in what we should do next week. Our collection of ideas is a kilometer long so your tips will be put to very good use.

    • Have you seen the hinge backed dogs at the sieger show? The problem with these dogs is that their ligaments are far too loose, and they are walking almost on their hocks. Their angulation isn’t pretty either however their toplines are far better than some of the roached monsters you see in sieger shows…. Working line is your best bet for a dog with sound structure

    • Nom, my dad came over with 5 gallons in a Vietnam era military surplus gas tank that looks like it was straight off the back of a jeep. Felt very patriotic pouring that into my tank yesterday afternoon. Wonder if anyone makes them anymore, much better option than the plastic containers for storing.I believe Sonoco will sell you fuel in drums, I know guys who used to buy their high octane race gas that way, they kept the drums in their garages , they just needed to buy the manual crank pump for the drum.

    • Cito Wilde, che diceva più o meno così:"Tutte le donne diventano come le loro madri. Questa è la loro tragedia. Gli uomini no. E questa è la loro tragedia".Da prendere con ironia, eh.(io, ad esempio, sono mamma di un maschio…)

    • How interesting. I've never heard of putting cooked rice in bread. I love a bread with texture and this one seems to have it. And slightly sweet would be lovely for breakfast. Intriguing!

    • babouche dit :merci de m’avoir repondu je vous donnerai les résultat de ma^peche cette été j’attend les grandes vacances pour les tester

    • London Coffee…At Automat we like to think of ourselves as a funloving bunch. But one thing we are deadly serious about is our coffee. After all, as Software Developers, converting caffeine into code is what we do. London weather is as unpredictable as ever…….

    • Hiya…..Excellent read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. And he actually bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch! “We strain to renew our capacity for wonder, to shock ou…

    • Posted on May 10, 2011 by I think that was a good story! Definitely glad to see the Wolf not shouldering the bad rap And I absolutely agree – there is a book there! YA: , Adult:

    • Great pics, Bon and Joey! Can’t wait to see y’all! By the way, we were going to try and send some Mi Jalisco food your way, but it failed Love ya’ll!Nikki

    • Carson & Angel Asura,Yup.. and most good-looking men are not „好人家”(decent husband material).Most of the 好人家 (decent husband material) are not so good-looking.A good-looking rich man who is also a decent husband material most likely married. (Others are players.)

    • Hola wapa…esto se lleva haciendo hace ya mucho tiempo y nadie toma medidas es increible…no solo para las plumas sino para los pates que tienen que hacerlos engordar el higado ES HORRIBLE¡¡.Te pediria que pusieses las letras mas oscuras en contraste con el fondo, porque no se leen bien y tus artículos son muy interesantes. Al menos me pasa a mi ¡¡ jejeje.GRACIAS y un abrazo.

    • , leadership in the body of Christ should look and operate in the model of Christ. Christ was a strong leader yet still the servant of all. He had no problem telling Peter to get behind him. I think it behooves us all to to walk in humility and submission to one another even when the other is a “leader”.

    • Ach, ano. Autor postu opÄ›t zmiňuje "protiústavní" poplatky s disenty (a autorem samotným) neschopnými se tehdy vypořádat s čl. 41 odst. 1 Listiny, ukazující jak plytkou pozornost mu disentující soudci vÄ›novali a jak plytká je naÅ¡e dneÅ¡ní jurisprudence "fajn lidiček" českého kavárensky porcelánkového ústavního práva. NapÅ™. soudce Duchoň se rozčiloval, jak nedůstojné je pobíhat po nemocničním areálu a hledat, kde zaplatit. Z té hloubky myÅ¡lenek by človÄ›k snad onÄ›mÄ›l.

    • Anche questo è un segno di JJ credo… da sempre, Torino è una delle mie città italiane preferite! quando ne ho l'occasione prendo il treno epr trascorrerci una giornata e ammirarla in tutta la sua bellezza! 😉 anyway, nice to meet you!

    • Generally I do not learn article on blogs, however I would like to say that this write-up very compelled me to try and do it! Your writing style has been amazed me. Thanks, very great article.

    • SO much lovely yarn!!It's hard just to choose one pattern or one book, but I'm in love with "Knitted Socks East and West"by Judy Sumner right now. just have to ake the time to knit up some of the pairs 🙂

    • Stefan skriver:Den prostituerade S hävdar att hon kan "fälla regeringen". Var det då regeringenm Fälldin hon menade, som tillrtädde hösten -76?

    • Como sempre linda linda linda, muito elegante Camila, adoro seu bom gosto…ah quem me dera sair assim pra trabalhar haaaa []Camila Coelho Respondeu:January 11th, 2012 em 11:50 am, haha Fico feliz que gostou, amoreee =) Um beijaoo[]

    • , if I hurt my gun arm, I would just have to put Mr. knife in the back pocket of my 5.11s, and my little roscoe in the front. Problem solved!!My advice is to buy some 5.11s, quick! Theeeeeey're tactical. . .!

    • Jeg ville tage min dejlige kæreste med, da vi har 1 og et halvt Ã¥rsdag og vi elsker begge to Chris Brown ;-)Ps. Virkelig en fed blog, det er sÃ¥ fedt at se at du gÃ¥r sÃ¥ meget op i det – det er virkelig inspirerende! 🙂

    • I’ll add that one needs to strengthen the neck too – to hold an aerohelmet in position for most of 180k is tough. I was thinking of doing sessions on the turbo with aerohelmet (and a very strong fan and cold drinks!)…

    • Totally agree. My daughter and I hate disabled athletes being referred to as brave. They are dedicated, probably stubborn and have the same determination to succeed as an able bodied athlete. Can we see beyond the wrapping and see the person please.

    • block, in concomitanza con la manifestazione dei cosiddetti “Indignati”. ► GAMES WEEK 2011 A MILANO Intervistata da Klaus Davi, la Deputata Alessandra Mussolini ha quindi fatto capire come ritirando

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    • Another powerful post, Penelope. I’ve sat here tonight reading probably over 30 of your articles, just following link after link, like a really good book. I’m impressed, I’m inspired, I’m grateful. So thanks. ~ Maya(@mayanorton)

    • / Los sorteos me han parecido fantásticos! Será por variedad… Aunque no me toque nada, desde aquí os felicito a todos por vuestra labor!En cuanto a próximos sorteos, supongo que cualquier cosa relacionada con la manzana es bien recibida. Ya por pedir, no estaría mal algún Gadget!Un saludo a todos y felicidades!!

    • any other prescription or over-the-counter medicine, including herbal products. Do not use cialis lilly canada without first talking to your back, nausea and vomiting, such as stuffy nose, cold symptoms; joint pain, pain or heart disease, high blood pressure; overactive thyroid; a history of depression or mental illness. You may report effects

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    • If you’re ever in a pinch, I recommend trying a Dark & Stormy using Red Rock’s Golden Ginger Ale. It has a nice bite to it, that goes well with the dark rum. Kroger usually carrys the Red Rock’s.-Rodney

    • Thank you Sawsan! You saved my apricot leather from being thrown away as I had no idea how to soften it (boiling didn’t come to my mind for some reason…). My mother buys apricot leather too, but her is very soft, and when I visit them I just like to eat it. Let me see what I can do with the rock hard leather on my hands. Thanks again for the tip!

    • more information – check out this post- Jobseeker’s Guide to Leaving Your Job. Note: This is not legal advice, just some ideas to think about. Get the latest Resume

    • I saw that and find it curious Humanoids chose to publish their “official statement” at The Marvel Masterworks” site.That is a place where people using socks routinely claim to be attorneys, comic book professionals, former publishers, etc..

    • uncluttering my inbox, Jackies title “Circle of Stones” pulled me in….I am glad I took a pause to read your words….I am now very comfortable in my own shadowsdarkness…sometimes the light is so bright that it blinds to what we need to see…feel….the dark takes away the glare and lets us/me see what I missed….usually just me….hearing myown voice….Wonderful post thank you for sharing…I will be back to read more after workTake Care…You Matter…)0(ladyblueand I will look for the book….I think it will be a wonderful companion to Sacred Stones…Sacred Feather….

    • next time you site next to me, i’ll do yours admit guys: how many times do you use the ‘help’ menu in your apps?I used to refuse it too, but then it turned out a really handy tab to find solutions.

    • ChciaÅ‚bym zwrócić uwagÄ™ co do „zombie”.ChciaÅ‚em nagrać film HORROR z minecraft, ale podczas sceny z metolowymi drzwiami…. Zombie poprostu je rozwaliÅ‚y O_O!!!A powinny rozwalać tylko drewniane. WyjaÅ›ni mi to ktoÅ›???

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    • Gwyn Dyer? Sheesh. What next, George Monbiot??The oil sands can roll along at $10 a barrel for a long time. I’d be far more worried about the future of Chrysler, Ford and GM in Canada then the oil sands.

    • Google wants you to succeed online which is why they give you the tools needed to fix any problems, and make your site a search engine’s indexing dream. That’s not just good business for Google, it’s good for your website too.

    • Hilarious, and I use washclothes for my teeth, drives hubby nuts…which is actually fun to do.Thank Sarcastic Mom she drew me here and I plan to come back.

    • Haven’t seen any info on this yet. What do you do about vaccinations? From what I have been reading it is important to vaccinate against erisphilis{sp}. Bessy our bip spot that we bought at auction already bred had 8 babies that are a week old, so we will be attempting that soon.

    • Boa noite Cleiton, tudo bem ?Acredito que você já citou tudo em seu comentário! rsAgradeço pela sua visita e comentário.Abraço e sucesso!

    • 15/12/2010 – 6:44pmAhhhh, ERROR … alPacino, es su segundo gol de falta, el primero lo metio en Anoeta, a pesar de Pepe se lo quiso quitar poniendose en medio, pero Marca siendo justa con su máximo reclamo-estrellou se lo concedio a Cristiano ¿como Dios Manda!

    • April 2, 2008 at 04:34Vivek: Ah but ofcourse, the correct way of writing is केळवण not केलवण. Sorry for the oversight! So the typewriters would show it something as व्ठ? Thats sad But unicode – the universal font – supports every possible character!I am going to write a post on how to enable Indic language support on Windows XP machines. And yes there is a software that makes typing quite intuitive, so writing vivek=विवेक्, viveka=विवेक, khaDapekar=खडपेकर. Capital D=ड, while small d=द, and so on. Reply

    • Referring to the object as a “function object” in the second code sample isn’t quite correct. Function objects are instances of classes that can actually be called as functions directly. In the code sample you still have to execute the ‘call’ member function explicitly.Since a language has to have support for function objects, they can be considered as an intermediate form toward supporting closures fully.

    • Bon article de prévention, c’est se qui manque malheureusement de la prévention, aujourd’hui encore aucun festivals ou concert ou alors très peu donne des bouchons aux entrées des festivals, sa devrait être compris dans le prix du billet. Je tiens a rajouter que pour ceux qui ont déjà des sifflements, des acouphènes il est dangereux d’aller en concert, même avec des bouchons, au dessus d’un certains niveau de décibels, les bouchons ne protègent plus.cordialement(publicité)

    • Ich hatte mir vor kurzen eine Fliztasche gekauft, finde sie auch weiterhin ganz gut, um das iPad mal kurz zu transportieren, aber für längere Einsätze würde sich so ein Case natürlich viel besser eigenen!

    • For the record: dsicrimination is against the law now matter what Liasb. You are wrong on the law as well as everything else. Dont quote the law if you dont know it. YOU CANNOT DISCRIMINATE>>>>>PERIOd

    • As a 37 yr old single male, I can sympathize with the frustrations of many of the men my age. But I think that it’s important to apply some perspective here. I think that it’s fair to say that if these women had the attitude and appearance that they might have at 25, the trouble would seem worthwhile. My pet observation is that many women don’t really mature past their early twenties. They may take on more responsibility, but they retain the irrationality and self absorption of an adolescent. While this is often endearing in a pretty 25 year old, it’s off-putting in a 30 year old.

    • Paolo,a me viene un dubbio. Perché hai scelto di pubblicare proprio questa? A me sembra una delle più blande (almeno di quelle che hai condiviso con Undicisettembre).Forse hai scelto questa perché serve ad esprimere il concetto che intendi e al contento non contiene turpiloquio. E' così? Non dirmi che questa è una delle peggiori che ricevi… a me non pare proprio (purtroppo :-))

    • Olá, Dani!Infelizmente não sei como funciona o seu visto, já que seu marido ganhou essa bolsa.Pode ser que o Luciano da UkStudy possa te ajudar. O email dele é o .Vou tentar descobrir também e qualquer coisa te mando um email, ok?Boa sorte!Beijos,Natasha.

    • I’m always looking for gold making ideas. I tried breaking into the AH biz with Gems and Glyphs but I have people on my server that sell thousands of gems and glyphs a week. So I’m always looking for new tips and tricks on how to make gold. As always I can’t wait to read more.-AnslymAnslym recently posted..

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    • Hi there. Very cool blog!! Man .. Beautiful .. Amazing .. I will bookmark your website and take the feeds additionally…I am happy to find numerous helpful information right here within the post. Thank you for sharing..

    • You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

    • I don’t know if I can recommend it. Not because it’s awful– of course it’s awful– but because it’s “better” if you stumble across it accidental-like and let it suck you in.

    • David, your instructors are amazing. Wish I could be there. And as for stoked about Monday… all day, everyday.Hope it is all you wanted, plus a ton more.

    • Hola amiga! yo hace como una semana que lo compre…y casi todos los dias me pongo..pero sabes tu cada cuando es recomendable usarlo, yo me lavo el cabello dos veces por semana mas o menos..solo me lo pongo cuando me lavo el cabello? bueno espero tu respuesta saludos!!!

    • There is so many issues involved.. the government has known all along that the bonuses will be paid: why acting now and not before? Is taxing the bonuses the right way to do it (who will be taxed next?)? How is the money collected by the tax going to reach the tax payer (if at all)? What about the bonuses paid to the state officials? The banks other institution were acting within the law.. so the mess was partly created by the law makers. What about their bonuses? Should they be taxed too? Sooo many questions and no answers..Take care,Jay

    • Last week I was informally presenting to my elders my work on nuclear masses, and someone mentioned Rydberg but I was unaware of all the history. Thanks very much for bringing it here. Although I can not see how the isotope theory is anthropic-environmental (?). Well, of course, a sort of anthropicity principle could be to request the existence of Dalton’s atoms. Plausibly this requires the proton mass to be well smaller than the ones in the higgs/electroweak sector, but this is too modern for Rydberg Aside, I believe to remember that the original isotope proposal was linked somehow to esoterism.

    • I think I just sat there for like ten minutes in shock. But I do love the fact that Tyrol did have a kind of smile on his face. I mean, the guy has gone through some shit so far in this show. I feel like at this point he's just like…'Yep. I didn't expect anything else.'

    • PRESIDENTE JOSÉ SERRA, um aviso muitissimo importante…não seise sabe, mas, para que os camisas vermelhas(petralhada)entreguem a faixa presidencial no dia 01/01/2011, o SR. terá que convocar as GLORIOSAS FORÇAS ARMADAS, GUARDIÃS DA PAZ E DA DEMOCRACIA.QUE DEUS NOS AJUDE…

    • cedo / Occasional Rooshface. Tyler, I waver. Good insights, a lot of pitch-lingo. Motivationally worth watching, no doubt.Books are tough to find here in Monkey Jungle. I’ll keep it on some list though, would love to read anything exceptional.

    • David, I think I have rosecea, is this a form of acne? because I dont know if I have ‘broken capillaries’? or if they are really light red scars, but there are loads. People say I would need laser treatment but I would hate that. Also, I have been drinking Buxton still mineral water that contains sodium chloride? is that different from sodium fhloride??

    • RÃ¥stilig vegg! Har liksom lÃ¥st meg fast pÃ¥ mulig det blir maling istedet. Takk for at du inspirerer! <3Elsker Ylva Skarp-bildet i bakgrunnen! Har et "creativity" pÃ¥ vei med posten.. <3 God helg! Klem Julie.

    • it’s great to see the work of another local photographer!! we are all photographing couples at the same locations, but our work is all so different! it looks like you had a fabulous year, and i hope 2012 is even better.

    • Ik vind het iets lastiger werken dan een gelliner, maar je kunt er wel preciezer mee werken… Het is ook persoonlijke voorkeur hoor, want ik ken ook mensen die zweren bij zulke stiftjes. Maar net wat je gewend bent denk ik!

    • They ask us 2 endure hardship 4 a while while cannot endure 4 a second. Ghana must go kip flying here & there. No 1da Nigeria d 7th most corrupt count3. Hmmm… God’s judgement is coming.

    • Hey there! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could locate a captcha plugin for my comment form? I’m using the same blog platform as yours and I’m having problems finding one? Thanks a lot!

    • Hi Chris, Check out my About The Spending Fast and My Guidelines. (). I do spend money on food and shelter and other needs and have managed to still have my dignity at the end of the day. It can be done. I can see NYC being tricky though. Best of luck!

    • hey! i hope u will answer me. i would love to subscribe to freshnet to or get a part of it. How did u contacted them?! Can u give me an E-Mail from freshnetso i can write them? The “contact us”-thing down here unfortunately doesn´t work 🙁

    • What a fantastic idea! As the mom of a 3 year old Celiac, I would love to see some changes in school lunch programs before my daughter enters grade school. You’re right, parents of Celiac children have a lot on their plates. It’s nice to feel understood!

    • Hallo du schöne :-*Ich finde deine Bilder alle Klasse! Du hast einen tollen körper ein tolles Gesicht warum solltest du dich verstecken bzw verhüllen wie auch immer :)Außerdem wie du schon sagst hat das mit den inneren Werten eines Menschen nix zutun Schön das du wieder bloggst :-*

    • Ana comentou em 7 de janeiro de 2011 às 21:16. Meninas, queria perguntar uma coisinha pra vocês: vocês usam rímel incolor? Queria saber as diferenças no resultado final entre usar o preto e o incolor.. Obrigada, queridas! Beijo beijo

    • Dette kan kanskje være et opplegg i noen fÃ¥ tilfeller der personen selv ønsker det. Det personene selv ønsker mÃ¥ være grunnleggende. Jeg er dog redd for at reduksjon eller ignorering av seksuelle behov har vært utgangspunkt for tjenester litt for mange ganger. Først og fremst handler det vel om Ã¥ bistÃ¥ folk til et godt seksualliv.

    • I have noticed that credit score improvement activity needs to be conducted with techniques. If not, you might find yourself causing harm to your rank. In order to grow into success fixing your credit ranking you have to ascertain that from this minute you pay all your monthly costs promptly in advance of their timetabled date. It’s really significant since by certainly not accomplishing that area, all other actions that you will decide to try to improve your credit rank will not be successful. Thanks for giving your suggestions.

    • It’s funny you mention going against conventional wisdom. The reaction I got from the cable company made me start t second guess myself about the purchase.But once I crunched the numbers, I couldn’t really pass it up.While the money isn’t a lot today (per year), it was back then when we had a lot less money!

  • When I originally commented I appear to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and
    from now on every time a comment is added I receive four emails with the exact same comment.
    Perhaps there is a way you can remove me from that service?

    • I can already tell that’s gonna be super helfpul.

    • / Confirmado en Europa también podemos reservarlo ya al precio de:34’99€ la versión standard en formato digital49’99€ la versión coleccionista en formato digitalYo quiero comprar la edición física porque me gusta ver las cajas en la estantería, me toca esperar para ver cuanto costará.

    • wow, das nenne ich mal ein feuerwerk. grandiose repetition gängiger phrasen der letzten sit ins der industry. ökosystem. facebook. nische. hammer. und diese filigranen begründungen, beeindruckend.was ist, wenn ökosystem zu komplex wird? wenn user kein ökosystem datensaugender lurche wollen? wenn sie nische geiler finden als “global”?aber gut, in punkto “einfachheit” ist der ansatz hier nicht zu schlagen.

    • Those Zara shoes are beautiful, loving the dress you made for Esra, STUNNING! I had to go get me some blonde hair shampoo lol my goodies are not so exciting x

    • Beh..almeno Grillo ha avuto sempre l’onestà di ammettere di essere un comico mentre molti politici e “servi liberi” ne sono inconsapevoli, perciò rimarrebbe da chiarire chi tra le due schiere dovrebbe cambiare mestiere. Però non è questo il succo del post, comprendo.

    • – What a fantabulous trip!!!!! I wish I got around to posting a slideshow of our trip to Disney. You have such a beautiful family. I’m so sorry I missed Noah and Emilee’s birthdays, please give them a great big bear hug from the entire Davis family!!!! Thank you for sharing your lives with us!!!! oxoxoxxoxo ~ Dawn

    • Is this a problem with the New Blogger? I still use the old version. Also, I host my header and background stuff elsewhere, along with most of my images.I know I have some friends who have had problems with this, but I didn’t know how to help them.

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    • Jööö, der ist ja wirklich absolut knuffig. Eine tolle Kartenform hast du gewählt. Vielleicht schaffe ich es ja diesmal wieder mitzumachen. Ist ja ein tolles Thema…LG Britta

    • June 12, 2012 at 01:46I find this review to be spot-on accurate…I must say I’m pretty surprised/ impressed since I typically don’t put much stock in the Zodiac Compatability theory altogether !! Reply

    • Kvitveis er barndomsminne for meg..Leite pÃ¥ hemmelege plassar sÃ¥ snart snøen forsvant… Mimre, mimre..Ute lavar snøen ned, blad og markar er kvite..Og eldsteguten skifta til sommardekk i gÃ¥r, fordi vi var redd for bot..Kjem vel betre dagar…God veke!

    • rkononenkoА як же серіал (1 сезон) Touching evil (2004). Там Вєра Фарміга навіть в Україну їздила, і взагалі Українською розмовляє з діаспорським акцентом.

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    • Buenas tardes Rafa,… Que es muy posible que le roben su infancia, como sucedió a muchos en su caso, y que se forren a su costa… A veces, por no decir siempre, es mejor que los niños sean eso: niños cuando toca serlo… esta etapa es la más importante para su futuro…Un beso cariñoso Rafa.

    • Det är väl skitbra att man kan betala senare med skatten? För när man studerar har man ju inte rÃ¥d.Vet du att du under en livstid gÃ¥r plus pÃ¥ skatten? Dvs man fÃ¥r ut mer än man betalar in, visst är det fantastiskt att det kan bli sÃ¥?

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    • Toute la coloc de La Tour est avec vous (même Django!)! On vous suit depuis la maison (bravo pour le blog!). Ramenez-nous plein d’images et d’histoires!!!

    • that, I'm currently reading Wright's "Evil and the Justice of God", in which he sets up death and decay as fundamentally opposed to God's good creation. I think the notion of "spiritual death" makes a great deal of sense, but Wright does not appear to make that distinction in Evil & The Justice of God–is this a contradiction in his thinking? Or is it perhaps a development in his thought (though the two books aren't that far apart in terms of publication year)?

    • Il est bien votre papa. Il a attendu que le monde ait déj? détruit tous vos rêves avant de vous dire, pour le père Noël. C’est beau, je trouve.

    • Che bellezza l'abitino bianco!! L'ho notato all'istante, grande Elena Massari!!!;-)…Mm..l'autunno mi mette un po' di tristezza in realtà…diciamo che il mio piccolo e unico piacere dell'autunno è, ogni tanto, riuscire a crogiolarmi al calduccio sotto le coperte, senza l'ansia delle corse….:-)

    • Your Canada Goose was one of the numerous kind explained Carl Linnaeus in the 18th-century job Systema Naturae.[2] It again is among the Branta genus of other poultry, made up of kind having typically ebony plumage, particular these individuals of your darkish species of your Anser genus.

    • Poster frames are fairly inexpensive at Michaels or other arts and crafts stores; you may have broken a frame that was replaced with a custom frame (usually very expensive) or a moderately priced one that seemed expensive to you at the time. I do recommend that you dry mount the posters so they don’t ripple.

    • Ted … Please .. I do not want to sound harsh, but are you losing your mind? P is not part of our staff and to be honest, having the same people constantly on a blog does more to decrease readership than increase it …

    • Whenever I put it on the fragrance is so luxurious it makes me feel a bit heady and certainly rather special. I can only hope it has the same effect when my husband smells it on me!

    • | Ya- for what it’s worth, I have the every album released by Red, Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, and Linkin Park, with TFK being my hands down favorite of them all.OH NOOOO-I AM SO NOT “SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    • Fat Janet Nguyen and her Mafia gang got bitch slapped badly this time. What a shame !!! She and her gang members got beat up very bad in the Vietnamese community. If Fat Janet runs for re election right now, she would lose by a land slide.

    • Jag hÃ¥ller med dig om att dagens temperatur var helt perfekt för löpning! (Kanske är lite varmare inne i stan hos dig?) Jag hade ca: -2 grader. Det är sÃ¥ skönt med riktigt frisk luft. Men samtidigt fÃ¥r det inte va för kallt, sÃ¥ fingrarna fryser…

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    • Thats also the reason i diplomatically keep saying this open Invitation is NOT enough.. And we need something bigger which will address Amrito and ayesh with more Respect and Love… It can at the most be a small first step of someone opening up..” One small step for man, one giant leap for Osho Vision.” ( Wow..How about that statement.. This should be the welcoming banner when we join for that celebration )

    • Merci sandrine … C est une aventure qui te porte finalement et le mental est tellement boosté qu'il est finalement assez simple d affronter les quelques doutes rencontrer …. Vraiment un moment enrichissant et inoubliable !

    • Thanks for sharing all this beauty with us dear Claudia! Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und alles Liebe und Gute! PS: could you please e-mail me your post address at estudiosdecococita at gmail dot com? Thanks a lot!

    • skriver:Jag undrar hur man tar bort bloggrubrikenassÃ¥ pÃ¥ min blogg sÃ¥ stÃ¥r det ”macroo” pÃ¥ headern med svart text jag vill ha bort det för det ser sÃ¥ fult ut…

    • vergonzoso; además de clavarte con la llamada al 902 de las narices, te tienen en espera y se permiten el lujo de decirte “para mayor agilidad tenga disponible la matricula” y..esto, el recibo del tfno a quien se lo paso?

    • doesn’t matter if other criticize those practices. You’ll just have to learn to tolerate criticism.”It’s two ways around, you can apply the same quote on you too.

    • I’ve always had a hard time with it and that’s why I’ve only bred 3 litters at my house in nearly 40 years, but I cherish the relationships that I have with my breeders because they are willing to deal with that part of breeding. It’s not easy being a breeder!Nice meeting you this weekend at Waukesha Kayla!

    • , I’m just doing what I think is best for my family and I am more afraid of my daughter reacting aversely to a vaccine and ending up with some developmental problem than worrying that I delayed her vaccines by a couple months.

    • Adriana Somos una familia argentina y celebramos cenando en familia comidas muy ricas la principal es generalmente alguna buena carne al horno luego los dulces pan dulces caseros y a las 12 en punto brindamos nos abrazamos y deseamos feliz Navidad y luego la ilusión de los pequeños los escondemos así papa Noel deja los regalitos en el árbol!!! La mejor parte es ls alegría cuando salen de su escondite y ven el arbolito con muchos regalitos!!!

    • Or you could, you know, macro Potion of the Tol'Vir to Rapid Fire (if you're MM) or Beastial Wrath (if you're BM) to get the [b]MOST[/b] out of the potion without wasting a few seconds of it pre-pull.

    • Inspired by Charm: From Wood to Wall – The Making of a Sign Linking with: DIY by Design Domestically Speaking Coastal Charm No Minimalist Here House of Hepworths Restore Interiors Common Ground At The Picket

    • Anon wrote–Likewise, Indian, Chinese, etc. immigrants are even less likely to want to live in the Northern black ghettos or in the exurban Mexican populated areas in the Sand States that Sailer talks about, suffering from foreclosures.—Actually Indians can live with black crime if thats the way to make a buckMillions of Indians live in caribbean and Africa and control the economies of the black countriesSure they would prefer not having to live in a black area with its crime, but thats a tolerable risk

    • Ich fand den sehr packend und gut gespielt, und die oben beschriebenen Defizite in der Machart dürften wohl größtenteils (Ausnahme: auch ich hätte direkt nach dem Film das Layout des Bunkers nicht erklären können) nur im Geschmacksempfinden des Wortvogels liegen. Mir gefiel das nämlich alles sehr gut, keine Spur von Kopfweh.Gelungener Reißer. 8/10

    • admin / Hello 16, I suggest you go to the doctor’s office and have some tests. The pill does not keep you from STDs and the ongoing cramps and now bleeding could be signs of something more serious while you are on the pill. blessings, Brenda

    • This is the truth. This is what really happens. Allow that disturbing footage to influence you to make the right decisions, a.k.a become a vegan or vegetarian so that footage becomes less of a common occurrence.

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    • you are right, you have the choice to use an additional column for this or defining a fixed length (padding with 0’s) for your ID in the path. This way you either sort on the additional column or on the path directly.

    • I am not sure where you are getting your info, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for great info I was looking for this Easy Dating Club – Why Is Dating Online More Preferable Than Real World Dating for my mission.

    • Beuuh déj? je veux pas dire, mais Cyril Lignac ferait mieux de s’occuper de ses poils de menton avant de paraître ? la télé hein. Et pis de mieux se ratisser les poils de tête aussi. Pasque c’est quand même un cataclysme capillaire, ce brave garçon. Pis il a l’air concon aussi. (mais bon, en fait je regarde pas alors c’est du pur délit de faciès)

    • hey i have small fingers and can’t get them too hold down the strings together, i keep trying but they’re just not big enough :/

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    • but here are some links to blogs where others have read the first installation:  Windswept Fiction; The Dish. Share this:TwitterFacebookStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry

    • Tim,I’m very sorry for the loss of your wife and the loss of a mother for your children.All the good memories, faith and love will get you through.Life throws a lot of curveballs at us, if you can excuse the baseball analogy. Keep your head up, Tim andGodspeed to you and your family.

    • Bianca, these are absolutely divine! All of your hard work has definitely paid off. The outcome is absolutely magic!I love them all — they are perfect for Spring Racing season. Well done!xo, Lisa.

    • béné, faut prendre des cours avec tkt à zuriche. chez passou, les huîtres sont pas servies décapsulées à la sauce pauledel. patientez quelques années avant d’ouvrir la bible Osty.

    • Tack för denna nya ”pulver-diet”. Jag har tyvärr trillat tillbaka lite i ”socker-träsket”, och känner att jag behöver en nystart för att komma tuillbaka till ett liv utan socker. Startar imorgon! Tack!

    • cfcThank you, I’ve recently been looking for information about this topic for ages and yours is the greatest I’ve came upon till now. However, what about the bottom line? Are you positive concerning the supply?cc

    • зухра :во-первых, я сама не маленькая, а во-вторых, я его действительно видела и разговаривала, а в третьих, я отгадала на его фотках Ягодный тупик, а в четвертых, он давний друг моей дочки, или моя дочка его давний друг, короче, у него надо спросить.

    • Philo Publius…………………….. Before I leave for the day I would like to offer another viewpoint. I think that it is now TIME to send at least a platoon of LONG RANGE SNIPERS down to the BORDER, with some M 107 (Barrets M 82) rifles. I think it would be a piece of cake to take out the killers……….”One shot one kill”. The M 107 is the perfect rifle for such a necessity. When somebody fires upon a border guard from within another country,we are completely justified in returning the fire by a trained sniper.

    • Am sa va dau o tema de studiu, daca o acceptati, dle Turcescu.Conduc un centru de zi pt.copii cu dizabilitati dintr-un oras de provincie, iar proiectele sunt sustinute numai de catre mediul de afaceri privat, atentie statul nu ne-a ajutat niciodata.Ura cu care dezbateti d-voastra si dl.Cartianu nu se simte la noi si stiti de ce?Saptamana trecuta am avut un proiect la care surpriza au participat membrii pdl care au spus clar ca stiu ca au pierdut puterea si ca nu au ce face, li s-a impus sa-l sustina pe Basescu.Astea sunt realitatile cotidiene si nu cele vazute de d-voastra

    • Agree completely, colleague. I even submitted a Buy/Sell a few months back that #goodcomments could go away as soon as Breaking Dawn Pt 2 was released. I think it’s time to retire that segment and move #goodtweets back to the top spot!

    • Hey JT and all—God has moved mightily in this! Just today (Tuesday the 4th) we should know definitely about the most divinely-ordered situation for our son! I’m waiting just now for word about the interview. It is an amazing open door and our Shepherd has moved mountains, stilled storms, ordered steps and been God Almighty! I will let Graham tell the story by leaving word either here in the comments section or in a posting.Blessings on you all who have offered up prayers so faithfully.You have been Christ to us.

    • There are a number of e cigarettes available from reputable companies. You just have to sift through reviews and see which one fits your situation. There are several here on this e cigarette review site.UN:F [1.8.3_1051]please wait…UN:F [1.8.3_1051](from 0 votes)

    • Ton blog est un petit coeur de vacances. Ta salade, les madeleines grillades, les volets bleus, les liserés roses, j'aime tout…Amitiés d'isa-Marie

    • Sem a teia protectora das 500 organizações de Bruxelas, acontecia-lhes isso, sem dúvida.Mas veremos: a teia há-de comer-se a si mesma. Esperemos, e os canalhas ficam sem retaguarda. Utopia?

    • Thanks for revealing your ideas. I’d also like to state that video games have been at any time evolving. Modern technology and inventions have served create authentic and fun games. These types of entertainment video games were not actually sensible when the actual concept was being experimented with. Just like other styles of technological know-how, video games also have had to grow via many generations. This is testimony to the fast continuing development of video games.

    • Poanta veche cu “noi vrem binele omului si pentru inca 10 lei iti spunem si cine e omul”.In mod sigur pe parcurs cineva si-a dat seama cat bun e amplasamnetul si s-a gandit sa faca un mic “schimb” – care a fost mascat “subtil si cu mare grija” taind cu pixul.Posibil sa si-o aia in freza, dar mici sanse zic eu sa se poate rectifica “scaparea”. Poate ma insel si ai mai mult noroc.

    • Robin no problem, I think it’s great and I really loved the lo-fi blog thing. You and Chris are a great team! I’m glad we’re not going to far and will still be in the same region as you and the fam.

    • I don’t know if it was a good or bad career move. But I think it was the right thing to do. We didn’t want the show to start feeling stale. And we wanted to try and do more long form stories. I think if we did do a 6th season, it would have just been two Civil War-type movies stuck together.

    • Spero che la tua I go guarisca prontamente; nel frattempo puoi pensare ad un mezzo alternativo -visto che Roma non ha molte offerte a livello di trasporto pubblico- tipo la bici. Ormai e' primavera, e non devi trascurare il fattore di risparmio in combustibili (ora che la Libia e' sotto bombardamento) ed il fattore "faccio attivita' fisica" senza pagare l'abbonamento della palestra.In bocca al lupo.

    • – Nick,Very excited to see this. I’m very intrigued on how you got background exposed the way you did as well. I think once my Canon gear is gone I’ll be shoving it into savings temporarily. I’m rather curious if my X100 will serve my purposes. It certainly has thus far.

    • Ummm YES!!! I would love to get to know you better. I feel I could probably sit & chat with you for hours. I think it would be fun to do this. Hmm maybe after my "makeover" I will do this myself 🙂

    • Your article has made up for the mostly confusing information I’ve read on this subject. The clear, unique and interesting wording in your article made this easier to understand. This is very enjoyable reading material.

    • Hirendra KumarAnother day, Another Month, Another Year,Another Smile, another Tear, another WinterA summer too, But there will be another You!May Lovely, happy TimesDecorate this time of the season and the Year to come.May Warm, Special Memories brighten your New Year,& may the Wonder & Joy of Christmas be with you forever.  

    • She was rightso I leftmy many demonsfightingamongst themselvesviolent outburstswith wordshurtfulcaused painand sorrowdrowningin the bottomof this bottleI can see clearlythough blurredvisionsorrowtoo latemuch too lateI stayed awayfor awhilebut in spiteof myselfand herI returnedto do harmwas not myintentyethere I sitwith blood on myhandsan on mysoulwill I go to hellor liveforeverwith her last wordsringingin my earsplease God no

    • for teachers who teach online education is not necessarily immediately, there is often a call for the development of educational materials designed specifically for Internet distribution. This material can be supplied with or

    • I really enjoy reading through on this site, it has got superb blog posts. “We find comfort among those who agree with us–growth among those who don’t.” by Frank A. Clark.

    • There's plenty of mosque building in Latin America.e.g.The Saudis funded a mega-mosque in Buenos Aires under Menem (a terrorist collaborator) partly funded by his government meant for thousands of Muslims.There's a silent but deadly rise of Islam south of the border.

    • waw, hitungan yang sangat sulit untuk di hitung, karena tidak setiap hari kita bisa mengetahui berapa banyak link yang keluar atau link yang masuk, namun infonya sangat bagus, trimakasih…

    • Sandi – What did you use to get rid of the grass in your established beds? This year, I have a large amount of grass creeping into my flower beds. I was wondering if there was something relatively safe that would be quicker than getting down there and pulling by hand and not ruining the perennials. Any help would be appreciated!

    • It's O.K., Mike. They can't hear you as they don't have ears. With the possible exception of Suzanne Pleshette but she seems to be suffering from a mastoid problem.

    • My stock of patience, no matter how high, can be exhausted eventually, never fear. A few more exchanges like this, perhaps three, might discover the finale of my forbearance.You seem to be under the impression that writing nonsensical accusations against my person constitutes an argument that I am obligated to answer or refute. In logic, merely identifying an argument as illogical is the sufficient and entire refutation and answer: because it shows that it is not an argument.

    • Bonjour les filles! Est-ce que vous avez déjà trouvé preneuses pour vos cartons supplémentaires?? Si non nous sommes intéressées à venir les chercher!! soit mardi le 9 ou mercredi le 10, comme il vous plaira!Lisanne et Yael, Les dounes des dunes 353

    • fatih diyor ki:Cengiz han beyin üstüne gelen insan dışı varlıkları kınıyorum adam size bu paraya nasıl geçinebileceÄŸinizi araÅŸtırmış vede yazmış.ne asgari ücreti belirlemiÅŸ neden asgari ücretliyi demoralize etmiÅŸ.adam olun adam böyle saçma sapan ÅŸeyler yazmayın.utanın kendinizden.

    • Moim Rodzicom na lekcji historii nie wolno było mówić o Katyniu, a mi nie wolno mówić o Jasenovac. Historyk – katolik o mało spazmów nie dostał z wściekłości. Przeszliśmy z jednej skrajności w drugą.

    • üdvözletem mindenkinek, idén még nem írtam, de azért olykor ránézek a gólyákra s a blogot is figyelemmel kísérem. többnyire kellemes olvasmány, remek képekkel – s a 'többnyire' szót sem azért írtam, mert valaha is gond lett volna az írás minÅ‘ségével, csak egyes hírekkel 🙁 sajnos az élet ilyen 🙁 remélhetÅ‘leg a halászi megmaradt 4 fiókával és a szülÅ‘kkel nem lesz semmi baj…hihetetlen, hogy nÅ‘nek ezek a jószágok… még néznem kell pár évig, hogy megjegyezzem/elhiggyem 🙂

    • Eh non mon papypote,Débé l’est pas de retour,L’a trop la tête en compotePourça.Voilà.Néanmoins comme tes petits écriteaux oranges ont sacrément de la pulpe ils m’ont touché un max, poil au thorax.Alors ?Alors : bises Potocolaires puisque l’R de ien je ne fais que passer .dB

    • Of the 3 guys featured on the DD front page….David is obviously the best-looking one….heck, he is more gorgeous than a lot of them…..& you don’t need to be biased to see that….haha!

    • Hervé a écrit:Le chef parle et tous les hiérarques soutiennent son point de vue par principe.Voir par exemple les évêques français quand Benoît XVI a libéralisé l’usage de la messe de Pie V !Hervé a écrit:Ce mode de fonctionnement a même été institué avec la fameuse infaillibilité.Mise en oeuvre UNE seule fois depuis qu’elle a été instituée en 1870, pour définir un dogme marial !1f40Hervé, en toute amitié, vos pétards sont un peu mouillés…

    • the fact that it is SIGNED makes it a million times better. what a bummer you can not keep it. however, your man friend rocks it pretty well too so I guess it's all good.

    • An fascinating dialogue is worth a comment. I think that you should write extra on this topic, it may not be a taboo topic however typically people are not brave enough to talk on such topics. To the next. Cheers

    • Siempre hablando con la verdad, todos sabemos que las “varitas magicas” no existen, màs que en los cuentos de adas claro, con trabajo dedicación y amor a nuestra ciudad se pueden lograr muchas cosas, además depende de todos los morelianos salir adelante y tener una ciudad de Diez. Muy bien Wilfrido, se nota la experiencia y vamos contigo.

    • Those looking for erectile dysfunction drugs normally attempt Viagra very first because it’s known to be efficient. Cialis, on the other hand, is also most sought by those looking for efficient erectile dysfunction drugs since it stays longer in the body 24 to 36 hours compared to the other two.

    • Oj, vilken kalas-giveaway! Jag vill naturligtvis vara med och hÃ¥ller tummarna för en vinst 😉 Tygerna skulle bli del i ett större lapptäcke som jag har tänkt pÃ¥börja i sommar…. JAg är fast läsare och vill ha 2 lotter, tack!Kraam Lotten

    • salam kenal mbaaakk.. kayanya stasiun yang jadi calo sudah terlalu banyak,,,orang dalem kebanyakan deh,,, jadi tiket dinaik2in sesuka mreka..sebel kalo udah kaya gitu..penumpang yang butuh ya mau aja tiket calo tsb,,,

    • grand… !!!.. I have one thought.. knowledge is probably a quantum event .. not a continuous one.. so.. big leaps in ‘knowing will happen at certain experiences.. like experimenting… the present school system.. shuns this aspect.. and rote … continuous method leads to just…. u know what.. &nbsp;If learning is experience oriented .. just like it used to be in ancient times… then knowledge will be the target and way.. both. sadhana and sadhya.. ! just like old times..

    • It looks to me that this web site doesnt download on a Motorola Droid. Are other folks having the exact same problem? I enjoy this website and dont want to have to miss it when Im gone from my computer.

    • No problem on coming late to the party. It seems like I’m always running late. Love your music choices. I really like Jim Morrison’s lyrics and poetry. He had a very dark vision of the world around him. Bob Dylan, of course, is legendary. I often find myself thinking about his lyrics as I go about my day-to-day stuff. So glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by and keep coming back…even if it’s a few days after I post.

    • Ola Thatieli, Não terá maiores problemas para colocar o aparelho !Somente tem que saber que as restaurações poderão fraturar durante o tratamento, mas nada que um dentista não possa resolver.De qualquer forma, peça a ajuda de sua ortodontista e siga suas orientações.Boa sorte, Um abraço,Dr. Jose Américo Bottino Junior, cirurgião-dentista, especialista em periodontia

    • “Bright Idea” everybody expect u to name it sumn dealin wit work so do sumn diff… i am a young dude tryna get on too but not by rapping i wanna start my own label and thats wat i was gon call it..

    • grifo disse:“como os russos estão comprando tudo dos franceses, logo logo estarão chamando os franceses ou para terminar o PAK-FA ou para comprar rafales deles.”rsrs valeu pelas boas risadas.Se alguém passar na calçada da frente da DGA e espirrar, a França divulga uma nota dizendo que há interesse em comprar um navio ou avião francês.

    • Hello edel,Thank you for your enquiry.I am sorry but the period is already booked.Before 20 luly and between 3rd and 16th August are available, though.Best regards,Hisayo

    • Gratulerer sÃ¥ mye med ettÃ¥ringen! Jeg har ogsÃ¥ sydd bursdagskrone til min lille gutt etter inspirasjon fra deg. Du er fantastisk flink!

    • smisha а розкажіть детальніше, як це ви збираєтесь організовувати? Географічно ви напевно знаходитесь десь в західних областях і напевно уявлення не маєте, що коїться загалом по Україні. Я б і з великим захопленням на вас подивився, як ви полум”яно проголошуєте свої тези десь в центрі Севастополя.Захищати своє, не значить поливати брудом чуже.

    • Tu sais, j'ai habite la. Pendant plus d'un an, j'ai traverse ce quartier tous les matins et tous les soirs en allant travailler. C'etait merveilleux, et je le savais. J'en ai les larmes aux yeux rien que d'y penser.

    • Bil­bao es pre­cioso! Y la comida es de muerte, ¡qué envi­dia!Hablando de abri­gos de cape­ru­cita roja… yo tengo, de hecho, una capa: Cuando voy de paseo con mi bici fran­cesa que es de color rojo y mi capa todos los hips­ters de Lon­dres llo­ran a mi paso…

    • You mean the “scientific objectivity” from environmental scientists who are getting billions a year for a field they will always say “needs more study”?Please name a single field of study that will one day no longer need to be studied. “The objectivity that led them to ignore the evidence of the Medieval Warm Period and Roman Warm Periods? ”A lie uttered by a known liar – no surprise

    • As I’ve made my journey through menopause the last few years, I’ve shed so many of the skins that have held me back. Fear, doubt, indecision, more fear. I’m working on a plan for a new career now; one that embraces my talents and my joys. I occasionally feel those negative thoughts nibbling at me and have to make a conscious decision to shut them out. It’s not easy.[]

    • David P,A superb analysis.Apart from anything else , the sheer arrogance of Mardell in criticising Obama because Obama didn’t say what Mardell wanted him to say is astonishing.Whatever any of us think of Obama, he is still the democratically elected President of the USA.What is Mardell  ?  A bog-standard, unelected, thied rate BBC hack.   0 likes

    • Hey there, I just hopped over to your site thru StumbleUpon. Not somthing I would normally browse, but I appreciated your views none the less. Thank you for creating some thing worthy of browsing.

    • Na razie odpukać żadnych większych i kosztownych napraw w swojej trójeczce nie miałem. Autko jest w gazie (to już moje czwarte auto w tym paliwie) i powiem jedno, wolę gaz, jak się dużo jeździ to jednak wolę zostawić na stacji np. 700- 750 zł niż 1200 -1300 miesięcznie (czysta ekonomia), a co do awaryjności, jak się dba o auto, to czy w gazie, czy w benzynie, na pewno nam się odwdzięczy. A do komentarzy typu gaz wiocha, słoma w butach itp. życzę tym osobom tyle słomy w bucie ile ja mam na pewno będą szczęśliwsze.

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    • Its great as your other posts : D, thankyou for posting . «I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it’s not a waste of time.» by Martha Stewart.

    • I had to shut this one down. Any man who knows so much about pornography and the inner workings of female sexuality, and his voice speeds up and his volume level increases, has a screw loose and needs get back on the level.

    • Lieve Hill en AllemaalHill zit nu bij Ma thuis op haar pc dit te schrijven nadat we samen met Beppie de verhalen hebben zitten lezen. Zeker als we lezen over de blijdschap van de kinderen, genieten wij net als jullie. Trekken zo weer verder met jullie, alle goeds met elkaar. Veel iefs en groeten van ons hier in Nederland, Ma Beppie en Pieter, Ron en Bep

    • Alleen Benders al bezig zien is al geweldig om te zien. Doet me weer denken aan Pinkpop, nog steeds het enige optreden waar ik ooit kippenvel van kreeg. Geweldige productie dit ook. Leuk dat hij meerdere stijlen beheerst. Ik ben benieuwd naar zijn volgende project. Het liefst undercover, geanimeerd als bijvoorbeeld de Gorillaz, zodat niemand weet dat hij het is, scheelt wat druk en vooroordelen.

    • the pray he said and that was when i was so into god i felt like well i dont know how to explane. but god have chegand my life so much and i would not be here if it was not for him and have such great parents and family and friends THANKS GOD FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID IN MY LIFE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU SEE YOU IN HEAVEN :):):):):)

    • chifi,thanks for the warning, i try not to take myself to seriously and am also aware that betting on doomsday is a losing proposition.people should also be aware that i am not a finance guy and failed 5th grade math. Oh and i believe that the flying spaghetti monster will descend from on high and save us all with his noodly appendages!

    • Hi Chad,Some great fixes here – I have managed to follow all advice and translate the entire plugin into Thia except for ‘Clear Form’ ‘Submit’ and ‘Required Field’ – I have located these in wp-members-deprecated.php and changed them to Thai:     * ‘ . __(‘ เขตข้อมูล’, ‘wp-members’) . ‘‘;But it is not making any difference…Please advise if there is a step(s) I missing out on here.Thanks,Ana

    • Mais tout a fait mon bon Guillaume, tout a fait, je ne dis pas le contraire, bien sur qu’ils sont serviables et trés bien, bien sur.

    • 11/11/2010 – 11:11amEl de las pipas era Juanjo Brau, fisioterapeuta del Barça. Si hubieran abierto algo más el plano se hubiera visto que los que habian delante eran tecnicos del Barça (y por tanto amigos a los que se les puede hacer bromas), no empleados de seguridad o gente del público como se ha dicho por ahí.

    • Both?But one is personal and one is universal.You can think meter is good and it is (for you).Or meter can be good and makes you like it.Sort of like the difference between Dubstep and Mozart.

    • couple weeks back Dre posted his list of the top 20 offensive players from last season. A week ago I took a look at the bottom 20 offensive players, and not only did I

    • Even when the world points at him Nelson Munson style and yells “ha ha!” he still keeps on truckin’. You go UFO dad, if you are taking money from suckers – more power to you!

    • What? No! I get so many emails from people asking if I’m done blogging. I am not done. Not saying goodbye. If anything, the past few months have been an experiment for me about how it feels to blog less. And it feels terrible. I think I probably need to blog to be sane. Like other people need to try new food to feel sane, or something like that. Or maybe all of us here are a little not sane and that’s why it feels so awful when I’m not here.Anyway. No. Not saying goodbye. I love reading the comments. I love that people are here.Penelope

    • The most unique outfit I put together:Jeans, Grateful Dead shirt, bald head cap, and a paper mache cone I made. Dressed up as a SNL Conehead.

    • Chicago turned over Cabrini Green to the developers as the land was simply too valuable for public housing. Magnet and charter schools are becoming more common as a way to get mostly white and Asian public schools in the city. Roscoe Village, which used to be full of black gang bangers, is now a mecca for white yuppies with small children. The white reconquista indeed…

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    • Interesting in my limited life experiences, I have never had that type of conversation with guys, let alone females. I think it is always amazing to look back on our lives when we are young and realize how very little rational thought goes into some of our decisions…

    • I want to thank everyone who attended the Town Center Listening Session #1 on June 1, 2012 and encourage all to post your comments and suggestions about your visions for the future of Lee’s town center. Dave Cedarholm

    • You sure were busy! Michelle and her skills are amazing!! I am no good at working on mechanical things at all….not at all!! Good thing my husband was an engineer!!

    • I enjoy your analysis. I invest heavily in dividend stocks and I like to see other people’s thinking. It gives me ideas on how I want to screen.I know its a typo, but you have Chevron on your list twice…

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    • #29O problema do Aécio Neves não é a bebida. É parar numa blitz e recusar-se ao exame do bafômetro só por ser parlamentar. É bater na acompanhante num desfile de moda. É traficar influência na Band para demitir o Kajuru por conta de denúncias de abertura de espaço VIP no Mineirão… em detrimento do espaço reservado a deficientes.A única coisa útil que o Serra fez em 2010 foi barrar a candidatura desse sujeito.

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    • Dass ein Kandidat sich auf „primitive Allgemeinplätze” begibt, ist weniger einem Mangel an Intelligenz geschuldet, vielmehr muss ein Kandidat der gemeinen Volksseele schmeicheln, Populismus ist Pflicht.

    • Joanna i MichaÅ‚, :DziÄ™kujemy za Å›wietnÄ… oprawÄ™ muzycznÄ… naszego wesela! Zespół porwaÅ‚ naszych goÅ›ci do taÅ„ca już od pierwszej melodii, dużym atutem zespoÅ‚u byÅ‚a różnorodność granych utworów muzycznych oraz ciekawych i Å›miesznych zabaw ChÅ‚opaki do samego koÅ„ca utrzymywali tempo zabawy oraz bawiÄ…cych sie na parkiecie goÅ›ci, a trwaÅ‚o to do biaÅ‚ego rana. DziÄ™ki wielkie, tak trzymać!!! gorÄ…co polecamy !

    • Anyone who thinks Key enhanced his own or the country's mana by that pathetic display on Letterman has such a low bar for a pass mark that a snail could jump it.

    • Suggestion (ce n’est qu’un début…) :La foto montre le caporal Joshua Bernard, 21 ans, grièvement blessé aux janbes après avoir été touché par une roquète, ainsi que d’autres Marines qui tentent de lui venir en aide. Le cliché a été pris par la fotografe de l’AP Julie Jacobson le 14 août, lors d’une enbuscade des talibans dans la province de Helmand (sud de l’Afganistan). Bernard a été évacué vers un hopital de canpagne.

    • stieglitz:ich vermute mal, sie wissen garnicht wovon sie reden.? die viel zitierte datenkrake macht auch vor ihrem ungebremsten “konsum” nicht halt. kontrolle über eigene daten?! …fehlanzeige!

    • Dans la veine familiale génétiquement programmé pour faire chier les profs, j’ai l’honneur de connaitre un incontournable :« assiste au cours à coté du radiateur »Ma foi, même si je n’étais pas la personne concerné, mon lien de sang avec cette remarque m’a toujours apporté beaucoup de fierté…

    • She does look like she has the upper hand and definitely thinks she is the queen. Watch out when she starts to zig-zag in front of you. My daughter claims that is a sign that the cat wants to trip you up, lol.Pets, gotta love them!(((HUGS))) Susanne 🙂

    • Woah! I’m really enjoying the template/theme of this website. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s hard to get that “perfect balance” between usability and visual appearance. I must say that you’ve done a great job with this. In addition, the blog loads super quick for me on Safari. Exceptional Blog!

    • Ik kan niet helpen dat het hoogst schunnig klinkt waar je heen bent gegaan 😛 Ligt het aan mij of word je nu gewoon op kosten van een vage buitenlandse organisatie getraind op missionariswerk haha :D.Wel jammer van alle aziatische slaafjes daar hè die vastzitten in dat middeleeuwse kafeel stelsel, maar ja… gelukkig hebben ze wel uitstekend ‘modern’ pedagogisch onderwijs gecombineerd met islamitische inhoud 😛 phew

    • the veteran player needs input, too.I really liked your first Episode and look forward to the next one. One more technical point of criticism: Please organize your podcast as RSS feed, too. Not everyone wants to use itunes. The more android based part of players would be pleased with this I think.CheersOle

    • io ero come al solito chiuso nella mia stanza in ufficio a buttare giù quintali di righe di codice inutilmente… quando un collega entra e ci dice del primo schianto, lui ci disse “qui c’è la mano di Osama Bin Laden” e io “e chi cazzo è ?”… al secondo schianto il tempo si è fermato del tutto…ricordo benissimo la sensazione che ho provato, come se il tempo si fosse rallentato, quasi andasse a scatti…ci vorrebbe forse davvero un …

    • Congratulations on your anniversary. I have been reading My Bizzy Kitchen for about a month. I haven’t made a recipe yet. One or two of your recipes have reminded me of ones I’ve used in the past. Or I’ve decided what to make for dinner because your menu sounded so good. Does that count?

    • I find the constant debate/babel over bible stories, made up as they went along, no true fact to ever be known or found,… to be the most incredible waste of mind/time and some seeming otherwise very intelligent individuals.

    • Bolsavik,its kind of odd that you ignore the story of Tan Nguyen’s trial being post poned and yet you were all over this story as it broke.

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    • David WhitbyTwo killer features of the A65, at least for me, we’re the HHT scene mode for low light conditions (I avoid the hassle and delays of a tripod as much as possible) and the more manual MFNR abilities. It really addresses the low light/noise issues of the SLT design. Good job on the video.  

    • 12:40 am, August 4, 2012|I read that title as “I Beat Silent Hill: Downpour And Here’s What I Thought Of The Sound of Music” – and I got really excited by its wild randomness until I realized I misread it.

    • The standing ovation quickened joy in my heart for Leonard. As humble as he is, there is no doubt he accepted and respected the honor they bestowed on him. It also stirred anxiousness in me because I’ll see him perform next month in Brooklyn. Odds are quite high that I’ll be standing at AT LEAST 28 times!As always, thanks again for all the time-consuming posts you share with us.

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    • C’est marrant (ironique), je traverse exactement la même chose en ce moment… 3ans de relation à la poubelle… C’est horrible de se rendre compte que la personne en qui j’avais le plus confiance, s’est transformée en mon pire ennemi…C’est un pur hasard pour moi de me trouver sur ton site… Je suis fan de Uglydoll (j’ai Moxy qui m’accompagne partout, Tray et Ice bat)… En fait, je projetais d’adopter Big Toe, je trouve qu’il a une bonne tête…

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    • YIKES!!!!! Did you have fun when you were flying up in the air. I hate heights because well they are scary. If you enjoyed it maybe you can encourage me to go flying on a aeroplane again because me,my mum and dad and my brothers have only ever been abroad once.

    • Hi! I really appreciate your topic. I’m a coffee lover too and use to drink coffee with an ice. The taste is good drives me to drink another glass of coffee. It’s really relaxing.

    • Tío! Qué tal?Muchas gracias por el comentario!Elegí primero las dos ciudades más grandes así después ya viajo más tranquilo (y más barato, generalmente). Y estoy atento a los 3 meses (en UK e Irlanda no cuentan) pero desde el 2008 creo que Suiza también es parte de Schengen y no cuenta lo de salir y entrar…Como sea, en un tiempito iré a Barcelona y espero que esté tan bueno como todos dicen.Gracias por los consejos! Abrazo grande!

    • Buenos dias,me interesa mucho, su curso, soy constante buscadora, me encantaria, asistir a los dos niveles en el mes de octubre, soy de colombia, y para esta fecha podria, aprovechando una bendecida coincidencia, mis preguntas son,es posible para tomar ambos niveles un descuento’?, ademas, requisitos para indispensables, y sobre el tema en si,trata de alguna manera con regresiones,?????,POR FAVOR AMPLIARME INFORMACION, mil graciasGLORIA

    • reat article and straight to the point. I am not sure if this is in fact the best place to ask but do you folks have any thoughts on where to hire some professional writers? Thanks

    • اهلين بسام صراحة تعبت و انا ادور لدومين مناسب لين رسيت على هذاو الارشفة رااااااحت من جوجل لكن شوي شوي و بترجع اللحين رجعت منها 10%تشكر يا بسام

    • Hi – I want to say thanks for an interesting post about a subject I have had an interest in for a while now. I have been lurking and reading the posts avidly so just wanted to express my thanks for providing me with some very good reading material. I look forward to more, and taking a more active part in the discussions here, whilst learning too!!

    • beaches are clear so far. Tar balls fairly normal and not toxic. We should do what we can economically to support the people whose livelihoods will be so damaged by the spill to say nothing of what harebrained schemes the Admin comes up with re. drilling and clean up.

    • …and the bounds on police behaviour have been pushed so far beyond outrageous that none of it is, really, any longer.”Oh, that poor family. I hope they’re alright.”

    • Reblogged this on and commented:Another great article I have found in my pursuit to understand what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is and what it looks and feels like in myself, and others.

    • veel succes met dubbelen, ik heb mijn eerste quilt gedubbeld bij Francoise en thuis nog geen ervaring opgedaan, daar mijn 2e top nog niet klaar isgroetjes en fijn weekendBernadette

    • I hate to sound like a nitpick, but your grammar is just…deplorable. I want to be interested in this, I really do. But it seems you spent so much time on the design (which, I will say, is amazing) that you forgot that people actually have to read your blog. Clean this up…PLEASE. It could be so much bigger if you just did some work.

    • That's awesome Becca! And I'm with you 100% – I'd really struggle to find one drawback to the baby sign. It's been a 100% positive experience for us and Otto 🙂 Oh, and we have something in common… I taught Special Ed for two years in a language & learning delayed classroom. I was an assistant and almost pursued that as my degree (and often wish I had).

    • I hope you get a break, too! Days of just doing nothing are so sweet. I haven’t had any of those types of days in awhile, but I have had some “do nothing hours” here and there, days when nap times/bed times worked out and I have enough energy to do anything but sleep.Jessica recently posted..

    • Me parece muy interesante tener la oportunidad de salir a estudiar algún tiempo fuera de España. Creo que, además de un posible interés por mejorar en tu formación, sirve para conocer una nueva cultura y tener una experiencia fuera del ambiente familiar. Algo que ayuda a madurar y adquirir otro punto de vista.

    • A good dentist (London) will only do the things that you need for your teeth. This is to lessen the pain and cost that you and your pocket must endure. Remember that a good dentist is humane. A bad dentist might recommend treatments that you do not actually need just to make the bill bigger. To prevent this from happening, know what your basic needs are. A good dentist will listen to you if you tell him exactly what treatments do you need.

    • supergrand, lol, some of us pre-ordered, you went a whole other route, lol. I have to confess, The Freud is the one who stepped on your keyboard & made that typo. My fine feathered friends love you & Mr sgj So do I

    • This post wasn’t about Mrs. Obama, whom I admire. It was about the “me and . . .” construction that sounds so ignorant. She was just an example of how high up this terrible construction has gone.I even have heard “me and . . .” as a subject (“Me and him went out”), which is really awful.Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

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    • naja unter anderen umständen hätt ich mir johnossi und vor allem auch nervous nellie auch ein drittes mal angesehn, aber ra ra riot hab ich eben noch gar nicht gesehn und mag die derzeit ganz dolle UND spielen in meinem lieblingsclub. da fällt die entscheidung am ende doch ganz leicht .

    • Its not boring when you're sharing your thoughts. in fact it helps you out of stress and improving your skills of writing.Life is not boring. life is beautiful to experience.Every new day is a gift of life. it just a matter of how we manage things around to learn and gain something new. divert yourself in some otherways and make it productive. lol

    • os 30 seconds to mars se nao vierem eu nao vou ao alive…e a minha banda preferida e ainda nao comprei o bilhete…ainda tenho esperancas que eles vao…mas se nao forem eu tambem nao vou ao alive …quanto ao comentario do lou , os 30 seconds to mars sao a melhor banda do mundo e se nao gostas nao venhas ca cheirar que nao e preciso comentarios estupidos !!!

    • Sorry for the delay in getting the answer posted at THE BEAT. It looks like Dave's answer is stuck in their 'moderation' process. Let's give them some more time before we go to Plan B.

    • First, as I've not commented before, thanks for the blog. I know you've referred to it as a somewhat selfish feeling venture, but I (and others, of course) get a lot out of it.Second, as a barista/coffee nerd, I think I recall reading somewhere that you spent some time behind an espresso machine. Is that true? If so, could I possibly ask you a couple questions about your time spent tamping?

    • Oi Cá, Eu tbm adoro esse rímel, gosto de usar ele com o The Falsies flare. Mas em mim ele não transfere não, já fui pra festa e dançei a noite inteira e ele resistiu!Bjos[]

    • I just got an email from a reader with the following, so keep your eyes open on your coupons for this:the coupon machine gave me a $5 off nexxus product. they have a shampoo for $5.29

    • Wow, good price. I’ve actually got my eye on an old KMD analog delay right now for my pad rig. It’s weird…it’s one of those delay pedals that for some reason I’ve wanted for years, just because they’re so rare. Oh, and fuzz can be gorgeous, too! What fuzz pedals do you own? I’ve got the Hartman Germanium right now, and totally love it.

    • Love love love that backdrop!!!! Maybe I would do outfit posts if the backdrop wasn't my bedroom bc my photo opps tend to be me taking a pic of myself in the mirror. Not cool! Ha! Hope you had a lovely Wednesday! I almost typed Thursday….getting a little ahead of myself, I suppose. 🙂

    • I love anything sheer, even during fall/winter its just the perfect touch and looks so gorgeous. I would love it if you checked out my blog, I have interesting fashion posts you might love to

    • Só aquela foto do "reizinho" sendo "carcado" pelo índio de araque cocaleiro já fará um estrago e tanto nas prentensões da petelândia farofeira.Ptsauro.

    • Hi Jill,I feel so happy to read your comments and share your journey with you. Thank you for writing so honestly, openly and poignantly. I feel humbled and touched that you learn from me as I learn from you. (I would love to have more of your posts here if you feel so inspired In love, support and friendship, Karly

    • Hello! Lovely to see you last week at the Invasive Species week. I haven’t managed to get hold of your email yet so I thought this would be the quickest way of getting in touch. If you still want to come over to Leith Hill for our Field Recorders’ Meeting I can send you the details Best wishes,Catherine Burton (Biologisal Records Officer, SBIC / SWT)

    • HI Michelle,I want to submit but it’s just now cycle day 5 for me. I’ve been horribly bloated and have not felt like photos. What is the last day to submit? Thanks

    • This is a comment to the webmaster. Does your website get enough visitors or rank for search terms with Google? Well we can help! We can provide you with a safe tiered link building system! This will help your rankings on Google and make your website more visible to your target audience. Take a quick look as I am sure you will be interested.

    • Bên đây trong mấy năm nay, hiểu này rất popular vá»›i tụi Mỹ và mấy quán ăn. Đi đâu cÅ©ng thấy hết. Em vẫn nghÄ© rằng mình đến 1 nÆ¡i không phải là đất nÆ°á»›c mình mà có thể build up 1 kinh doanh mà ai cÅ©ng thích và muốn là cái hay, cÅ©ng không phải dá»… dàng.

    • Gleder meg til Ã¥ komme pÃ¥ denne siden ! det blir stas hihi. Gratulerer med Ã¥ kommet frem til mÃ¥let!Gleder meg mer og mer for hver dag som gÃ¥r til Ã¥ komme ned i varmen til dere! savner dere utrolig masse, men er veldig glad i dere!Stor nuss fra Tante og lillesøster Hanne<3

    • Allie, I Loved, Loved, Loved “The Shadow Of the Wind!” I wanted to read it all over again. I even did re-read the last 2 chapters because it tied everything together. I’m going on a search for The Angel’s Game. Have you read any of his young adult books? Wondered what you thought of them.

    • You did such a great job capturing how special the McClain family is, Bree! They have been my friends (and family) for a really long time and these photos just showed how awesome they are!

    • Zdobywajmy szczyty,ktore sa w zasiegu naszych mozliwosci,zrezygnujmy,gdy nasze ambicje i gora,z ktora chcemy sie zmierzycpozostaja w dysproporcji do naszego przygotowania.Oczywiscie,czasem taki wyczyn moze sie udac,ale przewaznie konczy sie fatalnie(przyklad doslowny:niedawna smierc trojkikanadyjskich zdobywcow MtEverest podczaszejscia;przyklad metaforyczny:katastroficzne dla Polskii Polakow skutki zdobycia szczytu wladzy przez D.Tuska).Najwazniejsze jest byc soba,stac na strazy Prawdy i umieccieszyc sie drobnymi codziennymi radosciami.Pozdrawiam serdecznie

    • Lækre ting…Herhjemme undres den mandlige del af forholdet ogsÃ¥ tit over de ting jeg slæber inden for døren.. Noget kan man bare ikke undvære..;)Jeg mailer dig lige lidt senere – har lidt du lige skal lure pÃ¥;)KH Anne

    • Muchas gracias por volver. Es la mejor noticia de este comienzo de año, sois la recontra, yo he aprendido mucho de vosotros, os lo agradezco.Gracias hermanos y a seguir en la

    • Void,I think you have a point there — it could be something missing in translation. Will check on the Chinese edition of the same article and see if it is indeed electro-optical.

    • Now THAT is a deal, though I’m pretty sure I get the better end of it! Yes, it was such a fun evening I’m so glad you liked the post, the meal was really special.

    • Laur rules! .. iar la capitolul fusta magica voi fi rea – eu mi-am luat cu 90 de ron. … din tenerife e drept, dar nu cred ca transportul costa chiar atat de mul incat sa justifice diferenta, plus ca en-gross sigur sunt alte preturi, asa ca au o marja de profit cam mare…

    • Great stuff from you, man. Ive scan your stuff before and youre just too brilliant. I love what youve got here, love what youre saying and the way you say it. You make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it smart. I cant wait to scan more from you. This is really a great site.

    • Wow, now that’s dedication! I’m so happy you enjoyed the book! Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m in the midst of writing another adult contemporary romance, so I’m definitely going to keep a hand in that genre. Thanks again! I hope you’re able to get some sleep! Congrats on the baby!

    • Heavens no!One is a well respected production house with years and years of quality work…and the other is just Tiburon Productions – penguin, flat top, baseball cap and all.

    • Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

    • Mais s’il faut être mangés à la sauce hollandaise,il n’y a qu’une chose à clarifier : les Å“ufsSuzy : Non, le beurre. Suzy, vous remarquerez que le chef dit bien « clarifier les Å“ufs » = « séparer le jaune du blanc » N’en tirons pas de conclusion hâtive

    • disse:When I initially commented I clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and currently if a comment is added I get four emails with the precise same comment. Possibly there is by any implies that you are in a position to eliminate me from that service? Thanks!

    • You probably overheated the phone by placing it on your dashboard. You would be surprised how many degrees over 100 your dashboard can quickly become. Even my radar detector can overheat in the sun after an hour or so. It’s not a big deal no that a phone doesn’t like such extreme heat. Even if it didn’t crash, the heat is quite bad for it.

    • Reviewed on: August 6, 2012Can’t wait to stay there again! Very nice resort and elegant rooms! Only a few minutes drive to the strip. Great food there and excellent guest services. There is really no need to even leave the resort! Can’t wait to stay there next time we go!!!

    • Hello! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any problems with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing months of hard work due to no backup. Do you have any methods to protect against hackers?

    • argh… Innovatel lo sport sarà anche gruppo, ma a volte quando si sa di non farcela, anche farlo da isolati onestamente non la vedo così male, meglio che stare a strombazzare inviperiti…giuro ho riso troppo quando un gruppo che correva, mi stava superando mentre io me la camminavo con calma, ha esclamato all’inidirzzo di un automobilista incazzosa:Ma che ti suoni???GRANDI!io da sola mi ero limitata a mugugnare tra me e me: ma dove vai???

    • Izze, não se preocupe por não ter conseguido ingresso pras mesas da FLIP. Quando fui em 2006, sempre tinha gente vendendo ou até doando ingressos de última hora. Além disso, passam todas as mesas no telão da praça. Fones para tradução só pra quem comprou ingresso, claro, mas sabendo português e inglês dá pra ver de penetra várias.

    • All I can do at this point is repeat my previous comment:Graf dissed the Navy, its people, and our national defense. She got swatted when she should have been smacked. She remains an object lesson on what is broken within the officer ranks and beyond.

    • Hi David,You know, isn’t that actually kind of comforting? We CAN’T prove we’re better than our neighbors, but we can admit we’re not (that’s easy … sort of).And that’s when God can come in and say, “Let’s do this together.”Thanks,Sam

    • \\\\அண்ணா ஹசாரே ஒரு பயங்கரவாதிதான் – அவரது முகத்தை படித்துப் பாருங்கள் \\\\உதடுகள் பயங்கரவாதி என்று சொன்னாலும் உள்ளம் ‘அவரது முகம்’ (அவனது என்பதற்கு மாற்றாக..) என மரியாதை கொடுக்க சொல்லுகிறது… என்ன செய்வது மரியாதைக்குரிய பயங்கரவாதி போலிருக்கிறது… ஒரு வேலை போலி கம்யுனிஸ்ட் போல போலி பயங்கரவாதியோ…

    • she kept at true good humour’s markThe social flow of pleasure’s tide:She never made a brow look dark,Nor caused a tear, but when she died<3<3

    • Xochitl Hinojosa is "So-chill Ee-no-hoe-sa" for the confused. Garcia looks like a cross between Chris Hansen and John Tesh. And while we're at it Luis Gutierrez looks just like Cheech Marin.

    • ago21francys Hola buenas tardes, quisiera por favor tener más información acerca de esta maestría que ofrece su universidad, requisitos, pensum, precios, entre otros. Soy comunicadora social de la Universidad Central de Venezuela en Caracas- Venezuela, es decir, sería parte de los estudiantes extranjeros. Por tanto, necesitaría los requisitos, cómo es la selección de ingreso, documentación y el precio principalmente, las formas de pago y todo el proceso o si tengo que llamar, háganmelo saber por favor. Muchas Gracias!

    • Tyhmä kysymys: mitäs nappulaa/linkkiä tuosta mailista pitää painaa? Sitä punaista palkkia “lisätietoja kohteessa google+”?Oon nyt kokeillu kaikkia, ja aina sama herja “still in active development, not for everyone, you need an invite to sign in”Siis hä?Tuolla punaisen palkin linkillä ainakin itse rekisteröidyin palveluun.


    • Il a neigé aussi dans ton beau vexin !!J'aime ces petits gâteaux de Noël et comme je cherchais une recette je vais prendre la tienne, merci.bises

    • We’re so happy you love our store and products Mr. Fabulous…it was delightful having you in our kitchen! Hope you will come visit all the Chefs again very soon

    • The one thing i don't like about Google chrome is about the flash getting crashed again,i hope this is fixed in the new version,if not please do it in the next stable release.

    • Good day! I know this is kinda off topic however I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog article or vice-versa? My site discusses a lot of the same subjects as yours and I believe we could greatly benefit from each other. If you’re interested feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Terrific blog by the way!

    • Don’t hold back DKL tell us what you really think.Seriously, I found the movie a bit dull so the message, or lack thereof, did not sink in one way or the other.

    • Hello! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this website? I’m getting fed up of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

    • Hola Heidi – His parents live in Aix and his aunt lives in the Vaucluse region. Completely agree on the home part, there’s something about the south of France that makes me feel like I’m home. I love traveling, but Seattle, Ecuador and Provence are the places that really have that home feeling for me.

    • SÃ¥ godt Ã¥ høre at din sønn er i sikkerhet. Det er bra vi har skjønne, smÃ¥ barnbarn som vi kan kose oss med og glemme den skrekkelige verden der ute en stakket stund. I morgen kommer mine til meg, en stor pÃ¥ snart 10 Ã¥r og en liten pÃ¥ 1.5. Gleder meg. Vet ikke helt hvor mye den store ha fÃ¥tt med seg, det er vanskelig Ã¥ vite hva man skal si, men det er vel best Ã¥ være ærlig uten Ã¥ skremme livet av ungen.

    • Solo otto piensa en la especulacion, decile al coma-andante que le suelte los dolares a los comerciantes y que haga un control cambiario adecuado, uniendo el sitme con el 4.3. Y quien dice que el dolar negro anda en 11? Ya anda rondando los 14 bs. Y tu no tomas en cuenta el 20% de impuestos que cobran en aduana por un articulo o si?

    • I’m in my first year at university Beautiful lady wearing my favorite kind of nylon stockings along with hi-heel fuck me spikes and lingerie, sucking and fucking. What’s not to like?

    • i hope this movie is gonna be good and also i hope the actress that plays aaliyah is going to be great just for info Aaliyah Dana Haughton January 16th, 1979 to August 25. 2001 rest in peace!!

    • the moderator on TWAToday has woken up and started deleting my posts – so I call on you all to monster their blogs with suitably scabrous criticism of their inane content -especially that Daile Pepperor Shallow Spice, as I shall call her

    • arkadaÅŸlar 10 yıldır sigara kullanıyordum sigara kullanımından dolayı nefes almakta bile zorlanır duruma geldimi,sigarayı artık komple bıraktım çok mutluyum yediÄŸim herÅŸeyden tat alıyorum artık,bırakın arkadaÅŸlar iradenize hakim olun bırakırsınız,birde bıraktıktan sonra sigara isteÄŸi sık gelir çabuk söner bunu unutmayın.

    • Ich finde gut das du das mit dem Abnehmen endlich auf den Weg bringst. Wenn du gerade schon mal dabei bist, kannst du für mich so rund 40 Kilo mitabnehmen. Ist ja quasi ein aufwischen.

    • todas as coisas criadas só têm utilidade se forem em meu benefício. de outra forma a criação não pode ser útil. criar, usufruir e realizar-seao contrário daqueles que tiram de uns para dar a outros, sem criar nada. mas querem os louros

    • podiam me dizer ke programa uzam para reproduzir Hajime no Ippo?eu uso o VLC media player mas os ep 17,20,21 e 23, nao le as legendas… eu ja sakei varias vezes para ver se era erro mas pelos vistos nao é por ai! :Sajudem-me por favor.continuem o bom trabalho

    • I’ve included the link, so people can go and see for themselves.As to the rest, the last part of my previous message still holds: why not asking the people in a real referendum instead of tirelessly, relentlessly spreading the notion that this is a concern just with the nationalist bourgeoisie? Then we would know. Is this not what you would like, to know, instead of spreading propaganda?

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    • கருப்பன், காலையிலெ எழுந்து பேப்பர் படி, இப்ப அங்க எடி இல்ல சதானந்த கவுடரு காரு…முந்தானேத்து காலையிலநித்தி யோட ஆசிரமத்திற்க்கு சீல் வைத்து விட்டுநித்தியை இன்னும் இரண்டே நாளீல் பிடிப்போம் என்று சொன்னது சாத்சாத் கர்னாடக முதல்வரே…

    • 191Ei Paula, adorei o post!Comecei um blog há pouco tempo e essa semana participei de um encontro promovido pela Ana, do TT. Conheci tanta gente bacana lá e percebi que o que vale mesmo nesse meio são as pessoas que a gente conhece… nada de brinde ou $$$, mas sim poder contar com pessoas bacanas que podem se tornar amigas um dia.Bjosss

    • dude water is H20 you use electric to rip the H2 and O and then u use that to burn in your car! I am shocked u dont know this. the water that is giving the h2o is not more when it goes under this process. unless you have a different def for water then H2O. Negative makes one gas positive makes another gas. its the water its self that is the source of energy.

    • – Gorgeous stuff! All golden and magical. Calandre and Nick look friendly and fun too. The location is blowing my mind a bit..You don’t often see deer and tower blocks in the same frame.March 6, 2012 – 12:40 pm

    • I’m seriously in love with these guys.I’ve seen at least 8 of their shows from their startings at the Texas Roller Girls all the way up to playing right before Bob Dylan at ACL. They keep getting better. The lights, his moves and the energy from the stage always leaves me dancing my ass off and screaming until I lose my voice.

    • si le prince jean pouvait prendre le pot de fleur sur la tête, ça me ferait bien rire…excellente planche!!! bravo Martin! une inconditionnelle des patates

    • Merci,Nous avons mis en place le changements. Par contre il semblerait qu’ils n’apparaissent pas apres un paiement par carte.auriez vous une idée?quentin

    • Perfeitamente de acordo!!! não lhes daremos descanso!acredito que só conjuntamente com os outros povos da europa, teremos força para pôr estes criminosos no banco dos réus!!! já demora…sente-se um silêncio ensurdecedor!!

    • Nei, hvor var de fine, de dukkene! Og du, jeg ble litt misunnelig da jeg sÃ¥ dine herlige Paumes-bøker. Bra idé Ã¥ lage en sÃ¥nn pinneoppbevaring! HÃ¥per du fÃ¥r en fin helg! Klemmer fra meg, PillePalle!

    • Hi! Thank you for sharing your recipes here. They are wonderful! I came across your site few months ago and found this recipe of yours called "Old Fashioned Butter Cake" dated November 2009. I like your recipes and so I saved your blog as favourite. Today I'm going to bake the butter cake but when I clicked on your blog, I couldn't find it. I wonder if you have deleted or renamed it. Can you tell me where in your blog can I find it. Thank you!

    • Praying for Mr. Savvy, Kim! I'm so sorry that he is suffering again. Keep us updated. Your arrangement and photography looks gorgeous! Love the container you placed the branches in, so springy and pretty.Heather

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    • Elizabeth, my friend read me your piece, and I liked it very much. I was wondering what your disability is. I am afraid I am not always as optimistic as you are, and I admire you for your attitude.Bob

    • Hi CTM: nice article as usual:) i didn’t join you guys for discussion as i’m caught in an embarrassing position – i’m in-between 2nd & 3rd generation!Agreed w/u: 2nd generation should be split into 2 generations, 20 years is too long, big difference! Born in 1946 can be parents of kids born in 1965!

    • I’ve been looking forward to Spero being promoted to TV. Joel has grown on me over the years, but I will not be sad to him go.I like listening to Spero’s radio broadcast. Starting out on radio has benefitted him and will benefit the Lakers telecast. He describes the action well. A pet peeve of mine about broadcasters who only have worked on TV is that they do not describe the action well; they simply say “watch this.” The audience doesn’t need to be told “watch this” they need someone to describe the action to enhance their viewing experience.

    • Oh, I forgot. Your hair is cute too. Yeah, I think artsy is a compliment for you… since you ARE artsy. It always fascinates me how people think shorter hair is easier to deal with. I find longer hair far easier to deal with — hello headbands!!

    • I added your blog to bookmarks. And i’ll read your articles more often! Before this, it would be possible for the government to arrest you just based on whatever you were saying, if they didn’t like it.

    • Boozer was assisted on 74% of his possessions, while Jefferson was only assisted on 45% last season, so maybe Jefferson can get more lay-ups and dunks in so he can increases his FG% once he plays in Utah.

    • Groucho: C’est que la curiousite qui me fait demander! D’autres parle ici de leur vie de temps en temps…toi, tu ne dit rien sauf compte les morts Americains, se plaindre, et bois du biere. Tu aime les matchs de foot, voyage de temps en temps (La Chine se je me souviens bien), et tu es tous contents que Rennaise a decide a apprendre l’Arab. Je sais que tu aime « la morte subite » en bierre.Le montre de Bush n’etait pas vole! Je l’ai vu!

    • We saw Alfredo Rodriguez in Austin at SXSW this past March and were completely blown away. I highly recommend getting out to see him. He’s phenomenal.A very nice write up too! Thanks!

    • Lampu sekarang pada unik-unik ya desainnya. Nggak kaku lagi kayak yang biasa kita ketahui. Salut aja buat desainer lampunya. iskandaria selesai posting Mengapa Cewek Juga Bisa Suka Girlband?

    • I’m considering WordPress, Drupal or Joomla. I want to build a site that has several vertical columns that populate with my posts based on how they are tagged. For example I have a column dedicated to fishing lines on the front page, if I tag a new blog post with fishing lines I want it to show up in that column as a thumbnail.Any suggestions on which CMS, which plugins, what kind of CSS I can add, or anything at all for how this can be done. Any advice on which direction I should start would be much appreciated.

    • Je ne comprends en effet pas le titre.Ce qu’il a dit est un fait, inutile de faire l’autruche.Après il faut utiliser ce constat intelligemment pour en analyser les causes (majoritairement issus de milieux défavorables, pays de provenance de drogue, etc…) et y remédier.

    • I like the submission by Adrian Grecu “Better Then Fire”. I can almost see this as a repeat of a seen 950,000 years ago when a man shared the gift of conventional fire with someone more ignorant. Now comes the gift of the New Fire and we are the ignorant ones again. Shall we learn together.

    • als je de lijnzaadcrackers maakt en verder daar bij veel water drinkt en let op je koffie gebruikgaat het als een trein maar gun je lichaam wel de tijd er aan te wennen

    • 1. Being able to retire numbers in GM Mode 2. More or custom Goalie Helmets (Army of Two let you create one online and upload it)3. Hats being thrown on the ice after a Hat Trick (Not just a few)4. Individual team legends in Legends Mode

    • Pois são objetivos. Por isso, não há por onde fugir. A dívida pública não foi agravada, ao longo de anos, por despesa incontrolada nas funções sociais. Pela minha parte, só queria que o meu amigo descobrisse o que aconteceu em 2008, que atirou a dívida pública de 60% para 80% em 2 anos.

    • So true! I used to use all types of products thinking I was helping my skin and the "newest and latest" product would improve my skin! My skin only suffered and became worse! I now stick to what I know and what works.. I use Murad acne products! they are wonderful and gentle on your skin, yet so effective!And my face feels baby smooth!I hope your new regimen works! All the best! xx

    • aside from ethnic history, state-of-the-art technology may play key factor in kids having eye’s great to know trivia here, that, astigmatism may be resolve with age.

    • Thanks for your article.I believe you are right.Walking straight past the fear enables me to help others too.I’m encouraged to know that there are people like you who are so well grounded in Christian Science.  |  

    • Que rico,claro que apetece cualquier día ,yo este año hice 4 unos los regale y otro lo comimos ,con lo que me gusta no se porque no lo hago alguna vez mas.besinos

    • Stil er jo meget objektivt, sÃ¥ det er svært at gøre alle tilfredse. Hvis det til gengæld hjælper noget, sÃ¥ synes jeg din stil er nice!

    • Très bon post! J’utilise wuala à cause de leurs serveurs qui au contraire de crashplan ne sont pas aux States mais supposés être en Europe. De plus le mot de passe utilisateur resterait sur l’ordi du client. Je reste convaincu que toutes les données stockés chez les américains n’échappent pas à leur contrôle. J’ose même prétendre que tous les programmes de cryptage ‘commerciaux, libres, etc’ laissent toujours une porte ouverte aux services secrets et financiers des States pour accéder aux données.

    • Selbstgemacht ist immer noch am Allerschönsten.:o)Je größer die Kids allerdings werden, desto schwieriger wird die Geschichte.Dennoch werden meine beiden etwas selbst gemachtes von mir bekommen.Ich bin schon sehr gespannt was sie davon halten werden.:o))GGLGTadewi

    • OmG, this is too funny, and so stinkin' cute. Move over John Travolta, here comes Riley! Love Riley's outfit, Vicki. What a great card!

    • Creo que los bancos deberían incrementar la seguridad y también puede que sean los de los mismos bancos que están haciendo esto, todos esos bancos son una partida de ladrones.

    • that we have. With the availability of fast food and our hectic schedules, we can’t seem to eat healthy foods. It is quite a challenge for us to prepare healthy foods. Although there are some restaurants who

    • The dress looks stunning on you and that suitcase is FAB! I want one like that soo badly!! :DAnd thank you for suggesting a name for my Molly Ringwald project, "Pretty Much Mad For Molly" is actually really good!

    • congrats po! Proud na proud po ako habang pinanonood ko ang Amaya.Naipapakita nyo ang Napakayamang kultura ng ating mga ninuno lalo ko pong na appreciate ang pagiging pinoy ko .Pati po ang pagkakagawa ng story kapanapanabik! Sana po ipagpatuloy nyo po ito.Hindi po ako mahilig sa paginternet pero ito lang po ang alam kong paraan upang batiin ang bumubuo ng AMAYA sa kanilang mahusay na trabaho. May God Bless u All!

    • I’m very happy to uncover this site. I want to to thank you for your time for this wonderful read!! I definitely liked every bit of it and I have you bookmarked to look at new information on your web site.

    • Hola Lorie, En esta oportunidad deseo saber si puedo colocar algo de tu comentario para aplicarlo a los argumentos de mi empresa? Estaré atento a tu pronta respuesta… Saludos y Un Abrazo

    • No, it wasn’t wet Liz, the sky was overcast, but the clouds came from Tuesday when we had the thunderstorms. Great to be able to give it a different sky. I love why you don’t like soft focus, I had to laugh. Thanks

    • Hi, i think that i noticed you visited my site so i got here to “go back the prefer”.I’m attempting to in finding issues to improve my website!I assume its ok to make use of a few of your concepts!!

    • I’ve found out a lot reading this posting. Clearly excellent info here. Articles just like this help make this website worth coming back to for even more info.

    • we need a lot more gluten free restaurants and I’m glad Domino’s is now gluten free is about time and Chili’s has a gf menus we just moved back to Colorado we lived in Arlington Texas I’m glad to be back home .

    • Man muss natürlich auch die Änderung bei der Verteilung der Ausgaben berücksichtigen. 1974 gab ein Haushalt fast 1/3 des Einkommens für Lebensmittel (Essen, Trinken, Genussmittel) aus. Heute sind es nur noch 18%. Dadurch wird natürlich Kaufkraft frei, die in andere Güter gesteckt wird – auch in Kinder, von Kinderklammotten bis Unterhaltungselektronik und Medien.

    • Love your presentation, I’m gonna try it tomorrow. One question – Am I supposed to release my breath inside water? Because I find the time my head comes out the water insufficient to release and take a breath!!

    • Exactly! I carried on with hope through the day, there was only one bump when I was irritated with one of my classes, but overall? Pretty graceful day, which is so God and not me

    • J’adore ces livres !Même si les citations de marques ne me convient guère :s ! Mais ça me fais rêver,en plus je n’ai que 12 et demi alors je m’imagine parfaitement bien dans ce campus à par que moi j’ai pas assez de tripes pour vivre tout ça ! En tout cas j’attend impatiemment la sortie des autres tomes !

    • I think this post was most likely a strong beginning to some potential series of content articles about this topic. So many users pretend to know what they’re preaching about when it comes to this area and generally, almost no one really get it. You seem to grasp it however, so I believe you require to operate with it. Thank you!

    • Und kontrolliere in Zukunft mal deine Schreibweise, das ist ja nicht zum Aushalten. So viele Fehler in den paar Zeilen ist die reinste Katastrophe.Und man hat überhaupt nichts wegzensiert. Informiere dich doch erst mal. Oder ist das so schwer?

    • los dirigentes del futbol colombiano no mejoran el futbol y lo que hacen es que castran el pueblo de verlo y no se ponen las pilas con las selecciones que mafia tienen montada como en todo en este pais

    • Andy, I feel really dumb. I automatically think Condi whenever I see Rice. Living in the past I guess. *sigh*I stand by the rest of my comment, though. Daniel works entirely too hard getting all this information out to us at different sites.I am most grateful to him.

    • Thanks for the awesome review, Paul! We are so happy that your cabin cover, sun shields and cowl plugs are doing great and protecting your aircraft. Kennon Products uses only the strongest, most durable and long lasting materials to keep your aircraft safe and sound. We pride ourselves on our craftsmanship and attention to detail and our customer service is second to none!Regards,Dale Hall, VP Business Development, Kennon Products

    • Generally I don’t read article on blogs, but I wish to say that this write-up very forced me to try and do it! Your writing style has been amazed me. Thanks, quite nice article.

    • Pongase buso mano…parece que el “cook” era Venezuelano o de Tonga. What a shame! All that was needed was a Frankfurter on the side. Los frijoles se ven aguados y el arroz generico. Buena suerte la proxima Chavo.

    • מורים רבים מקבלים החזרי נסיעות שלא מגולמות ונוסעיםנסיעות ארוכות כחלק עיקריבמשכורתם.מתי תדאגו שהנסיעות היקרות יגולמו.כמו כן משרד החינוך משלם את המחיר הנמוך ביותר גם איןאוטבוס בשעה הנדרשת ונאלצים לינסוע בדרכים שונות

    • , „By replying to this email or otherwise sending email to this address, you irrevocably waive any and all rights arising from any legal notice or disclaimer contained in your email”…

    • I have both the Lamy Safari and the Platinum Plaisir, and I definitely use the Plaisir more. It has that scratchy sound, which is more of a plus than a fault in my opinion, and it just feels better. Also, you can get nearly two Plasirs for the price of one Safari. Love the orange ink! Gorgeous with a red pen.Catherine recently posted..

    • Nilsen. Har Venstre spurt egne medlemmer, eller er det som du sier Venstres velgere som er spurt? Hvilke undersøkelser er det du viser til? Jeg kunne gjerne tenkt meg Ã¥ se hva slags spørsmÃ¥lstililng som ligger til grunn for det resultatet.

    • In all seriousness though … it would have to be the Regionals comp in general, but specifically the team 5k. Four awesome individual performances combined for team CFKT finishing 3rd in the WOD. And the pictures are proof that we left absolutely everything on the table for that one…

    • copied this chicken adobo recipe I have many friends who are Filipino & have always enjoyed their cooking…I am looking forward to the mechado recipe…I do love the pancit too….thank you

    • Harmony, I’m totally cracking up! You’re too funny! I obsess over books also and I actually try not to buy any because then I will not function! Um, and Mexican made easy, YES PLEASE! OMG and the BEST is your little message to Jose! haha! I’m tempted to write and ask him if he needs anyone to clean, carry, “cook” or do practically anything else for his workshop so I get to tag along lol!

    • There is one great good to being famous.When stars like Jim Carey speak up people listen. But, I see that, after all, it's relative…cause our one voice can tell one other voice and so on and so on. So we are all stars in that regard.May Burma have peace, Sudan and the middle east, all places of unrest and injustice…and the homes and streets of all cities…around the world .This is my prayer.

    • I got chills listening to how heartless and cold those young people sound. How sad for our future huh? I’m 23 so I’m still young as well but I have much more respect for life and don’t need to cuss in order to get a point across! I can not believe how selfish those girls are…they just do not realize what they are saying. I really do not believe that they have ever felt a baby kick inside of them. If they have then they really must have no heart.

    • l’amer : nous sommes impatients de connaître les résultats de vos investigations sur Thucydide : nous ne sommes pas loin de penser qu’elle est peut-être carrément inventée, au moins fort arrangée. Léotard n’est pas le genre que l’on peut croire sur parole.PS : en tapant la phrase entre guillemets sur Gogol, on ne trouve rien.

    • Isn’t science and technology a wonderful thing?Wasn’t there a New Age type of VR that was popular about 15 years ago? I think it was called ‘imaging’ or ‘visualization’.You simply projected your thoughts to the future and imagined yourself conquering your fears.Virtual Reality certainly brings that to an entirely new level.Interesting.Thank You!

    • 14494 – 1a8Great goods from you, man. I’ve take note your stuff prior to and you’re just too magnificent. I really like what you have obtained here, really like what you are saying and the way in which in which you are saying it. You’re making it entertaining and you continue to take care of to keep it smart. I can’t wait to read much more from you. That is actually a great site.c7

    • This is definitely one jazzed-up vegetable all decked out for the holidays. Love that they are roasted – and those Pomegranate Pearls just shimmer. Wishing you a joyful holiday weekend – may your days be merry and bright!


    • That's a beautiful barn…I like both shots. You are getting so good at editing! I didn't post today because I wanted to get the capcha off. I Hope you can help!

    • , or is that Candida ? ( candida |ˈkandidÉ™|nouna yeastlike, parasitic fungus that can sometimes cause thrush. • Genus Candida, phylum Ascomycota, esp. C. albicans.) It's probably best to still your poison pen and let people think you may be a idiot instead of writing ignorant , hateful and separatist gibberish thus proving them right . What do you think ? By the way capital letters usually follow things like full stops , exclamation marks etc . For example . fuck ! off , would be . Fuck ! Off !

    • Besides, Dale – you know morality is subjective. It’s on your little values, goals and ethics chart you made – under things that come from or exist in the mind (subjective) ;D  Ryan  

    • Oggi ho fatto un errore. Come dicevo ho messo lo s.profit sul min di mattina, ma non mi ero accorto che c’era un piccolo gap in apertura (non so come mai, forse dormivo da seduto…). In questi caso come spiegavo tempo addietro sto un poco più largo, tipo..l’avrei messo in questo caso a 16.700. Amen, incassati 150 pti che non fanno certo schifo.. Rientrerò oggi solo se rompe i massimi, altrimenti se ne riparla lunedì. Buon we.

    • Rien à diresinon bravo et merci,et maintenant très sérieusementon fait quoi ?Si tout le PS rejoint Sarkozy,on fait quoi ?Allez, nous n’allons pas quitter le PS,mais c’est bien le PS qui nous quitte.Tout le PS ?A suivre…

    • I’m a mortgage broker as well, and I find the one-year fixed term good for certain clients, especially those that won’t be exposed to risk should there be a slight shift in the market. As for trading in a housing market that completely collapsed on itself for a 30 yr mortgage….I’d still rather take what we’re getting – which are still pretty low.

    • Rushing things up won’t do great in moving, just like when I moved a year ago, I need to keep everything in a fast pace, due to work relocation and my partner has not enough time to handle everything as well, good thing I have my sister beside me to help all through out, but my advice to everyone is to take things one step at a time, never rush things because it might turn into one big disaster.

    • Errr! can you please ask Anush to give me the recipe..cooker that sound exciting! no seriously can you just quickly post the recipe please pretty please!

    • Perché quello di SilverLight no eh? E poi c'era la marmotta che incartava la cioccolatavada detto a mio biasimo, ma oltre il modo molto grezzo di registrare la schermata (con tempi quindi maggiori o uguali alla durata del video), altri non ne ho trovatinella cache la luce argentata spezzetta audio e video in tanti frammentialtre idee?

    • it himself. He won the election. HE WON! Which means he has assumed the power of dictatorship to do whatever he pleases. Only Congress and the courts can stop him. But with anymore Sotomayors on the Supreme Court, only Congress is left.You still have power to put pressure on your representatives and you still have a vote to turn them out of office when they fail to represent you. It must be done now. Everyday. May God Bless our Republic.

    • Ah! Le bon temps où on pouvait envoyer une carte postale un lundi pour donner un rendez-vous le jeudi…et avoir eu la réponse.Collectionneur de cartes postales anciennes d’ Argenteuil, j’en possède une plus rapide encore.L’expéditeur dit en substance: « Je vous livrerai le piano demain matin si vous êtes d’accord « . C’était en 1911…

    • 30hrs at the apprentice rate of £2.60hr earns just £78/wk. If young people can’t see the long-term value of getting a foot on the employment ladder, £15 for 30hrs work is never going to make the difference. The Future Jobs Fund taught us that SMEs can create new jobs in good volumes – AND stimulate local economies – if only there was some short-term wage support to encourage them to do so. One wonders how bad youth unemployment has to get before somebody in Government finally joins the dots.

  • My programmer is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.

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    • What litbareing knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.

    • Auch wenn die Deadline schon verstrichen ist, hab ich auch endlich noch schnell mitgemacht. Wirklich viel Besonderes zu sehen gibt’s zwar nicht, aber ich find’s ganz gemütlich. Bin ja eh der PC-Gamer ohne aufwendige Konsolen-Ecke ;)Wer reinschauen möchte: !

    • Hey Emily! I just saw this comment, and I wanted to tell you that I checked out your stuff and really love your work Yay, graphic design!

    • that he would rather be tall and fast. im 6 foot, so thats pretty good i hear.he even sparred with me ( kicked my ass MAJORLY though) but he said i had potential in my skills, and i stayed in it

    • my kids can lie with the best of the best of them, too. And by the way, loved the 3 year old boys excuses on NickMom and have a 3 year old little girl that could have truly written that one, too lol!!

    • bonjour,Je suis tout a fait d’accord avec vous. Un salarié qui n’a pas sa place dans l’entreprise ne s’épanouira pas et ne progressera pas. Autant lui dire la vérité et chercher avec lui un secteur correspondant à ses talents et compétences.

    • Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this blog. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s very hard to get that “perfect balance” between superb usability and visual appeal. I must say you’ve done a excellent job with this. In addition, the blog loads extremely fast for me on Opera. Excellent Blog!

    • tu, asta nu inteleg eu la unii oameni. dau o gramada de bani pe un dispozitiv si il folosesc la 20-30% din capacitate. cei amuzanti sunt cei care se lauda ca si-au luat iphone sau samsung si ca si-au sincronizat agenda cu contul de facebook

    • One of your lefty readers here, decloaking to say that while I find many of your views on race deeply problematic, you have killer taste in music.

    • Oiii pessoal, estou com o mesmo problema, caiu e quebou meu i phone, bem li todas as sugestoes acima e duvidas, porem quero dizer que encontrei um site americano que ensina como desmontar e consertar o i phone, o nome e Ifixit i phone, vale a pena dar uma olhada.sucesso

    • These sexy message t-shirts for babies and kids make my stomach turn. Another low.I recall a few years ago the Abercrombie shirts for tweens had sexual innuendo for specific sexual acts. Gross.

    • Oh definitely sales shopping! By the end of the day your feet are totally dead but the lure of bargains! And I always end up buying heaps of half-price Christmas stuff!

    • I have to make an appetizer for Saturday night. It’s my job this year to look after the meat, so I was thinking of making little puffs with hamburger and cheese inside. Like mini cheeseburgers, only posh.

    • I’m in a top psychology program, and I echo this– I have read many research statements for short-listed candidates in my department, and I have never seen a research statement shorter than two pages, and typically they are three or four.

    • .I rarely buy sth these days without trying or without reading many reviews from people that have tried it (after all, that's one big plus of the beauty community, right?)!However I 'm trying to imagine that nail polish that you tried over a black creme… Would look pretty, but clearly not worth 6 pounds…!!!xoxo

    • OhMiGod….He wrote the magic words that explain EVERYTHING we Americanscomplain about:"The system is broken, because it has become a tool for corruption, and a tool of corruption"

    • I cracked my head open once in an eerily similair scenario … I have people telling me not to worry about J’s slow physical development all the time but I’d really like to have an expert tell me not to worry, y’know? I hope your mind rests at ease soon, if not just because I’m not really a fan of knock-knock jokes.

    • je trouve de très mauvais gout de censurer les réponses à d’autres messages. 1) cela interdit tout débat2) cela décrédibilise le blog3) c’est malpoli, on doit pouvoir se défendre de fausses accusations

    • I think fixed designs will die out in 2013. Now that more people are starting to use the web from their iPad and iPhones, not to mention the fast number of android devices with their unique screen size and resolutions. The only effective solution is to do a full responsive design that is adaptable for all devices.

    • Szia, köszike! A programok:-Photoshop (képek körülvágása, ha nem fehér a háttér),-IrfanView (háttér átlátszósítás) és-corelDRAW (lapra rendezés).De lehet, hogy lehet egyszerűbben is…Remélem segítettem.Jó kísérletezést!Aletta

    • OBot, this does not tell us beyond a doubt if Obama's birth announcement was actually placed in The Honolulu Advertiser on Aug 13th, 1961."HahahahaSo you think someone went to all the libraries in the world and swapped out their microfilm copies of the two Honolulu newspapers. As well as the archive copies in the newspapers themselves.Who do you think switched them, the same guys who faked the moon landing photos? Maybe Elvis did it? ROFLMAO

    • Roger,He vist aquest article a i m’ha agradat força, comparteixo part del que dius. Esta be el comentari de la CGT tot i que algun dia, com crec que ja heu fet a Solsona, caldria parlar-ne a fons.

    • Dacă nu-i ghiceÅŸti, nu-i bai, rezolvarea o găseÅŸti dând click pe fiecare poză ÅŸi o să afli cine e MulÅ£am pentru vizită ÅŸi comentariu! Te mai aÅŸtept pe la mine

    • Hi Chin!In Singapore, online clothes at $20+ range is considered quite cheap, if you go on the streets, its hard to find stuff this price.Your daughter is so cute! Everytime I see photos of kids, it makes me feel like having one myself. Can’t wait for the day when I become a mum myself

    • that before. You assume that anyone critical of Christianity is an atheist…and that well, lest just say, you judge me alot for someone who complains that I judge others!Look it up on CNN I am sure they wil have the interview and names since I do not recall who te spokes person was that I saw! And my not having that name at hand in no way changes MY report of the event…no matter how much you imply it does!

    • > rom antique : je pense que soledad se défendra très bien elle-même, néanmoins je précise qu’ à la première lecture de son récit j’ ai compris que ce sont les propos en VO de l’ américain qui lui ont fait comprendre qu’ elle était prise pour une romanichelle. Et, à mon avis, dans la bouche de cet américain, ce ne devait pas être un compliment.

    • O wow. That’s rough! I’ve swam maybe 2 miles at the most and I was exhausted (it probably took me close to three hours to do THAT). It’s fun to see what’s actually possible when we really push ourselves. Thanks Elana!

    • > A1528 et al. :  » rachida soupçonne Lang Zho, le copain de La_Mer de ne pas exister »……………Réponse : Lang-Zho , offensé (si ! si ! ) me prie de transmettre à tous son adresse réelle de courriel : N.B. Lang-Zho (92 ans ) = mon ex-collègue à Langues-O , —-s’exprime mieux en anglais. Son français est…manageable ( comme dirait,sanss doute, Pierre Henri ). Il vit à Shanghaï , où il est prof de calligraphie ancienne et moderne.Il est—psychiquement—beaucoup plus fragile que moi.For my sake, ménagez sa susceptibilité.Merci.

    • Attractive section of content. I just stumbled upon your web site and in accession capital to assert that I get actually enjoyed account your blog posts. Any way I will be subscribing to your augment and even I achievement you access consistently rapidly.

    • Bienvenida a esta gran familia Jessica. Al igual que a tus compañeros te invito a escribirnos a enpositivo.ds() contándonos tu caso y te enviaremos toda la información sobre cómo colaborar y formarte como diseñador social.

    • that years ago, she had a kitty named Patches. And, get this: when she adopted me from the humane society, they had named me Patches 2. She changed my name to Sundae. Anyway, I’m furry glad to meet you; maybe you could visit us sometime. If you want to read only about me, just click the “Sundae” link on Mom’s blog!Purrs!Sundae

    • Oh yes, that looks familiar for sure. Display typefaces are doomed to being used in inappropriate places because people think they look cool. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with looking cool–unless everyone else is doing exactly the same thing.

    • I discovered your blog website on google and check a few of your early articles. Continue to keep up the good work. I just extra up your RSS feed to my MSN Information Visitor. Seeking forward to reading more from you in the future! …

    • Ta me go han-mhaith inniú, ach D´ól me an iomarca beora inné, mar sin de ta tinneas cinn orm fós. (Bhi an ceathru lá de mhí Iúil inné). I have a possibly difficult question, hope it won’t be a bother. Do you recall that I once mentioned my Spanish heritage? I should have been more specific… My family hails from the Basque country (at all familiar?). Do you know if there is an Irish Gaelic word for the Basque people and language? Or do you guys just lump us into the general definition of “Spáinnigh”? Just curious.

    • Em mới nhờ người quen sáng mai hỏi vụ quần áo, chiều nay đến nhÆ°ng chỗ ấy đóng cá»­a chị ạ.

    • Great post, I think that I am also addicted to Pinterest! I use it to collect together ideas for things to do and make with my little ones. You just get hooked as you keep finding more and more things to pin!

    • What a wonderful combo of flavours, Angie. We love bulgar because of the slightly coarse texture and that great nutty flavour. The mango is a perfect texture variation to the bulgar.

    • xanax…the next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought youd have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you coul…

    • recently youtube channel views has been freezing every minute what is causing this youtube you guys need to tell us whats the cause for this in your next blog please we need to know.

    • Bena Masi & Shashi Masa – That is sooooo…ooo nice. Memorable stuff. The best are the stylish Nirav arriving in his vintage car and the Koda Kodi shot. Cant wait for the full works!..Bena Masi and Shashi Masa

    • hahaha tanti cu autobuzu, i-a ciuruit hahahaNu-i de la Niro sarcina ci comanda frate-su – bulibasa ca altfel ii ia jucaria. o trag tare pe numaru de pahare care le poate bea un singur om intr-o duminica…unu la mare, unu la cernavoda, unu la bucuresti si unu la stefanesti ar fi maximm… eu zic ca din ’89 de cand nu s-a mai imbatat romanu e setea mult mai mare… sa-l intrebe pe videanu, ca avea o oca cu care masurau cate pahare se bea la nunta… pana sa apuce mirii daru ei stiau cheltuiala, hahaha i-a ciuruit, saracu chioru va ramane cu recordu, da cred ca pastreaza coliba

    • chapo x juli .. yo tuve la suerte de jugar contra el hace ya muchos años y se le veia q era una pedazo de persona muy verdad unas palabras preciosas hacia el y a la vez tristes x no poder realizar todavia su sueño… animo juli desde castellon

    • Merely a smiling visitant here to share the love (:, btw great pattern. “Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes.” by Daniel Defoe.

    • Most or maybe all of the candidates were at one time education minister under McGuinty. Given the cozy relationship over those years not a good sign for tackling the union.

    • So beautiful – your Uncle Buck has a way with the written word. Thank you, Holly, for sharing Carleigh and showing all of us a beautiful unconditional love for your child. xoxo

    • I think there’s a cheat .. ya this is the cheat I think ”move_objects on” but I scared your sims can’t sit on the ‘loveseat’ But any way try it.I did the cheat to put car on the road and the car not moving .

    • Hmm it seems like your site ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I as well am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to the whole thing. Do you have any tips for newbie blog writers? I’d definitely appreciate it.

    • òøá èåáàðé îçôù î÷åí òí øùéîä ùì îôé÷é àéøåòéíçáøä ùìé åàðé îúçúðéí åàðçðå îçôùéí äùëøú öéåã ìàéøåòéí åàèø÷öéåú ìàéøåòéí àùîç ìëì òæøäúåãä çáø’ä

    • Oh, dann hast du was verpasst. Habe zu den ersten beiden Staffeln Reviews geschrieben, falls du dich mal informieren möchtest. *hust*Inszenatorisch mit Anleihen von 24 (Splitscreen) und inhaltlich am ehesten vielleicht mit einer Mischung aus CSI und Dr. House zu vergleichen, allerdings ohne wie eine Kopie zu wirken. Geht da um Genetik, Bioterrorismus, Epidemien usw. – mir hats wirklich gut gefallen.

    • Sul domenicale del il Sole 24 Ore di domenica 23 settembre all’interno della pagina centrale che recensisce la mostra sull’Homo Sapiens, Guido Barbujani nell’articolo ” in dubbio l’accoppiamento sapiens-neanderthal” scrive: Si sa che i maschi umani non vanno troppo per il sottile quando si tratti di accoppiarsi ( conosciamo tutti l’espressione ” basta che respiri”) e nella Preistoria le cose non dovevano andare troppo diversamente. La risposta a questo documentario e a tanto altro forse è questa. Tra l’ironico e lo sgomento.

    • Waa wax aad u xun caruurta in la dilo si maskaxiyan ah ayaa loo dhisaa caruurta caqligooda.Laakiin dhibka jira ayaa waxay tahay in caruurta yar yar la weydiiyo wax yaabo yar oo canaanta waalidkood ka mid ah ka dibna la iska wato cauurtii waa dhibaatooyinka wadamadaan yaal.U codee: 0  0

    • I hope Morrison and fukasawa are making a critical statement against ‘gallery design’ by producing works that are so blindingly simple to make at home, they are rendered almost worthless to anyone except the collector.Or maybe they are just super lazy

    • Hi Denise, I am just so taken with all of the beautiful images from your trip! Simply stunning! Such an interesting variety of perspectives too…really gives a sense of the area…Keep ‘em coming! You continue to inspire.

    • Den er SÃ… fin med det skønne print. Hvis jeg er den heldige vinder sÃ¥ bruger min søn str. 98Venligst Britt Tolstrup

    • Quand je parle de « sauvage », ce n’est pas du tout une connotation péjorative. C’est retrouver une certaine animalité, quelque chose d’instinctif, quelque chose qui, finalement, manque un peu à l’Homme moderne vivant un monde aseptisé.Il ne vous est jamais arrivé, vous, de rester quelques heures ou plusieurs jours en pleine nature et d’avoir sentir ressurgir en vous certaines forces sauvages, venues de loin, venues du fond des âges ?

    • Toni,I simply love “eat God’s Candy” comment. I have already used in 2 of my nutrition classes,at the Heritage Center, and Lasting Hope Recovery Center. Always nice to find new ways of teaching Nutrition to our patients’.May God Bless Your Day!Liz Foxhoven M.A.,R.D.,L.M.N.T.

    • Last a few years has been to Ibiza, so met a person there whose style of presentation is very similar to yours. But, unfortunately, that person is too far from the Internet!…

    • I disagree! It seems to me that the people who owe it to us the most to explain why IP rights are a Good Thing are those people who are most regularly in the firing line. Either they will be able to come up with knock-out reasons for IP being a good thing or they will be forced to re-evaluate their own conduct in the light of the justifications which they articulate. In any event, it seems to me that if there is one bunch of people who can’t hide when this debate takes place, it must be the big battalions.

    • C’est pas du tout une question de te contredire pour le plaisir mais uniquemnt de te donner une vision différente de la tienne sur un sujet donné…Ca m’arrive souvent de « JUSTE » voir les choses différement de toi…Mon opinion n’est pas meilleure mais simplement tout aussi légitime que la tienne

    • I am very upset about the regression of the collapsed extensions. They used to be collated under a drop down menu, and now are back to being spread out. i do not like this.

    • Lol – hey, he might go for it!!! How about at least a PTZ Physician Advisor? PTZPA! Hmmm, I think I’ll look into it…You so rock in my book, uncle larry!~ H.S.(I did send him a nice PTZ letter already though… ;P)Well-loved.

    • Yep, it seems that I just can’t give up publishing magazines. I have, however, vowed never to sell another advertisement as long as I live. As long as I can keep making these magazines, and not selling ads, I’ll be a happy boy. Thx guys!

    • My agency, U-Turn Alcohol & Drug Education program have a very dedicated Mission Statement: “To strengthen the family unit by promoting sobriety and well being through proactive programs of education, prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery………” We LOVE working hard, through sincere dedication, to make positive changes in the community.

    • Très bonne planche, M.Vidberg!Qui ne s’est jamais endormi en voyant les briques défiler dans le noir après avoir joué 4h à la Game Boy, et ce sur fond de musique électronique ultra-sophistiquée?Et le graal de tout joueur : la petite fusée qui décolle, tout ça pour ça… Toujours déçu par les fanas du preums aussi, d’autant plus ridicule aujoud’hui avec ce petit bug de publication des commentaires…

    • Does anyone think Mencius could be regarded as an anti-Voltaire? A pamphleteer writing in favor of personal rule, late in the age of democracy, rather than a pamphleteer writing in favor of democracy, late in the age of personal rule.

    • Et dire que je n’ai toujours pas oser marier les fraises et les tomates. Enfin, quand je dis pas oser, c’est surtout que je n’y pense pas!Bisous.

    • I couldn’t agree more! I am so not motivated to cook when it’s dark out when I leave for work and get home from work. Depressing!! The soup looks fabulous though! And those nutrition stats – wow!

    • “Sing alongs just about every night with surpise guests- which have included Keith Richards, Jimmy Buffett and Kenny Chesney to name a few”NJC [143],If the Boss is scheduled to appear, let me know. I’m in.

    • You are right, there is nothing else to say but it is fucked. Royally fucked. This community who loves you will carry you and let you cry, vent, scream, curse – whatever you need – and will never stop hoping we can somehow make it a little easier for you x

    • quiero ir porque siempre tengo mala suerte con los concursos, y de las 2 veces que he ganado algo no he podido ir ): ojalá tenga mejor suerte ahoraaaaa

    • Thank you…[…]There are certainly a significant details that way to take into consideration. That is an excellent point to mention. I offer the thoughts above as general determination but obviously there are concerns like the one you bring up where the most imp…

    • Tack alla snälla! Känner mig som värsta bloggdinosauren nu – 5 Ã¥r pÃ¥ nätet torde ju innebära att jag är förhistorisk. Och Bokomaten, jag tror att första bloggträffen kan ha varit 2009. Helt galet!

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    • Este artigo sobre é marcar digno na minha opinião. É digno de salvação para referência futura. É uma leitura fascinante , com muitos pontos válidos para a contemplação. Eu tenho que concordar em quase todos os pontos feitos no âmbito deste artigo . Desejo-lhe sorte !

    • – Beautiful post Robbie. …and I love the images. The hay is really cool.. Curves are nice. I like the delicate part of the images, combined with the beauty in the background. Very nice work.

    • results?can you please tell me if the following results are normal as i have been told my results are fine for having ivf or iui treatment but are they normal for us conceiving without any treatment (normal pregnancy)volume- 1.3mlconcentration 71 million per mlmotility- 55%good prog- 52%normal forms 90%no agglutination, normal analysis

    • It’s truly a great and helpful piece of information. I’m happy that you simply shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

    • I story made me laugh so hard and all the comments and other stories. So funny. I worked at a daycare for 5 years and trying to potty train 12 children at once is not fun, but hilarious. One little boy was going pee but then had to go # 2. He was still peeing and didn’t know what to do so he turned around to poo still peeing then turned around again to not make a mess. He made three full circles before crying because ” I just can’t do it right!”

    • Ann! Yes, again for sure…but shhhh…don’t tell my secrets! LOL Can we talk by phone again soon?? Have a conversation outside your head (and mine)? love,cnw

    • yes that is a problem if as a blogger you have already defined your blog by a narrow focus – or it can actually work well for you as you can finely tune your tools to your needs. Maybe it is harder for those bloggers who like to cover a wider range of ideas and subjects in their blogs. Interesting thought – thanks.

    • video retirado hasta que no se solucione el prolema de las trampaspd: sigue entrando, veras que misteriosamente el puntaje seguira bajando pese a que ya no haya video

    • Oj oj oj, Sicken tävling!! Jag och sambon skall precis i helgen här nu mÃ¥la om vÃ¥rat vardagsrum( efter mycket inspiration ifrÃ¥n dig sÃ¥klart) men det var sÃ¥ lÃ¥ngt budgeten räckte.. SÃ¥ vad hade inte varit roligare än att pimpa rummet med denna godingen?! Jag hÃ¥ller alla tummar och tÃ¥r och självklart är FB fixat!

    • in Saskatchian Sasukatchwan CanadaMore than 245 combines cascaded across the prairie landscape near Saskatoon on the weekend, trying to break a world record for the most combines in the same field harvesting at the same time.

    • / poxa vida to ate com um frio na barriga…EI TENHO QUE ESTUDAR PRA PROVA!TCHAU vishi maria tanto bicho nojento e aqulele negoco do espaco!!!Gostei deste comentário ou não: 1

    • Linda a Ferrari pintada em branco e azul. Apenas uma bizarrice da época em que equipe e construtor não eram sinônimos, mas não deixa de ser bonita.

    • Takk for det. Det er noe med kombinasjonen markblomster, tørkesnor og slengbukser som gjør meg litt glad. ;)Og ja, du kjenner selvsagt igjen møblene. De brukes fremdeles. Man kan ikke kaste ting, heller!

    • Hallo,Eure werke sind ja wieder wunderschön geworden.Ich hab auch ein Kärtchen gewerkelt.Wenn das jetzt auch nicht funzt mit dem Link, vielleicht kann mir einer von Euch dann mal helfen.lg gila

    • Kilpisjärvellä aurinko tulee näkyviin seuraavan kerran vasta tammikuun 11. sanoivat radiossa.Nyt siellä täytyy polttaa 1 kynttilä päivässä, jos meinaa nähdä jotain tarkempaa tehdä, ens sunnuntaina jo 2 kynttilää, ei yhtaikaa kuitenkaan, vaan keskipäivällä peräkkäin – senkö takia adventin perinne on säilynyt aikojen myötä vai pelkkänä rituaalina?

    • J’adoooooooooooore aussi mais juste une chose… Hénin, je comprends très bien qu’on puisse ne pas l’aimer mais dans l’univers de bourrineuses de la WTA, c’était la seule à nous proposer un tennis différent, inventif et technique et à ne pas taper dans la balle comme une grosse vache… Enfin bon, ce n’est que mon avis bien sûr! Sinon, continues Marc j’adore ton style!

    • i am quite sure that i will always be fascinated by chipmunks and raccoons and skunks, and i will always fear the wooden spoon! i got poetic and nostalgic part way through this reply.

    • das sind gute nachrichten!!!in der nächsten woche werde ich nachbasteln, yepeeah!! (hab mich nämlich ein bisschen in die tascherln verliebt, sowas kommt vor..)

    • Salut! Que ta fontaine Zen répande son eau bienfaitrice à marseille! je ne serai pas dans le coin à cette date, malheureusement mais j’espère bien la voir ailleurs, cet été peut-être? Je fais passer le message aux copains marseillais!!! gros bisous!

    • Just the sort of lamp I need pity I'm in Australia and have no idea where to find one. The quilt is lovely I loved the first but this second one is looking better

    • They tried to sell me the Blackberry but I looked around.The iphone looks good, was considering it, or the HTC Touch, or the Toco. This phone though, is brilliant, very happy with it.

    • “hi–my name is sharaya and i’m addicted to pinterest!” LOL! just kidding:) no really,this is amazing sharaya! your home is beautiful and everything has come together so nicely! is there anything you can’t do?!

    • Ejemplo de esos jueces incompetentes por aquí tenemos muchos y no se ocupan de juzgar temas menores!…no señor!…tenemos voladura de fábricas de armas, contrabando de armamento a paises de cuya paz eramos garantes, blanqueo de capitales, pago de coimas, etc etc etc…La justicia no existe si los jueces son corruptos e incompetentes.Un abrazo.

    • Saw your post, downloaded and glanced through the slides. There’s a wealth of information in there to glean from, at least for me. But I’m sorta gear head type as far as technical details of photography is concerned so I think the others are probably still digesting it.Will copy to my dropbox to make sure a copy of it is available on all my mobile devices. Thanks for the great document.

    • I have been wanting to get netflix for quite some time. We have put it off, but it is something I am going to be looking into. I just don’t know if it will be the most convenient for our family.

    • Qui l’eût cru? Je parle avec un mec qui a battu un mec qui a battu Mcenroe et Borg.Euh t’en a d’autres comme ça? lol c sympa cette anecdote.

    • My husband and I were supposed to go out alone tonight for dinner and my daughters didn't understand why they weren't going out with us as a family. We cancelled our babysitter and we are all going. I will take every moment with my kids that they allow.

    • zielonysztandar pisze:Tu raczej nie chodzi o poczytalność lub niepoczytalność. Norwegia uchodzi za paÅ„stwo/spoÅ‚eczeÅ„stwo nowoczesne i jeżeli w tym spoÅ‚eczeÅ„stwie osoba która zabija kilkadziesiÄ…t osób miaÅ‚aby być poczytalna – czytaj normalna Å›wiadczyÅ‚oby to o tym, że podobny problem może dotyczyć wiÄ™kszej grupy osób ….I trzeba by coÅ› z tym zrobić!! TYLKO CO???A w tym przypadku … wiadomo Å›wir …uÅ‚amek\\procent\\promil nie ma powodu do paniki…

    • Good Morning,We have a great building in Byron, GA (which is in between Macon and Warner Robins on I-75) that we wanted to present to your company. Please let me know who the contact person would be and I will gladly send an email outlining the property.Thanks for your time and consideration!Sincerely,Sandee DavisBrokerReal Estate South & Associates478-310-5551

    • L’unico motivo che mi potrebbe sovvenire potrebbe essere un ipotetico interesse russo per inserirsi meglio nel mercato petrolifero accaparrandosi l’alleanza del Venezuela per una migliore aggressione dei mercati nei prossimi decenni, epoca nella quale sarà strategicamente determinante dominare le estrazioni, spiazzando USA, Europa e Cina che dovrebbero piegarsi ai voleri degli offerenti.Riguardo alla cooperazione militare mi sembra un dejavù (1962), spero solo che le notizie non siano così fondate.

    • Hello this is kind of of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding know-how so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • In the 1930s, the era of Art Deco and Chinese Knockoff Handbags are now more or less the way we know them today were square or round, and fabric or leather. In the 1940s during the Second World War has become the largest shoulder bag, square or round, and it was a revival of the bag with string. The pocket or purse looks more military look self-sufficient.

    • Seems to me that they hide their nests like most birds, but I do see them resting like this quite often in farms fields around here… he/she who knows!

    • I could totaly imagine a B&W collage with #1,6,7,9 & #2 thrown in for a splash of color. I love the B&W background and the orange bug. My absolute fave is the up-close front shop of the van. That should be on a T-Shirt!!!These are great photos. What a fun day!!

    • From what I read, the DA has already called the shooting unjustified. That suggests to me he will be charged. What should happen now is if the local authorities dont charge the cop, then the US Attorneys office should. And, they would have grounds to do so. This case could easily be a federal civil rights violation case. Amenesty International has put out a statement and demanded an investigation. This thing is getting legs And I don’t think it will be swept away.

    • De comentou em 12 de novembro de 2010 às 13:22. Nossa, eu sou total team Aniston. A Jolie me cansa muito, sempre fazendo carão, posando de humanitária, de preto ou nude. Mas confesso que a achei linda nessa capa

    • Thank you for another wonderful article. The place else may just anyone get that type of info in such an ideal way of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I am on the look for such info.

    • Me sorprendes Adame. Dices en twitter que no te metes en política y aquí todo lo toca la política. Y lo haces bien. Sólo extraño tus textos sobre tecnología. Cuando tengas uno me avisas.Por lo que escribes al inicio y lo que lees al final te sugiero que busques el libro de lis amores imposibles del colombiano Darío Jaramillo que escribe por ejemplo: “que el azar me lleve hasta tu orilla, ola o viento tome tu rumbo, hasta ti llegue y te venza mi ternura”Saludos a “La reina del dancing”.

    • 164Have you ever considered publishing an e-book or guest authoring on other blogs? I have a blog based on the same topics you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my subscribers would value your work. If you are even remotely interested, feel free to shoot me an e-mail.

    • Tabata workouts kick my butt! AND they take up less time so I have learned to look at them as a ‘short & intense’ workout day. I love the 10 minute-no excuses idea suggested above. I can always fit in 10 minutes no matter how busy my day.

    • My brother recommended I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post truly made my day. You cann’t imagine just how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!

    • could NOT care lesspet peeve sorry, but it means the opposite of what youre trying to sayi agree its a horrible distraction and the media looooove talking about anything but good form, i just want it done at this point and its looking like one way or another next week there will be something done

    • Hello There. I discovered your blog using msn. This is a really smartly written article. I’ll make sure to bookmark it and return to read extra of your helpful info. Thanks for the post. I’ll certainly comeback.

    • Kitty: yeah it does depend on the judge. My colleague sat on a case where the judge allowed 10-2, and he was one of the 2. But yeah, I will never know since I was balloted off.

    • I love the combination of cookies and milk! Mmmm…Makes me hungry! I am reading the Time Traveler's Wife. We went to see the movie a week or two ago on date night and I am really enjoying the book! Have a great day! Ginger

    • Excellent! Pastor Claire. It is so timely that the website has been given a facelift so to speak and yourself and Pastor Alan have the opportunity to share your thoughts and for others to share theirs and leave comments. Church family let’s get behind the Pastors in this and support them and each other encouraging and edifying one another.Blessings. K

    • As the only male trainer at an all-women’s fitness center, I check this site regularly to try and get a women’s perspective on training, and also to learn new things to help me reach my own fitness goals. This article is an example of why I keep coming back. Great article and I look forward to more from this author.

    • Hi, I think your site might be having browser compatibility issues. When I look at your website in Safari, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Other then that, fantastic blog!

    • Alli,It’s hard to say. We all react to grief & death differently – just because you’re not grieving now doesn’t mean you won’t be a month from now, for example. And (as you know already) your inability to cry now has no bearing on just how much you loved her.

    • Gong Hei Fatt Choi!!!Kuih Keria.. i first made them during KH period in Form 3! Hehehee..Gorgeous looking kuih u have there! I've been thinking of making these just few weeks ago actually. Gonna give your recipe a try! 😉

    • Magnificent Website…We now have lately initiated an incredible website, the information 1 offer using impartial happens via actually helped extra individuals greatly. Thanks mainly for your exertion & be prosperous….

    • 6 octobre 2008 Moi je m’en vais comme une princesse et je demande, plutôt je crie : C’EST QUOI CETTE MASCARADE, BORDEL ?(Je suis über, je peux pas perdre plus de 200 places.)

    • Hi there, Another reader reminded me of Night, which I read when I was in junior high. You’re right–it’s an incredibly powerful book. After I read it I read a number of his other memoirs. If you look on my next post, you’ll see Night was included there.Thanks for your comments, and for reading!Susie

    • Hi TomTry cleaning the electrical contacts on both the flash and your camera hot shoe. Slide it on and off a couple times. If that doesn’t help you want to find out if the contact problem is on the flash foot or the camera hot shoe. Do you have another flash you could try for that purpose, or maybe a radio trigger? Frank

    • The ocean surface was still last Friday due to the lack of off shore winds (Santa Annas). This made it easy to see where the whales were passing. Their fin prints leave a streak of perfectly flat water behind them. When you witness the tail, it means their heading for a deep dive and you may not see them again for five or so minutes. The whales start migrating in November to Bajaj California, they’ll feed and hang out before they head north to Alaska.

    • There’s a lot of pressure when you say you’re looking for a ‘forever home’ because it implies that it has to be perfect so you can live in it for a long time. This isn’t absolutely true. Yes, you do need to think about your needs, but it’s also good to keep your options open. One property may have a couple of missing elements, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have the potential to last you a lifetime. As long as a property’s repairs are ones you can take care of, you have the potential to turn it into a ‘forever home’.

    • why does the media care about HIV so much more than cancer? cancer is certainly more dangerous to humans.i don’t know what the research spending is on cancer versus HIV, but it should be about 10 to 1. probably more.

    • 25 mei -Het was een mooi liefde vol Reiki weekend .. De eneryboost werkte mee.. veel inzichten gedeeld met elkaar…. wat een bijzonder geschenk was het weer. .. ik ben dankbaar dat Reiki zoveel heeft mogen betekenen…

    • You will loose weight, because you burn a lot of calories while your dancing. Just make sure you don’t overeat, or else you’ll just consume all those burned-off calories after your had burned them off.

    • bpk/ibu admin..kita ada rnecana ke pulau tidung tgl 24-25 nopember 2012dengan jumlah orang 7 orang ( kurang lebih )bisa tolong di infokan apa saja yang harus kita siapakan dan beberapa rincian harga untuk tanggal tersebut terima kasih ..

    • What’s with Jonah Hill in everything? They’re frog-mouth raping us with him like they did with Rogen. I don’t hate these guys, I just wish they’d stick to their excellent writing not their acting.

    • ಅಬ್ಬಾ! ವಾಹ್! .. , ಈ ಲೇಖನ ತುಂಬಾ ಮನತಟ್ಟುವಂತಿತ್ತು, ಇದು ಒಂದು ಕಣ್ಣಿನ ಆರಂಭಿಕ ಎಂದು, ಇದು ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳ ಜೀವನದಲ್ಲಿ ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಒಂದು ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ನ್ಯೂ ದೃಷ್ಟಿಕೋನದಿಂದ ನೀಡಿದೆ. ನಾನು ಶಿಕ್ಷಕ ಆಮ್ ಆದರೆ ನಾನು ನನ್ನ ಸಹ ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರು ಓದಲು ಬಯಸುವುದಾಗಿ & ಈ ಜೀರ್ಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು.3e51

    • Sergei Korolev, quando é que vão desenterrar os ossos dos criminosos terroristas que foram pro inferno nos anos 60-70?Acho que esses ossos nem os cachorros de rua desse país querem …hehehehehe…

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    • I’m so happy to read this. This is the kind of manual that needs to be given and not the accidental misinformation that’s at the other blogs. Appreciate your sharing this best doc.

    • something extremely impressive –more like youve painted a pretty picture through an issue that you know nothing about! I dont want to sound mean, here. But do you actually think that you can get away with adding some quite pictures and not definitely say something?

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    • Hier bei uns im Ort (Österreich) wurde ein Spar mit Selbstbedienungskassen zusätzlich zu den Normalen ausgerüstet. Früher kassierten zwei Frauen, heute kassiert eine, die andere hilft bei den Automaten.Ich nutze sie gerne, einzig wenn man was Alkoholisches kauft nervt es, weil man dann eine Freigabe durch einen Menschen braucht.Aber der kleine bis mittlere Einkauf geht schneller und vorallem es gibt fast keine Schlangen mehr.

    • It’s crazy the junk they mix in with such a simple food. Real buttermilk is phenomenal for cooking and baking. It lends this very, very soft crumb to whole or sprouted grain baked goods. It’s an integral part of our kitchen. Good post.Jenny

    • he deeply regrets the execution of Humberto Leal Garcia"Navi Pillay deeply regrets the execution of a murderer and rapist yet has no problems with retaining on staff a racist and liar, Richard Falk.That's human rights in the 21st century!

    • M-ar fi bucurat daca faceati referire la cele spuse de Emil Constantinescu in interviu, nu sa folositi sabloane… Care dintre afirmatiile din interviu le considerati "demagogice" ca sa vad daca, din punct de vedere jurnalistic, nu am reactionat pentru a sanctiona… demagogia celui pe care-l intervievez?Apropo: dar Milosevici era ortodox cand facea purificare etnica in Bosnia?

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    • Grattis pÃ¥ födelsedagen! Ha en riktigt trevlig kväll! Och vad mysigt det sÃ¥g ut i bokhandeln! SÃ¥ skoj att det gÃ¥r bra för dej! Stor kram!

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    • Ae Flavio1ª vez que comento no blog depois de meeeses de acesso cara… parabéns e cada vez mais tenha mais ânimo de compartilhar e postar posts e mais postshehe tarefa árdua… porém prazerosavaleuabs

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    • Link to the four part report. I saw it when Cameron reported it. (yes I sometimes watch Fox. This was an interesting report. Supposedly Abe Foxman and other I lobby groups forced Fox to take the report down from their website way back when

    • Jika anda masa rehat dalam tempoh masa tersebut, maka ia perlu ditolak.Saya rasa tolak masa rehat, anda akan dapat 48 jam.

    • hola como estas? yo alquile un departamento en noviembre de 2009 y un mes antes lo estoy dejando, antes de irme lo deje pintado y mejor de lo que me lo entregaron. yo quisiera saber segun la ley si me corresponde que me entreguen el mes de deposito o no tengo derecho a reclamarlo.Espero una pronta respuestaAtteFlorencia

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    • From a strictly image point of view, Rush is paralleling Tom Leykis – a large man, married four times, unbothered by legal or social challenge, and undisputed master of his corner of the media world. I like both of them quite a bit.

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    • Hi Jim,Yes I totally agree. A good planner should be resourceful in acting on behalf of the bride and stretching her dollar a long way! Thanks for your comment.

    • Photographier un objet, un fond et une source. Puis on commence chercher à gérer les reflets, la position des ombres, la reflection de la lumière, la couleur du fond etc etc … ça prend beaucoup de temps à controler.Darth,tu as bien fait de mélanger les sources et les températures, ne commence jamais à utiliser de gélatines, car tu ne pourras alors plus t’en passer ^^.(Genève cet été pour moi , après Quebec si tout roule)

    • no Centro de Belo Horizonte, para a gravação do clipe Bom!, da banda Pequena Morte. O pessoal do Coletivo Imaginário estava dirigindo. Os passageiros permaneceram tranqüilos. Quase ninguém tinha ido embora, quando

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    • Nydelig farge pÃ¥ de skjønne strømpene, de hadde passet perfekt til strikkekjolen min i samme farge..Hmmm…mÃ¥ en liten tur pÃ¥ Noanoa da kanskje.En deilig helg er snart over, jeg er nok bare "skap-Brann-fan" selv om jeg bor i Bergen, sÃ¥ det blir nok hekletøy og en eller annen film pÃ¥ meg i kveld istedenfor fotballkamp :-)Ha en fortsatt fin søndag!

    • Oo, I’ll be looking for the letter, hehe~ I gotta start writing, too. ^____^Yumm, sandwiches sound good. I took my sister to Togo’s today but I had already ate so I didn’t get one, whaaaa~[]

    • Underwater my camera will not focus correctly for stills but seems to do well for video. Above water no problems. So far. Went scuba diving and had the camera up to dephts of around 70ft – no leaking but it takes fotos only down to the advertised depth of 30ft.

    • Jeg har altid lært at man skal brune dem pÃ¥ panden og derefter bage dem færdigt i ovnen for at de forbliver saftige… er det en skrøne?/Morten

    • Just some anecdotal evidence :I’ve been telling anyone who would listen, since last winter, to get a free Zip account and watch DOM’s increases and price reductions.Last winter and spring hardly anyone took me up on that. They just didn’t believe it was actually happening.But now that the evidence is mounting and word’s getting out about the turning market, more people are geting those accounts and watching the market.It’s giving a lot of would-be buyers hope to watch it fall. – Rate this comment: 0  0

    • Are you kidding me? I’m watching Christian Rock videos, and you advertise sexual content. What the hell’s wrong with you. The ” WORLD ” is an evil place. This is the truth, Know JESUS, know Peace. No JESUS, no peace. It’s almost over, you need GOD! Find HIM! No matter what it takes.VA:F [1.9.13_1145]please wait…VA:F [1.9.13_1145](from 0 votes)

    • C’est vrai que c’est dommage, nous aurions pu entendre Ségolène chanter il était une fois la France ou Martine dans son grand succès travaillez moins pour avoir plus de vacances. Décidement la seule chose dont sont capables ces aigris anti-démocrates : proferer des insultes personnelles. AVEZ VOUS ENCORE DES IDEES OU SEULEMENT DES RANCOEURS?

    • The rest of the Steyn piece:So the North Carolina Republicans are denounced as „racists” for being so unenlightened as to bring up the subject of the neo-segregationist hater Rev Wright. Likewise, up north, will never be hauled up for „hate speech” by the PC enforcers of Canada’s „human rights” commissions. But, for quoting what he and like-minded fellows believe, I and my editors are on trial for „Islamophobia”*.All part of life’s rich comedy.(*Here’s a novel wrinkle on my case: I’ve no idea, but given the Canadian Islamic Congress’ of me I’m happy to pass it along just for the fun of it.)

    • I have to have the carpet in my apartment “professionally cleaned” before I move out. I can’t buy the machine from Walmart because my movers are moving out (out of state) on a Saturday, I am then cleaning the carpets on sunday/monday, and then give the keys over on monday afternoon. I won’t be able to take a carpet cleaning machine with me unfortunately if I were to buy it..

    • Oi gostaria de saber como vc fez o arco em volta do bumbo e dos tons e da caixa, estou tentando fazer mais nao sei como, me de uma dica, valeu

    • Momentan am prea putine coliere statement, am prins curaj si le port, sunt minunate.Tinuta ta este echilibrata, foarte frumoasa, parul, taote detaliile, pana si cureaua imi place.Minunata esti, Stella!te pup

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    • I'm not an animator, but this has given me some great pointers for my character designs and illustrations.It;s refreshing to see such sound theory backed up with plenty of examples, so thank you for this.

    • comentou em 9 de novembro de 2011 às 19:39. Ficou lindíssima, a perfeita pin-up!!!! Sabe o que me lembrou? Um desenho antiguinho do Pica-pau que ele levava uma pica-pau pra dançar e ficava disputando ela com um urubu, o cabelo dela era assim mesmo e ruivinha kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! bjs meninas

    • Invincible disse:Sem Pânico.Os Ingleses não estão vindo… e não precisa tocar o sino… Calma gente…Eles so querem fazer negócio e não estão tentanto invadir o Brasil… Sem panôia.Se eles quisessem ter tomado um pedaço do Brasil, teriam feito no Séc. XIX.Se o Brasil comprar navios deles eu acharei excelente. O que mais ameaça o Brasil não são os ingleses mas os próprios brasileiros e essa lentidão sem fim.

    • Hi Leslie,You got to admint that Romney kicked Obama’s ass in the first debate and if not beat it was a draw in the second debate. Obama lied about the killing of the ambassodor and 3 other americans and thanks to big fat ass Candy Crowley saved Obama’s butt. You guys are on the ropes and Romney is going to win the presidency and you know it.

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    • Let’s not forget that the guy was also taking pics of women’s breasts , which is an escalating behaviour, even if the women allowed him to take their pictures it seems likely they didn’t think this would happen.

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    • the very end, the doctor began to give me an episiotomy (which I had requested she not do on my birth plan…but I think the nurses and doctors never even read it). Once she started the episiotomy, I

    • I have never heard of Donna Hay, thank you for the introduction. Meatballs are one of my all time favorite foods, I'm looking forward to trying them. Thank you!!

    • Absolutely Marvelous !!!!! I am sharing this recipe with both of my sisters, my daughter and my mom. We all LOVE Avocado's, even my 1&1/2 year old grand daughter loves avocados. I like trying new recipes and sharing the good ones with family, it's a nice tradition.

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    • Shit, I wish I was a HARP! I was a shot of whiskey,… Bold, daring, straight forward and quick! I don’t bother to waste time, I “Get right to the POINT” haha.I hate whiskey

    • Wishing I was off tomorrow but since I took Thanksgiving day off I have to go to work. I have decided to take the weekend off, even though it means working six days in a row next week so I can get back on my regular W/S days off. Starting the work week on Thursday is the stupidest idea ever!

    • Forgetting about the price issue (because the PS3 is now at 500$ and the Xbox 360 Elite at 450$)With backed up information and not just a bias opinion, which console is proven to be the best, long-term wise and generally?

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    • I agree, but as a CA resident I researched Prop 37, and things such as cows fed GMO corn would be exempt from labeling. There were a few other notable exemptions that made the prop an inconsistent labeling system, which tends to happen in government run programs.

    • it is respectable. i like what hes saying hes right on the nail when he talks about it. ive played with many guns and tipmans are cool but they are weekend warrior guns.

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    • Dan you would hate it here. Fuel is dirt cheap but Diet coke is very expensive. This would make life much cheaper for most brits, but for you, it would mean bankrupcy.I paid $3.60 for a 500ml bottle the other day (thats 1 pound 64)!!And another thing, I am going to write a letter to hewlitt packard about the lack of a goddam pound sign on my keyboard!Sam’s last blog post..

    • I love how clean this look, looks its beautiful i am currently going through the process of making my overall look more minimal and your posts have given me such a confidence boost. Thank you

    • Hi Ann, thank you so much for sharing this recipe. The first time I tried making macarons didn’t work. Then I tried yours and they were perfect! Just a quick question though… Can put two trays at a time? I kept n baking one tray at a time and the rest of the mixture sat in the bowl. The second and third time, I had to bake more than 20 minutes. the first batch came clean off the baking sheet. Any suggestions please?Here are my macarons..

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    • Indiska har mye fint :)Tenker pÃ¥ Ã¥ kjøpe noen lykter der til Ã¥ ha i bryllupet i sommer, men vi fÃ¥r se hva det blir til.Spørs om vi mÃ¥ fÃ¥ pyntet litt til pÃ¥ske vi ogsÃ¥. I morgen er det første fridag, sÃ¥ fÃ¥r se hva vi fÃ¥r til da :)Ønsker deg en FIN pÃ¥ske, Heidi 🙂

    • 14 Aralık 2010Merhabalar,1 – Compile olan dosyalarınızı FileZilla ftp programı ile sunucuya yükleyebilirsiniz.2 – Veritabanınızı ÅŸifrelemeye gerek yok çünkü App_Data klasörü içinde bulunan herhangi bir dosyaya, dosya ismi bilinse bile http ile eriÅŸilemez.

    • I’m Just Sayin’ January 27, 2011 18:17The Cash comment about Jeter was speculative regarding the end of his contract. It’s been the logical move for many past SS.“You wouldn’t know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Froot Loops on your front porch”I’m Just Sayin’ 2  0

    • I don’t normally do requests unless they involve my winkie-dinkie and a Kenwood Chef, but here you go:I like the look of Miles.From his mime I infer that he will render me unconscious with some sort of blow to the stomach, finger me (or cut off my nipples with scissors), then have a good rummage in his anus and fist me with his shit-stained fingers.Where do I sign?

    • Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine some unrelated data, nonetheless genuinely worth taking a search, whoa did a single understand about Mid East has got extra problerms at the same time

    • QBs just get overdrafted these days. It’s just the way it is. I personally wouldn’t draft him; I’d rather draft Wilson, Weeden, Osweiler, or Cousins, who all have something to prove.

    • Lenna disse:Maria Lina, além de muitos descendentes de italianos, temos alguns espanhóis e franceses( em menor número). Também há muitos enólogos e “sommeliers”(a maioria deles com cursos na Europa, no Chile e em Mendoza, Argentina). Nossos espumantes são premiados pelo mundo afora, inclusive na Europa.

    • De Tikki am auzit in blogosfera, n-am ajuns sa-i cumparam, dar de Pifou am fost incantata inca de acum 3 ani cand i-am cumparat hainute noi de bebelus – mijlociei.Cred ca i-ar placea Iustinei niste Miamiaaa marimea 12-18 luni, la fel si pentru body.Multumim!

    • Te hago una critica constructiva. Quise compartir este post con mis amigos y no funka el „like”, si es una app seguramente no le diste el dominio en la configuracion de la app, te recomiendo que llo hagas y andara impecable. Por otro lado el share de los otros botones estan perfectos. Gracias nuevamente!

    • Najpierw muszÄ… pisać komentarze. Najpierw, w ogóle, to trzeba mieć czytelników.A poza tobÄ…, to nikt do mnie regularnie nie zaglÄ…da. Czasem jakiÅ› bele wpadnie :DI jak tu rozmawiać?

    • à°šాà°²ా à°¬ాà°—ా à°°ాà°¶ాà°°ు. ఆసలు నవల à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°šెà°ª్à°¤ూà°¨ే à°®ీ ఆలోచనలనీ, à°šà°¦ువరుà°²ు ఆలోà°šించవలసిà°¨ à°µిà°·à°¯ాలనీ à°šెà°ª్పడం à°¨ాà°•ు à°¬ాà°—ా నచ్à°šింà°¦ి. à°ªెà°³్à°³ి తరవాà°¤ à°ªుà°°ుà°·ుà°²్à°²ో à°•ూà°¡ా à°šాà°²ాà°¨ే à°®ాà°°్à°ªుà°²ొà°¸్à°¤ాà°¯ంà°¡ీ. à°•ాà°•à°ªోà°¤ే.. à°† à°®ాà°°్à°ªులని à°œీà°°్à°£ింà°šుà°•ుà°¨ి à°µీà°²ైà°¨ంà°¤ à°¬ాలన్à°¸్ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ే à°µెà°¸ుà°²ుà°¬ాà°Ÿు మన సమాà°œంà°²ో à°ªుà°°ుà°·ులకి à°Žà°•్à°•ుà°µ à°•ాబట్à°Ÿి à°…à°¦ి à°ªెà°¦్à°¦ సమస్యగా బయటకి à°•à°¨ిà°ªింà°šà°¦ు.à°µెధవ à°°ూà°²్à°¸ూ, à°…à°°్à°¥ంà°•ాà°¨ీ, à°…à°°్à°¥ం à°²ేà°¨ీ à°¸ాంà°ª్à°°à°¦ాà°¯ాà°²్à°¨ి పక్కనబెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿి à°¸్à°¤్à°°ీà°²ైà°¨ా à°ªుà°°ుà°·ుà°²ైà°¨ా తమకి ఏమిà°•ాà°µాà°²ో, à°µ్యక్à°¤ిà°—à°¤ à°…à°­ిà°°ుà°šులకీ ఉమ్మడి à°¸ౌజన్à°¯ాà°¨ిà°•ీ సమతుà°²్యత ఎవరిà°•ి à°µాà°°ు à°¤ెà°²ుà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ే à°ª్రయత్à°¨ం à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ే à°ª్రయత్à°¨ం à°šేà°¸్à°¤ే à°…ందరిà°•ీ à°¬ాà°µుంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి.

    • the concept is very exciting, but it’s primary obstacle to actual on road (with real people) use is not response capability, but more assurance of absolute reliability (people fear autonomous control) and cost.

    • non pas tu tout , l’application ce lance très bien mais je vais sur un code barre et rien ne ce passe donc je comprend pas très bien…si tu a une solution sa serais vraiment sympa 😉

    • This just seems crazy to even comment on. I hate blanket generalizations. I mean, c’mon!!! Did you ever read that one article from that woman who wrote for, the atlantic? i mean, wow!

    • Mythili is right.Our generation likes to live in our way than our parents way.My parents used to like playing games outside but we like to play games on computer online and games on PS3's…

    • honza napsal:tak jsme se dockali… konecne, uz se nemuzu dockat a nevíte jestli tam bude oprava tech lagů, co se z niceho nic objevily? mÄ› to uz moc nelaguje jenom asi první minuty po spustení hry a pak vsechno v pohodÄ›

    • found, a while a couple of. Well just use this one, much appreciated. I need something like this for a project, and mine has a similar subject as the one here. Thanks, happy trails.

    • basta fare in giro sul sito del produttore prima di installare.. ma siamo offtopic. Sul mac non ho lion ma time machine si, questa feature potrebbe infastidire anche me?

    • Lil, fortunatamente il nostro “didietro” non ha bisogno di protezione Se vuoi contribuire allla crescita del blog con commenti interessanti e costruttivi sei la benvenuta.Se vuoi partecipare al blog inviandoci le tue considerazioni sulle campagne e chiedendo qualche parere specifico, scrivile a . Saremo ben lieti di pubblicarle e chiedere agli insider un commento.

    • You cannot get lvl 25 crop fields. Level 18 is enough and lvl 19.. is impossible unless you’re a gold user. Level 20 ( correct me if im wrong) may only be possible to get if you have great warehouse and granaries artefact. No one has reached level 25 so crop consumption is 200,000, the average

    • quel pezzo è stato scritto da un disabile? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!! State ingerendo veleno per la paura, che vi spappola piano piano il cervello? State farneticando…Hot debate. What do you think? 4  18

    • Merely a smiling visitor here to share the love (:, btw outstanding layout. “Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes.” by Daniel Defoe.

    • Sorry to hear that, Sam, but glad I’m not alone. I think it must be people doing the links manually because the automated ones are caught.I just can’t figure out why they don’t go find sites that are at least remotely related to their industry, where they’d have a much better shot at leaving a comment that would survive.

    • Kamila MoliÅ„ska mówi:DziekujÄ™ Ala:)Nie wiem czy wykorzystaÅ‚am limit, pewnie nie raz przyjdzie mi sie jeszcze zmierzyć z przeciwnoÅ›ciami. DziÅ› gotowa jestem iść dalej, pomimo.Do zobaczenia 19?:)

    • Yes, agreed! Let’s get the city to commit to creating streets for people. If Los Angeles can do it, can’t we?? There are many ripe ingredients. Just need to pounce in a smart way.

    • Hallo Katharina,Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Blog-Geburtstag!Ich mag den Whiff of Joy-Blog, weiles immer schöne Anregungen gibt, z.B. die Idee, einen Teil des Motivs auszuschneiden und dann aus der Spellbinder-Stanze „raushängen” zu lassen. Das musste ich gleich ausprobieren. Und natürlich die Previews ***immerneugierigbin***Liebe GrüsseSusanne

    • コメントありがとうございます。DSはもちろん没収です。お金は返させました。しかし持ってないものは返せません。兄弟には親から返し、、親には新聞配達のバイトの手伝いをした中から返させたり、晩御飯の後の後片付けのお手伝いです。最初は喋りながら一緒に片づけをしてたんですが、本人から「俺一人でいいで、母さんは座っとき」と言ってくれるようになったので最近は任せてます。本当は一緒にやることで会話の時間にしたかったけど。本人が一人で全部やりたいというので。何事ものめり込む子なので今は片づけが楽しいようです。長男は現在高校生ですが今でのお小遣い帳を付けさており、内容が虚偽なら翌月減額とけっこう厳しいです。お小遣いは元は親が働いたお金。お小遣いはお金をの使い方を学ぶため。しっかり収支の管理が今のうちにできるようにならないと困るからねと説明してます次男にもさせたいけどどおしても無理なんですね。これも個性かと思って話し合いの末500円なら収支報告義務免除ということにして渡しています。うちは兄弟が多いので保育所時代からそれぞれ特別を大事にしています。買い物も全員より誰かだけ連れて行って一緒にアイス食べたりはよくしてます。仕事は休職は難しいですね。専門職であり、私の代わりのいない役職なので。その代り朝は4時に起きて朝食、弁当、夕食まで作り子どもが起きる前にほとんどの家事を夫と協力して済ませます。帰宅後も10分後には家族そろってご飯を食べて会話もあります。仕事を理由に子育てをおろそかにしてると言われるのが昔から嫌なのでまさしく寝る間を惜しんで家族の時間を作るために精一杯の努力をしてます。晩御飯は7時に食べ終わり、次男が片づけをしてる20分の間に下の子の授乳。(食洗機にいれるくらいなんで。料理が朝なので鍋とかは朝のうちに洗ってます)お風呂に入るまでに結構時間があるので近所のショッピングセンターに家族でお散歩がてらおしゃべりしながら買い物もよくあることです。それでもこの事態なんでまだまだ努力不足なんでしょうね。これからもしっかり向き合いたいと思います。ありがとうございました。

    • Der Skandal ist nicht, dass Rousta nicht geistreich postet, sondern dass die SPD ihren Parteimitarbeitern als Bonus-Prämie eine Beamtenversorgung verschafft.Roustas Berufung auf den am höchsten besoldeten und beamteten Job im Ministerium war eklatant laufbahnrechtswidrig.

    • Thanks Kathryn. I agree, it’s definitely a good idea to have multiple streams of income, rather than relying on just one, which may be quite unpredictable. Then at least if one of them dries up, you’ll still have the others to keep the money coming in.

    • gains les plus importants sont possibles, il est maintenant l’efficacité. Si tout le monde a les mesures nécessaires pour améliorer l’efficacité (seulement les choses faciles), nous consommons plus d’énergie de 50% de moins.

    • hey Annabel!!I received your package a while a go (I know, sorry for letting you know so late lol been busy lately)thank you for sending me the white ruffle blouse and the red plaid cardigan!!! I absolutely LOVE them!! <3 hope you're having a good dayy :)xoxo

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    • You know–I’ll let a politician insult my intelligence a little bit now and then cuz I know that’s how the game is played.But that one was like he slapped my Momma and told me a monkey ran in the room and did it, then ran back out again.

    • Mais non, c’est une méthode d’intox psychologique : ça donne le slogan « Ma présidente« , et ça conduit les gens à s’approprier inconsciemment sa candidature et à penser peu à peu qu’ils sont pour elle.

    • Quite a weekend!Kudos for volunteering. It’s always a great thing to do and as a participant in any event, I always go out of my way to say thank you along the way. They go above and beyond to make our race a good one.And a beer is always a great way to carbo-load… running or not.Congrats to all the finishers and FIRST time marathoners! Welcome to the club!

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    • Both of my kids were delivered by C-section as well. Although I don’t relish the thought of surgery for any reason, the thought of a vaginal delivery scares me more. (I know it’s not logical, but I’m still thankful that it’s not something I have to deal with.)

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    • Ola, ca estou eu a escreverMemória socialNão é possível conceber o surgimento e a continuidade de culturas humanas sem tomar como condição indispensável a possibilidade dos indivíduos armazenarem e comunicarem informações. Por isso, as tentativas de compreensão de processos como a memorização, por exemplo, sempre caracterizaram os grupos humanos que atingiram um nível de conhecimento que constituísse base concreta para investigações e especulações construídas com algum método.Rogério Nunes30/09/2007

    • Thanks! UAW is exactly what I was looking for. Just installed it and we’ll see how it works – for now I only added one PR3 and one PR2 sites to PostLinks, but I have a feeling I’ll add a lot more in the near future…

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    • This is a tremendous post, Tamas. I will be sending it to the staff at the school I taught at in Japan where many of the negative attitudes you describe are alive and flourishing. I really hope you keep us posted on how you get on. No doubt there will be challenges and setbacks but you don’t seem to be one to accept a status quo that does a disservice to students. If there is anything I can do to help from a remote Celtic maritime location, please let me know. I have a feeling good things are going to happen and fast. atb, PJ

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    • Perché senza parole, Margherita? E' normale esprimere un sincero apprezzamento per le cose di valore.E l'Edizione del Carnevale, da te allestita, lo è senza ombra di dubbio. Brava:)Un abbraccio.Annarita

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    • Ankiel, you fat, ugly slob; Go find an unfortunate man who will seed you, for christs sake. Tell him whatever he wants to hear and cross your fingers.”That’s such a great idea! Now I know what I’ve been doing wrong all these years. It’s hard for us fat, ugly slobs.

    • Stage Fright.I have yet to read one of Marianne’s books but I have been buying them for my granddaughter as presents. I think I should pull out her christmas present and read it for myself.

    • Bon ben là, c’est rapé pour la canette de 7 up.A voir comment le reste des médias va faire remonter l’info, seulement s’ils décident que cette info puisse servir leur “message” quotidien.

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    • Hah! Hidden wheels-within-wheels spot!The previous post was about BLUE BoyIn 1993 Voodoo BLUE released their cover of ALL I DOThe next post is RDJ’s version of ALL I DOAnd Rayko also begins with an R.It’s like the bleedin DaVinci Code round here. Do I win a quadbike?

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    • When I was still teaching or I used to always tell me students how Monday was my favorite day of the week because of how much I loved school and how sad I would be on Friday because I wouldn’t get to teach or see them for two days. Some of my students suggested that I play school with friends on the weekend to try get by. It became a mental game for both of us and a source of fun or simple joy.

    • sehr geehrtes einhell-team, ich habe schon mehrmals meinen rasenmäher beanstandet. er lief nur einmal und dann nie wieder. ich hatte die nummer ihnen mitgeteilt. sie habe auch zurückgeschrieben, ich solle ein link öffenen. was ich aber nicht öffnen konnte. ich bin der ganzen taq zuhause da ich im rollstuhl bin. wenn in der kommenden woche der mäher nicht abgeholt wird, werde ich einen anwalt nehmen müssen. mit freundlichen grüßen jutta giebel

    • Allen Well many Democrat women will vote for him simply because he is a good-looking, well dressed and well spoken man, with a nice family, never mind he will throw our elderly and poor into the gutter. Or the ash heap of history, whatever you want to call it.

    • so schlimm war’s ja jetzt auch nicht gemeint 😉 davon ab: ich finde den technischen Zustand von Twitter erbärmlich. Updates per IM gehen mal in Minuten, mal nach Stunden durch. In meinem Jabber Roster denkt Twitter sich alle paar Minuten eine neue “Ressource” aus ohne die alte abzumelden – also wenn Jaiku das besser kann … go go go würde ich sagen. 😉

    • a5156106“si l’on baisse les impôts, on relance la croissance, le chômage baisse et les recettes fiscales augmentent, ”Purée, on a vu aux États-Unis en vrai comme ça marche trop bien cette théorie – 15 000 Md$ de déficits…347b245

    • Hello !!First I wanted to compliment the fantastic guide !!I present this problem immediately, even if I do not know if I can answer because I do not use as a programmer for the’ ART2003 but a PICkit 2. I built the key, programmed the pic with the latest available on the blog, but after I insert into the PS3 continues to flash in threes…I state that I felt more’ a pair of hex, but with no result…It may be that the program does not PICKIT low level?? I also tried to make ground pin 26 but nothing…Thanks in advance

    • helloquelle belle originalité pour cette recette !pour le champagne, mon meilleur souvenir ce fut une dégustation en cave chez un vigneron : l’ambiance de la cave, la résonance, et l’odeur fait que ce souvenir fut particulier, on avait l’impression d’etre hors du temps, et le champagne pris toute sa dimension de délicatessemerci pour ce superbe concoursdunedin31(at)

    • Br Olivier,Je confirme par experience effectivement que les equipes google a paris dediees adwords ne savent pas nous renseigner sur nos problematiques de referencement naturel. J’ai essaye plusieurs fois en vain. Google a t-il peur que les entreprises ne se jettent du coup plus systematiquement sur les adwords à resultat immediat si on leur donnait un interlocuteur pour ameliorer leur ref nat ?? cdt,

    • Thanks for the thorow comment. I did read magazines like that when younger and they served their purpose.On to the dress…I think it's high time batsleeves made a come back.But it's a great dress and can be worn casually.

    • Hi Milly,I tried it this afternoon for the first time. I think I’ll need to spend a little more time working with it. The process is kinda complicated, and I wanted my lashes to look a little longer We’ll see.

    • Sal, lei confonde il tempio giudaico con le sinagoghe, e sono due cose diverse, nelle sinagoghe non “si offrivano i sacrifici per i peccati (Buoi, uccelli farina)”. Cerchi di studiare su testi seri, non sui foglietti con le illustrazioni delle famigliole insieme ai leoni ed alle pecorelle in paesaggi bucolici, from Watch Tower.

    • What a cute trip! We always used to go feed the ducks by our house when I was younger. I actually used to be petrified of most animals when I was younger. I love them now but I was so afraid of them for such a long time. I actually told my preschool teacher once I was allergic to rabbits just so she wouldn’t bring one in! Probably the most devious thing I have ever done lol!

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    • You've drawn all the same conclusions as I have, Godmother; there's loads of potential in scenarios, but this can only go down as a thoroughly depressing launch event that, yet again, will get people shouting about money-grabbing Activision having too much say in what goes on.I don't know the truth of such a jibe, but we're talking about a company that scrapped an entire Starcraft expansion that they weren't happy with.Obviously, that was BK (Before-Kotick).

    • He seems legit enough from basic web searches. The rest of the article sounds legit. God knows I’ve been involved in more than a few of the dog and pony shows like he describes. Meh. He is a runner too. Ah, you’d have to be to get far as an Airborne Ranger. Respects,MurphOn the Outer Marches

    • disse:Estive ai em agosto, e fiquei frustrada por conhecer a loja Bouchara, só que era dia 20/08 e a loja estava fechada até tirei umas fotos da loja p/ mostrar, tinha uns pedidinhos de parentes para comprar umas coisinhas, esta loja é show.Gostaria de saber se ela abriu novamente.BjsEdna

    • Beau jeu de mot.Sinon Abdel, votre monde des préjugés, de la généralisation et de l’amalgame est surprenant. Les fondements de la haine & de l’auto-persuasion.Perso, un truc aussi stupide que ça, on est dans le Darwin Awards.

    • Cute outfit! Sunny and bright! It looks like you should be wearing this out to a picnic on a checkered blanket somewhere 🙂 That little flower pendant is a nice touch.

    • such a pretty card and love the thrift suggestions for crafter's very thoughtful of you, I have never had any issues with SSS either and love the huge choice availableHugs Kate xx

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    • Apple, la pomme qui va nous chasser du paradis numérique. Apple, l’inventeur du « cloud », ce magma de données personnelles dans lequel plus rien ne nous appartient en propre, où l’on est locataire à vie de tout ce que l’on utilise. Apple, le logo du servage du 21ème siècle.

    • Yay for yoga! I'm so glad you liked it. It is really good for relieving stress. Also good? Kickboxing (so I hear). I think you need to hit some stuff. ;)Hang in there, Lime!

    • I have not checked in here for some time as I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are great quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend

    • Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

    • 1e1I don’t have a problem with peace and love. And I don’t think Reagan did either. But, I do have a big problem with pacifism. I believe, as I think Reagan did, that there are things worth fighting for. Freedom for one thing. You see Reagan escalating the cold war and provoking the Russians. I see him helping to free millions of people from the tyranny of Soviet Communism. And, he did it without firing a shot! What could be more peaceful and loving than that?1cb42029

    • I would definitely be most excited about the dessert! It looks delicious! If I was in charge of designing a three-course meal it would probably revolve around Italian food just because that is my favorite cuisine.

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    • i’m not really into j-pop as much as you guys are, but i think the best thing about japanese music is that you can count on it to be great on live sets, its as if your listening to the record itself.

    • What a great way to come up with a recipe, with poems! wonderful blog and lovely recipe ideas. I teach on a few around the world and I will definitely be recommending this blog to my students.

    • comentou em 21 de novembro de 2011 às 15:46. ClauDepende, o Free Shop não tem tudo que tem na loja. Melhor pedir num site e mandar entregar na casa dela.Bjs

    • corporate sustainability research company in the world.  His perspective on corporate thought and sustainability is that flaws in our economic and political systems make it impossible for any company to become

    • I completely agree with you. Get any weapons, modern or ancient, and be willing to use them and criminals will leave you alone.As for the Whites not breeding, there is a legal way to do it when you have the police in force the law and are willing to kill any baby that breaks it by right of parentage. Not pretty, but there it is.

    • My, my, my doesn’t the “right” get all ‘antsy in their pantsies’ every time “Mr. Inevitable” opens his mouth!Heh heh heh…By the way, congratulations on your new “Current” simulcasting gig…finally something to let MSNBC know that “Morning Joke” is a dreary version of Republican talking points.

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    • Wow, what a story. I love eating food made by people who honestly put passion into what they make. (And the cultural tour sounds pretty amazing…such a rich history in that area of the world.) As for this gorgeous soup, I have been a huge fan of beets ever since I was a little girl. Love borscht, but never found a recipe I truly loved when making it at home. I need to try your version, it looks fantastic!

    • Er det muligt at fÃ¥ dig til at sende opskriften? Det ligner en af de “gode” opskrifter, hvor man sender en ind og sÃ¥ laves den om til et lidt bedre alternativ? :)PÃ¥ forhÃ¥nd tak.

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    • Ha, this makes me chuckle. I m an arsenal fan and we are now at the start of december. your ’10 reasons’ for arsenal being rubbish has taken us to the top of the league where we v won every premiership game and lost one game away to sevilla where he had qualified before hand. Coming from a chelsea fan, i d rather have Wenger than an Israeli jew. Chelsea play poor skanky football where Lampard only scores from deflections. i m looking forward to our encourter at the emirates. i think Wenger will show you how to actually play footballReply

    • Hello would you mind letting me know which webhost you’re working with? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 different internet browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot quicker then most. Can you suggest a good hosting provider at a honest price? Thank you, I appreciate it!

    • M ira a ver, leo pc+1 lo guardo como parte baja, leo pc+2 lo guardo como parte alta.valor = alta <<8 | baja;ciclosREstantes=-10;Ahora dejo el resultado en B i C¿?Bajo Alto?Alto Bajo?Gracias por ayudar.

    • you could try posting an ad on gumtree its less hassle than ebay and free to post adverts or look in local phone book for second hand furniture shops etc.References : Was this answer helpful?

    • Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well

    • So what do you guys think about Congressman Scaliese. Do you think he’s looking for some populist attention? Or do you think he’s someome we can trust and put our weight behind as in donations etc?

    • All depends on how people feel towards the TLD. If there is loyalty towards .nyc or .golf, then .coms in that field have a problem.If a TLD is unlikely to attract loyalty, such as .cars or those launched to date, .coms will be less concerned.

    • Achei show o post! Tava na dúvida se compraria um móbile ou não, mas agora decidi! Vou comprar! Já até escolhi um da fisher price, “ursinhos fofinhos”, o primeiro ali da fotinho do post!Mill beijos

    • Ja, ganz hübsch das Täschchen, das würde sich auch als "Verpackung" für ein besonderes Geschenk gut eignen, schöne Idee! 🙂

    • i am sure that children love this sweet dish but I also love it.i am a big baby,what i can say.look so good and the pictures really say "eat me"have a nice day,my dear

    • Na wykresie intra S&P poszli dzisiaj klinem do poziomu ostatniego szczytu miÄ™dzy 20 a 21 wyszli z niego doÅ‚em i ostatnia godzina to ruch powrotny do klina z odbiciem od dolnego ograniczenia. Jutro zobaczymy ale duże prawdopodobieÅ„stwo zmiany kierunku.

    • Our kiddos love safari tubes already and would LOVE to add to our collection for learning and play. Than you for this chance to do so.Martianne recently posted..

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    • It’s a wind instrument with a tube curved back and forth several times. I’ve seen one being played in a period-instrument ensemble, and heard it, sort of a raspy low-pitched tone. I couldn’t have told you from memory what kind of mouthpiece it had, reed or otherwise, but I looked it up: Wikipedia has an with a picture and description. It seems to be a sort of wooden tuba.

    • Yes, unfortunately I think there is a stigma. Which is the only thing stopping me from jumping into indie publishing this second. Which is silly.I want the respect of my peers. Which I should have whether I traditionally pub or indie pub. We are all authors. There doesn't need to be indie pubbed label or traditionally pubbed label.I'm hoping that an author like you will change others' feelings about the indie vs traditional. So thank you!

    • Phew I’m glad you guys escaped without getting attacked by the dogs too! That sounds like a fun way to spend Halloween especially with every sound making you stop and listen. I love the pic of the cat on you . -Sydney

    • Bonsoir, effectivement ca commence a tarder un peu !!! pourquoi faire une mises a jours 2.3.6 alors qu’elle est déjà effective actuellement sur nos mobile galaxy S ? pourquoi ne pas en faire une plus concrète, avec de vrai changement? pourquoi il y a t il des mobiles en android 4.0, et que le GS ne depasse pas le 2.3.6 ?

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    • Certes ça consomme peu mais bon, non personnalisé c’est pas top par défaut. Faut dans ce cas là E17 encore beaucoup plus léger et plus beau de très très loin..>>Le geek pauvre n’aurait pas eu besoin de ça, il prend Ubuntu démarre en console et installe via l’interface texte un environnement léger ou un bureau léger.

    • TOTALLY AGREE!!I don’t know how many WSOs I have refused to buy, mostly out of principle, because I’m ticked off that others got if for less than 1/2 price than what it is now. Especially when the product has only been selling a relatively short time.I also notice that some of the more respectable Warriors are no longer using the “dimesale” technique.My 2 cents worth. (But the price is rising quickly…)

    • Carrie,Great post and than you for sharing your sanctuary. My sanctuary is also my home, It is a place I can escape to, whether it is staying inside on a cold night curled up by the fireplace or enjoying the summer heat outside lounging by the pool. Thank you for sharing all your parts of your special place. Great Blog!!!Shayna

    • большая просьба… ко всем желающим оставить коммент по этой теме…комменты именно к этой теме оставлять …здесь и так страничка увесистая… а при добавлении комментов она медленно грузится… читать не удобно

    • Zsigeri félelmem, hogy és elveszem a saját elmémben. A szörnyű, hogy nincs védekezés, nem lehet mit tenni.Sajnálom édesanyádat, bár a fura az, hogy így is boldog lehet az ember…

    • Yo ya me vi KHR y pensaba verme Gintama, así que ya nos contaras si mola o no y si vale la pena xD.Pero no te pases con las frikadas y procura estudiar para los examenes que son lo importante.Suerte y animo!

    • Nice use of a chalazion clamp to pull little “junior” out!If my boss EVER had to do a botfly removal in the eyelid- or any“worm”-type thing removal, I would either hurl, faint or both.I hate Maggots!

    • It is really hard these days to find enough support…My friend is truly constantly but in a rash manner saying that in all honesty that it is difficult to really easily procure some good online support, but there is…VA:F [1.9.8_1114]please wait…VA:F [1.9.8_1114](from 0 votes)

    • Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.

    • MMMM,..What beautiful & lovely looking bread-stars! " They are really stars that steal the show! "These would be perfect at Christmas to go with a filling soup or to slice them & fill them with gourmet foods!Yummy Yum! xxx

    • Oui enfin…Y’a quand même un facteur non négligeable qui s’appelle la génétique.Parfois, on a beau avoir une hygiène alimentaire (et de vie aussi) correcte, ça empêchera pas les boutons de faire leur apparition.

    • Excelente programa!!! Espero ansiosa la segunda temporada programas de este tipo reflejan lo que realmente importa!!! y muestran que todavia existen comunidades que no estan contaminadas con la maldad, y demuestra que se puede ser feliz con tan poco… Gracias por compartir un programa asi con los televidentes…

    • Oh hey Darker! I’m bummed I didn’t find it sooner. I’m working on getting the word out. So many folks are looking for a new game and this is one of the few games in development that have something unique going for them.And a real crafting system. ^^

    • sigara içenlerin bir yılda yaptıkları masrafları toplayıp 2 ile çarpın cevap 2 milyardan fazla çıkıyor sakın sigara içmeyin içenlere deÄŸil sdece herkeses zarar veriyor

    • What’s Happening i’m new to this, I stumbled upon this I have found It absolutely helpful and it has helped me out loads. I hope to contribute & aid other users like its aided me. Great job.

    • Den var jo veldig fin da! Har man plass i gangen sÃ¥ er en stumtjener genialt. FÃ¥r sÃ¥ mye opp der. Jeg hadde en pÃ¥ soverommet en gang til alle veskene mine (hadde veskedilla, og hjalp ikke at mamma jobbet pÃ¥ Wedins den gangen)..Ha en flott lørdagskveld Jatte!Klem fra Tonje Merethe

    • Hallo Herr Hundt,auch wir haben entdeckt, dass die Schönheitsreparaturen-Klausel in unserem Mietvertrag unwirksam ist. Meine Frage: Müssen wir dem Vermieter vor dem Umzug (in 1 Monat) schriftlich über unsere “Entdeckung” mitteilen oder reicht es aus die Wohnung am Abnahmetag besenrein zu übergeben?Herzlichen Dank im Voraus.

    • Tickets are free – I’ve got some left to give away, so if you want one, please leave a comment in my original post about the forum – I’ve cunningly disabled comments on this one.

    • Vamos Boca!!!!!!mareste 28/10/2012 21:19aunque digan que no jugamos a nada ni asi nos pueden ganar, matense gallinas ya se pensaban que nos amargaban la tarde y se lo dimos vuelta se amargaron ustedes y si no miren la careta de almeida !!!Nico 29/10/2012 0:41Dioooss coomo grite el gol de Erviti!!! Deje un comentarioNombre (requerido)Email(requerido)Web

    • Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

    • goyishrebbe,What it requires is a major change in mindset. To stop being defensive and go on the offensive. The Israeli government has adopted the wrong mindset, but it's more than just a government, it's the entire establishment. It would take radical political changes, or a grave crisis, for that to change.

    • Glöm inte hunden brutus som blev ihjälskjuten av polis i somras pÃ¥ sin egen gÃ¥rd, som polisen var pÃ¥ utan att ha meddelat ägarna.

    • Onnea uuteen kotiin! Kaikenlaista on tosiaan laatikoista löytynyt ;)Ihmeen nopeasti meilläkin tyypit silloin talvella sopeutui uuteen kotiin. Onneksi Mindylläkään ei ollut ongelmia sen asian kanssa! Reipas Mindy!

    • Hi. Just came across your blog through FB (through Alisa Wagner). Glad to find you! This is a great post. Thanks for the tip. Look forward to reading more Kim

    • Liliana is horrible in an aggro meta & I boarded her out all day long, my pre-tournament thought was a few more outs against shroud & she is good against control. How are you doing online with your changes?

    • >Sandra: Urban Decay är lovely! Det hade varit riktigt nice, Sverige är lite u-land när det gäller kosmetika … Fast UD kan man ju beställa frÃ¥n till exempel HQHair och ASOS om cravingen blir alldeles för stor 🙂

    • Nøøj, hvor er de fine, dine lanterner.Nu kommer jeg desværre ikke lige til Ã…rhus – sÃ¥ jeg vil da blive meget taknemmelig, hvis du vil dele med os andre, hvordan du har lavet dine lanterner… Er der et link til en vejledning?Jeg kunne nemlig godt tænke mig at gøre dig kunsten efter sÃ¥dan helt til eget julebord…KH FP

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    • Olá!! Também tenho carinho pela Catalunha!! Parece um país à parte do resto de Espanha. Também tive a sorte de ter visitado Barcelona e gostei imenso!Abraço e obrigada pela visita ao meu blog!

    • I can’t wait to see this film. Hope there will be a teaser available soon. I’ll see everybody at the film festival on Nov.8. Let’s hope that Salida will continue to celebrate this jewel of the wilderness that is in our back yard.

    • I agree to a certain extent, although its also good manners for the current occupant to shut up about the former occupant as well. Thats not to say your people cant attack each other, but presidents, both current and former, should shut up about each other once the elections are over. But once that can of worms is open. Game on.

    • வொய்ஸ் (யோகா)// கடைக்கு à®°ெண்டு நாள் லீவா, கடையை சூப்பர் à®®ாà®°்க்கட்டாக à®®ாà®±்à®± போகிà®±ீà®°்களோ? //கிட்டத்தட்ட அப்படித்தான்… à®°ெண்டு நாளைக்கு அப்புறம் வந்து பாà®°ுà®™்க தெà®°ியுà®®்…

    • „Dear rightwingers, to be clear, I don’t want to see Wayne LaPierre dead. I want to see him in prison for the rest of his life.”What would he be in prison for exactly? Advocacy?Understand I think LaPierre is a pantywaist cheese eating surrender monkey. What does that make me in Loomis’ eyes? What is the proper punishment for me? And I still am FORCED to pay for him to insult me to my face. I’m sorry that ain’t right.

    • Quoi, il est pas beau Djokovic? D’ailleurs, il faut pas l’enterrer non plus, peut-être qu’il fera un Roland pas trop dégueulasse. Je serai preneur s’il bat Roger en 1/2, même si je ne me fais pas trop d’illusions.

    • o processador do cara é um i5, todos os i5 tem vt-x, so que ele nao esta achando na bios dele, a opção par habilitar o vt-x.para instalar um S.O. de codigo fonte fechado(como é o caso do windows), precisa de virtualição completa (que usa vt-x)Usando Firefox 3.0.12 em CentOS 5 x64

    • James: You may be just as likely to be refused – just a warningMML/Kavey: Thanks for your support 🙂 Was a strange experience thoughNo Expert: 2 weeks I was told, so about another week and a half ish.

    • i read many blogs but i must say your writing style is top make other bloggers look like kids.keep up your original writing style.

    • Hello ! En ce moment, je suis dans le nettoyage de disques durs, je profite de l’été J’ai plusieurs articles en route. Ce thème sera abordé dans l’un d’entre eux mais avec une vision plus large que le pour ou contre. J’espère en septembre …@+

    • Sometimes, one fear might not be another fear. Leverage other courage/experience in encountering the fear to get ourselves to overcome our existing fear might be a good move.

    • The populace has spoken and their modern day version of „Release Barabbas!” is „Freedom is too damn hard – we want more Snookie, cheap Doritos, Honey Boo Boo and Kim Kardashian’s ass!”My goal for the foreseeable future is how to enjoy this wonderful country while avoiding the pockets of Bamaphone Republicans along my way. I guess it’s like walking through your backyard when you both haven’t mowed the grass in a while or cleaned up after your Great Dane.PS: And no I never guessed I’d be adding „Bamaphone” to my spell checker. Sigh.

    • I know one of my friends told me she knew I was gay because I kept calling my girlfriend at the time my “significant other” and I stayed away from all he, she, her and him type words. Other than that, I am often told I don’t look like a lesbian. I am feminine, but not overly.. and although I do enjoy basketball shorts on an isolated occasion, I am far from the “stud”-ish appearance. In a crowded room, I am typically watching everyone… so keeping track of my eyes wouldn’t help either.Great post.

    • I wonder if there’s an argument to say that some sites contribute more to the content creation process than others, and possibly deserve a bigger cut. The argument becomes important where websites, and the unique services some of them offer, could only plausibly exist thanks to a radical payment model, and one which gives them more than 5% of donations.This could eventually become a big deal, especially with less busy yet nevertheless valuable services (e.g. start-up, niche or local sites).

    • Hallo, ja. Vi er dessverre ikke noe egen nettbutikk, men objektive med tanke pÃ¥ de øvrige butikkene som finnes pÃ¥ nettet.Anbefaler deg Ã¥ ta kontakt med noen av de butikkene vi nevner her pÃ¥ bloggen, sÃ¥ er jeg sikker pÃ¥ at noen er klare for Ã¥ gjøre det. Vet blant annet at er gavmilde mtp dette!- admin

    • I'm using GA to tracking a mobile site. With the new version of GA I see the data about the mobile overview report but i have no data with devices report. It's very strange, because with web site i don't have this problem. Could it be that the google account create for web site is UA-xxxxxx and for mobile site is MO-xxxxx?

    • Bonjour, je n’ai jamais fait d’éco au lycée ou a la fac et c’est entre autre pour cela que je vous lis. Sur un plan économique je constate juste que Monsieur Sarkozy n’a pas tenu ses promesses et que son bilan me désole, tant au niveau du chômage qu’au niveau de la dette, le programme de François Hollande a le mérite d’être raisonnable et réalisable en plus d’appliquer un idéal de justice. Que des économistes célèbres le trouvent crédible me semble logique même si pour cela ils doivent changer d’avis.

    • , November 14, 2012 at 1:29 pm siege commissions…Along with the whole thing which seems to be developing throughout this particular subject matter, your perspectives are very refreshing. On the other hand, I beg your pardon, but I can not subscribe to your entire idea, all be it refreshing none the l…

    • Best wishes to Jennafer and Lara. It is so difficult to deal with drastic changes and shuffles in companies but hopefully these talented ladies will find new and equally exciting places to continue on with their careers. And it will mean lots of new challenges for the team remaining to carry on with creating these great publications. Personally I enjoy both card making and scrapbooking as do a lot of other paper crafters I know so it makes sense to combine the two crafts.Thank you to everyone for all the great work you do to bring us the inspiration and great ideas.

    • Aspettavo queste note di degustazione Ho avuto modo di assaggiare durante la douja un tot di Alta Langa. Devo dire che Bera si colloca sicuramente in ottima posizione, anche se io ho preferito quello di Serafino. Interessante, anche se non di mio gusto, il riserva montelera…

    • Fina bilder pÃ¥ din fina barn!!!Ã…hhh vad härligt med semester Själv jobbar jag tvÃ¥ veckor till, sen ledig tre veckor. Det ska bli skönt! Ska ni upp mot Gbg nÃ¥got? Till Anna? Tänkte att vi kunde ses isf *ler*Ha en härlig semester nu fina <3Puss o kram

    • hi there, maybe u could use to get notified whenever new album is posted btw I update this site everyday, so there should be updates everyday so everyday u visit this site, there should be something new

    • “silicon valley” para mi mas que pasion lo que tienen alli es una concentracion de capitales desde la SGM muy bien llevado a vender tecnologia, pelis y ahora California vende fruta mas que nada, la fruta supera a la tecnologia en negocio pues el conocimiento cada vez vale menos. Pero un Jobs o un Gates por mucha pasion que tenga, y el de Google no aparece en Paraguay ni en ningun sitio… por mucho que este cocido de pasion y los ojos con fuego …Vota el comentario: 0  1

    • Luigi Capone scrive:Bhe di questo cazzo di paese non ne parla più nessuno, è già un’eccezione il fatto che io ne abbia scritto a proposito e la cosa non è nemmeno stata gradita dai paesani. Ripeto : non ne parlerò più.

    • Hey Alberto,I love checking in to see what your up to and always love reading through the work. great stuff to keep looking up. I hope to get a chance to catch up with you more at the next convention. ~Autumn Sims (that ledheavy girl)

    • Kde ty obrázky bereÅ¡? To je Tvoje tvorba? Jsou naprosto famózní.(Část z nich vystihuje mou současnou náladu a část mou vysnÄ›nou náladu, kterou zrovna bohužel nemám.)

    • 10 DAY HERBAL CLEANSE PARTICIPANTS The following are messages I received from people who participated in the 10 day cleanse only.   I am thrilled with the difference you all felt in just 10 days!

    • …Whiteys Conspiracy saidhow does one "fondle" oneself?It's a dogwhistle. Black men have HUUUUGE penises so of course he had to "adjust"["fondle"] himself in-flight.———————-You haven't met uptownsteve, obviously.

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    • 0, depuis quand le dernier Rafa?Ce que je remarrque, c’est qu’on a un gars inconnu qui joue au tennis vraiment, ce qu’on a jamais vu en 2010 en face de l’ibère. Ce qui rendrait la victoire ou la défaite de Nadal tout à fait supportable.Ca fait bizarre de voir 6/0 visuellement même mentalement. 6/0 quoi, fini sur break blanc.

    • > Michèle, je vous comprends parfaitement quand vous écrivez : je m’exprime avec sincérité, mais avec des omissions . Ce que nous écrivons est vrai et sincère. Ce que nous taisons ne l’est pas moins, mais nous estimons qu’il ne doit ( ou peut ) pas être dit ici …LSP n’est ni le divan de Freud, ni le micro de Ménie Grégoire, ni la caméra de Mireille Thomas .P.S. : je pense à vous.

    • Love this show and can’t wait so many nice cars and import too! I’m used to Muscle car show because that is about all that is around to go to. RSX-BLUES

    • mutta eikös se mennyt jotenkin niin, että joulun ja uudenvuoden välissä voi syödä niin paljon kuin jaksaa eikä lihoa, jos uudenvuoden ja joulun välillä syö terveellisesti? :)ei muutenkaan kannata stressata joulusyömisistä, kerran vuodessahan on lupa syödä „paremmin”

    • Vážený pane doktore,pÅ™ed rokem mi zjistili rakovinu dÄ›ložního čípku. Podstoupila jsem radioléčbu v kombinaci s chemoterapií. Zdálo se, že je vÅ¡e v pořádku, ale po roce se mi nemoc vrátila. Hrozí mi exenterace pánve. ChtÄ›la bych Vás poprosit o radu v jídelníčku. Zároveň bych se Vás chtÄ›la zeptat, jaký máte názor na produkty Herbalife? Byla mi doporučena očista tímto produktem. PÅ™edem Vám dÄ›kuji za odpověď.S pozdravem Dita

    • My comment is that the video playback quality of "HQ" videos on this site has made them unwatchable. Whatever you guys did to the system, PLEASE fix it—or lots of people are going to leave.

    • Nu sÃ¥ har himlen fÃ¥tt ännu en fin ängel och det är du Elisabeth <3 <3 Sov gott kära Elisabeth <3MÃ¥nga Styrkekramar till familjen o vännerna <3Även ett stort tack till Gitt som avslutar bloggen sÃ¥ fint <3Kram kram <3 <3Marianne

    • Good î“œ I should certainly pronounce, impressed with your web site. I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs as well as related info ended up being truly easy to do to access. I recently found what I hoped for before you know it in the least. Reasonably unusual. Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or anything, site theme . a tones way for your client to communicate. Excellent task..

    • Or I could look up the recipe on google and see that it calls for 2 1/4 cups of milk. My does the icing boil up though. I’m glad I stuck it into a stock pot. I’m not sure a dutch oven would contain it.Now the only question is how long it takes for that much milk boil down to 238 degrees…

    • hello!,I like your writing very much! share we keep up a correspondence extra about your article on AOL? I require an expert on this area to resolve my problem. May be that is you! Looking forward to peer you.

    • I’ve never been more proud of being Swedish than I am now. However, I’m extremly annoyed that they couldn’t even get the colors of our flag right; green?. It is offensive to Sweden, and we ought to protest and burn their embassies!And one thing puzzles me; how come Muslims have only protested in little Örebro? Sydsvenskan, who also published Mo’, has its office in Malmö, where there are vastly many more Muslims than in Örebro, and thus seems more reasonable.

    • I haven’t been able to control it exactly, but you can get close if you remember that each segment horizontally will finish 7 1/2″ (margins leave 1/2″ on each side) and each vertical segment will finish 10″. Another good tip is to only drag the picture/drawing by the lower right “handle” so the proportions are not distorted as it is enlarged.

    • La flor de los almendros viene a decirnos que la primavera está cerca, que los fríos y malos tiempos están a punto de terminar. Seamos como los frutales, no dejemos nunca de cumplir con nuestra obligación, por mucho frío que haga.

    • Yo fui fiel a Allure de Chanel hasta hace nada pero debido a una agria polémica cambié a Stella (de la hija del Beatle que se acaba de divorciar), y encantada de la vida porque no la lleva nadie. Y ahora ya no es de Stella, es mia.Besitos recién levantados (pu** astenia primaveral, que sueño tengo)

    • Absolutely agree! Great influencers drive emotional buying decisions with logical rationale. Kendall, thank you for the valuable insight in this podcast. I can definitely tell your business is customer-centric which is so important, but few businesses and brands actually do it.

    • Tad,I agree with you about the formatting and use challenges of Mediawiki. For text and hyperlinks it’s fine. But for the richer media that today’s world demands, other platforms are much friendlier.It’s encouraging to hear about large companies like Intuit that allow for experimentation among their employees.Best regards,RJ

    • eh bien je dois faire parti de la catégorie » j’ai pas confiance en moi » car je trouve que j’ai la classe d’un clown avec du rouge à lèvre!tant pis 🙂

    • I agree – the episode had many sweet moments.. I also loved the part where Howard gives Bernadette a star pendant and then takes it back from her for his trip to space – so that later she can have a star that has actually been in space

    • Sweet friend – this is wonderful. You have such a good heart. Thank you for including my link – I’m hopeful people will find a way to help that works for them. Keep being good! xoxo

    • You guys are warped.How can you compare the death of Anne Frank, who was hunted down like an animal for belonging to an “inferior and dangerous race” to the accidental death of Rachel Corrie?

    • I have had Revamped on the wishlist and it looks like it is time to petition the budget gods to feed the reader LOL I love starting book one with book two on the way; the withdrawals are not quite so hard 😉

    • It sounds like you are having a terrible experience with the company. We appreciate you letting other retailers know exactly what is happening because true customer experiences are far better than a sales speech. We wish you the best of luck resolving your issues with Salon Touch and keep us updated on whether you receive a resolution from the company.

    • Eu acum citesc cartea si e destul de interesanta, oricum cred ca prevad deja ca nici unul dintre cei mentionati nu o sa joace rolul lui Christian, cum a fost si in cazul lui Jace din IM toti il vroiau pe Alex Pettyfer si a fost ales altcineva 😉

    • When I read your blog or Friday’s Child, I would bet that you are whispering the message directly in my ear, as words of wisedom to help me and me alone. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    • Especially enjoyed “Narrative to a painted illustration,” but of course I enjoy anything by The Great Waseem simply because he is The Great Waseem… : )Thank you, sir!!

    • Moro em Fortaleza também e infelizmente quebrei a traseira do meu iPhone 4. Onde você concertou o seu ?-estou desesperada. Meu e-mail: Por favor mande resposta.U

    • Larry, Excellent series of posts on Yii!! I have looked at CodeIgniter and have worked with RoR and other frameworks and languages. I started looking at Yii last night and your series of articles on the framework was a great way to pick up the basics functionalities of this framework. Thank you.

    • Masters of the Universe care not one whit. Other than the threat of hell, why would they care? I'm sure they think their good works make up for their bad.The message of Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse is that once all seven signs are there, collapse is inevitable. Now that our government has become involved with the bail outs and kid gloves of the wall street fallen, we are all on the hook now.Making a deal with the devil never works out. We are all culpable now.

    • Voi kääks, olen itse tehnyt saippuoita, enkä ole ollenkaan ajatellut tuota lipeän "kamaluutta". Onko lipeä kovin pahaa tavaraa ympäristön ja elimistön kannalta? Siis saippuoitumisen jälkeen? Kaliumhydroksidipurkin (nestesaippuan tekoon) kyljessä lukee, että sitä käytetään myös luonnonsuojeluun (no, olikohan tuo nyt oikea sana), rehevöityneille vesialueille..Voiko saippuoitu kookosöljy olla yhtä paha asia kuin SLS? Saippuoitu kookosöljy saadaan saippuoitumisprosessin kautta kookosöljystä ja lipeästä. Onko kukaan kokeillut tehdä saippuaa tuhkalla?

    • Hi Jurgen, thanks for pointing to this, but my issue is not the responsiveness, which I see when I make my browser window smaller. It’s the lack of it when I make my browser window bigger. It’s still 980 or 960px and leaves a very narrow column on a big screen. Should be 1200 or something.Patrick Smulders   

    • bzn,ca si cum ai spune pansament ptr. suflet.Copil fiind am trait cu muzica lor,ma doare cand vad ca numele mari pl;eaca usor,usor si lasa un gol imens in sufletele noastre.Fara ei nu imi pot imagina lumea show-bizului.In anii 80 ascutam bzn cu emotia pe care o am si acum cand ii ascult.BLUE EYES;DANCE DANCE;CHANSON D’AMOUR m-auu invatat sa iubesc si sa respectmuzica buna indiferent de regim sau de ideologii absurde.Pentru asta:MULTUMESC B Z N si domnul sa va aiba in paza!GEORGE-BALOO=CERNICA

    • I would like to nominate Chamomile Café,45 England's Lane, Belsize Park London NW3 4YDLondons best organic free range breakfast..Homemade Porridge, Museli, pancakes, and the homemade bread and pastries are superb. Always cheerful and an awesome free range full brekkie for those who need it!!!

    • Hey Rebecca!!!I don’t mean that I feel bad for him in the sense of thinking that he somehow deserves to have girls be impressed by his (supposedly) „nice” behavior. I mean it’s too bad for him that he’s never going to improve his romantic/relationship skills if all he can do is lash out and blame others when he’s rejected.

    • ln –completely agree with you. If USG and the western economy is all shot to hell and back, why is Zurich going to turn my slips of paper into gold?Honesty doesn’t trump profit for corporations.GMP

    • Learn the basics. When things do not go the way you want, do not give up. Even advanced seamstresses have things go wrong. Keep sewing and let your creative juices flow.

    • Surfkatt / Nice list! It seems like most people are not tuned into how INSANE Sever the bloodline is. The popularity in my meta actually turned me off from playing reanimator. I like the Firefly reference, but I thought shiny was more of a Kaylee thing to say. I havent seen Firefly in awhile so I could be wrong.

    • Congrats Garth – you’re the winner! To claim your prize – the kick ass hamper – please send your contact details to … Well done and stoked to hear you are making your way there again this year!

    • I already have THE BIG O on order from my independent folks, and I have to keep them in business of die of withdrawal.On the multiple-choice question I gotta go with (d). Because she’s not only gorgeous, she’s very clever to have her own blog at her age.

    • Bravo! Für mich für den Buchhandlungen etwas einem Horrortrip ähneln (suche noch "meine" Buchhandlung, Empfehlungen werden gerne entgegengenommen)und daß ganze Metier momentan etwas undurchsichtig ist und auch, mal ehrlich gesagt, die Sprache der Künstler vielleicht gelegentlich zu übertrieben ist, freue ich mich auf diese Blogergänzung. Bin also neugierig was aus Ihrer Feder, Ihrem Nachttisch so entspringen wird.

    • as autoridades russas colocaram três hipóteses: "problemas técnicos do avião", "erro humano" e "condições atmosféricas", mas, à medida que as investigações avançam, parece ser evidente que a tragédia se deveu à conjugação dos dois primeiros factores.Caro JM,Quer dizer dos dois últimos?

    • its nice to see someone taking the time to research information before writing a blog rather than just giving thier oppinion . Before i started following your blogs i wasn’t a very big reader but now i find myself longing to read your next blog for this i thank you Robert !

    • Hello! I’ve been reading your website for some time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Houston Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the excellent job!

    • Kudos to you! I LOVE this blog article about the StepMamma Bear. I’ve been on both sides as a mom of kids who had a stepmom at one time and as a stepmom, myself. Yes, my StepMamma Bear has come out. I am wondering how many StepMamma Bears have come out when their stepchildren are being hurt or offended by their own biological children…

    • I think it’s valid to be concerned but also want to have your child partake in such a common tradition. I know I will struggle with these very issues when my little guy is old enough to go trick or treating. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    • I saw this hobo pissing on a McCain Palin 08 sign while giving thumbs up to drivers passing by. I was about to turn around and go back to tape it, but then i remembered po-po was about 5 cars behind me.I say that to say this: I need about $500 to bail out a national hero.

    • Lykke til!!!! Jeg krysser fingrene for deg og hÃ¥per det skal klaffe! Har du vurdert akupunktur samtidig nÃ¥? Det ville jeg gjort hvis jeg var deg. Har ikke sÃ¥ lyst til Ã¥ si sÃ¥ veldig mye mer, men hÃ¥per du forstÃ¥r… jeg sender en stor klem 🙂

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    • I served this soup to guests last night and it was a HUGE hit! I also used crunchy natural peanut butter which gave the soup some terrific texture.

    • dommage, artnaif, avec la bêtise crasse dont vous faites preuve, vous gâchez tout le plaisir de la controverse. Inspirez, expirez, relisez la phrase que vous citez, efforcez-vous de la comprendre et puis revenez nous voir, mais pas trop vite.@ : oui, en ce qui me concerne, à la différence de certains, j’ai un peu trop d’incertitudes sur ce sujet.

    • They’re doing great! The roof, half-walls, etc are all in, and I just picked out the ceiling fan. He power-washed the front of the house today, so I’m excited to see what my house looks like without mold and spider webs all over. I was beginning to think we had chosen green fur siding, but it’s coming back to me that it’s supposed to be gray.

    • We extremely appreciate your blog post. You will find so many methods we could put it to great use with little or no effort with time and hard earned money. Thank you really regarding helping make the post reply many problems we have encountered before now.

    • Awesome giveaway. I’ve been to some of their classes in person and the energy is amazing! I love your blog format as it is:) I think there is a great balance. I would love to see more Traditional Recipes from your families culture….like tamales, etc. maybe healthifed:) maybe not:)

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    • que tal, vi esa demostracion con Andres Velazquez, cuando la realizo en una maquina virtual no obtengo las credenciales, si guarda el nombre de usuario, pero he buscado incluso la contraseña (puesto que yo se cual es) y no sale, hay algo que puedas comentar? no lo guarda siempre? o hay alguna limitante, saludos

    • I have seen lots of anti-global warming videos (either by or supporting leading authorities in this area (even people high up in greenpeace dont support human-caused global warming)) and if you go back millions of years we are actually a lot colder than the earth has been, the temperature tends to go Warm, then Ice Age, than warm then ice age (note these changes happen over many years). Al Gore is just trying to get votes by pretending to care.

    • Ich habe bisher die Gesichtserkennung nicht deaktiviert und muss sagen, dass ich sie auch noch nicht bemerkt habe. Weder beim hochladen meiner eigenen Fotos, noch wurde ich auf fremden Fotos makiert

    • You lucky boy, Rugby! Maybe we'll get to sample a teeny bit of turkey leftovers, but we spent the day in out crates! Total bummer!Snorts-Brutus & Carmen

    • I am in absolutely no doubt at all that it is by using the Web 2.0 tools that teachers and students learn. Perhaps the most exciting thing is that students and teachers are able to learn together. This week, at Goroke, it has been exhilarating to watch the collective experience.

    • Ã…, den där tabben gjorde jag med ett Ã¥r och fy sÃ¥ jag vet hur du kände dig dÃ¥. Men dÃ¥ tänker vi sÃ¥ här istället – vi är mammor som känner vÃ¥ra barn sÃ¥ väl att vi kan läsa av deras behov och önskningar. Eller hur. Kram till dig med och tack!

    • Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

    • Efectivamente, un tipo raro de verdad. A veces pienso que nos estás engañando con estas historias, ¿dieciséis mil páginas? Raro de verdad Henry Darger.

    • Mallorca is my favourite place ever, Auntie Debbie, by a mile. I don’t think Thomas and I went to Soller in 2005 (children: you pronounce it Soh-yeah), but it is a very beautiful village. You can see the famous mountain train from Palma in the picture (very rickety and rattly with original 1900s wooden carriages and red leather seats!)

    • J’ai envie de te dire d’être toi à 200% ! Personnellement je ne te connais pas vraiment, quelques photos de toi, quelques tribulations de ta vie de parisienne, des articles toujours aussi géniaux, mais Capucine, la fille de 20 ans, je ne la connais pas et remarque c’est normal, tu vis dans la capitale, moi dans le sud. Mais bon soit toi même, je continuerais à te lire promis ;)Tous pleins de bisous la miss 😉 Un bisou ensoleillé qui vient du sud ^^Indi’

    • Taki’s Tamaki (Kimono ver.) actually looks like a figure in the Dengeki picture… maybe I need my eyes checked… most of their other stuff looks like… something I wouldn’t use the term ‘figure’ to describe.I really like Jun Planning’s 1/8 Louise – and she’s like 4515yen or something… which is really cheap these days.

    • An early Congratulations on 24 years of marriage. What an achievement. It is our youngest daughters birthday the same day. I really enjoy reading your blog although I don't always get a chance to comment. Your cards are always amazing.

    • I was shocked when I heard of her death this morning. I know people don't live forever but somehow, Lena seemed ageless. She was awesome and her legacy will live on…

    • I do agree with all of the ideas you have presented to your post. They are really convincing and can definitely work. Still, the posts are very short for beginners. May just you please lengthen them a little from subsequent time? Thank you for the post.

    • Leo,I've had similar experiences in San Francisco. There appears to be a core population of addicts and the mentally ill among the homeless. I don't quite know what to do about them, but casting them out onto the streets clearly is not a solution.

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    • Re: LLL In terms of that particular conversation, possibly, yes; but in terms of their stance on gender roles found throughout their literature, no. I do love LLL’s stance on gentle parenting but their literature both assumes a straight couple bringing up a child, and also does reinforce a lot of gender role stereotypes (“when a child is born, so is a mother; a father emerges more gradually” – The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding).

    • Wanted to drop a remark and let you know your Feed is not functioning today. I tried including it to my Bing reader account but got nothing.

    • Lo más chistoso es que alguien me lo mandó y yo juraba que era un trailer. Cuando llevaba cinco minutos viéndolo caché que o era el trailer más innovador de la historia, o era un corto. Y claro, ya estaba tan metido que tuve que pasar de largo y verlo entero. Gracias por difundirlo y por la buena onda, estimada. 0  0

    • Mr. D-Boxing and horse racing used to be the most popular sports in America. I can definitely see football's place changing, and in fact will bet that it will happen in the next 10 years.

    • me ha impresionado!!! Solo con leer las primeras palabras del capitulo 4 me he dado cuenta que la lectura prometía…..y he decidido seguir y adentrarme en tus escritos……hacia tiempo que no leía algo así, con tus palabras he vuelto a mi pasado… con tus escritos se ha despertado mi vena de escritora que tenía abandonada…….te dejo para poner mis sensaciones, sentimientos, recuerdos en un papel que puede que vaya a la basura, o a un cajon secreto, o simplemente quede en blanco aunque lleno de significado…..

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    • Hey Ann,I like the recipe very much but I have a few questions. Whats the best way to make the perfect macarons, with or without almond meal? Is there any substitute for caster sugar in the recipe? (It’s not available in any of our grocery stores)

    • Another benefit of multi-function devices like iPads is that kids who can be literate (I recognise that's not all kids needing speech-assistance) can learn to type on them and use them in that way too.

    • 1) Yes the sheer size of the universe alone means we are most likely not alone2) Independent but tend to vote Republican3) Daily showReferences : Was this answer helpful?

    • Gökhan Tunç / 09 Nisan 2012konsol üssü hayatımıza girdiÄŸinden beri,yeri hep bambaÅŸka olmuÅŸtur.O kadar alıştık ki size günlük yapılacak iÅŸler arasına sizi izlemeyi koydum.Düzenli olarak haberleri ve yorumlarınızı takip ediyorum.Ä°nÅŸallah çok daha iyi yerlere gelirsiniz )Cevaplamak için giriÅŸ yapın

    • Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up and let you know afew of the pictures aren’t loading correctly. I’m not sure why but I thinkits a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different web browsers and both show the same outcome.

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    • … Mr.R…. obviously you do not know how laws are created.Jody was that you on that ACORN video that was filmed in San Bernardino,California?Yes i know how laws get passed.I'm talking about why its taking so long and why Democrats are so scared.

    • Hola Jorge:Tienes razón la música de fondo es otro factor para que las personas salgan corriendo de un sitio web.Y como mencionas, peor aún si no hay donde apagar esa música.Saludos

    • As soon as I at first left a comment I clicked the Notify me whenever new comments are added checkbox and currently each time a remark is added I get 4 emails with the exact same comment.

    • Losing weight is all about making lifestyle changes that you can really see yourself sticking too. It shapes your body as well as ur appearance. It affects your personality.

    • or any other pre-’95 seagal movie. learning…how to write a good article for affiliate marketing is something that will not take you long to do, but it may take a bit longer to transform the information into an actual article. knowing how to write something is a…

    • Kevin,Upon further review I believe you are correct and the table has now been corrected to reflect two separate events.Thanks!Robert Lunsford

    • i have made the circuit bridge120W by i.cTDA2030 as per the circuit and pcb given but it does not work why? i do not know all connections and wiring has been checked could any one help me in this matter

    • Tiii, acu' am văzut prin ce-ai trecut tu, aventuri cu cuÅ£it ÅŸi anestezii… Aoleo, thriller, nu alta, mi s-a zbîrlit părul în cap :(Da' am înÅ£eles bine: acu' te refaci biniÅŸor, ba chiar ai ÅŸi pofte? Å¢in pumnii să fii înfloritor ca orhideea ta (ptiu-ptiu să nu Å£i-o deochi 🙂

    • hm kommt drauf an wie man immer zähltdacht eParis hat rund 10 Mio, aber was davon alles zu den Vororten zählt…wohl besser Ballungszentren zu nehmen, da ist es eindeutiger…

    • Wow, Jen you and your guys did an amazing job! I just adore that wallpaper. Organization feels sooo good, and when it can be pretty it's even better!! Hugs to you,Nancy xo

    • a mnie siÄ™ podobaÅ‚ zwÅ‚aszcza :”I proszÄ™ mi nie pieprzyć, że ból jest tylko iluzjÄ….”strasznie mnie wkurza jak ktoÅ› siÄ™ naczyta mÄ…drych ksiÄ…g i neguje rzeczywistość doÅ›wiadczania bólu.Dobrze powiedziane, Boli-ma boleć. Póki żyjemy czasami boli a czasami jest piÄ™knie.Ból- nie wiem czemu kojarzy mi siÄ™ z porodem;)))czyli życiem.BuziakiVA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)

    • I simply wanted to thank you yet again for your amazing web page you have created here. It’s full of ideas for those who are seriously interested in this specific subject, in particular this very post. You really are all so sweet plus thoughtful of others as well as reading your website posts is an excellent delight with me. And what a generous surprise! Tom and I will certainly have excitement making use of your ideas in what we should do in a month’s time. Our checklist is a distance long which means your tips will certainly be put to beneficial use.

    • Awesome recipe! I was searching for a recipe that came close to what my mom quoted me and this is it! The only variation is I added a little (1tsp) baking powder and 1 tsp cinnamon….fantastic! For the filling, since I wanted a dessert, I boiled some sweet potatoes, added some butter, cinnamon, sugar and pureéd it all in my food processor (very little butter or else it will be too runny to be a filling). I wanted to cry when I took the first bite, because I was overflooded with memories of my grandma and my youth. Thank you for sharing!

    • >I was even Shanghai'd by a few friends into watching a bunch of Sex and the Cities on dvd.<What kind of cord did your friends use to tie you down?

    • Mniam, Basiu, mniam 🙂 Ja dziÅ› nabyÅ‚am kg truskawek po normalnej już cenie – nie 10 zÅ‚, jak ostatnio, a 5,5 za kg. WIÄ™c siÄ™ cieszÄ™, bo sezon siÄ™ otwiera, ja siÄ™ rozkrÄ™cam.GAlette z pomaraÅ„czami ciÄ…gle mi w gÅ‚owie. Bo truskawki to ja lubiÄ™ na Å›wieżo, bez pieczenia. Å»al mi je piec…Usciski!

    • All signs point to book deal. From her about page:“It’s not about feeling black… what I actually feel like is ME, understood more clearly. It’s not an alter ego. It’s an amplified ego.”Oh, it’s an amplified ego alright.

    • That is so true about the blink! I’ve never seen that described anywhere before but YES! That’s so true. It also reminds me of the few times I’ve been gazing at someone absently and they catch you at it. You know, when someone turns and looks in your eyes and you jump, because even YOU didn’t know you were staring. LOL! ^_^Great job, Nixy!

    • So glad you are okay. My husband was in an accident today. Lady pulled out in front of him. No one saw it and she denies it and calls him a liar. Sigh. What a pain. But at least everyone is okay. Yes, there are jerks in this world, but there are a lot of good people, too.

    • Obama *was* questioned by Jim Lehrer. “What separates your education policy from the Governor’s?” Obama basically talked about race to the top and then dodged away to talk about higher ed. (Which is going to be the next target. But they might put up more of a fight.)

    • Oh, Thailand is an amazing country! Pictures from this post I like the most! Glad you had a great time!You should consider going to Laos and Malaysia. You are going to fall in love with these countries!

    • Kasey – That is so true. I love that about food, too. We aren’t moving, but his commute changes from 8 minutes (spoiled!) to 30 minutes. We work at the same company (on opposite sides of the building) and it will be an adjustment for both of us! We had to purchase another car, too. Lots of changes 🙂

    • month, the ACMA again scored a win against an Australia-based international spam gang leader who was also previously found guilty of spamming by United States and New Zealand courts. The

    • Hey Joe, how did you like the free move action enemies get on your turn when you discover them? And how cover works? Because I thought both were total BS.Also Spoony does a much better job at being the council guy than the actual council guy.

    • Entesos, potser m’he embalat.Barsalona, per més que es vulgui dissimular n’és molt de provinciana. No conec enlloc més del món, que cada any que passa celebrin que va fer un any que s’hi van organitzar els Jocs Olímpics. Un exemple. Més garrulamenta, impossible.De quins pobles parles, doncs?

    • Están divinos, a mi me encantan los flanes de queso y mi marido es adicto al Dhul, los de casa no los quiere 🙁 Te han quedado estupendos y una presentación de lujo. BEsos

    • I’m no longer sure where you are getting your information, however good topic. I must spend a while studying much more or figuring out more. Thanks for magnificent information I used to be searching for this info for my mission.

    • he „hates” liverpoolB: Liverpool come into Old Trafford and embarass Rooney’s teamC: Rooney’s fucking heated and liverpool fans around the world couldn’t be happier!!!!!!!!LMAOKOP THAT SHREK IN UR FACE!!!!!!!!!

    • You make a great point. Unfortunately, not many of my fellow Americans care about those values, and when people like me try to have serious discussions, we get labelled socialists and told to “Love it or leave it.” There is little chance here of real dialogue.

    • By February 2, 2013 – 3:28 pmMy partner and I stumbled over here coming from a different website and thought I may as well check things out. I like what I see so now i am following you. Look forward to finding out about your web page for a second time.

    • Hello! I would love to be included on your blog giveaway list! I could not find your email address. I am doing Tuesday giveaway lists! If you get a chance please let me know what I can do to be included. Thanks!

    • Ale chodzi o to, że samotni gracze powinni mieć możliwość uczestnictwa w turnieju, a treningi też uważam, że powinny być dozwolone tylko tak jak na zasadzie aktualnych pojedynków. Å»e każdy może siÄ™ dopisać/wypisać z ogólnodostÄ™pnych treningów… Reszta też nie powinna być wykluczona. Gracz niezrzeszony może mieć przecież przyjaciół z którymi mógÅ‚by ew napady etc robić…

    • Empa­thetic for your mon­strous inspect, in addi­tion I’m just seri­ously great as an alter­na­tive to Zune, and con­se­quently opti­mism them, together with the quite very good crit­i­cal reviews some other play­ers have doc­u­mented, will let you deter­mine whether it does not take right choice for you.

    • Thanks for your encouragement RCB. Unlike the leftist liberal wannabees of the world, we are proud to be in the 1%.Srila Prabhupada dearly wanted First class trained up, not third class picked up.Let’s see what we can do in that regard.The 99% can stay wriggling on the ground and follow Evil das into the darker places in life if they so desire, so it shall be.

    • Your daughter has the right idea about about food — it should be good to eat AND to look at!My link is for Roast Chicken with Savory Vegetables — simple, healthy, natural, and economical, too. I’m amazed at how much the same food costs if someone else cooks it for me :-(Pat

    • oi rodrigo adoro vc nao perco um programa seu,nao tem um programa melhor q o seu,mande um bjo para mim e pro meu marido edilson, bjos no seu sz!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Du har nÃ¥gon HTML-kod i nÃ¥got av dina senare inlägg som förstör din layout. Oftast är det för mÃ¥nga/för fÃ¥ <div> och/eller <span>. Händer ibland när man kopierar och klistrar direkt frÃ¥n andra webbsidor.Jag renade bort alla <span> frÃ¥n ditt senaste inlägg sÃ¥ fixade det sig.

    • Typing errors:*It should have been “new Rowling book,” and not “mew Rowling book.”*And her recent novel is a testimony to her lack of skills to write literary novel.

    • awww it looks like you had a lovely weekend. lovely photo's love the one of you sat on the grass and the one of you both together you both look so care free its lovely. Blogger is playing up for me to im glad its not just me, dee xx

    • ). I have looooooooooong given up on being a scratch golfer. I really don’t care toooooooooo much about my “Andy Capp” these days. I just want to enjoy myself.However, my makeup up at times prevents me from doing this. In Cam’s words “….I have to continue trucking….”.cheers all.Bernie

    • Fabulous outfit! I love that dress – the plaid is so much fun. 🙂 I think the coat has turned out very well too – I was wondering how that pattern would look sewn up, so it’s nice to see the result!I’ve enjoyed following along on your sewing adventures this year, and I’ll keep on following via your blog next year. 🙂

    • Yes.I should have been more clear to say that the last line of your excellent post muddies the clarity of the first paragraph in that regard.While the intent of the line is a general admonition to buy and nominate in the future (something people like Cheryl Morgan would be grateful to you for helping to promote), it doesn't make it ironclad clear that's what you meant. I took it to mean you were contradicting yourself from paragraph one. I made a mistake.

    • Mattia, il fatto è che i revisori aiutano non tanto a dare stile allo scrittore, ma a uniformarlo. I revisori fanno un lavoro tanto importante quanto difficile: fare controlli di coerenza (e quando hai sageh di 4/5 libri, come nel caso di Harry Potter, diventa un'impresa) sui contenuti, controllare i refusi, e soprattutto uniformare lo stile, i tempi verbali e tante altre cose che scappano anche ad autori bravissimi. Pape

    • Hola Manuel,La combinación premiada la tenemos ya decidida y guardada en un sobre cerrado en la clínica que se abrirá cuando finalice el concurso para conocer el ganador. En caso de que haya más de un acertante se sortearían las entradas entre los ganadores.Esperamos haber despejado tus dudas. Un saludo.

    • Thanks, Derek; and yes, the trend towards 'cookie cutter' characters who adhere to expectations is a bit of a pain. I can only say that I like to read about characters who are a little rough around the edges and don't conform to expectations, and as a result I think I'll always write characters like that too. I can fully appreciate Claire Kilroy's attitude – most of the central characters of my favourite novels are not 'likeable' by any stretch of the imagination. Cheers, Dec

    • 08 jan 2012, 01h37 Prenez votre mal en patience, après tout ça bien une dizaine d’années que nous nous faisons sécher par les Orange (souvenez-vous d’Itineris ^^); Bouygues et autre SFR avec des forfaits aux tarifs aussi absurde qu’exorbitants pour des prestations en dessus de tout ‘-_-On peut encore patienter quelques jours… en espérant que cette attente soit couronnée de succès

    • Superleuk dat je zo’n goed gevoel hebt over je stage! Echt grappig dat alles daar zo groot is, eigenlijk een beetje het tegenovergestelde van hier in Stockholm.Ben benieuwd naar de rest van je verhalen! 🙂

    • Sep30jumping jenny Hello uncle D!!! As ur fav camper nd upcoming entrpreneur(thanks 2ur good teaching) I NEED †?? ipad cos I ve to access d net evry nw nd denfor further reading+i don’t own a laptop anymore .as 4d DREAM academy I can’t make it cos I’m in school bt wud love to cos I’ll def learn some more. Ur ever smiling “JJ”cheers

    • Hello .. firstly I would like to send greetings to all readers. After this, I recognize the content so interesting about this article. For me personally I liked all the information. I would like to know of cases like this more often. In my personal experience I might mention a book called in this book that I mentioned have very interesting topics, and also you have much to do with the main theme of this article.

    • Haa, joku muukin pakkaa leivät suodatinpusseihin! Allekirjoittaneelle on niin moni tuttu naureskellut, ettei kukaan muu tee noin. 🙂 Mutta se vain on niin kätevää!

    • Hello, Neat post. There’s an issue along with your web site in internet explorer, would test this… IE nonetheless is the market leader and a good section of folks will miss your wonderful writing due to this problem.

    • Thank Jennifer. Kids do seem to love it over there. When Chloe has friends over, it’s nearly impossible to get them to play outside. They all want to stay in the playroom!

    • la Réputation & E Réputation voir aussi sur Business Commando :Analyser votre image numérique (e reputation) : Christophe Asselin & Jérôme Bondu Paris Conférence sur Paris 10 euros (pas perdu selon moi)E reputation en question … Et stratégie de

    • disse:NA POLITICA CAMBEENSE ACONTECE DO JEITINHO QUE TIÃO CARREIRO CANTAVA EM SUA MÚSICA:,,,terreiro que não tem galo, quem canta é frango e franguinhaa…!!

    • tgh sarat ni memang terasa sangat sakit & lenguh kat kaki.. selalunya bila bangun pagi.. aduhai.. nak pijak lantai rasa perit sgtlekatlekitgurl recently posted..

    • The Esmeralde photo show, on the Beard’s website, is just wonderful, and will be shown at the Quarterly Meeting (which we hold at the end of every quarter with all the Sabre Associates, to review the quarter and discuss what is going on or what is new at Sabre). What a great thing to share with everyone here !

    • 我今天去買86雞排,我去的時候才六點多呢,我覺得是小氣,隨便說句500份賣完了,就算了~~根本不是500份賣完了吧~我的號碼只叫到50幾份吧~是老板小氣吧~~~500份賣完了,誰信丫~~優惠卷上寫全天候供應,根本是騙人的,最好是500份都賣完了,,根本是變相行銷,打廣告嘛~~

    • Hei:)sÃ¥ masse flott du lager,eg var innom blogshopen din og hadde lyst Ã¥ bestille 2 svarte lysholdere som du viser her men veit ikkje heilt korleis eg skulle bestille:)Fin kveld til deg!Klem

    • Hello, i think that i saw you visited my blog so i came to “return the favor”.I am attempting to find things to enhance my site!I suppose its ok to use a few of your ideas!!

    • Tak for det, Kunne være fedt med forskellige dyr, men jeg holder mig bare til fuglene hehe Og ja fedt hvis du vil blogge om dem

    • Marte: Da fÃ¥r jeg se etter en litt eldre utgave av deg da, med Labradorer rundt seg ;)Det er antagelig sÃ¥ stort at man ikke fÃ¥r med seg halvparten av det man har lyst til, men da har jeg ihvertfall vært der 🙂

    • God uses the small things to confound the mighty. There are those who will not forget your heart and have appreciated your courage and your honesty.

    • Well, I was doing jury duty Wednesday so I completely missed this one until you pointed it out. I think because of the big photos, they don’t upload so fast and I wasn’t looking for dates but photos of things I had missed when I was sick and then had jury duty on top of that. You must have been on a cliff above them to be able to get such shots! You are certainly challenging yourself with that new camera! Keep up the excellent work!

    • Just remember the numbers, ok? WoW grew by 2 mio subs every year until start of WotLK. It then stopped growing altogether. I agree that it is important that a game also caters to casuals. WoW became successively worse at this for the last two expansions (WotLK, Cata). That’s why they stopped growing. I wrote a post about this yesterday.

    • I’m on holiday That’s definitely a MILF! Nice to see MILF is an international term! I would have banged her a lot better. Also noticed maybe they don’t eat pussy…their loss!

    • I have been watching cardistry evolve for well over 11 years now. I stopped commenting on videos a long time ago. Aviv’s work however has caught my attention. Firstly he has contributed so much to the community with tutorials and videos over the last few years. For this reason alone I feel his project deserves wide support. Secondly I will argue the moves he presented in the Sequence video are the most progressive pieces of card handling since the Bucks dropped the System. I think this project is going to be a turning point for the whole art form. Respect.

    • My fiance and I are looking to take some swing classes for our wedding. I wasn’t sure what would be more benificial to us, taking a group class or doing individual lessons. Thanks.

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    • Gasz224 septiembre, 2012Otra solución es usar aplicaciones como iTVPlay que te permite ver cualquier video sin necesidad de conversiones o sincronización. La he desarrollado yo así que es lógico que me resulte una buena alternativa.

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    • La psychiatrie prend la relève de la psychanalyse, quand il n’a plus rien à faire sans médicaments. Dixit mon analyste, Dr. Med. psychiatre. Vous vous trompez quand même, les grippes porcines sont plus porteuses de gains, pour les usines Bâloises de la chimie. Rédigé par : KunstStoff Thierry Kron sur toileTraube | le 25 février 2010 à 12:36 | Alerterqu’est ce que j’ai fait au bon dieu pour que ce soit celui là qui me réponde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • A ja już myÅ›laÅ‚em że czasy kiedy wakacyjne wyjazdy wiÄ…zaÅ‚y siÄ™ z waÅ‚ówkÄ… w postaci pasztetów, konserw itp. dawno odeszÅ‚y w niepamięć 😀

    • Yves Lehmann dit :Merci Cindy!Tes conseils sont précieux – et le mind mapping est effectivement très pratique, pour mémoriser son cours mais aussi pour construire le plan d’une dissertation.

    • You’ve touched on this with the videos, the fact that sugar coated language doesn’t benefit Schuyler whatsoever but just makes other people feel better. I couldn’t agree with anonymous more, your instincts are spot on because she’s your little girl. When she makes it, it’s also going to happen because of the hard work that you and Julie have been doing.

    • Hi there this is somewhat of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding experience so I wanted to get advice from someone with experience. Any help would be enormously appreciated!

    • Wat heb je een leuk hoofd!Het is iig netjes op orde, geen foto van een geklutst ei hier,…;o)Welterusten en dankjewel voor de mooie plaatjes!

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    • great workout! I did it this morning after 45 minutes steady state cardio, so I was a sweaty mess!! My goal is to increase my steady state cardio to 3 times a week. I have been doing so much HIIT and strength training, I need to switch it up I think to get the results I want. Love your blog! Love your workouts

    • One thing I would like to say is the fact before getting more laptop memory, take a look at the machine in to which it will be installed. Should the machine will be running Windows XP, for instance, the memory limit is 3.25GB. The installation of more than this would purely constitute a new waste. Make certain that one’s mother board can handle the particular upgrade amount, as well. Great blog post.

    • Oh really everyone is laughing at me hahaha your an idiot. Bill Cocks will closed sessions would come to a screetching halt. Well if thats the case why didn’t he make it happen while he was Alderman. Oh I know, he has no guts to stand up either to say no we can’t do that and for being a lawyer he should no better then having closed sessions, and 2 if he thought he couldn’t stop it. Why not make it publicly known that he supposely tried to do it. Then to be like the rest and not do it. If anyone is laughing FT PARKer its everyone laughing at you thinking that Bill is the savior of Medicine Hat.

    • Non mi sembra uno sviare l’attenzione, perchè il destino giudiziario di Battisti non dipende da noi, privati cittadini, ma dalla magistratura (e, in questo caso, dalla politica estera e dai rapporti fra Stati), mentre la pratica della censura nel nostro paese ci riguarda direttamente.Sì, certo, è una minaccia alla libertà di stampa in Italia, perchè a quanto mi risulta il Veneto è in Italia.

    • There will be no knitting going down or I’m kickin you both in the box! The only craft allowed is that which aides the consumption of alcohol or weed. Glass blow me a bong or perhaps you can potter some shot glasses. You’re gonna love Soph’s house, it’s massive. And we can try on all her designer stuff haha. And I can play with the cat.

    • pisze:Jak najbardziej jestem za edukacjÄ… mÅ‚odszego pokolenia 🙂 W powijakach mam już na blogu dziaÅ‚ Wiki, w którym bÄ™dÄ… siÄ™ pojawiać wszystkie podstawowe definicje napisane tak, żeby wÅ‚aÅ›nie każdy zrozumiaÅ‚. Tylko ciÄ…gle coÅ› mi wypada i nie mam kiedy tego skoÅ„czyć 🙂

    • I have been waiting for this post. I know what you mean. I mean, I look at them and I think "wow." Even my non-gamer gay friends think so (they see the art I tote around often eough to know what it is)!Maybe I can convince the anime club to participate in tomorrow's day of silence by sporting that their fave new gym leaders may be gay?

    • Good article Matt – i like it. I for one really like Piazon – i like his runs ,the way he is very good at passing and making good use of open spaces and linking with players and he is very young. I think getting consistent play in the right positions as was mentioned by Joeblue will be beneficial for both player and club. It is a good thing to see your team win 6-0 .Reply

    • Step 5: the only way to “save” the system will be formal government control and elimination of “outside the system” options, like the Canadian systemObamacare is simply an intermediate step to the ultimate goal. This will be fantastic for nurses (politicians like them and will ensure they are paid like firemen) and government administrative bureaucrats, but will not be good news for doctors or patients.

    • Lo sentiré por aquellos que crean que tienen una tablet, y les digan que no son de los primeros.Es una oferta con trampa. Nadie te asegura cuando lo compras que ees uno de los “afortunados”.Saludos

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    • Kurs dla tych, którzy nic nie wiedzÄ…, jak również znajÄ… podstawy. MiÅ‚a atmosfera, profesjonalne podejÅ›cie do tematów. Dużo praktyki z wÅ‚asnym aparatem. GorÄ…co polecam :)P.S. Pozdrawiam caÅ‚Ä… grupÄ™ 73 🙂 miÅ‚o byÅ‚o Was poznać do zobaczenia w plenerze 😉

    • Leuk geworden zeg! Je verhaal geeft mij ook moed om het zelf maar eens te gaan proberen.Ik ben ook groot fan van overhemdjes met korte mouw, staat leuk in de zomer en ook leuk met een langemouwenshirt er onder in de winter. Alleen dat strijken he…

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    • Thanks for the resource! I am “challenged” when it comes to keeping up with the blogosphere and podcasts (hard to break out of my PubMed spelunking), but I love learning about the conversations that go on without me. My friend Andrea says I need a “media consultant.” I’ll definitely look him up.

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    • I suspect many LP readers will be heading off for some Leonard and wine.Centre block, five rows from the front, Leconfield McLaren Vale, Jan 26.Joe2, in the many Youtubes I have watched there has been no sighting of a zimmer frame. Only the staggeringly gorgeous Hawaiian girlfriend and backup singer, and the gazillions of adoring female fans.

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    • Yo QUERÍA ser de esas madres cursis que guardan todo… Pero no tengo idea de dónde está la pulserita ni la pinza con los despojos del cordón, están en el mismo sitio, de eso estoy segura jajajaja Lo que si tengo son todos los ecosonogramas bien guardaditos en su álbum Ni siquiera le tomé foto de su primer baño! Y lo rapé hace dos semanas y me acordé que debí guardar el pelo cuando ya estaba en casa!! Un desastre desmadres que soy! Buenísimo el post, como siempre.

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    • hallo….ich habe es jetzt ausprobiert mit dem Sherman und so…hat bei mir aber alles nicht geklappt bin gerade am verzweifeln…gerade sind mir auch auf einmal kabel von der platine gefallen und es gab einen Kurzschluss…..und ich wollte dich mal fragen, ob ich dir vlt. meinen Landraider und die Teile vom sherman schicken könnte, und du mir den baust.MFGAdam

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    • disse:The Absent Game…Involving me and my husband we’ve owned extra MP3 players over time than I can count, together with Sansas, iRivers, iPods (common & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few a long time I’ve settled down to one line of players….

    • “It goes without saying that Mittens is risk-adverse and that probably works well in the VC world”That S P Dudley could write the above with a straight face says much, much more about him than about Mormons or Romney.

    • Yes, that’s actually where I got it. I was raised in Oklahoma and I’ve always complained about how backwards most things are and that they’re living in the past, then I saw Twain’s quote about that very thing and appropriated it for that post. You caught me. :o)

    • Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.

    • Till you get a thread stand try placing a cup behind the machine to hold the thread and then a small hanger above and behind and then tread through the hanger and as long as it above the machine it will work great

    • I would have given a box full of my favorite Puffs tissues to have had a bowl (or six) of this last week when I was sick. It looks like it would warm me clear through.

    • Sneaky and snarky, Rev… well played, my friend. Yeah, great point – hoops really wasn’t mentioned in the mix at all, which definitely shows which sport “wears the pants” in the college game.

    • I was wondering if u have any tips for making your belly flatter my girl wants to know and ask me for help but I’m clueless all I know is hard work pays off but she wants instant results without sweating which I know is not Gona happen u have any advice

    • Ääh, oon pahoillani mutta tää oli tosi ärsyttävä postaus. Syöminen ei kaikille ole noin yksinkertaista, muutenhan ei yli- tai alipainoisia ihmisiä kauhean paljon olisi. Ja vatsa saattaa muuten jäädä raskauden jälkeen vaikka kiloja ei jäisikään, nimim. kokemusta on!

    • My coworker had this weird rash going around her midriff and she kept on thinking it was her body wash, lotion, things like that. It turns out that culprit was Splenda. after many fruitless Dr. appts, she finally figured it out from all of the info on the Internet.

    • I’ll be creating some pinkeeps and wreaths and embellished guest towels to give.Always like to bring a bit of “handmade from the heart” into the Holiday season.Oh by the way..I saw the mention of you in the latest “Country Living” magazine.:0) way to go!

    • Metrolink are currently not responsible for the track maintenance from just north of Deansgate L/C to Altrincham, it is under Network Rail control, therefore blame for the weeds should be directed to Network Rail.

    • I’m a Margarita Queen. On one one of the first dates I had with my husband we went to Chevy’s in San Francisco and I had a Prickly Pear Margarita. Yummy. Also the same place I had an El Nino Margarita, a blended margarita with blue Curacao brought to the table with an extra shot of black tequila. Pour the shot on top (to simulate a mudslide into the ocean) drink, order another, repeat until you sing all of the Karaoke and have your friends drive you home.

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    • Hi Kikay,Plan to get some new shoes for the summer. Saw some new stuff that came out from Mizuno yesterday at Mizuno MOA. I’m a neutral runner so after they took a look at my foot type with the foot analyzer thingy they recommended to me the Rider. I’m still on the fence but do you think the Riders are good? 🙂 Heard good reviews so far just need one last push to make me get them :))

    • Jeez stats are a funny thing. A that US Millianare population grew by 200,000 in 2011.And who are they?The report also broke down today’s millionaires by occupation and former occupation if retired. Managers make up the largest group, with 17%, followed by educators (12%), corporate executives (7%), entrepreneur/business owners (6%) and attorneys and accounts.Good on the teachers, That’ll show those lazy entrepreneur/business owners to lift their game.

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    • love the reinventions Dawn! there’s no race here, so no worries about being “late” – it’s all about connecting with our most authentic selves, whenever we figure that out! And congrats on the hair-volution – I can relate that it’s very freeing and empowering to change that up. 🙂

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    • Thank you for letting me be part of the testers I had great fun doing it as did my partner, mother in law and friends. I’m rooting for the heinz fruit smoothies, my daughter loved them and now has one everyday. Look forward to the awards ceremony in November 28th

    • Lionhead> I think you forgot to keep your conservative mask on. No true conservative would find Queen Nancy to be a fountain of truth ("Even Nancy Pelosi knows he's toast.").Martha> No problem. We both have the same critical eye.

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    • Vincent: The traveler car pictured looks exactly like the one I have on my 1978 Newport (C&C) 41 MKII. The shackle U (or rectangular; gone, can't tell) bolt on top exploded from metal fatigue under load and I'm looking to repair the car. The backing nut sets flush within the underside of the car and accepts the bolt threads from above. It's a thin hex head deep threaded (NSF probably) nut. Do you know where I can obtain nuts and bolt? Who is traveler manufacturer. My tag is worn.Many thanks! Bob S/V Siesta dos

    • vou ficar sentada esperando na fila do cenema até o laçamento do filme se vc fpr lá amanhã me achará.rrsss.porque tanta demora já que o filme é ótimo?fuiiiiiii.sou mineira naõ tenho pressa.

    • Que ricas Sonia y que salada tu hija, normal, ella verá las palmeritas muy difíciles pero ya casi que me gustan más estos enrollados eh, que las palmeritas ya están muy vistas. Riquísimas!!Un besiño.

    • Generally I do not learn article on blogs, however I wish to say that this write-up very compelled me to take a look at and do it! Your writing style has been surprised me. Thanks, quite nice article.

    • 11. Februar 2012Was für eine schöne Shopping-Ausbeute! Das Ringelshirt ist wirklich süß.Bisher habe ich noch nicht die Läden gestürmt. Aber angesichts deines Hauls sollte ich vielleicht doch nochmal stöbern gehen.

    • My thoughts exactly. I just used this same reasoning on why I pay extra on my that I can feel poor and spend less.I also had about 50 failed attempts at my e-fund until I bought savings bonds with a 5 year early withdrawal penalty.I just opened an ING account, but knowing myself, this would still be too liquid for me.I don’t carry cash either. I can blow through it like nobody’s business. That combined with my bad memory, I have a hard time tracing my purchases with cash.

    • I can't believe you made these on your own, they look so professional! What am I saying, everything you do looks professional. Thanks for visiting. To answer your question, I don't really like to snack. I drink tons of water in the afternoon and usually take my boys to a park for some exercise. It passes the time and I don't really think of food then. I'm TRYING to eat healthy. There are so many colds going around my house that my body can use all of the nutrients it can get!

    • What’s most hilarious about this (most excellent!) post is that I personally know a gay dude who did, in fact, subscribe to Details to convince his family that he was straight. HI, UNCLE JON!

    • 02/06/2011 – 10:16amEso, que les toque el ManU…a ver si ese equipo viejo y en decadencia lo es tanto en unos octavos de final o en la propia liguilla, sería apoteósico un “Chooreo v2.0 – De nuevo en Inglaterra”

    • Die aktualisierten Video-Guides für drei Datacrons, die mit Patch 1.2 verändert wurden, sind jetzt online. Vielen Dank an unsere fleißigen Kommentarschreiber, die mich auf die Änderungen aufmerksam gemacht haben. Ihr seid die Besten.

    • Mi Sargento, da la impresión de que lo tuyo, con los jóvenes escritores, es una obsesión, porque en nuestro país no acaban de aparecer. El señor Amor Towles escribe/publica su novela con 46 años. Hay muchos, ¿cientos?, de escritores y escritoras que antes de esa edad ya eran muy notables. Escritores “de la hostia”, porque ya sus primeras obras eran excelentes con 29 años, también hay unos cuantos, a saber: T. Capote, Vargas Llosa, Philip Roth, Cela, Faulkner, Lorca, Hemingway, Salinger, Scott Fitzerald…

    • Je je… ideal para la hora de la pea más pea con los panas de la vejentud. Si se pudiera conseguir en MP3 mejor. ¿Alguien tiene el de Kashmir, “No sé decir adios”?

    • EliFebruary 15, 2012I’m trying to look for your articles in Facebook and Twitter, but I find there .. Tnscheroha must prevail in order to benefit everyone because this site useful and very beautiful

    • I saw the arti­cle you linked to ear­lier and found myself scratch­ing my head (not lit­er­ally). I mean, aren’t there any “square pegs to be placed in some round holes”, John? Don’t for­get Mel’s kilt in Brave­heart. Oh wait, nev­er­mind, he’s Catholic.

    • Tadinhos deles. Em sítios como a Inglaterra, a Alemanha, e por aí, eles nunca podem fazer obras, com o mau tempo que por lá têm (quase) todo o ano.

    • Oooo sounds like a great book! I have added it to my reading list! Thanks for posting this christmas list – it really is a great idea and I know you put alot of time and effort into it!

    • Gebühr an ATM beträgt hier in der Regel 4 USD pro Abhebung, auch wenn Dein Institut keine Gebühren verlangt. Also nicht erschrecken Diesen Kommentar finde ich gut oder finde ich nicht gut: 0  0

    • Loved LMJ in college, lightning fast and a playmaker. As we haven’t had the benefit of seeing him play in the Pro’s it’s tough to judge but my thinking is blitz pickup is a big part of the Niner offense for their RB so I would presume Dixon gets the call.

    • Lizav84 / Vecchio bolscevico, Mi auguro che siamo tutti abbastanza intelligenti da, che sarebbe un insulto a tradurre in misure positive per salire fino alla cima del mondo e in macchina e nella trasformazione delle aziende occidentali nel nostro negozio, in particolare tutte le condizioni esistono per questa tecnologia e, e la potenza e, più importante, — persone!!!

    • 36c118Hi Daniela, I browse your tale with regard to the dog feeders. I’ve a terrific bowl for my cat, that is elevated. However, he even now takes the foodstuff out and eats it to the floor. I’ve a plastic placemat less than his bowl.Micheleb1b

    • Loving reading your posts Christen. It sounds like you are having a fabulous time. Great photos. Niagra Falls must have been spectacular.Cecilia is missing you.

    • In a way, I understand how they feel. I mean, autism is a fairly stigmatizing label.However! You would think that as parents, they would want to get the best possible care and help for their child. A friend of mine was really relieved when her 16 year old son was diagnosed with Asperger’s disorder. She was glad that there was something that they could help him with!And to label a child as „degraded” is terrible.

    • "Da kamen die Befürworter mit dem Argument an, die Frauen Beschnittener hätten geringere Raten an Gebärmutterhalskrebs, da sie weniger von unter der Vorhazt angereicherter "Pfui-Bäh-Sekretem" kontaminiert würden."Es geht noch weiter.Der sich selbst als „WHO“ bezeichnende Teil des femifaschistischen Establishments fordert die Beschneidung der Jungen, weil damit (gibt es überhaupt eine Schweinerei, die das korrupte Professorenpack noch nicht „wissenschaftlich begründet“ hat?) die würde.

    • also dafür dass du kaum bilder gemacht hast, sind sie aber sensationell schön!zum glück hast du nur so wenige gemacht, sonst wäre ich ganz neidisch wegen der vielen schönen bilder ;-))lg martina.

    • ; however, adverbs are a part of speech. We use them when we speak, so ridding an entire manuscript of ly words can leave dialogue stilted. I doubt that’s what Mr. McNair meant. Like everything else, moderation is the key. A profusion of clenched fists and gritted teeth can be just as annoying to describe emotions because, as a reader and writer, I know what the writer is doing. Reading your words out loud makes a big difference. Just listen to an audio book to hear all the annoying things that get by in the written word. If a word or phrase stops you, get rid of it.

    • hi indranil, anonymous, class of 2005, ktean, sobee, sundeepthanks for posting ur views. i hope we will be able to debate and arrive at some consensus. these points will surely be of great help in reaching some consensus.i believe in the wisdom of the crowds. if more people choose X over Y, then surely there will merit in Xcheerscheers

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    To the next! Cheers!!

    • Geez, that’s unieabevlble. Kudos and such.

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    • We were unable to locate any basic and clean accommodations in San Mateo del Mar let alone luxury lodging, so if you have recommendations, please share them. There are also many “San Mateo” villages in Mexico. The Spanish imported their saint names and put them in front of indigenous place names. So, perhaps you are thinking of another San Mateo.

    • I do believe it has more to do with the number and quality of back links one has, and possibly page rank, not unique hits (though that cant hurt either!).

    • I think they are doing a pretty good job considering the amount of snow we have received, and the lack of equipment that is available. What is concerning is the lack of awareness the equipment operators seem to have with respect to where the actual road surface and the curbs are! I understand that the windrows will need to be piled somewhere, but in the middle of a lane (109 st. northbound), or windrows 3 or 4 feet out into the road from where the actual curb is. This is dangerous. and

    • Trop long! mais j’ai vu au passage des choses intéressantes recoupant ce que j’observe dans le collège de banlieue où j’enseigne. En particulier des niveaux d’ élèves mais pas de classes de niveaux pour toutes les matières : ça peut être une solution à expérimenter !

    • Thank you Noodleepoodlee. It was equally my pleasure to view your thoughts and images. Feel free to do a recommend piece, and also to send links of others you’ve done, as I would enjoy seeing what else it is that interests you.Thanks,Galen

    • Han, tu ne mets pas de glutamate ???Bon, je fais ça souvent, mon volailler me fournit en carcasses, auquel je lui demande d'ajouter quelques pattes qui apportent saveur et collagène au bouillon. Pour mes soupes thaïes, j'en fait aussi en changeant les aromates, j'avoue que ce sont ceux que je congèle en priorité, faute de place, car on ne leur trouve pas de substituts dans le commerce.

    • AFJ. Addie – I’ll have to get in touch with Marisa about the competition on the fansite, and see what she can tell me. Once I know what was happening, I’ll post it here. It’s a real shame about the fansite, but if I set up that forum thing Arya was mentioning, we might be in a better position to prevent glitches like that from happening…hopefully! (Now watch while THIS site crashes!!!!)Oh, and as for the foreshadowing thing with the plague…I must admit I do like to scatter clues – especially ones that no one realizes are clues till they read the books a second or third time.

    • LOL…Pbrain starts out telling us all how recent events will have little impact on the outcome of the 2012 election but is compelled to make the point that Obama took a political hit recently.So what’s your point Pbrain?

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    • Valium Online…It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thick…

    • I think your content is beneficial to many readers. If more writers concerned themselves with their target audience like you do, people would read and learn more about this topic.

    • I am quite new to the whole Internet marketing and SEO thing and I would really love to make marketing online a full-time job. But I am honestly so overwhelmed right now. I have read that article marketing is the best way to market my websites, but how exactly do I go about doing this?

    • Bussed-In Basiji,Given that you have said you welcome an American attack on Iran, from your standpoint Iran should not make a deal with P5+1. Meaning, more sanctions, and still more. Then, if 20 keeps piling up, probably an attack.

    • skriver:Jag tycker ocksÃ¥ du är grym, men det vet du nog redan. Försök ta Ã¥t dig vad vi andra skriver! (Eller du behöver nog inte ens försöka, men du förstÃ¥r vad jag menar.)

    • El cerebro, el órgano más complejo del organismo, está compuesto en un 60% por grasas. Las grasas conforman los circuitos de redes eléctricas del cerebro y crean las ramificaciones necesarias.Es con la mielina, que es 75% grasa, que protege y regula esta transmisión de impulsos. El cerebro tiene demandas nutricionales muy altas de consumo de ciertas grasas, y la composición estructural de grasa del cerebro dependerá de la calidad de la grasa que se ingiera. Recomiendo “La gran revolución de las grasas” y “La nutrición inteligente”, por Sacha Barrio Healey.

    • Very cute! Love the different ribbons together. And how fun that you could make perfectly coordinating bows for all times of the year. Do you think Henry needs bows? No? Something about mixing him up for life? 😉

    • Au fait, si jamais il en fallait une preuve de plus : ce que vous vous appelez « un pète », ou tout simplement « un pet » selon la diction martienne, nous nous pourrions l’appeler « un naille » — orthographe inconnue (un nay ? un ail ? à voir du côté de l’anglais peut-être ?)

    • رحلة السفاريوفرت الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة عربات خاصة للقيام برحلات السفاري داخل المحمية للراغبين في ذلك. وهذا النشاط يقدم دليلاً حياً على الآثار الأيجابية العظيمة للجهود التي بذلتها مؤسسات الأغاثة الدولية بالتعاون مع الجمعية الملكية لحماية الطبيعة بهدف انقاذ الحياة البرية وحيواناتها النادرة من خظر الأنقراض.

    • What's the going rate for a birth certificate attested to by a midwife on the American border with Mexico?I assume every document has a price.goatweedBibi should be able to buy one.

    • intentaré explicarme mejor: cambio de piñon (a uno mas grande) y en cuanto suelto la maneta, esta reggresa a su posición original y la cadena para al piñon pequeño (en el que estaba)

    • Maybe its just me…but I think that doctor was a little harsh!! This guy was in a lot of pain and he just stabbed that needle in, forced the lidocaine in, and before it had a chance to work, stabbed the scalple in??/ Just my opinion, it just looked that way to me…sure hope this fella is doing better now.

    • once i somehow razor cut a line through my brow! i was devastated! but thank goodness we got all these products to help fake it! =).-= tokyostargirl’s last blog post… =-.

    • emmm entah hapa2 minah nie.. boleh pulak dia kata – inilah polis Malaysia.. kalau dia p oversea and buat perangai cam tu entah2 kena lebih teruk lagi..

    • PeterLeonard Ludwinski Godsownfool / Blake Griffin YOUR VILE UNGODLY COMMENTS ARE FULL OF IMPUDENCE(among other things),STARTING WITH THE QUEER DISILLUSIONMENT THAT homosexuals ARE "GAY'(You're so affected BY THE WORLD OF Political Correctness).Unfortunately,far from being truly gay, homos are AMONG THE MOST Broken,Unhappy,Miserable folks there are! AS IS ANYONE WHO PUPOSELY,CONSISTENTLY REFUSE TO obey the word of The One True God(Jesus)!

    • I asked a friend the same question anotehr day and she replied “are you F serious?” . Being Butch is just a stereotype – its true but not always and well and it would be stupid to come to a conclusion based on that. Well,, there are lipstick lesbians too and ones that are anywhere in the middle. I know a couple of them who will def. not fit in either category.unfortunately Ideasmith, the answer is no…but you can always goto a lesbian bar

    • Finom…volt:-((Utólag és Å‘szintén: sok vele a koszolás és a macera, de megéri, és nem mindennapi desszert. Örülök hogy tetszett, és remélem értesítesz ha kipróbáltad.

    • Sweet blog! I found it while searching on Yahoo News. Do you have any tips on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Many thanks

    • De fear of BH is de begining of wisdom 4 nigerians. Let de meeting continue, to safe life of innocent citizen of nigeria,so far so good FGN negociated with Biafra in Aburi Ghana.lets wait & see result of de Senegal meeting. Wishing dem best of luck.

    • Not sure we should make assumptions about Derrick Williams wanting to stay when he’s been good and done what Adelman asks him to do to start this season. He’s shown improvement, even if he isn’t making shots.One horrible game against the best defensive frontcourt in basketball shouldn’t lead people to jump to conclusions. He’s not meeting your expectations; doesn’t mean he’s not playing well.

    • Dang…I did put that guy up last week didn’t I? You never know…further charades have indicated that he might be expecting a kid.I use either a Nikon D90 or my waterproof Pentax WG-1. For editing I use a combination of iPhoto(basic adjustments, cropping, rotating), Photoshop (canvas & paint-type filters), ColorSplash Studio (for the isolation of color like Petty and the girl this week), and Snapseed (for the vintage instagram-esque look)

    • Oh, Mandy, this is beautiful and wonderful and made me cry and cheer! Thank you for this post and your poem is excellent! I’d say this is a very successful adventure!I can’t even explain how happy it makes me that these poems I scribbled over the years in various places are finding homes, and touching people, and meaning something to people. I honestly never thought anyone would read any of them.Thank you!!!

    • – December 19, 2009 11:14 pmHi just wanted to say I enjoy listening to your mixes a lot. I’ve started to listen to podcasts more and more ever since I’ve purchased my ipod touch last year and am glad I discovered Chillsky. Keep up the good work! Cheers, Irmen de Jong (from the Netherlands)

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    • Stephen is adorable; he’s got such long whiskers too! Your beach bag is not only lovely but practical too, how do you think of all these things, I’m sure it will be perfect for Goa. Can’t wait to see/hear more about the guest room, very intrigued indeed xx

    • This post pumped me up big time. I am going to start trying out my own 25 minute pomodoros ASAP. I love that you accomplished something huge in bite-sized chunks.And encouraging us to focus on how we fill our time and what we accomplish – instead of being overly concerned with what to avoid – is the way to go.

    • August 10, 2012 at 4:58 amI need to find out what are the differences and the accuracy. Also, if it’s possible can someone suggest to me a few other mehods for alignment testing please? your help is greatly appreciated =) Reply

    • Para mim o melhor método para branquear roupa é pô-la a corar ao sol. Aprendi com a minha mãe desde pequenina a lavar a roupa com sabão azul e pô-la a secar ao sol ensaboada. Passadas umas horas, enxagua-se e põe-se a secar definitivamente. É excelente também para tirar aquelas nódoas amarelas que a roupa ganha por estar guardada muito tempo.

    • the other two major players Navigenics and deCODE are kind of out of competition. Just yesterday, deCODE was acquired by Amgen. While Navigenics was acquired by Life Technologies earlier this

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    • Dan, you know, if it wasn't for the time involved I would actually agree with you about the fresh start … it's actually sort of energizing to rethink the possibilities. But of course the downside is that time spent rebuilding my blog is time taken away from something else – probably either sleeping or writing But thanks for stopping by!

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    • —-non dico mica che i manifestanti “abbiano fatto bene”, per così dire, a sfogare così la loro rabbia, tantomeno a uccidere l’ambasciatore americano. Pino Mamet–Abbi pazienza, caro Pino, ma quelli che hanno ucciso il povero Stevens non erano “manifestanti”, erano miliziani di Alquaeda infiltrati in quel casino che è ancora la Libia, purtroppo.

    • Locating your personal specialized niche allows you to actually be an « expert » and brings about increased self confidence, larger creativity

    • leitung fibu – respekt! da würdest du eine wie mich durch sonne und mond schießen wollen *ggg*. und “schlank” – ich bitte dich! ist eh nix dran an dir na dann werd ich mich mal dranmachen …

    • P,Scroll down to the RCP afternoon update where you will find a story by J. Tobin of Contentions, titled ‘Christie Makes His First Mistake’. Try reading before you respond next time.

    • Oh, I’m late to this one.How about Lorenzo’s Oil for tearjerker and inspirational? I love it when the parents are heros (and it’s based on a real story)Foreign Film plugs:Count of Monte Cristo w/Gerard DepardieuMy Mother’s Castle (french)Run, Lola Run (German – scifi)Manon of the Spring – (french drama)

    • Mais au fond, qu’est-ce qui vous dit qu’il « souffre » ? Tout ça n’est-il pas de la projection psychologisante sur une fonction que l’on ne remplit que si on l’a vraiment voulu ?

    • are you joking right ? i live in romania (also europe ) and we are waaaay below austria in retailing store’s variety of? products and still can find all the products to make this

    • I’m not sure exactly why but this website is loading very slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

    • Spännande med lampan! Har du fÃ¥tt nÃ¥got svar pÃ¥ vad som var fel med dina kronärtskockor? Mina har fÃ¥tt likadana "skador"Ha det fint!Kram

    • I can’t add anything much on the subject of agents, but what I did take away from the evening was that what made the difference in Imran’s case (apart, of course, from the obvious point that he had a fantastic product to offer) were his extraordinary reserves of self-belief and persistence, which enabled him to stick at it until the odds finally tipped his way. My favourite anecdote was the one about him sending a copy of his book to every member of parliament, only to have Anne Widdecombe to nominate it as her book of the year. Now who’d have guessed that one?

    • JeÅ›li nabyliÅ›my obecnie dom gotowy, jaki miaÅ‚ wczeÅ›niej innego rodzaju system nagrzewania, bez kÅ‚opotu zdoÅ‚amy go dostawić na zewnÄ…trz domu. A może jednak kocioÅ‚ na ? Ci jacy dysponujÄ… obydwa piece tzn. WiÄ™cej na ten temat pod adresem:

    • solitamente le più grandi panzane vengono proprio dalle testate inglesi.non so se ricordate l'articolo del sun sul tizio che aveva fotografato i fantasmi tra le rovine di un vecchio palazzo. foto fatte con una apposita applicazione per iPhone, abbastanza dozzinale tra l'altro

    • november 19, 2012 at 8:02 pm I truly enjoy studying on this internet site, it holds good blog posts. “A man of genius has been seldom ruined but by himself.” by Samuel Johnson.

    • Teilweise sicher übertrieben. Wobei man ja nach der 3. Oberstufe seine berufliche Karriere einschlägt und wohl in den meisten Unternehmungen solche Kleidungen nicht toleriert werden. Also schadet es ja nicht die Schüler darauf einzustellen. Wenn ich nackte Haupt sehen will schalte ich auf Kanal 90 – an der Bushaltestelle vor der Oberstufe kann mir das eigentlich erspart bleiben ;)Man muss halt einen Mittelweg finden.

    • Tolle Idee, Martin. Sicher werde ich nicht mitmachen können, freue mich aber jetzt schon auf Deinen Bericht. Und Meck-Pomm entdecken wir die letzten Jahre so langsam. Kommen aber über den Darß kaum hinaus, weil wir uns in diese Gegend total verliebt haben.

    • Přídavky na dÄ›ti v roce 1989 na první dítÄ› 200Kč, na druhé a tÅ™etí 300Kč, na čtvrté 100 Kč, na páté a další nic,za 600 jelo dítÄ› na 14 dní na tábor.Dnes: pokud je příjem na osobu v domácnosti vyšší než 5 280 Kč,na současných 700 Kč přídavků rodina nedosáhne, a nedostane také nic ze sociální podpory.Na plakátech ODS jsou mrtvolky dÄ›tí, tÄ›mi dnes straší zlatou mládež.Mirka

    • Ainda a procissão vai no adro….Deixem sair o acórdão da Casa Pia, do Isaltino, etc…..Aí verão, mais uma vez, o descrédito a que a justiça está a chegar….Mas eu até já ouvi dizer que há juizes e Mº Pº na maçonaria e na opus dei e gay……..Tá tudo dito!…

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    • this is cracking me up. I viewed the loss of th Dad Vail as a loss for the city and cities that have no money to do anything. the only racial compotent is that it has come to there is no money for anything period.As to the race being more diverse, this guy clearly doesn't go and watch. I've seen the crews be lily white and become more integrated and back to a darker shade of white. The most infamous was the crew from Syracuse who came down w/ the Bo don't know crew sweats

    • Plusieurs milliers d’années, c’est le temps que mettent certaines rétroactions terrestres pour se dérouler. Donc les durées projetées par Rasalhaque ne sont pas délirantes.

    • “What about DINKS and the childless couple phenomenon? Double income earners without kids have considerably higher disposable incomes.”Into that I would include the more recently accepted gay couples, who weren’t making the impact years ago because they weren’t accepted. My uncle and his partner have a life most people could only dream of and they’re not hedge fund guys – not nearly. But they live in a beautiful home and are the biggest consumers/travelers I know – that disposable income is no longer limited to male/female couples.

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    • Yay! Yay! Yay! Happy Gotcha Day, Sisters Gracie and Zoe! Gosh, what a Most Wonderful and Happy family you picked out for yourselves. I hope you get lots and lots of whatever you luvs best today! And thank you for telling me the Gotcha Story cuz I hadn’t heard it.Wiggles & WAgs,Mayzie

    • *Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read anything like this before. So nice to find somebody with some original thoughts on this subject. realy thank you for starting this up. this website is something that is needed on the web, someone with a little originality. useful job for bringing something new to the internet!

    • x smart la jersey nie.. taun lalu smart lg, jersey nye terlalu simple.. But, jersey bukan punca mnang atau kalah Malaysia dlm AFF nnti… Gud Luck Malaysia!

    • I know you are speaking to other bloggers, those happy ones, but discipline is the key missing factor in getting things together in my life as well. Good luck.

    • Caro Manuel AmaroÈ o teu dia,lindo e de calor.Vou erguer o meu tintol verdasco (fresquinho),num brinde à tua saude e independencia, por muitos e bons anos rodeado de calor humano.Parabens e o meu abraçoLuis Faria

    • Insemnarea ta…music to my ears…!M-am regasit si eu mai om decat oricand, stand tolanita pe iarba, privind stelele, pe vremea in care reuseam sa nu ma gandesc la nimic, facand un gest atat de simplu ca privind cerul…- atata liniste si atata libertate…those were the days my friend, those were the days…!

    • LOL.You must be one of those pathetic women.LolzZz.No they are attracted to PINK haired women and they love it more with blue tones in it.Just see again your question LOL.

    • Cela m'a redonné envie de me lancer "sérieusement" dans la boulange.. N'ayant pas la possibilité (temporelle) de faire un levain; je multiplie les tentatives du pain parfait à la levure… Ardu!

    • Hi aluethial, If you click on CHOCOLATE TUTORIALS in the playlist below the video you will see two other methods of making chocolate bowls and a couple on chocolate boxes that may be more to your liking. Bowls using balloons was a viewer request.

    • You are cooking with son Gas, Solids and Plasma! here kid! All winners but I think my favorite is:Three’s Company – A mockumentary set in the 3M offices, where everyone breaks up via Post-It.

    • Chào em, em nên trả lời lại 1 lần nữa và Ä‘iền đúng thông tin cá nhân nhé. Trong lần trả lời này, em nhá»› ghi chú để BTC lấy thông tin chính xác.

    • « tenter votre chance »….j’aimerai savoir si vous avait déjà eu des retours positif en agissant quand je parle de « positif » je ne réfère pas au merci accompagné d’un sourire que les nanas vous offre pour que vous les lâchiez. Je parle d’une réponse comme « Oh merci d’avoir remarquer mes belles petites fesses, voila mon numéro, je veux absolument aller boire un verre avec toi ».

    • Caro Milhazes,É estupidez não "aceitar" o relatório russo. Se o avião é de fabricação russa, ninguém mais habilitado senão técnicos russos a faze-lo. A Polônia desde de 1991 está a "dar com burros nágua". Que coisa feia. É isto. Abraço do everardo.

    • Меня давно интересовала эта тема. И только здесь я нашла такой качественный и продуманный материал для обучения, который действительно является руководством к действию.

    • Oamenii nu sunt obiecte pe care sa le stapanim. Nici barbatii si nici femeile!Cine are o astfel de spaima ca ar fi obiect sau cine isi inchipuie ca partenerul(a) e un Obiect,nu face altceva decat sa dea apa la moara neimplinirilor. Caci ce poate fi mai trist decat sa constate ca Obiectul nu corespunde asteptarilor? Prin urmare,hai sa renuntam la teoria Obiectelor insufletite! Fie ca sunt Barbati sau Femei!

    • I think the most obvious one, that Oswald did it fits the facts, Gus Russo, who spent the better part of a decade chasing all these Moband CIA plots, ultimately concludes this, with some suggestions thatthe DGI was involvedBut Paul Christopher’s supposition of straight revenge by the Diem regime’s retainers, is no less crazier than other theories proferred over time

    • Que hermosas fotografías, son unos ambientes espléndidos, ya me quiesera recrear algo asi. La cuna me mató, me encantaria tener algo así.Cariños y la música es una deliciaAngel

    • Gute Idee, Blaubär: Im ersten Jahr nur Vereinssongs, im zweiten nur welche von Spielern, im dritten über Spieler, im vierten Fussballschlager, im fünften TV-Melodien. Und dann wieder von vorn. Avanti popolo!

    • Heh. Do they roll out the SEAL for special occasions?Oh. Yes…veins are popping because of lack of fat, and the condition is called Imhotstuffitis.In SALT, I wanted to give The Jolie a ham and cheese sandwich. And I don’t even eat pork!

    • the world craves a glorioius emperor. If we give it to them, they will bow to us. Here comes the Sun King.What the fuck?I thought an „American Empire” was exactly what these idiots hated. I guess it’s ok when it is a lefty empire

    • “Nobilitas” de Alexander Jacob es uno de los libros que le han valido a Pedro Varela la cárcel en la que actualmente está. Y esta es la prueba irrefutable de la verdad que expone el libro: la democracia es el peor de los sistemas de gobierno, que pone en la cumbre del poder a la mediocridad y la demagogia. En definitiva: el sistema más imperfecto, injusto y contrario al orden natural.En venta en la Libreria Europa (supongo que todavía).

    • Corinthians tem o melhor time taticamente do Brasil e um elenco muito, mas muito, superior ao palmeiras. Mesmo sem se esforçar venceu o palmeiras. Quem viu os últimos jogos do Corinthians na Libertadores, sabe que o time não se esforçou nem 50% do que fez nestes jogos. O mais gostoso foi vencer na bola parada de um time que se resume à apenas isso… Doutor, estamos no cominho certo, time é maduro e Tite sabe o que faz. VAI CORINTHIANS!

    • Hey, I think your site might be having browser compatibility issues. When I look at your website in Ie, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Other then that, wonderful blog!

    • I have got 1 recommendation for your site. It appears like at this time there are a couple of cascading stylesheet problems when launching a number of web pages inside google chrome as well as firefox. It is functioning fine in internet explorer. Possibly you can double check that.

    • Jen, Happy Birthday!! I was happy when you came along too!!Steve and I were in charge for a few nights right at first, while your parents were getting moved. We must have given you 20 bottles, as you were quite vocal and we didn't know what else to do. We will celebrate Saturday with a few more bottles! Hope you aren't quite as difficult! Love, Mart

    • MMA isnt better than boxing in entertainment, financially, or in any other way. It may seem that way to people who dont know much about either sport, but to people who know boxing, MMA, and other combat sports for that matter you would know that it’s become so much of a sport that people who have no training are taking “MMA” classes, but what they get is watered down boxing, muay tai, and wrestling combined. But people think theyre all Masters of different fighting styles.

    • Being a costume designer/co-ordinator for amateur productions, every time a new costume enters the stage is my favourite Merry Widow moment, but if I really had to choose it would have to be Maxims. (PS Thanks for the stunning close up shots of the incredible costumes. I wish I could have been at Michael Williams talk.)

    • Never lose sight of the fact that mold is motivated by the desire to remove his own prostate gland with a fork. The repeated stabbings explain almost everything he does.-Colostomy Juice (blog)

    • Greetings from Idaho! I’m bored at work so I decided to check out your site on my iphone during lunch break. I really like the information you present here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m amazed at how fast your blog loaded on my mobile .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, excellent site!

    • Yes, talking to the inner critic and asking why it is being hard on you can be helpful as it is often trying to help (even if it is overbearing and often stems from parental messages). If you can build a good relationship with the inner critic (which is a way of taming it)it can be a part of your team, instead of a critical nag.

    • ps: vant forresten en koko fjøl inne hos "noepÃ¥hjertet- Jorid" for litt siden. Den er sååå Fiiin! stÃ¥r pÃ¥ benken og pynter opp, og har nesten ikke hjerte til Ã¥ bruke den hehe 🙂 Tusen takk!! 🙂

    • specifically considerable comprised piece…The real remarkable disclose, I merely relating to this all onto almost any kind of colleague whom experienced formerly been undertaking somewhat investigation regarding this excellent. And that these individuals actually acquired everybody breakfast o…

    • Oi Angela. Muito obrigada por deixar essa linda mensagem p/ nos. Que Deus ilumine e proteja seu caminho sempre! Tenha um lindo e maravilhoso final de semana. Vc e mto querida . Beijocas.

    • Од 22 November, 2012 – 2:12 amI found your blog website on google and verify a few of your early posts. Proceed to keep up the superb operate. I just further up your RSS feed to my MSN Information Reader. Looking for forward to studying extra from you in a while!…

    • HEEEY guys .. uhmm i know im straight but i cant get this feeling out of me about being sexual with a girl ! and thats making me question my sexuality im 15 and yeah it could just be my hormones .. i am sexually attracted to boys but i feel weird about imagining and a girl getting .. too well .. sexuall .. =[… please help i want to get this out of my headd ! thanks xx oh and ive had boyfriendss well when i was aboutt 9-13 if that helps

    • Hey, have? you heard about “Belly Fat Blaze” (just google it)? There you can watch a practical free video. It made it possible for Lyn to reduce her stomach fat. Hopefully it will work for you also.

    • -008’Yea man that is the Nektar Panorama P4! It’s made specifically for use with Reason..they just came out and they are dope! Nicest controller I’ve ever had.I heard they are working on a 61 key version too very soon.  

    • Ano, čekala jsem podobnou reakci. Prosím, uvÄ›domme si, že takto postižený človÄ›k učí společnost pokoÅ™e, nesobectví, soucitu, ohleduplnosti aj. Nemá možnost si nic obstarat, potÅ™ebuje 24hodinovou péči, velmi nadstandardní vybavení, speciální pomůcky i stravu. Dává také mj. práci lidem, kteří se o nÄ›j mohou (a chtÄ›jí) starat.Ani já nemám 20000,- čistého."Co jsi učinil nejmenšímu z mých bratří, mnÄ› jsi učinil." A toho je nám nejvíce tÅ™eba.

    • On n’a jamais vu un élu, même mal, se plaindre d’avoir été élu.L’abstention n’est en rien un signal pris en compte par la classe politique. Car en plus, les abstentionnistes, étant peu politisés, on tendance à voter pour les vilains affreux jojos genre Jean-Marie le Pen, histoire d’envoyer tout le monde se faire voir…Une abtention importante ne chagrine, au fond, pas grand monde.

    • El mar lo tengo lejos aunque tú me lo acercas.Te imagino dejando huellas en la arena de la Concha camino a casa. Me llega la brisa del norte impregnando mi piel de partículas saladas…Me llega el abrazo del mar para dejarme llevar por el vaivén de sus olas.Me llega la fuerza del mar que para mi tiempo y me sumerge en las profundidades de su paz

    • Can I just ask: all you people who use oils as a night moisturizer, what do you use during daytime? I’ve started to use oils at night but they’re too heavy to be used during the day. No matter how little I use, they simply refuse to sink in. And since I exercise a lot, I shower a lot which in turn dries out my skin so I would feel more comfortable if I could moisturize my skin at daytime, too. Now I just use oil at night and sunscreen (which also dries the skin) at day.

    • How much do you think?Will cost if i make my whole house run on solar energy? its not very big well at least not for me :S but its a 2 story with pool. Im asking because the sun hits it all the time and i was thinking of using solar energy to power my appliances, ac? pool? etc. is that possible about the a/c and pool? well how much do you think it would cost me?

    • Oh, my! I truly have no words for the feeling which arose when I saw this one. But I’ll try: Peacefulness, Happiness, but above all, Admiration for your talent and skill.

    • wah you have altered neck and sides of kurthis using crochet..2 in one shot ie,easy altering and good look..advantage of learning crochet!!way to go..

    • Well done! I like the alternating outdoor activities with things fried. To keep the theme alive maybe take in a rodeo followed by fried rice at (fill in the blank here…no idea where to go) or go to Pizza Nosh for a Brooklyn pizza (sauteed veggies not fried but close)…if there isn’t a rodeo in town try that other rodeo (drive).

    • What is the percentage of the black vote that shall be on his side whatever he does and can that percentage tilt the ballot in G0d forbid an other 4 Bummel years. I have the impression the only two black Americans not voting for Obama are Alan West and Herman Cain.

    • this:"A "black" neighborhood is not by definition a ghetto"wtf??????who said it was???????WHO?????YOU are the only one who would even imply that there are not ALL kinds of black neighborhoods in all classesMOST neighborhoods of all races are POORMOST people of all races do not live in gated communities like YOUMOST PEOPLE ARE POOR IN ALL RACES GLOBALLY!!!you cannot pretend that your life is the norm when it is INCREASINGLY THE EXCEPTION!!!!

    • Please book TNA Knockout Mickie James for an autograph/photo op session once again. She was great the first time she last appeared for frank and son.Book Mickie James.

    • A…the fuck…men.Anonymous comments aren’t worth the bandwidth they are written upon.Sad, lonely and pathetic indeed. You may not always like what i have to say, but i will always sign my name to my convictions and reap the rewards or consequences of doing so.Bravo.

    • Parents normally want what’s best for their kids and never want to see them go through These loans are generally fast aprovals as well as tranaction is rpocessed withiin a long time, if not any problems

    • Greetings from Colorado! I’m bored to death at work so I decided to browse your website on my iphone during lunch break. I enjoy the info you provide here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m shocked at how quick your blog loaded on my mobile .. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, very good blog!

    • Skit i Södra, ju mer dom fÃ¥r hÃ¥llas desto djupare blir graven…Dom borde kolla pÃ¥ BK Zeros och ta lärdom av deras erfarenhet av att pengar inte kan köpa lÃ¥ngsiktigt framgÃ¥ng!!!

    • Thank you Tricia for hosting this meme every week… I love having a place to share with like-minded photographers. Love especially your first shot this week… the textures add so much mood!

    • I would have thought so, too, except the forests in Ice Like were square lots, nicely fenced in, and no bigger than 200 acres a piece. Northern Thailand is not so well organized. And anyway, I was just as good at getting lost in the forests around Sudbury picking blueberries as I am here, so no big surprise.

    • So nice not to be assaulted by strong colours or matt black in pram wares. I must say I would much rather walk out with either of these than the army of red prams lined up in my hall.

    • Ej Mascha! Den SKAL du da have! Den er da sÃ¥ flot, elegant og helt unik ! Kan du ikke smide et link til hvor du har fundet den? NÃ¥r vi fÃ¥r en lille bebs, og hvis det bliver en pige – Skal jeg være klar til at købe denne sut som den første “bebs-accessori”!

    • Gosh Troll, you absolutely kill me! is there no end to you beclowning yourself?Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are commentators not journalists who are members of the White House press corps!.And President Reagan was a sitting President, not a journalist who is supposed to present a balanced report of the news! Yes, I know, you can't see the difference. LOL!Thanks for providing me with a chuckle.

    • Avignon sous la neige ne laisse pas de répit à l'oeil curieux et ravi ! La neige a joliment redessiné les arabesques du balcon, comme une écriture, avec des pleins et déliés. La perspective globale extérieure est réussie. Les tables et chaises rangées sous le platane attirent l'Å“il ; sans doute n'as-tu pas osé laisser de traces en allant les photographier de plus près…

    • Και όμως υπάρχει χώρος για συμφωνία και κατανόηση. Επιτέλους ένας ιστο-χώρος που επικρατεί η λογική, η αγάπη προς τον συνάνθρωπο-συμπολίτη, ο σεβασμός για την πατρίδα. Μπράβο!

    • I have a toddler and her first dentist check up is coming up, i’m nervous and excited at the same time for her. I don’t know how it’s going to come up since she doesn’t like strangers touching her, she will only brush her teeth if I am the one doing it. Wish us luck lol!

    • E-MAIL ME I hope to hear from you and if I don’t this time I will keep posting you comments in hopes that you read one of them I love you mama your in my heart always LOVE JODI QUINN

    • Things have changed since pre-1990, Dave.The term „tar sands” has become the rallying point for those who vehemently oppose economic activity relating to oil in Northern Alberta (Greenpeace, the NDP, etc.)An intelligent discussion is fine, but use of the common name for the resource will go a long way in boosting one’s credibility.If Kevin Taft can call them by their proper name, surely you can too.

    • AnonymousOctober 25, 2012 at 2:17 pmI saw the same bumper sticker on a car today, and it is not the first time ive seen it, googles is not helping either, did you find anything?

    • Dalam konteks MALAYSIA, Utusan Malaysia masih boleh dilihat sebagai salah satu akhbar yang sangat releven. Tak tahulah kalau ada pihak/kumpulan tertentu yang melihat dan memandang lewat sudut yang sempit lalu terbuai dek rasa ketaksuban yang melampau terhadap sesuatu kumpulan, lalu cuba menyamakan situasi di Malaysia dengan Afghanistan dsb…

    • luciana scrive:“notevoli miglioramenti ovviamente abbinati alle cure mediche ufficiali quali la chemioterapia e la radioterapia”. Questa frase rivela che ancora non avete capito che il ricercatore di cure alternative sa che le cure mediche ufficiali non curano ma uccidono prima o poi: il 90% dei medici non si curerebbe mai con la chemioterapia o la radioterapia. Il ricatto delle case farmaceutiche arriva fino al Vostro sito?Saluti Luciana

    • Chicas, recuerden que cuando subimos un post así, es para las chicas que empiezan y ponemos digamos las bases para que se adentren en este fantástico mundo, más adelante hablaremos de novedades quizá y obvio hay miles de máquinas hermosassssssssssss que todas queremos hehehe Gracias por sus comentarios:)

    • queued but it never goes to the next one for me and I let it sit for an hour or two, come back, and discover it's only uploaded one of them. I really dislike this uploader, but I love YouTube. Please change it back for simplicity's sake. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    • Pino och hunden hade vi velat läsa här hemma!! Jag gillar ju redan Pino, men det var 545 när jag tittade! Åååh hÃ¥ller tummarna – vi är ju sÃ¥ nyfikna pÃ¥ den där Pino!

    • That is very helpful. It presented me a number of ideas and I’ll be placing them on my blog eventually. I’m bookmarking your website and I’ll be back. Thank you again!

    • omg guess what…muslims are actually allowed to have a sense of humour, crazy right!!! re-read the article again with the knowledge that the writer is not being serious, you may actually find it amusing. Good luck.

    • Great work! That is the type of information that are meant to be shared across the web. Shame on Google for not positioning this post upper! Come on over and consult with my website . Thanks =)

    • [..YouTube..] cara, na boa ! tua história é a minha história ! haha. andei uma vez em um carro turbo e me apaixonei, atualmente to com um gol bola 1.6mi aspirado de leve, tenho 18 anos. meu sonho mesmo desde os 13 é ter um voyage turbo ! pode ter certeza que um dia chego la ! parabéns pelo carro !

    • Hi Engineer,good to see your articles after a long time. Keep writing more of these and you might become a Waren Buffet one day! Nice findings about the markets. Hope some people benefit from it.

    • You had me until New Moon. Though, admittedly, I Have Not seen it. I watched Twilight, it was enough.P.S. I Love You … KILLS me.The Notebook, when they lie down together to die? SOBS.BeachesUpKnocked Upmost of the dog movies: Old Yeller, Snow Dogs, Where the Red Fern GrowsEpisodes of:Animal Hoardershonestly? I am really emotionally and end up crying at a lot of movies. I HATE when people are mean to one another in movies and I cry, a lot. District 9 was murderous. Any kind of movie where people are oppressed? I am a mess.Extreme Home Makeover

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    • Policies and practices of specific Zionist administations may be, but the movement’s fundamental principles are not.The fundamentals have been changed. You are what you do.Occupation is racism. Ethnic cleansing is racism. Colonialism is racism.Hence, Zionism is racism.

    • Ein zwar später Kommentar, doch ist das Thema noch immer hochaktuell: Die Aussagen in diesem Blog-Post werden durch die Realität widerlegt.Ich habe an einer eigenen Seite eine Herabstufung respektive Verlegung in den Supplemental-Index wegen Domain-internen DC erlebt.DC ist unverändert ein Risiko.

    • Your right – we had a guy at my university that PC like 360lbs, bench was crazy and squat was rediculous – but he only threw like 58′. Throwing is about power – not strength and to prove that roids did not do as much as people think for randy barnes – look at his warm up throw at A&M at the Mt Sac relays when he was a 19 year old freshman – 76′. Power is fast-twitch and hereditary – he sure must have been a very powerful guy because these weights are not crazy at all.

    • I really like this blog very much. It gives me inspiration to do something more. This is a blog which is full of great knowledge and it is really great that you share your experiences with us. Great job!

    • Hallo Tanja, schön, dass alles noch mal hier zu sehen und zu lesen. Achja, ich kann nur immer wieder sagen, es war so schön. Und deine Layouts sind allesamt klasse geworden. Aber ich mag deinen Stil sowieso total gern.LG Manuela

    • To takie ważne! Nauczyć siÄ™ kochać życie bo to tylko tak naprawdÄ™ siÄ™ liczy!Kochać i być kochanym. Na to pracujemy przecież przez caÅ‚e życie!Serdecznie pozdrawiam kochajÄ…cych siÄ™ z wzajemnoÅ›ciÄ…!

    • se Licia avesse scritto: “Resto convinta che si scrive per insopprimibile esigenza, e che la pubblicazione debba essere un accidente, un esito del tutto collaterale al processo di scrittura. Non si deve scrivere con l’intento di pubblicare e diventare famosi. Non lo deve fare un adulto, figurarsi un ragazzo” avrei condiviso in toto.Riguardo alla Grilli lo trovo curiosissimo

    • Vetifan om det är fotografen som bett dom göra det. Av nÃ¥n anledning är det ett oerhört populärt sätt för tjejgäng att posa, ungefär som den nu berömda posen ”duckface”. Posen har tom ett namn ”sorority pose”, en snabb googling ger dig .,cf.osb&biw=1300&bih=662&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=zb7_T_OeL-TK0QWP0ZyaBw

    • Ich wünsche mir, dass nicht immer alle tollen Sachen auf einen Dienstag, Mittwoch oder Donnerstag fallen, insbesondere die regelmäßig stattfindenden 🙁 Bin leider ausgebucht, wäre das Ganze montags oder freitags, würde ich bestimmt fast immer reinschneien…

    • With you on the “cool kid” factor a hat brings. Purchased my first winter hat (I’m Australian) a fortnight ago, and since wearing it the number of people who glance at me in the street has increased exponentially and I was even asked by someone whether they recognised me from a movie (I took the fact that I looked like a movie star to be a compliment!). You wear your hat well! xz

    • Google Haider and Paneuropa or Haider and Otto von Habsburg.As a Swede you can read in German.Viel Spass!It is even more entertaining than my fact gathering about Haiders support of Turkey…..not commented here yet.I explained how the voters thought.Not counting but speaking to the voters might give you some insight.I try to reach some definitaly non-left friends in Austria to present first hand info.

    • ben nu bezig in een boek van Umberto Eco waar dat ook gebeurt. De vertelling in de vertelling etc. Ik laat je weten hoe me dat bevalt.De vraag blijft altijd: doet de schrijver dat vanuit een kracht of vanuit een zwakte?

    • dann meld dich bald mal an, lieber deef,damit wir auch zuverlässig planen können,denn unsere bisherigen Pläne sind noch nicht so groß …und ich werd demnächst gerne mitschreiben, wenn ich wieder in Ruhe am PC bin … fritz

    • I genuinely enjoy studying on this website, it has wonderful content. “Don’t put too fine a point to your wit for fear it should get blunted.” by Miguel de Cervantes.

    • Hi Lucy,I have tried to contact you by email but I did not succeed.. do you have a new address?I enjoy reading your blog for many reasons and I was trying to get in touch with you becasue I am trying to collect some info about expats in Italy… could we get in touch?Thanks a lot and Have a nice day

    • Just like I did today. Intentionally loving my children and husband by investing my life into them. But I would spend less time telling them and more time showing them about God’s love.

    • Tony Scott is the Billy Ripken of film directing. When your brother is a stratospheric talent, all you can really do is ink “Fuck Face” on the knob of your bat (or make Days of Thunder).

    • Damn it! Just discovered I missed the deadline! Why do I work nightshift?Greatly inspired nevertheless and will retain the link to you so others can share the joy of fimding you.

    • Sounds like quite an ordeal, Dirk.I’m reading reports that the traffic situation is catastrophic on minor roads throughout most of Germany. Lots of minor crashes. There isn’t enough clearing going on.Local authorities again seem “surprised”, despite some having taken additional measures like increasing provisions of grit.

    • *Continued use of technology and video teaching*Blending and merging of churches (similar to OnePrayer; however the relationships will be long-term… and teaching will be cross-church and more eclectic)*A more ethnically diverse church*Everyone will be in church reading their Bible via YouVersion on their I-phone. :-)My comment could go on and on… I’m looking forward to every one else’s comments!

    • That last paragraph sounds rather, erm… lifestylevangelism-ish? At what point do you present their position to them? That being a creature outside (for the moment) the covering of grace?

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    • Æblerne er jo lige i top nu, og der kan blive til en god tærte eller to :)Jeg savner min mulighed for at lave gele af paradisæbler for min faste leverandør er flyttet pÃ¥ plejehjem, det er underligt at man slet ikke kan købe dem nogle steder syntes jeg. Nu kan du vide med dig selv at alt er i orden i sommerhuset, det mÃ¥ være skønt. 🙂 Jeg mÃ¥ da selv lige prøve det tip med pudsemiddlet, det trænger vist her i huset. Dejlig fredag og kærlig hilsenHenriette

    • Pääkaupunkiseudulla, jossa YTV:n ohjeet pätevät, ei biojätteeseen saa laittaa ihmis- tai eläinperäistä jätettä, siis ei bijohajoaviakaan siteitä tai vaippoja tai esim. kissanhiekkaa.

    • – I’m AWFUL at cooking pancakes! I can do the batter but not the actual cooking. Oh well! Luckily Mr V can do it (in fact he made them yesterday for Shrove Tuesday).Glad you like them Ashley and Deanna!

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    To the next! Many thanks!!

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  • These two better settle their score now before everything ends up burnt!

    • Thkining like that shows an expert’s touch

    • Hi Mandy this is brilliant the scene you have created for Edwin is fantastic, the papers and design are super, thank you for joining our challenge at The Paper Shelter this week.HugsLorraine x

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    • and encouraging new work and new musical directions. That’s what I did, in a small way, with the SoundCloud meetup in May & of course, others are doing similar things all the

    • on LOL Hannah! No, no your families and friends were great and we absolutely had no issues. You can see by the shots I posted that they were very respectful and everyone was able to get the shots they wanted. No need to get post wedding bridezilla on anyone. 😉

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    • Senior Master Sergeant, USAF, Retired reporting for comment. I made my successful transition from a 21 year career thirteen years ago. Mi attribute my ongoing success to the transition training provided. Basically, my résumé was civilianized and I was told to network as much as to apply for career opportunities.Establishing a network helped by toning down my mil-speak without tuning it out or turning it off. Networking is an exercise in rapport development and ongoing relationship management. Also, focus on problem solving v I need a job. The need for a job piece is obvious. Hiring companies want solution providers.

    • Yeah, since you know Kobol exacts "a price in blood," it makes sense that Meier and the redshirt without a name were the ones to die in this episode. I don't think Zarek is necessarily BETTER than Meier, morally–he's just more calculating. He knows when to bide his time and when to act. Meier was foolish for wanting to go through with the plan even though the circumstances had changed completely.

    • i love the DIY wrapping paper – we often do that for birthday present wrapping, such a fun process!! this year the boys have their own mini tree and today we're working on garland! 🙂 perhaps this will be the start to traditons to come! 🙂

    • Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well

    • I’ve never been to India so I can’t say that I’ve had a case of Delhi Belly yet but back in 2003 I was hospitalized with a severe case of food poisoning and had a suspected case of salmonella poisoning earlier this year so I felt for you big time when I was reading your story.I don’t know what the culture is like in India but if I tasted some food that didn’t taste right I would just leave it on my plate and say that I was full.More importantly though, you’re alright now. You can always see the Taj Mahal another time.

    • in FB, you gave him LOVE. He was a loved angel and that is the best gift you can give to someone.I’m in tears since I read the post in FB,but I’m so proud of the work you do, of all the angels you have rescued and the people who help you. You are amazing human beings. Continue with your mission of LOVE! Biscuit will never be forgotten! Hugs

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    • gracias, the calm hits me only when it shouldn’t and I should really wash my mouth with soap from time to time :D@ Auras: Nu, dar tot in zona 😉 Eternul si fascinantul Berceni :D@ t.s. : get over it, ppl! O sa pun un disclaimer: watch out for the cursing in Romanian.@ Razvan: “Oh, scuze”?! Are you kidding me?! Dupa ce ca era sa dea peste mine, dupa ce ca imi incalcase dreptul, sa mai spun “scuze”?! NEVER!

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    • Fantastic piece. I’m a big fan of hugs – even had friends/family say I give great hugs. (is that weird to admit?)Really enjoyed how you pulled so much meaning out of such a (seemingly) simple gesture.

    • Vraiment intéressant ! A quand l’ouverture d’une rubrique Vie à la Cour ? Ce serait tellement approprié à ces morceaux de bravoure journalistique ! Je me permettrais humblement de recommander à Sa Majesté, la nomination de Monsieur Arnaud Leparmentier à la tête de cette section de la Gazette impériale. Mais cela doit déjà être en bonne voie…

    • ini ialah kata2 org yg penuh PhD…tahniah..anda telah berjaya mendapat level itu..teruskan PhD anda smpai hati berulat…Hot debate. What do you think? 11  9

    • När de kom hem frÃ¥n jobbet???Ja, ni har det bra nere i Malmö om det är sÃ¥ att era parabolfanatiker arbetar. Det kan jag berätta att vÃ¥ra här i stockholm mycket sällan gör.

    • Hal December 22, 2012 09:59I understand balance sheets, budgets are important. My daddy yelled at me when I was young and now I will destroy his team. Thankfully, I have the support of people like Duh and Shogun of Harlem, who will come buy tickets no matter what we do. 3  3

    • Apple gone SamsungNet alsof Apple zich buitengesloten voelt door Samsung en met hun variant komt van de Note.Get ready for Samsung lawsuits :p

    • sehr cool und daumen hoch für diesen lifestyle. würde es mehr von dieser “art” von menschen geben, wäre die welt doch deutlich besser dran! weiter so!!

    • Podcast Discussion In this episode of Brand Fast-Trackers, we return to our shopper marketing series with Chris Brace and discuss shopper insights and why they are critical to marketers. Chris shares

    • "this is a good scent "pour les mamans", so I guess it's really pitched the way you say… I'd say the Pradas (apart from Candy), and for instance Bottega Veneta are excellent mainstream offerings for those of us who aren't teenagers and don't want to smell like them.

    • Such a good selection of finds as always, the dress fits you perfectly, and the poodle bottle holder is so cute, completely worth the 50p. May this be the start of a wonderful car boot season xxx

    • Saw it…bought it….made it! Sure could have used your Mum's help with directional print though! However, I love the bag and I am already using it! Thanks for doing a review of it.

    • Have you tried the TATÚ empanadas??? they are big, they definetely go in the great!!! (they’re for example in Belgrano,near Cramer Av.), they totally worth it.I’ve just came across your blog,very exciting! If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing in Bs.As for “a living”??

    • I think you can definitely pull it off! It does look a little bright but I am sure in the summer with your tan it will be lovely. And you should for sure go exchange it! 🙂

    • Hi — No, it’s available only through online sellers, such as,,, and some others. You can get a complete list by searching for the book’s title at

    • and, for them, they serve the same…function as studies do for pianists, or sketches do for painters. it is through studying and imitating classics that they learn how to express their ideas and feelings in such a way as to reach the highest, most lasting standard in…

    • I think people fall in the trap of blogging because it’s ‘the thing to do’ rather than providing informative content that focuses on their target audience. These tips are great Patsi, thanks.I’ll also be taking a look at the link that you’ve provided to help me out with my own blogging.

    • If we can get both Felton and Wallace from Charlotte for Odom, then we’d be hard-pressed not to take it. That’s two borderline all-stars for a player we’re certainly not going to have next year. The thing is also that with the team under Larry Brown’s stewardship, he’d probably do it (as Larry loves to trade his whole roster).

    • disse:Do youve got a spam concern on this website; I also am a blogger, and I was questioning your scenario; weve created some great techniques and were looking to swap options with other people, be certain to fire me an e-mail if serious.

    • Chief Maloney must have a heart attack when Chuck Norris, or any master of martial arts – whether he knows of their achievement or not – walks in. Or someone with shoes that haven't been scanned for bombs, or throw weight. Or a broom stick (quarter staff) or hardcover book with a ribbon or rubber band holding it closed (impromptu throwing star). Etc.Can we get a Rachel Lucas style dis-inspiration poster for the chief? Something like: Mass shootings take place in gun-free zones.

    • I thought you couldn’t get squirtguns these days. The powers that be decided they look too real (especially the green ones. Actually I think there *was* at least one incidence of a kid getting shot by cops, but that’s kind of off-topic).Maybe this guy had one left over from his childhood.

    • Ya sabes Hector, llamada a Porsche España y a los gerentes del Jarama, que te dejen un 911Turbo „pelao” y tus lectores esperamos las 4 partes de la prueba entusiasmados! 🙂

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    • I think it’s especially hard when one spouse is baby hungry while the other one is adamantly against children.I can’t do much else about it, but consider yourself hugged.

    • Isabel, thank you soo sooo much!! I cannot wait to get my hands on this shirt. And I just wrote about the contest and your site on my blog!xoxo

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    • Glad to hear others go through this… I was just thinking about this before my fight two nights ago. I don’t fear the pain or anything even that can happen, more I fear losing… I don’t want to lose, but once I enter the ring and start my Wai Kru and Ram Muay- all that is gone… No more thinking about what he will do and what I will do, it just is. And after the fight is the euphoria, the desire to fight more.

    • Danke für den Hinweis Sebastian. Da gab es leider noch ein Problem mit dem Mailserver. Ist korrigiert und du brauchst nicht noch mal einreichen, weil das schreiben deines Datensatzes vor dem Versand der E-Mail geklappt hat.(Ich lösche mal die ewig lange Fehlermeldung aus deinem Kommentar um das hier etwas übersichtlicher zu bekommen.

    • Wow, en virkelig flot kjole, du har syet <3Hvad jeg ønsker mig allermest… Det mÃ¥ nok være en squash taske, da min gamle er blevet for lille. <3

    • I forgot until I read Leanne’s reply below – when my “pun’kin” was little, she couldn’t say Chrysti, so she called me Cricky. I was sad when she and her siblings grew up and could manage Chrysti – I wish I was still Cricky!

    • Concordo plenamente que pequenos objetos podem fazer uma grande diferenca em um ambiente! Pessoalmente amo misturar old com new, acho que da um efeito super moderno…acredite ou nao!rsrsrAcabei de postar fotos da minha decoradora preferida, da uma passada e me fala o que voce achou!?bju

    • Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad experience with SkypeOut – if you give me some more details (preferably including your Skype name), I’ll be able to investigate 🙂

    • Hehe, partiet klarer nok Ã¥ stable pÃ¥ beina en god nominasjonsprosess uten en nasjonalt verksted. Men en nøyere refleksjon rundt nominasjon hadde vært pÃ¥ sin plass.

    • nawanawanga // March 21, 2009 at 6:49 pm “Obama dispatched Eni Faleomavagua to Indonesia to trade US interests in West Papuans safety and rights plus money to cover his Indonesian citizenship.”You bring up a very good point I had forgotten about, how can we find something on this Eni to have him under investigation ? Is that even a possibility?

    • Geniale Idee für die Safety instructions – wenn das mal keine gute Promotion ist! Ich verstehe auch nicht, was das mit dem ganzen 3D Kram soll. Ich bezahle lieber einen Bruchteil des Preises und genieße den Film auch mit einem D weniger, vielen Dank. Und wenn das noch die einzige Version sein soll, ganz toll – da fühlt man sich doch irgendwie bevormundet.LG

    • Ich jedenfalls hab die Nase sowas von gestrichen voll von dauerprovozierten, dauerbeleidigten, dauergewaöttätigen Moslems (egal von genauestens welcher Denomination jetzt), die nicht wahrhaben wollen, dass die ganzen Bombenleger, Attentäter usf. so gern “Allahu Akbar” schreien, bevor sie jemanden ermorden, sondern die reflexhaft “Beleidigung!!” schreien und mit Messern stechen, wenn einer mal eine Zeichnung zeigt, die die Sache deutlich abbildet.

    • He critica:ssa halunnevat olla aidosti oppivaisia, vaikka evoluutio onkin varmaan inhokki nro 1. Termodynamiikka ja informaatioteoriat jne ovat molemmille puolin vaikeita asioita ja haluavat selvyyksiä sekasotkuihin. HS:ssa ja muissa popularisoinneissa ei ole lähdeviitteitä vaan valmiita vastauksia jotka ärsyttävät (muistuttavat satuja ja tarinoita), vaikka perustuisivatkin tiet. havintoihin ja kokeisiin (joita ei näy koska viitteet jäi popularisoijien pääkopan tai kirjaston sisään). Voihan tää olla ansakin, nyt voivat vihdoin nostaa netin syövereissä alati evopropandaa maukuvan Katin pöydälle mätkittäväksi.. 😉

    • Spännande! Fast kul att det blev miljövänligt utan att de tänkte pÃ¥ försäljningsfördelarna med att ha en ekologisk produkt. Oftast är det tvärtom. Men knepigt är det att de inte har mer info pÃ¥ deras egna sidor.

    • Det finns en fjärde bok ocksÃ¥. Munkberget heter den. Har inte läst den ännu, men eftersom jag gillar de andra sÃ¥ tycker jag nog om den här ocksÃ¥

    • Rodrigodejá ya de barriletear y contá los pormenores del cláaaasico baldosero contra Chedraui Flexa!!!!Cómo se están preparando los muchachos física y mentalmente para afrontar semejante compromiso?contá aceca del duelo de hinchadas!!!y ya no ocultés más los nexos misteriosos entre Astol y el Gordo de la Colombes

    • ke onda voten por esta gran maravilla, ke el mundo se de cuente ke en mexico tambien tenemos marvillas como stas y otras mas, ademas por ke es parte de nuestra historia

    • Ringelblume ist wirklich super und deine kleinen Döschen sehen ganz bezaubernd aus! Die werden dir sicher aus den Händen gerissen!LG Andrea

    • “I concur, there is a lamp sticking from his left temple and that PRN Tylenol just isn’t going to cut it. Try some non-pharmaceutical techniques and make sure that the lamp is not plug in”.

    • Non so come facciano, ma sicuramente il sistema funziona. Agli inizi di gennaio al nostro responsabile marketing in viaggio per una riunione tenuta in provincia di Milano è capitato all’autogrill di Piacenza. E’ uscita dall’auto, ha chiuso con il telecomando la macchina e quando è tornata ha trovato la macchina chiusa, ma dentro il bagagliao avevano rubato computer, satellitare e documenti.Quindi non so se si tratti di un jammer o di uno scanner, però funziona.

    • November 7th 2005 – Colts march into Foxboro and smack the Pats in the mouth. First time I won money on a football game.5) Pats@Colts, November 5th 2006. Colts go back to Foxboro, smack Pats in the mouth again. This set the stage for the AFC Championship game. And it was awesome.

    • Great post Sandy!Project Vapour would also likely still be buried if the Liberals had won the Kitchener-Waterloo byelection. And I doubt McGuinty would have stepped down.

    • Autour de moi , on s’est plutot beaucoup amusé et moqué de ce buzz médiatique et des crédules qui y apportait un quelconque crédit..personne n’avait peur car personne n’était dupe . Ca été pris comme une grosse farce . Je ne crois pas que les spiritualités new age en sortent grandi

    • Chào em. Đối tượng tuyển sinh của trường là những thí sinh đã tốt nghiệp THPT, có Ä‘iểm tổng kết môn Toán lá»›p 12 hoặc Ä‘iểm thi tốt nghiệp môn Toán đạt từ 5,5 trở lên em nhé. Vá»›i trường hợp của em, em có thể liên hệ đến văn phòng tuyển sinh của cÆ¡ sở em muốn đăng ký theo học để được há»— trợ và hÆ°á»›ng dẫn thông tin chi tiết.

    • My brother recommended I might like this blog. He was totally right. This post truly made my day. You can not imagine just how much time I had spent for this info! Thanks!

    • espero, vivamente, que isso aconteça em França! que por cá, também um dia, haja uma esquerda verdadeiramente unida e menos "deslumbrada" com os seus umbigos partidários. como estamos, não vai a lado nenhum.vovómaria

    • "Atlas will shrug."Poor Danvers. Reduced to referencing a toxic old cougar in an attempt to sound profound. In any event your last prediction was that Romney would win in a landslide. This one is equally retarded. Loser.Speaking of life's shit for brains losers, where is Adolt? Exiled in humiliation from his own blog. Priceless.

    • Ciao serena, ci siamo conosciute a Padova all’accademia Mekong. Mi invii la tua mail? Mi piacerebbe approfondire la mia conoscenza sui cristalli e il tuo seminario mi è piaciuto un sacco. Oppure se mi invii il tuo programma seminari…. meglio ancora.Grazie Mara

    • Erikám kékes-zöldes korszakod van?Még jó,hogy nem kell választonom! .)ElsÅ‘ tetszik s szívesen körbetekerném a vállamon 🙂 a másodikat a fejemen .) érvényesülne a szemem 🙂 a harmadik a derekamat hangsúlyozná.Álomszépek ezek a munkáid is!

    • MrKey es pat nezināju, ka WordPress joprojām ir tā apnicÄ«gā lieta ar komentāriem. Es vienmÄ“r ievadu e-pastu, lÄ«dz ar to šādas problÄ“mas sen nav piemeklÄ“juÅ¡as. BÅ«s jāpaskatās vai ir kāds plugins, kas šādu lietu novÄ“rÅ¡. Gan jau neesi vienÄ«gais, kas uz tādu lietu trāpa.

    • Auxiliary battery does not hold up on a 3-4 hour ride, even when fully charged.It is very hard to extract the iPod at the end of a ride from it’s dock.Mounting screws for handle bars are cheap metal and rust within the first month.Gradient level should be available as a feature without having to upgrade to power feature.Contacted customer support regarding the rusty screws and they told me to go to a hardware store, where a similar size could not be found.

    • Anne was Charlotte’s favorite sister . She was Barker’s favorite sister . Charlotte loved Emily the most because she liked strong passionate personalities and perhaps because they were closer to age. She cared about Anne and her well being but she was always to her the smaller, quiet, trying to appear content sister, whose religious piety, while admirable, was not to Charlotte’s taste.

    • Hi Pete,What keeps me going is the belief Jesus didn’t die for me just to sit in a pew and breathe on Sunday mornings. The belief if I am to grow, I have to allow God to knock me out of my comfort zone. The belief if I am to hear God, I have to listen for him.These things keep me going.Blessings to you and yours!Cecil ChaneyMadisonville KentuckyCecil Chaney’s last blog post..

    • he had something in common with the Palestinians of the Nakba because he moved away from the house he grew up in and the neighborhood doesn’t feel the same? And the green yarn?“Live and Let Live”Absolutely. The Israelis will live, and if the Palestinians are lucky, the Israelis will let them live. A reading from the Book of Witty.

    • {Aahaa|Heehaa|Yess|Yoman|Yo Boy|Hi Guy|Hi man|Hii Guy|Hi Flog|Hey|Howdy|Hi there|Heya|Hey there|Hi|Hello}…Hiya! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest writing a blog post or vice-versa? My website addresses a lot of the same subjects as yours and I believe we could greatly ben…

    • Special Education is bad. It’s run like a prison. Just because a child as problems reading, writing, spelling etc doesn’t mean they need Special Ed. After school programs or tutor can work to but not Special Ed.

    • meu nome e cinara mas todos me chamam de gigica, tenho 36 anos sou casada mas não no papel e dois filhos lindos, gostaria de participar da casa mas vigiada do brasil gosto de compétição, nunca venci mas quem sabe a minha sorte deve esta na casa por que quem pode mas do que deus ninguem estou aqui esperando para ser chamada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Les poissons d’avril, ça marche encore mieux quand on est plus le 1er avril ! J’ai également été bien attrapée… J’ai même failli retweeter et puis j’ai pensé à regarder la date !

    • I’m looking down the road. The team will need to find a way to build this season into the next rather stand pat. Dump the dead weight and free up roster spots. Start experimenting with D-league, anything. Tyler would save about 800K. See if they can buy out Biedrins and maybe save a few bucks and cap space.

    • Verdade Priscila,Lamento muito e fico muito triste.Mas ainda bem tivemos um bom fim de noite. Na verdade foi uma noite que todo mundo deveria experimentar, rsbjos vinho!

    • you’re keen! lol by double nano do you mean 100K in the month? or just working on two novels at the same time?I’ll definately be writing, and I guess thats the main thing right? lol I find it so hard to wait.

    • Nice building – if you google 211 avenue d north, saskatoon you get more pics and some interesting stories. Trend-y and loft-y, it looks like a fun place to live. Cold weather! I can remember the Northeast, it’s a challenge!

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    • made a lot of sense. But, think about this, what if you added a little content? I mean, I dont want to tell you how to run your blog, but what if you added something to maybe get peoples attention? Just like a video or a picture or two to get people excited about what youve got to say. In my opinion, it would make your blog come to life a little bit.

    • Das duas canções, eu grifo os versos:"O mundo é apenas uma pequena cidadeTodo mundo tentando nos diminuir"("Isolation" by Lennon)"Mãe, eu tentei, por favor, acredite em mim,Estou fazendo o melhor que posso.Me envergonha as coisas que tenho feito,Me envergonha a pessoa que sou."("Isolation" by Ian Curtis)Ah, belo "post"!!!

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    • Quelle grossière erreur… Placement en zone d’attente et placement en rétention administrative sont deux choses tout à fait différentes, soumises chacune à leur propre régime.

    • ummm WHY is it not ok to have plants around that were here first, but it’s ok with them to let these mad scientists, funded by global elite who want to live forever, to mix human and animal genes, and pollute the whole earth’s plant & animal genetic stock??

    • to be owned by Party A (e.g. under implied licence), then Party A could stop any future use by Party B irrespective of the registered TM ownership position. They may also be able to cancel the registration if necessary, if the reputation had been established pre-TM application. If it hadn't or if Party B owns the goodwill, there's the potential for an impasse – qv the Interlotto case. Perhaps Party A can rely on Art 6septies of Paris Convention (s60 TMA) on basis that Party B is an agent or representative of Party A?

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    • Honestly don’t know what to think, wish we could create giant air cleaners. We have them in our homes to rid pollution and bad smells. Cant help wondering if the same could be operated in areas where there is pollution to the hilt! Ideally prevention is better than cure, but don’t see any harm in helping out the environment to become fresher especially since pollution is not the best option and has overtaken us thus far.

    • in mare punctele prezentate de tine sunt valabile la achizitionarea oricarui pc/produs electronic/electocasnicdar in practica, pentru majoritatea oamenilor e:ce frumos arataaaaaaa, pe asta il iauil iau pe asta ca e mai scump un pic, deci trebuie sa fie mai bunil iau pe asta ca e la reduceree mai bun asta ca are si imprimanta inclusa in pretetc.

    • Dok saya mau nanya tentang jakun!-Bagaimana agar jakun tidak terlalu terlihat menonjol karena saya mempunyai teman jakunnya terlalu besar dan ia kesakitan jika ia merunduk,mohon bantuannya dokTerima Kasih

    • Moi, pour un de mes sites, j’en ai -25% (oui, c’est bien le signe moins 😉 )dans l’index supplémentaire, soit 1920 pages dans l’index principal pour 1530 indexées par google.Il y aurait un bug que ça ne m’étonnerait pas

    • Angie…I just had to come and see how you put together the starter. All I can say is WOW…how much patience you have. It's complexity surely brings to a great result…however, I can really see myself doing this only if I would get a lot more serious about making bread. You've brought my appreciation of your baking dedication to a whole ne level ;o)I will B.mark this page just in case one day I'd want to go for it ;)Ciao and flavourful wishes,Claudia

    • , in his canticle, “God . . . has raised up a horn of salvation [i.e., a mighty Savior, in the order of David who was a mighty warrior, king, and prophet] for us in the house of his servant David (Lk 1:68-69). Later in his Gospel, Luke captures the reaction of the crowd to Jesus’ raising of the widow’s son: “They glorified God, saying, ‘A great prophet has arisen among us!’ and ‘God has visited his people!’” (Lk 7:16). Now we have the whole story. Jesus was first “raised up” as a prophet (in the eyes of the people), and he was later, following His passion and death, “raised up again” as the Lord God.

    • Hey read don’t laugh at this!just do it. Start thinking of something you really really want because this is astounding. The person who sent this said their wish came true 10 minutes after they read the mail so I thought what the heck! You have just been visited by Dr. Suess’s cat in the hat, he will grant you one wish make your wish when the countdown is over 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 MAKE A WISH! send this to 10 videos within the hour you read this. If you do your wish will come true

    • Hello, you used to write wonderful, but the last several posts have been kinda boring… I miss your super writings. Past several posts are just a bit out of track! come on!

    • U kidding right Well fyi it happened that 1 year while stationed in China I got caught in 1 of these massive crowds. Airports were all shut down due to bad weather. This milf just pulled her pants down squat down and relief herself. Man I tell you its really sick

    • Hi Jem,Looking forward to your thoughts Loving the new style reviews as well. Nicely done.I thought that in sci-fi end of world scenarios someone always manages to survive? I wander if in this one everyone does drown I’ve just got a copy of SweatHeart so hopefully it’ll be good.

    • I just read the articles about the financial problems the Dutch have as a consequence of “the crisis”.I understand that the post mortum “research” of the 2012 Elections described above, is to be performed by a Dutch company. This means travel expenses, purchasing memory sticks (today this seems to be a new form of “beads and mirrors” that the Dutch used for buying Manhattan from the Indians some centuries ago), time, etc.I wished someone would show me a cost-benefit analysis for such “research”.

    • genau sich alles geändert hat beschreibt Ryan Boren hier kurz. Die Beta 3 läuft schon sehr stabil, ich habe sie, wie bereits die beiden Beta-Versionen davor, in

    • laurie (46)-Lions circling the wildebeests. No more, no less.Several of my agents held houses open last weekend and got good crowds. Followup reveals these prospects to be: a) sitting on their hands; b) not even aware whether they qualify for a loan; or, c) need to sell their current home in order to move.

    • Kludne zaplatim o 1% vyssiu dan z prijmu a DPH, len nech sa zrusia tie stupidne koncesionarske poplatky. Uz mam dost tych vsetkych genitalnych vymyslov nasho pseudopolitickeho oranzovo-zeleneho hnoja ochuteneho nacionalistickymi chcankami z balkona a lenonovou pastou na stole.

    • You are very generous and courageous Robert.Thank you for sharing all you have – your spirit of service is an inspiration.Wishing you continued happinessHemat

    • This is so fab Mandy so traditional and vintage I love it! I'm like you have written all my xmas cards and am thinking its either some quick CAS cards or shop bought!!!! Thanks so much for entering at Divas, CCC and PTw hugs Rebekah xx

    • kenzo78 Posted on Jestem fanem pierwszego Lego Jonesa. KupiÅ‚em go w paczce z Kung Fu PandÄ… głównie z myÅ›lÄ… o dzieciach. Ostatecznie to ja siÄ™ bawiÅ‚em Lego Jonesem, a dzieci wolaÅ‚y Burnouta i Sonica. Omawianej tu drugiej części nie kupiÅ‚em, bo zostaÅ‚a mocno zjechana przez recenzentów. w nowym Neo+ z którego zdaniem siÄ™ liczÄ™. Podobno zepsuto wszystko co byÅ‚o najlepsze w poprzedniku, przekombinowano i na dodatek masa tu irytujÄ…cych baboli. Jestem wiÄ™c potężnie zdziwiony zachwytami Cubitussa. Zaufam i wpiszÄ™ grÄ™ na listÄ™ zakupów. A przy okazji wielkie dziÄ™ki za tekst o grach dla dzieci.

    • So awesome. Love your Mamas heart, and sharing this. I think that is one of my greatest tasks as a parent to make sure that my children know God loves them, and wants to be apart of their lives. You hit it on the head, that’s what it’s all about. What a special time for your family.

    • That’s pretty devious — why I like it — but a main levee at Cairo has already failed, and much of the farmland Missouri wants to protect is already flooded. These things are never simple. But they do yield great television, don’t they?

    • – Oh Bev (( I’ve been feeling so emotional and profoundly missing my heart dog this season, and crying. My heart feels like it’s being squished with sadness- I’m so sorry. Damned disease sneaks up and snuffs the light out of beaming stars. So hard to lose the special ones. I would trade limbs to bring my boy back. Niles was beautiful and soulful. Tears.

    • Here is a collection of old and new Maybelline commercials from all over the world. I have provided the name of the product endorsed; can u tell me the model’s name?IMP: Some models feature in more than one commercial.

    • Of course Samsung Galazy is better than iPad or iPhone. People, don’t be fool. Apple is only selling? you the “brand name”. Nothing more, nothing less. Period.. those who have iPad are only for show off. The founder of iPad said, we will never integrate “FLASH” in apple’s devices. So as everybody knows, flash is very important for some videos, websites, softwares, applications to work. No flash, means you are very limited to what you can do. Also applications are nothing free as Galaxy’s apps.

    • Let’s never forget who got us into this mess in the first place. Liberals and liberal policies which opened up the doors in the 60’s and conitnue to defend these immigrants and deny the vast problems they cause us.

    • I can’t really say. Pap smear tests try to detect abnormal cells in the cervix and it takes time for HPV to affect the cells, so it might’ve just been missed. It’s also possible she got it later like you suggested. I don’t know the situation so I really can’t say in cases like this.

    • I love the daring and the insouciance. Few younger women have this combo.You're my new hero, Ari, but I do think the next step is a guide for men on how to see and share these ladies' effulgence for themselves :){I'll bet you've got some anti-war crusaders in the mix, no?!?]Lisa

    • Also, your dome cost estimates (for an approximate 32 foot diameter dome) are way overestimated by a factor of at least 3, unless you were planning on either a monolithic dome or a hardshell type of dome. From both a structural as well as a financial perspective, I don't see any reason why a hardshell dome would be necessary or desirable in contrast to a traditional canvas covered dome which so long as your project is situated well out of a hurricane zone, should be suitable.

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    • Cab in NYC. Talking about Greenwhich Village just made me nostalgic.I used to spend a lot of time there stoned back when I was at art school in Brooklyn.My best mate later became the bass player in a band called the New York Dolls, and it’s true what they say.New York is great when you’ve got money, but not much fun when you ain’t.When I go back nowadays I enjoy it much more.

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    • thank you kuat, I didn’t get to head to where Aral waters lay much to my disappointment. Maybe I shall visit again. I am sure you have many stories about Moynaq and love for you to share them.

    • hahahaha..macam-macam..betul-betul..ada kebenarannya..tapi pendapat aku,jepun buat filem macam tue ntuk pengaruhi penduduk dia buat anak..bukan ntuk tontonan kita pun..hahahaha..dah tengok belum ISU PANAS MASA SEKARANG?Try search ISU MAKCIK HAJJAH SITT ALWUZARA HINA ISLAM di google..Geram aku!!

    • Well I just told my friend who is expecting what I plan on naming my child someday and she loved it. She promised not to steal it and then last week she informs me she is using the name for her child. It is not a common name. I am seething.

    • Je suis d’accord avec AlainLec: qu’ils aillent à l’Orage ou qu’ils s’appellent des escortes. Il serait temps que les gars comprennent et respectent ce que 99 % des filles veulent: une relation, et que s’ils ne sont pas capables d’offrir ça, qu’ils paient pour baiser.

    • dit :coucou je participe je n’ai pas vu ce film au ciné mais il me botte bien en relais l’info sur mon blogBisous et bonne journée

    • Right now it appears like WordPress is the preferred blogging platform available right now. (from what I’ve read) Is that what you are using on your blog? HeeHaa You website is good

    • En fait très bizarre…. mon email n’était plus reconnu et j’ai donc recréé un autre compte… tout perdu mes contacts, messages non lus, etc. et puis je vois encore mon ancien compte actif… il me restait des jours au forfait de rêve et ça aussi au poubelle… puis-je ravoir mon ancien compte????????

    • Nice review. I agree that the album is WAY too short and I was disappointed. However when I first heard Kid A / Amnesiac back in 2001 I absoultely hated it and now today I love those albums. What changed my mind was watching and hearing them recreate the songs on those albums live. It made me appreciate it more and it added another element to the music. So I think that for me, I can’t decide whether they still got it until I see them preform this album live.

    • Dirk, Pete Rose is explained by the thing that was far more influential on baseball than steroids: artificial turf. Rose and other singles hitters during the Artificial Turf Era padded their stats with grounders that would be routine outs today rocketing through the infield at a velocity approaching light speed on turf.Ichiro would have hit about .600 on turf.Babe Ruth is still MY all time home run champion, as is all time hit champ Ty Cobb and his 4,191 hits.

    • Gott blogg elskan 🙂 góð hugmynd að skrifa niður jákvæðu hlutina og einbeita sér að þeim. En mig langar að sjá TV2 á morgun… vonandi er hægt að horfa á netinu 🙂

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    • Isn't serving the people a calling, a vocation? Since when it's became something like running a company where growth and profits matter more than the plight of its citizens?

    • 119Olen aivan samaa mieltä tuossa että meitä ruokarajoitteisia on turha alkaa syyyttämään ja moittimaan. Emme me vapaaehtoisesti ole tällaista itsellemme ottaneet. Ja tosiaan pienikin määrä laktoosia voi pilata koko päivän.

    • This was a massive improvement however there are still scenarios where we see problems de-crypting tokens. The scenarios are difficult to reproduce but the end result is that a token/cookie a user was using yesterday is no longer valid today. When this happens we see uncaught Cryptographic and/or Argument Exceptions from the MachineKeyTransform. I’ve added exception trapping around these scenarios in my implementation of the SessionAuthenticationModule and in the MachineKeyTransform. Basically, when I encounter Crypto exceptions, I log the user out (kill their cookies in my case) and send them back through the STS server to re-issue their session.

    • Have a beautiful and peaceful Sunday to all in D~land! Share the light!! We get to BEGIN. right around the corner:) August 7th! What a lovely mid- summers gift!Great post Kalei!

    • Caramba. Desanimador ler esses comentários.Mori, saiba que você tem ótimos leitores, que apreciam sua dedicação, além dos infantes nestes comentários.Abraços

    • Tyvärr fungerar inte det att lägga upp bidrag nu men jag antar att det är blogger som fortsätter krÃ¥ngla? Mr Linky syns inte över huvudtaget.

    • but, thanks to the translation of the koran in dutch by Kader Abdollah, she now understands that with infidels, the koran just means „pirates at sea”.Which would make it sounds like „Kill the pirates at sea wherever you find them”. He-he-he


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    • I love all of this…visiting Assisi and “walking in” the footsteps of the beloved San Francesco was so profound for me. Because so much art reflects the lives of the saints, knowing more about them (and their travails) brings a greater meaning and appreciation to the experience.

    • Estou com problemas elétricos na casa que eu aluguei já faz uns 4 anos, a adm diz que é problema de quem ta na casa, quem tem que arrumar e pagar é quem mora nela, isso ta certo?

    • Creo que estás un poco pez, ¿no?, ni siquiera sabes lo que es una línea de comandos???Antes de leer este post, deberías leer alguno de manejo básico de Mac OS y sobre shell, ¿no te pacece?, quizás otro de Software libre, dado que todo el SW libre suele venir en código fuente, es decir hay que “compilarlo para instalarlo”.

    • Tusen takk for gratulasjoner:)Vi gleder oss:)Ble helt rørt her jeg,og skulle ønske jeg var pÃ¥ kurs med henne jeg ogsÃ¥.Har enda ikke fÃ¥tt lest Idas dans, men nÃ¥ skal jeg prøve Ã¥ fÃ¥ det til.Ønsker deg en super uke:)Klem Lise

    • LOL. I can't stop laughing at the Ris Low video. Especially at the "Why is Safe Sex important?" hahahaha. She couldn't even get the words "safe sex" out right. Her English is appalling and disgusting, it's beyond me how she was even a one time beauty queen with that kind of command of English. And wow, cheap much? Wearing a bra and lab coat? But it's freaking hilarious video nonetheless. If that's how she removes a condom, I feel sorry for her guy.

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