Šalyje – tūkstančiai be priežiūros paliktų automobilių

Neatsakingi gyventojai netinkamą naudojimui seną automobilį palieka bendro naudojimosi vietoje ar tiesiog prie namų ar gatvės, nors privalo pasirūpinti jo utilizavimu. Bešeimininkio automobilio savininko paieška neretai tampa detektyvine istorija.

Socialiniuose tinkluose juokaujama, kad netinkamo naudoti automobilio savininkas mašiną stato ne dienai ar mėnesiui, o keliems metams ir nemokamai. Tokių automobilių turėtojams siūloma neturėti vilčių, kad viešąją tvarką prižiūrinčios institucijos, pavyzdžiui, policija važinėja su metalo laužo surinkimo mašina.

„Bendro naudojimosi vietose paliktų senų automobilių apstu kiekviename didesniame ar mažesniame Lietuvos mieste. Vis tik pastebimą gerą praktiką – daugėja gyventojų, kurie neabejingi dėl ne vietoje paliktų neprižiūrimų transporto priemonių“, – sako Eksploatuoti netinkamų transporto priemonių tvarkytojų asociacijos (ENTPTA) vadovas Vladimir Jankoit.

Asociacija vien šiemet iš gyventojų gavo beveik 1 tūkst. pranešimų apie eksploatuoti netinkamus automobilius bendro naudojimo vietose, o nuo veiklos pradžios (2012-ųjų lapkričio) – beveik 2,6 tūkst. pranešimų. Daugiausia pranešimų buvo iš didžiųjų miestų: šiais metais iš Vilniaus gauta daugiau kaip 500 pranešimų, iš Kauno – apie 200, Klaipėdos – apie 70, Šiaulių – virš 40, Panevėžio – 25.

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės Viešosios tvarkos skyriaus vedėjas Andžejus Dinikis sako, kad bendro naudojimo vietose palikto nenaudojamo seno automobilio savininko paieška neretai sukelia daug problemų dėl teisės aktuose numatytų privalomų procedūrų.

„Pirmiausia savininką būtina raštu perspėti pasirūpinti bendrojo naudojimo vietoje palikta nenaudojama mašina. Dažnai būna atvejų, kai asmuo vengia perspėjimų, neįsileidžia į namus pareigūnų. Teko su lipnia juosti ant būsto durų klijuoti ir fotografuoti pranešimą apie pareigą pasirūpinti apleistu automobiliu. Pareigos nesilaikančio asmens „medžioklė“ trunka ganėtinai ilgai ir gali nuvesti net iki paieškų skelbimo“, – teigia A. Dinikis.

Pasak jo, pirmiausia pareigūnai gyventojui įteikia pranešimą per nurodytą terminą pasirūpinti nenaudojamu automobiliu, vėliau tikrina, ar asmuo įvykdė įpareigojimą ir surašo protokolą, jei vengiama tą daryti. Po pakartotinio įspėjimo pareigos vengiantis asmuo kviečiamas į teismą, kuris sprendžia, ar konfiskuoti bendro naudojimo vietoje paliktą nenaudojamą automobilį.

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės atstovo teigimu, šiuo metu procedūros ne tik kad yra sudėtingos, bet ir užtrunka itin ilgai. Didesnių sunkumų kyla, kai ant palikto automobilio nėra valstybinio numerio ar mašinos savininkas yra miręs.

Dažniausiai gyventojai teisinasi nepasirūpinantys netinkamu naudojimui automobiliu, nes jį pardavus neišregistravo iš „Registros“, arba juo naudojasi tik kelis kartus per metus. Neretai seną automobilį bendro naudojimo vietoje be priežiūros palieka studentai, supratę, kad Vilniuje  studentams paprasčiau naudotis viešuoju transportu. Sostinės Žirmūnų rajone buvo atvejis, kai žmogus naudojo savo automobilį kaip sandėliuką.

„Administracinių nusižengimų kodeksas turėtų numatyti, kad pakaktų vieno įspėjimo gyventojui dėl bendro naudojimo vietoje palikto nenaudojamo automobilio, o to nepadarius, asmuo būtų baudžiamas ne tik pinigine bauda, bet ir automobilis būtų konfiskuojamas. Kita vertus, mokestis už automobilį skatintų utilizuoti eksploatuoti netinkamą transporto priemonę (ENTP)“, – mano A. Dinikis.

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės Viešosios tvarkos skyrius 2017-ųjų pirmąjį pusmetį gavo beveik 1,3 tūkst. pranešimų iš gyventojų apie bendrojo naudojimo vietoje paliktus senus automobilius. Pasitvirtino 1,1 tūkst. pranešimų, buvo pašalinta 650 transporto priemonių, o 6 automobilių savininkai nubausti. Dėl kitų automobilių dar vyksta procedūros, nei viena byla dėl automobilio konfiskavimo (griežčiausia bauda) teismo nepasiekė.

Už neeksploatuojamos ir be priežiūros paliktos transporto priemonės laikymą bendro naudojimo vietose gyventojui gresia bauda arba automobilio konfiskavimas. Už pirmą kartą padarytą pažeidimą numatyta bauda siekia nuo 70 iki 140 eurų, o už antrąkart – iki 300 eurų su (arba be) automobilio konfiskavimu.

„ENTP yra pavojingų medžiagų (alyvos, filtrų), kurios kelia pavojų aplinkai ir žmonių sveikatai, todėl tokie automobiliai negali būti ardomi asmenų, neturinčių tam leidimų ir licencijų bei paliekami be priežiūros kiemuose ir gatvėse“, – sako Gamintojų ir importuotojų asociacijos (GIA) vadovas Alfredas Skinulis.

Pagal Lietuvos teisės aktus ENTP ir jų atliekos turi būti perduotos atliekų tvarkytojams, turintiems teisę užsiimti tokių transporto priemonių surinkimu ir tvarkymu. Automobilių atliekos taip pat gali būti atiduotos transporto priemonių gamintojams ir importuotojams arba pristatytos į jų įsteigtas ENTP priėmimo vietas.

Bet kuris gyventojas gali pasinaudoti GIA kartu su ENTPA sukurtos senų automobilių tvarkymo sistemos paslaugomis, sudarančios galimybes automobilius priduoti kiekvienoje Lietuvos apskrityje (

Arba kreiptis į tuos, kurie tuo užsiima. Automobilių supirkimas Kaune Vilniuje Klaipėdoje

Panašios temos :

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  • Hallo Manuel,ich meinte weniger das Design, ich meinte die Technik. Also das eine Art Chat-hin-und-her im Eintrag angezeigt wird. Müsste man warscheinlich irgendwie das Post Format abfragen und dann in der Ãœbersicht die Kommentare eines Beitrages anzeigen, bei den anderen Post Formats dann nicht.

  • They say that ,TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED IS TO FEEL THE SUN FROM BOTH SIDES….. I couldnt agree more. Biscuit was loved unconditionally and gave it back in return, it is a wonderful feeling, he felt the warmth of the sun from both sides……. something some animals never get to feel not even once. He was a very lucky kitty.To Viktor and all the animals lovers ,lets continue to feel the sun from both sides.Much love

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  • Ha, wyÅ›ledziÅ‚am je!!! No ja bym zamierzaÅ‚a upiec i o przepis siÄ™ bardzo uÅ›miecham, bo na razie znalazÅ‚am tylko jakieÅ› algierskie wersje (nawet na youtube sÄ… i mąż siÄ™ dziwnie patrzyÅ‚, gdy mnie zastaÅ‚ oglÄ…dajÄ…cÄ… to z arabskÄ… foniÄ… 😉 ). Ale one sÄ… brzydsze niż Twoje i jakieÅ› nie bardzo, bo majÄ… w skÅ‚adzie wodÄ™ pomaraÅ„czowÄ…, a mahlabu ani szczypty…. 🙁

  • Q – So. much. yes. That’s a hard one to figure out, and if you’re a drama queen for struggling to find the “right” balance in that, then I’m one right along with you. (Now, if we were agonizing over them not doing enough hours of Latin grammar a week… 🙂 )Tiffany – <3

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    • Muito bem xor Lusitano.A escumalha portuguesa é da mesma estirpe dos 'politicos' educados da europa.Uma cambada de gente do piorio.É ver o q se passou na ex-Jugoslávia/Kosovo(protetorado de assassinos e traficantes de órgãos/ópio AfPak),guerra no Iraque.Esta gentalha tem as patas sujas com sangue e,deveriam-nas pagar.Os povos são tótós e,com o romper do pano económico da UE/USA vamos começar a levar nos cornos para aprendermos…

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    • Regen kann doch so schön sein, wenn man Fotos machen kann, was ich gestern auch tat, aber heute war so ein Mix aus Sonne und Wolken, nicht wirklich Sommer, aber er kommt bestimmt, bin ganz hoffnungsvoll und in meinem Blog gibt es auch einen Artikel über den Sommeranfang.Wünsche dir schon mal ein schönes Wochenende und liebe GrüßeMathilda

    • – Yeah after I wrote that I did think it would be pushing the boundaries but then I read another site suggest it would be the ultimate power show with Apple saying “we are so god damn dominant in this space that we are open to letting ‘little ol’ Microsoft on our hardware” They will be just like any other company showing off what they have designed for iOS.(camtab has made 480 comments)

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    • Valuable info. Thanks, Mr. Withome. (Kidding!) Writers are always so concerned about submitting and nudging our babies into the wide world we sometimes forget agents and editors are human. Always interesting to hear the take from the other side of the desk!Thanks, Christine. (And thanks for picking me as a finalist in the Hook, Line & Sinker contest. Was thrilled to receive the Mysteries and Margaritas tote bab AND chapter request!)

    • This meme has gotten out of control, I was at a gay ass party and told my buddy, “Let’s bail.” And he screamed at the hostess for five minutes about how the 7 layer dip only had 6 layers.

    • Spring wheat was much better then winter wheat in Manitoba!! Winter wheat ran out 50-60 bushels an acre while spring wheats ran out high 50s to mid 60s. With close to a $2/bushel price spread spring wheat is the clear winner, hands down.

    • Pbrain, step away from the Fox news wannabes and use your head. WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO’S AHEAD IN THE POLLS WANT AN EARLY DEBATE?

    • I am speechless. In the midst of your trials, you are being used mightily by God. To read your words encourages me in my trials. It puts things into perspective in a big way. Thank you for your encouraging words and reminding me that God is in control, no matter what. I’ve been praying for Abby and for your family. I posted this on Facebook and emailed it to friends. Please know that God is using you in ways you cannot know.

    • Excelent purchase, is a good deal base on the prices offered in the market, just be careful with the transport fee because I payed around $150 to get the product in less than 3 days I think is expensive. But the product is great and I strongly recommend to buy it.

    • Con tantas XXX, XY, YYY y más, ya no sé quién demonios soy.Así que si tú lees libros y te lías imáginate yo que no leo nada sobre la teoría queer.Casi que me quedo como estoy.Por cierto a mí me gusta tal y como eres…Besitos guapetón

    • “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!

    • that this is a scam email, since it’s pretty much impossible to knock someone out with a whiff or two of ANY substance, including ether. Still, you never know, and when some stranger approaches you in a parking lot — well, to use a cliche: better to be safe than sorry.

    • Something fun you can do without a lot of work is to use empty spice bottles and fill them with different “scents” of ET: incense, coffee, popcorn, turmeric, chiles, garlic.

    • हार्दिक अभिनंदन !!!!!काका आपले ब्लॉग तर आहेतच मुळात सुरेख शब्द रचनांनी भरून आणि “प्रहार” च्या अंकात आपलं केलेलं कौतुक आणि प्रशंसा ती पण उत्तम प्रकारे शब्द्लेखीत केली हे..अर्थात काय तर लिखाणाल शोभेल अस शीर्षक आणि शीर्षकाला शोभेल अशी शब्त रचनेतील स्तुतीफुल…परत एकदा आम्हा सर्व वाचकांना आपल्या लिखाणातून मराठी भाषेशी जवळ आणल्या बद्दल मनपासून आभार आणि हार्दिक अभिनंदन !!!!

    • When I was in a bad mood, my hiding place is my room. In my own room, I feel comfortable and safe that could make me be in a good mood. I usually listened to music and took a good long sleep to relax myself.

    • Yes, I still eat the food that I like including desserts but I definitely cut down on the amount. As long as I have at least a bite or two. It may take a little longer to lose, but hopefully I will keep it off longer that way too!

    • Senhor NN, há uns anos atrás, uns leitores deste blog tentaram explicar isso, mas não entendi. Quer tentar de novo?Quanto aos pescadores poveiros e caxineiros,eu saí desse meio e conheço bem, porque vou lá quando preciso de forças e apoio, mas não falamos em arianos, nem caucasianos. Preocupe-se mais com eles que destroíem os nossos monumentos e as nossas cidades, que se deixam corromper por quem quer que seja.

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    • Totally agree about the lack of novelty, although I almost feel bad critizing at all. Collins is truly amazing! Nice review, Nicole. You captured my feelings exactly. Believe it or not, I finished Catching Fire last fall, and have yet to read Mockingjay. Not that I’m not interested, but I had other stuff to read first, then my intensity for it sort of faded. Now that I’ve seen the movie, I want to get going on the last book.

    • Posted on Ada satu perkataan guru geografi saya saat SMP yang masih saya ingat sampe sekarang.“Klo orang pinter di Indonesia ga ada yang mau jadi guru, lalu siapa yang akan mengajarkan generasi penerus bangsa.”Sampe” pas ada tugas PSAF untuk nulis cita” di scrapbook, saya nulis ingin jadi guru. Eh, malah diketawain sama tim kretif yg meriksa scrapbook saya. Hahaha,,,

    • Who is 1:11? Thats amazing. And who is 1:17 WOW. You guys are incredible. I will never be able to jump that high but I am working on my vertical exercises to atleast try and poster someone. Do you guys do exercises also? I know you have amazing ability just wondering is all.

    • I've used sour cream in chocolate cupcakes before, they come out really flavorful and moist. Everyone can't believe there's sour cream in it.So cool to see your family/friends participate in the run. I'm still trying to get the husband to do a small race with me, but he can't do long distance because of his knees, but 5K will be fun with him.

    • Hi Giselle, I personally like to use dark chocolate but some people find it too intense, so sometimes I use a mixture of dark and milk, it is up to your personal preference on that one. What cream – in Australia you can use cream, whipping cream or thickened cream, you can also use double cream but you do not need to so you might as well save your money. In the US what you need is called heavy cream.

    • Lovely card, great image and layout. I love the colours too. Thank you for joining us at Fashionista Challenge Blog, good luck and hope to see you again soon. Hugs Suzie xx

    • Hey Sheryll – Thank you so much for your comment and kind words I’m always excited when I hear that other people are thinking about spending a significant amount of time in Sayulita. It’s still one of my favorite places on this planet to live. I’ll definitely go ahead and put together an email with some helpful information for you…I might be able to get it done today if this internet connection holds up, but if not, I’ll get it to you as soon as I find another good connection somewhere (it’s not so reliable here in Syria!).

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    • Reminds me of Barthes discussion on studium and punctum. Many thanks Bernard for an interesting and thought provoking piece.——————–Thanks, Tony, for this kind reference to « La chambre claire ».When taking pictures, some coincidences are also provoking.BJ

    • If she were a resident she would have to tread more carefully. Israel operates by more European laws. So some of the same things that apply in Europe apply there.

    • disse:CONTINUAÇÃOLiguei essas duas discuções porque ACHO que as duas coisas estão diretamente ligadas.Evoluir o mercado deve refletir nas criações e logo nas premiações. Resultados serão consequencia disso. O caso da sua agência e o Ipod no palito, para mim, é isso,Daí a frase “Ser artistas sim. Artistas capitalistas”.Viajei longe demais?! rsrsrsrs

    • Your style is so eclectic. Unlike most ladies of the blogosphere. And you look like an old bestfriend of mine, so it makes me feel nostalgic when I see your blog. Pretty thing!sweetness xxhope to hear from you*!

    • Nghề nghiệp : Không thể nói đượcGiá»›i tính : con zai (Mr. yahoo bff)Vị trí sở trường : Translator, Editor Timer(kinh nghiệm bên freestyle FS và các nhóm vô danh khác)Liên hệ :

    • je ne comprends pas l’amalgame qui est fait (volontairemet=nt me semble-t-il) entre un parent qui donne une gifle ou une fessee a un de ses enfants et un parent qui maltraite ses enfants. ce n’est parce qu’un coup part un jour que l’adulte doit etre catalogue comme maltraitant.on dit que la violence est un aveu de faiblesse. mais c’est aussi un electrochoc. et une gifle a pour effet positif de remettre les choses en place, a condition evidemment que cela reste exceptionnel.

    • Die Klammern finde ich auch ganz wunderbar, leider habe ich die bisher nur online entdeckt, du Glückliche, den Supermarkt hätte ich auch gerne Mir gefällt besonders das zweite von den Farben!

    • Noutros sítios do mundo há menos gente a andar de borla e as CP's que por lá existem não são diferentes da nossa: monopolistas e com prejuízos… mas concordo com a redução das «borlas» a começar pelas borlas que a CML paga aos copofónicos dos fins-de-semana à custo do dinheiro dos impostos dos trabalhadores.

    • no hay que agradecer, trata de eliminar los archivos auxiliares de forma manual mientras Pinnacle está cerrado, después abre Pinnacle y revisa si los archivos volvieron a ser generados, si es así quiere decir que esos archivos los necesita Pinnacle para no aparecer nuevamente, probablemente eran archivos auxiliares de otra aplicación o por alguna razón Pinnacle no los está eliminando desde la pestaña archivo.saludosVN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)

    • dit :Passionnant les commentaires ! Bean qui nous fait en direct le compte rendu de son épilation du maillot. Et pour le pubis, elle va nous faire un joli petit dessin ?Non mais je rêve !

    • This is a very helpful write up especially for those businesses and individuals considering this IT movement for their internal system. You guys really helped me determine what kind of Cloud I need for my personal life and for my professional life. Keep up the great work guys.

    • Você disse que atua em outro nicho de mercado desde 18/07/2011. Qual é então? Ainda é “sigiloso”? rs Acho muito estranho você não divulgar essa informação.

    • SÃ¥ er du tæt igen..smiler,,, Har aldrig hørt om Grønland voks, hvad er det for noget??Super lækker taske du fik dig der.Tillykke med den.Ha´en dejlig dagKnus Susi

    • Ponytail; black jacket. Complaining how Farrell always needed to be centre of attention (or some such nonsense). I made that line up. Took my character very seriously. Other notables – Dr. Lim was our actual family doctor growing up. Note how he got invited back for the sequel.

    • Well aren’t you the clever one. In my mind I see you in a Donna Hay setting grilling haloumi on your deck while looking out over ocean.

    • Ok. Here is a way to test a theory in a “meaningful” way, and outside the box. (I think) Subject;, A Christian, and believer in the written Bible. Statement;, God was an alien. “In the begining, God created the heavens, and earth”. Conclusion: God was not from this Earth…It is rational to say He created it, therefore, cannot be native to it. He is alien to earth. Is this not pure logic?

    • Hi Glynis, if you are hoping to find homes for some of the dogs, see if a nearby rescue will allow you to post them on their pet search site and attend their adoption events. You can also post them on the PawsTexas Fb page. If you haven’t checked out Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP) and/or North Texas Pet Food Bank, they may be able to help with some of the expenses (both have a Fb page). Thanks for caring for those that are abandoned.

    • Oh my goodness… the first bulletpoints scared me to death. I was thinking, “we’re going to have to sit Ally down and talk to her about real life”… so glad it was followed by “Just kidding!”At 25, I read, “How to Get a Date Worth Keeping” by Henry Cloud. It transformed the way I saw the dating world. I know for a fact that I am with Brian because of some of Cloud’s advice in the book. I wouldn’t have given the relationship a chance had I been following my “rules” prior to the book.Anyway…that’s my 2 cents.

    • Più che “un amico ambrosiano”, gentile Tornielli, il Suo sembrerebbe essere un narcotico politically correct travestito (malamente) da amico.Se il Giornale ( e non solo il Giornale) usasse Codesto stile di comunicati pensoi che ci faremmo tutti delle grandi dormite…

    • Thanks for your review! I was looking for something like this to make my diet plan more effective and this fruit bar looks great. Right now I’m following the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure program and I wonder if you have some other recommendations about more fruit bars that I can use with this diet.Thanks

    • Tout cela est juste et clairement dit. Comment limiter la religion à la sphère privée (je dis ça alors que je ne pense pas être athée) alors que toutes les grandes religions (même si elles ne prônent pas une théocratie, comme l’islam) ne peuvent se concevoir sans prétendre légiférer dans la sphère publique ? C’est un immense chantier sur lequel les religions ne voudront jamais s’avancer.N’oublions pas que Christine Boutin est la conseillère pour la famille du Vatican.

    • Hey there, in my opinion which came across everyone frequented my website thus got to “return this favor”.I’m attempting to find things to advance my website!Perhaps the fine to utilise a number ideas!!

    • Thank you so much for the Christoph ones. I’ll never forget being the first member of the Christoph Contingent to have the chance to meet him off the set. I can’t wait to see this film! I’d say that between the fans of all three stars we should be able to make it a HUGE success!!!

    • et celle-ci, on adorera ?trouvé dans le Monde des livres de ce jour sous la signature de R.-P.D. : « A tel point que la lecture de ces fragments souvent énigmatiques ont fini par devenir l’un des exercices cruciaux où s’affrontent des conceptions divergentes de la philosophie dans son ensemble. »Cette lecture m’auront laissé perplexe … Encore une grande plume prise au piège de son clavier ? certains sont dispensés de correcteurs ?

    • its all bull,how are they coming out with a new cod after just a year of mw2, the hell with infinity ward.they are cashing in on all u dumd ass gamers map packs,old maps,releases a year apart.short ass story lines.infinity ward should show some love to its fans and provide some free content for their consumers.15 bucks for new maps eat crap infinity.

    • I carry out agree challenging ideas you might have presented inside your post. Theyre really convincing and definately will definitely perform. Still, the posts have become short for starters. Could anyone please expand them a little from the next time? Thanks for that post.

    • “Good times. It will be a long, hot Summer.”That’s ok Bill Gross is going to save the stock market:) Seriously I wouldn’t expect Gross to be buying a market that most observers think is overvalued just because “HE CAN”.

    • Such a cool article! You should be super proud! And I guarantee you will motivate at least one person to get out there and run with this article!!

    • You are quite right, of course. With the exception that we both work and have a shared economy, I was just the driver and photographer.And expect to stay that way 😉

    • Hi Heidi,Oh, I know what you mean. Whenever my life gets stressful it always, always shows up in my skin. My dark circles seem that much darker and the brightness/glow disappears. How’s the job hunt been? Any new prospects on the horizon?Hi to Missy from Tabs!

    • I have some feedback regarding Google Webmaster Tools.Not sure where to put it so this seems like a relevant spot for it.Regarding Top Search Queries Tool:It appears that the "Avg Position". if your ranking for a key-phrase on page 3+ is off by 10 exactly. Page one and two positions unaffected.Can anyone confirm this? If true could this be corrected by the powers that be?Thanks

    • Amazing Bev,Unusal colours but fantastic!Those Pinks are so lush and Fab colouring too!Have a great Bank holiday week end!Take careBig HugsCasperxxx

    • sept titres c’est graver dans le marbre et ça nul ne pourra lui enlever.J’ai le souvenir que le plus grand nombre de supporters attendaient que le club rentre dans une nouvelle ère en cassant la tirelire, cela à été fait, mais teaming n’était pas le bon.Pour ma part, mon ressenti c’est de la tristesse, pas de la colère.

    • got it sorted now, averaging 400-500 pips a week easily. Find a better trading technique. I’ve tried them all, narrowed it down to one extremely powerful technique. Check out the video here >

    • Tried cooking something similar before but probably with wrong cut of meat i.e. beef dice and without the intermediate steps. On the scale of 10, mine is probably 5 (just good enough to fill the tank)

    • The meta question that I find myself grappling with is how much of all this is personal and thereby relative. That is to say, how much of this change is a fundamental change for our species and how much is normal change in the context of history. When automobiles hit the road for the first time, I’m sure someone was pronouncing that the future was collapsing into the past, and when we start cloning dudes years from now, I’m sure some dude will say that we have left the “here” and are now living in the “there.”

    • Thanks, Scott. Here’s a more typical example, from this week:The Saints of New Orleans looked great,And we by comparison, second rate,While it furrows my brow,Come ten weeks from now,Might Superbowl Champs be their fate?

    • Gwebe is right.There are hundreds of thousands of black lawyers looking for jobs.Why should Willie Hofmey hold onto two of the top legal jobs in the country?The fact that Hofmeyr was detained in solitary confinement does not entitle him to stand in the way of transformation!

    • Olá amigo , tenho uma pergunta , procurei em todos os sites mas achei a solução somente aqui .. então vamos direto ao assunto. Instalei o The sims 2 original e o CEP , depois disso visitei alguns sites de downloads e baixei alguns cabelos e roupas personalizadas .. mas quando eu entro no jogo ele não reconhece , apenas aparece o asterístico. O que devo fazer ?

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    • Misschien is het gewoon minder belangrijk dan we het hebben gemaakt Jezzebel? Misschien is het een levenskunst daar de lol van in te zien. Maar voorlopig lijd ik met je mee.

    • Ouais enfin Pat pour le coup il ne suffit pas de savoir faire de bons cookies, y'a toute l'industrialisation du produit a prendre compte derriere, adaptation des machines a café, ect…

    • I was inspired by this post to google "long pig" in my morning naivety (only one cup of coffee state).Yeah… I wont be clicking those links.Best,McVee

    • Tegenwoordig (ik spreek van 1996) lopen de Australische dames topless op het strand van Kuta….weliswaar alleen vlak langs het water op het strand. Maar toch..en plein public. De Balinese dames heb ik nooit topless gezien…….Vroeger namen de Baligangers van die mooie plaatjes mee terug onder het mom van ‘souvenirs de voyage’……

    • Men hellanduttan da… selv om det var herk sÃ¥ ble det jo noen utrolig flotte bilder da! De bør du jo sette i ramme, uttrykket hennes er jo helt skjønt! 🙂 Ha en fin søndagskveld.

    • Choices… sisters just think alike! 🙂 These make up such a good list Debbie, and every one of them apply to me too. Yep, we're on the same page here!Love you sis!

    • February 18, 2008 at 9:38 pm · Actually….yes, I would like to see just how long of a sentence you can write, and it still be coherent….ready? GO! *g* Funny thing is about me though…I was an atheist, and I moved towards Paganism. Weird, aint it? How life takes you through many walks?

    • Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a couple of unrelated information, nevertheless truly worth taking a search, whoa did one study about Mid East has got a lot more problerms at the same time

    • Ali,It was nice to meet you this past tuesday. Please know that you are not alone in your sufferings, I have been there in ways that can’t even be described in words. If you ever need to talk please feel free to contact me and I look forward to getting to know you better as time goes on.

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    • Update: C1 flight (customer test flight) has actually not yet taken place. Planned for today or tomorrow. Then there will be three days of crew training. A photoshoot flight also needs to take place. So no delivery until late in the week, probably.

    • Posted on December 21, 2012 at 2:42 pmCan you add a Blackberry template? This web page is challenging to read otherwise for all those of us browsing with cell phones. Otherwise, in the event you can put a RSS link up, that would be good also.

    • Tôi Ä‘ang ở Hoa Kỳ, chú của bạn ở tiểu bang nào, nếu được bạn có thể cho tôi email hoặc số Ä‘iện thoại, tôi sẽ tìm hiểut thá»­ xem sao.

    • Thank you, Sue, for your kind words. As we all know, it can be challenging to stay in the present when anticipation sets in, and I by no means suggest eliminating positive anticipation (not only can it inspire creativity, but it can be fun and help us prepare). Negative anticipation, on the other hand, can easily lead us down a dark and lonely path, and who wants that?

    • Juliana, eu também me emociono cada vez que pego o livro. É uma sensação muito boa de ter feito algo capaz de tocar as pessoas. Sem dúvida, ser mãe é um trabalho divino, de amor sem tamanho. Somos privilegiadas!Muito obrigada pela visita e pelo comentário.Beijos.

    • Thank you finally. I had a link to my site placed on a global sidebar with the alt text of 'ad code'. Despite being a relevant site, and not purchased, over 1000 links all of a sudden crippled my search rankings.

    • I’ve frozen chocolate chip oatmeal cookies in the past that were fine. Otherwise, this is the first year I’m going to freeze “Christmas” cookies. I’ve read that Christmas cutout cookies freeze really well. I never have time to make those and decorate them with icing and sprinkles and all. So that’s what we’re baking this week. And probably some dreamsicle cookies too. Those are easy. (I want to host a cookie swap in December!)

    • Ich spreche mich weiterhin für den Bau einer neuen Spielstätte für die Bochumer Symphoniker aus – bei 30 Mio. € Baukosten und jetz 800 T€ Betriebskosten, die im Kulturbereich anderswo gesparten werden sollen.Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass ohne neue Spielstätte die Bochumer Symphoniker insgesamt infrage zustellen sind. Ohne Bau der Spielstätte sollten wir uns dauerhaft vom eigenen Orchester trennen. Das ist allerdings auch nicht so einfach.

    • Your logic implies that you need to be in Iran, Lebanon ,Syria and Gaza to secure Israel from all those. Security is more than soldiers and weapons and even Hezbollah knows that the strength of Israel is in its society. The settler "bashing" is the result of arrogance that was tamed only once by Arik Sharon when he pulled out of Gaza. Everybody knows that Israel cannot control the territories not because the Americans don't want it but because it is bad for Israel.

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    • Здравствуйте, Валерий.Одни курсы у нас сейчас уже идут, но мы продолжаем проводить набор на следующие. Приблизительная дата – это где-то через 1 мес.Заранее спасибо,HR

    • Carrie,You are awesome. The battle with weight is a challenging one and your inspiration here is sure to guide others in such a healthful realistic way. I was happy to have you not only leave a comment on my blog recently. Keep up the good work, it’s all about the journey. I can’t weight for my town’s Turkey trot!Jen (A Girl and Her Carrot) recently posted..

    • Helmut, what you will find here are people who aspire to a higher state of spirituality, but who aren’t trying to imply that they’ve transcended their humanity. Simply put, if you’re still here, you’re not done. Keep in mind that judging others for being human is still judging, no matter how many “blessings” are tied into the end.

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    • And while we’re on the topic, if anybody out there wants to ignore the overwhelming subsidies and regulations that engineered and are required to prop up suburbia and make the argument that dude, people just like living in suburbs, I’d love to hear why so many suburbanites have such nostalgia for small towns. Personally, I don’t think all that many people actually like the suburbs very much. There just isn’t much choice.

    • Tak. Też marzÄ™ o domu, w którym nie brakuje zapachu drożdżowego ciasta. Póki co jednak nie mogÄ™ siÄ™ nim cieszyć częściej, niż w weekendy… A mogÅ‚abym, oj… mogÅ‚abym siÄ™ cieszyć na staÅ‚e. I chyba, podobnie jak Ty, Basiu, spomiÄ™dzy biszkopta i buÅ‚eczek, wybraÅ‚abym jednak te drugie. Gdyż nic smaczniejszego nie znam. ;))Chociaż… taki Poleczkowy biszkopt z dżemami zapowiada siÄ™ absolutnie bosko.Åšciskam!

    • It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Personally I dont think Chavez trusts anyone, he may trust his brother a bit more. . His political strength is to keep everyone else weak and guessing. That game is over if he pushes a succession plan in my view. He may be able to get the law changed to allow a VP to continue in his place but asking for that and having that law allow succession of a family member may be a reach. His loyal love him, everyone else, not so much.

    • "about the koch brothers being partisans?"And then you link to the Soros sponsored, left-wing sewer that is Media Matters. Way to prove your case, Larry.I don't think most people would dispute the Koch brothers are anti-Obama. He's a committed socialist, the Koch brothers are for pro-freedom. None of that means Dr Perry's chart is wrong. Anyone half-paying attention(obviously that excludes you) to Obama's actions can see he is anti-oil.

    • Hey, no I don’t. I already canceled my subscription. Since I paid through paypal all you have to do is find the area that says “manage subscriptions” and cancel your subscription through there. If you didn’t use paypal I’m sure there’s an email you can contact to have your subscription canceled, because even though you might not like the service, I’m sure they’ll let you cancel, otherwise its illegal for them to take your money without your permission, so don’t worry.

    • I didn’t know you’re church was moving, a brand new building? You’ll have to tell me more about it. And yeah, I love talking geek to other sound guys .

    • should be a fun year next year with that schedule and some of the young guys that should’ve played this year that will actually play next year….nice write up.i don’t care what weight benjamin shows up at next year…too light too heavy that young kid from wisconsin needs to start in the middle of the dl from day one and when i say day one meant day one of last fall—he shouldn’t have redshirted.

    • 2009å¹´08月15æ—¥ 星期六 下午8:36 匿名:又唔可以咁講,「幽默感」唔係大晒,如果有個鬼佬,喺天壇大佛面前舉起中指;或有條鬼婆喺天后廟面前露對波出嚟,然後高舉「I like Anal Sex」紙牌,咁中國人又會點睇呢?係咪又要「 幽默感」å‘¢?

    • Bonjour,En fait, il suffit de s’inscrire à la Newsletter en remplissant le petit formulaire sur la droite. En plus de recevoir mon calendrier, vous recevrez toutes les mises à jour de mon eBook !! J’espère que mon eBook vous apportera de l’aide

    •   SodaloHar ikke peiling. Helge HafsÃ¥s holder nesten samme fart pÃ¥ maraton som jeg har pÃ¥ mila, og jeg vet jammen ikke om jeg har sett han uten megaleppe…. Men jeg hÃ¥per jo jeg kan fÃ¥ et bittelite løft pÃ¥ løpingen nÃ¥ som jeg foreløpig føler bare ubehag med Ã¥ slutte!

    • Fish oil? Please tell me it's in pills, not that nasty cod-liver oil stuff they made kids swallow in those grim black-and-white orphan movies back in the 1930s.

    • Eber,vc poderá se registrar como MEI e terá seu CNPJ, tranquilamente.Karina,se vc ultrapassar os R$ 36.000.00 vai automaticamente para o Supersimples e começará a recolher uma alíquota de 4.5% sobre sua receita, que englobará a tributação federal, estadual e INSS. Quanto ao exercício da atividade em domicílio, realmente a lei prevê essa possibilidade, mas ainda vai depender do município.José Coelho,leitura e interpretação de desenhos é um termo muito vago. Está vinculado a alguma área da engenharia? Se estiver, não pode se registrar como MEI.Grande abraço a todos.André Spínola

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    • You look so beautiful at the ponds edge, with pussycat to keep you company.Your grandma's beads are fabulous, I have a brooch from mine that would match so well.I hope you have a restful and happy weekend!!!Much love v

    • Vidberg > Oui, je sais bien, la note m’a bien fait sourire d’ailleurs. C’est quelques rares commentaires qui m’inquiète un petit chouille


    • we need a lot more dippers than last year.It may be a record of some kind but a few thousand just will not get much attention.Lets go for a million plus. Bob , Port st. Lucie, Florida

    • I am looking for a Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM. I prefer the jkdjf87839 handles not be patina yet but would consider one that is only a light patina. As long as it is authentic and the monogram canvas, I would consider.

    • My spouse and I stumbled over here coming from a different page and thought I may as well check things out. I like what I see so now i’m following you. Look forward to looking over your web page for a second time.

    • Chris-Since you are already represented by an agent I can’t do much to assist you. I’m a bit confused though as you say your agent (buyer’s rep) is contacting BoA every day. Do they have specific written permission from the seller to be in contact with BoA regarding this transaction? Most buyers agents are not the one who is in contact with the lender. It is the listing agent who handles the calls on the transaction and should be asking for the file to be escalated to Sr. Mgmt at BoA.

    • Yo creo que la serie de autorretratos también hubiera estado muy bien como proyecto final… Estas fotos están padres, extrañamente bellas (como te comenté con las de La Bufa), aunque al menos en mi caso, sí necesitaría una explicación o descripción de cada una, creo que no capto bien el mensaje con la pura imágen y los efectos de color b/w…

    • I can only echo the frustration of those who've posted above me…my site was hacked…I've fixed the probelm within 24 hours…why does it take weeks for google to restore my status and remove the warnings?I'm losing money daily!!! Please help mitigate my damages…don't delay. It's unfair when you're a small business trying to operate an ethical

    • I really feel very uncomfortable with the self-promotion thing, but this must change. I want people to read my story, so I must talk about it from time to time. I can’t wait for you to read LIFE AFTER YES either!

    • Excellent submit, very informative. I’m wondering why the opposite experts of this sector don’t notice this. You must continue your writing. I’m confident, you’ve a great readers’ base already!|What’s Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I’ve discovered It positively useful and it has helped me out loads. I’m hoping to contribute & help different customers like its helped me. Great job.

    • Wow another beauty!! I love this card. The leaves and butterfly just jump off the page. Thank you for another inspiring tutorial. I don’t use my markers enough!

    • Anon, The test wasn't a firefighters test it was a basic skills(reading and writing). Of course your point holds but it's not related directly to what these guys do.The bleeting about this from the right is so annoying. People in America are under a myth that the spoils of America are generally dispensed fairly based on merit and things you know in a test. People make arbitrary decisions based all kind of subjective measures all the time in hiring. Why does the City of New Haven have to use an objective standard.

    • to the friend who brought me, “This is either the stupidest waste of time any people has ever been engaged in, or the most loving and holy thing I’ve ever seen.”

    • Gosh, Jesse, while playing Twister in those Speedo swim suits, I bet if you weren’t really careful, you could easily end-up feeling those other guys’ penises right up against your body. Or maybe your face ended-up right in another guy’s crotch. How awkward and embarrassing that must have been!

    • my teeth looked fine and that it wasn’t necessary and there was no mention of flossing. Hmmm. Here you are assigned a dentist according to where you live, unless maybe you go to a private dentist.My theory about the non-emphasis on flossing was that Europeans are much less bacteria-phobic and less sanitary freaks than in the US. Here you can hardly find any anti-bacterial products like hand soap, body soap, household cleaners, etc.

    • Just made the hummus! So good. I accidentally over roasted the beets and had to add some water but it still came out delish! thanks so much

    • satt hur länge som helst och försökte lägga upp IQqYKuvCl6w frÃ¥n youtube men felet var att det fungerar inte när man fösöker förhandsgranska men när man väljer publicera fungerar det fint. Om det kan vara till hjälp för nÃ¥gon annan.

    • That’s the fun of it. If someone cares that much – let them vote to let us know!!Quite frankly I thought JZ and her peeps would flock here for the other poll

    • Als Straubingerin trage ich natürlich Dirndl zum Gäubodenvolksfest. Oder auch zu Hochzeiten, Geburtstagsfeiern, etc. Das ist ja das schöne mit der Tracht… die geht bei uns in Bayern immer

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    • Hoi Louise,We zijn weer terug van vakantie en willen jou vanharte feliciteren met je 18e verjaardag!!Ik heb net wat verslagen gelezen op de site en ben reuze benieuwd naar jouw verhalen!!Nog hele fijne dagen daar in Afrika!

    • BuÅ‚eczki i ja upiekÄ™, tylko nie wiem kiedy. Mahlab od Ciebie leży grzecznie i czeka na swojÄ… kolej. SÅ‚yszaÅ‚am w dzieciÅ„stwie o szkodliwoÅ›ci gorzkich migdałów, później sama spróbowaÅ‚am i faktycznie byÅ‚y gorzkie, nie tylko z nazwy:)Wierszyka nigdy nie sÅ‚yszaÅ‚am, a szkoda, bo jest z "charakterem".

    • а зара твой день))))))))))))))8 июня День жизнелюба • • • Да, был и бабник я, и пьяница, и враг любого воздержания, зато желающим останется дурной пример для подражания. • • • Я в гостевальные меню бывал включён как угощение, плёл несусветную хуйню, чем сеял в дамах восхищение.

    • My first impression of this iron was that it felt much heavier than the Tefal iron it replaced. So I weighed the two irons, to see just how much heavier this one was and on my didigtal scales, the…

    • Very hard work but what a clever puzzle – not helped by a very small computer screen and lots of position changes! Had trouble with 9 & 19d but got there in the end!

    • So cool! I know Rudder has been getting some buzz, nice to know they live up to expectations. Sounds like a great show, perfect for a Friday night.

    • There were two dispersals yes. But the early one was of non-woolly sheep. It's not a question of poor quality. The early sheep were kept for meatI see no reason to think that early Neolithic people did not use the "non-spinable wool" or that they did not have a word for it, or that PIE wool was limited only to the spin-able kind, which, anyway, originated in the Middle East.

    • comentou em 28 de janeiro de 2010 às 13:57. Eu AMO os lenços da Nívea! Limpam super bem a pele, deixam muito pouco resíduo e não deixam a pele oleosa. Mas acho que os lenços são mais apropriados para viagens ou momentos em que você não pode ter todos os seus produtos de costume a disposição, já que produzem muito lixo (ando uma chata com esse tema).BJsss!!!

    • Oh, this is awesome to know. We gave up our cell phones a few years ago because the cost just wasn't worth it to us. I miss the convenience, but not enough to spend $100+ each month … something like this would be perfect for us, though.

    • Все начинается с идеи, мысли! И эта тема для меня! Как обрести мышление успешного человека всего за несколько недель.

    • I’m a traveller and Jeremy’s a good sport so we try to go somewhere rather than give items (we have too much clutter anyways ). We usually discuss what would meet our needs financially and time wise and then see what presents itself. I’m also a sucker for a theme and so far it’s worked out (paper and cotton). Guess we’ll see next year!

    • Hát ebben nem értünk teljesen egyet, de nem is kell mindenben ;-)))Míg nálunk kicsit több minden belefér, ad abszurdum kontrollált mennyiségben olykor a csoki is :-[ , addig téged mindig is csodáltalak a következetességedért, kitartásodért és állhatatosságodért! (Hú, ez kicsit hülyén néz ki így leírva, de tényleg!!!) Szóval gratulálok! (Bár ebbÅ‘l a posztból pont az jött le, hogy lám-lám "lazulsz" ;-)))) Egyébként ez egy tök érdekes felvetés, nem? Mármint hogy kinek hol a határ az ennivaló és a méreg között… Illetve, hogy létezik-e átmenet.

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    • June 7, 2010 at 4:22 pmHi Srini, I found your blog from your guest post on GetInTheHotSpot. I agree that presence is key to coming alive and being yourself. Ultimately, we are the ones who get to decide how to live and being our truest self is most liberating. To quote Neale Donald Walsch, perhaps it is best to “Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you were yesterday and dream of who you can be tomorrow”. .-= Sean G,´s last blog ..How to Make Money With Google Trends =-. Reply

    • Caro PM, infelizmente, é mesmo assim. Se for ver o tablo das partidas e chegadas dos aeroportos de Moscovo (3),constatará que a esmagadora maioria dos atrasos registou-se nos voos internos. A explicação oficial que foi dada foi a seguinte: "só poderão pilotar os pilotos russos que tenham experiência de voo em condições de visibilidade nula". Os ocidentais são treinados para isso.

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    • João Roberto Gomes disse:Sacanagem, ahahahaha… Putz, beleza de texto, Arsenio. Que gaitada antológica. Tô me estourando de rir… Esse Roniquito era um gênio…

    • Bei meinem PC ist der Ton aus. Das Teil soll Arbeiten und die KLappe halten! Gepieps und Gebiommel, je nachdem ob Fehler oder E-Mail ist mir ein Graus.Den Fluenze Z.E., die A-Klasse E-Cell und der Elktrosmart sind wunderbar leise. So muß es sein!!Deswegen “Ton aus!” beim Auto. Wenn schon Rdau, dann nur wenn das Hinderniswarnsystem z.B. einen Fußgänger erkannt hat. Abstandssensoren sind ja an Bord. Und bitte nur nach außen den Radau im Inner4en will ich mein Ruhe.

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    • I wonder what horribly untransparent dictatorship was the first? Seriously, usually there's a big nationalistic blurb in that country's media, I wonder why they would be so mum on such a large expenditure?

    • comentou em 9 de novembro de 2011 às 20:45. Pra crescer não faço nada. Mas tem vbários medicamentos hoje em dia que ajudam a estimular o crescimento desse fiozinhos que não crescem. Vale conversar com um especialista. Para o briho, uso xampus e condicionadores para cabelos com quimica e nunca faço tintura no comprimento dos fios. Retoco apenas as raízes.Bjsss!!

    • Greetings! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog article or vice-versa? My blog goes over a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you happen to be interested feel free to send me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Fantastic blog by the way!

    • DmwangiMay 15, 2012 at 19:46 pmHey Dm,“Thank you for not boring us with an opinion about something which you obviously could not know.”Would an economist know whether “the youth wage subsidy is a good thing or a bad thing”???p.s. PdV and his partner “kissed each other passionately” – that’s a clue that he is GAY.Sies!!!!!Even your half-brother, Obama, would be enraged.WDYS?

    • Wow. He just yesterday posted a long post about his lawyer and how without her free speech in Kansas City would be dead like he was going to win in court. Doesn’t that take the cake? Guess maybe I have good reason not to believe anything he writes.

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    • Imagine you are in a park. Someone runs over to you, shoves you over, rips out your wallet and takes out a quarter of your money before tossing the rest next to you.Is this really how Libertarians picture how legislation is passed into law in a democracy? Is the Governor-General the person who mugs you? Does Her Majesty know that her Viceroy is doing this?If so, I’m shocked. Shocked.

    • The very root of your writing whilst sounding agreeable at first, did not really work perfectly with me after some time. Someplace within the paragraphs you managed to make me a believer unfortunately only for a while. I however have a problem with your jumps in logic and you would do nicely to fill in those gaps. If you actually can accomplish that, I would undoubtedly be amazed.

    • ich bin AAARBEITEN – um die Kohle ranzuschaffen die ich dann an den Herrn W weitergeben kann.Also benötige ich auch eine Aufzeichnug – sonst wird´s nix mit dem dritten Album-Kauf und ich kündige meinen Job

    • Reading Barbra Tuchman’s book may give you an insight into why sometimes governments undertake a “March of Folly” that is patently against their own vested interests.Human beings very often do things that are irrational. Reminds me also of the ideas in the book “Stumbling on Happinss” where the author (I forgot his name) explains why the mind is a very unreliable instrument.

    • That is the most un-educated thing that I have EVER heard. Is there ANY proof that a man cannot imagine a woman naked unless he sees her hair?????? Give me a break!

    • Bueno es un super notición, pero estratégicamente no creo que sea factible para la Valve sacar su juego para una sola plataforma. Yo super que agradecería que cuando lo hagan también liberen una versión para Linux, con eso bastaría.

    • hi jeanny!answeet! 1 of the few cheesy-ness na kaya kong i-tolerate. most of the time ganyan din parents ko, after 30 yrs of marriage, lagi pa din magkaholding hands habang nanonood ng TV. kwentuhan ng kwentuhan bago matulog. and til now sabay pa din maligo! ^_^may you have more sweet years together! ♥

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    • Your answer Penelope was pretty lame. I coudn’t agree more with Sandy. I think I find that post so disappointing because the last previous four were so awesome. Anyway the difference between a pet and a farm animal is not just semantic. And about the links, remember that you get money for them because you built an audience that now trusts you enough. Break that trust and you’ll see what you get. You don’t believe in MBAs, don’t link one, no matter how great their marketing is.

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    • Sí, Clara, lo pongo en la receta. Tienes q reservar 40 grs de los gofres para luego ponerlos encima del chocolate.En el blog hay más recetas sin horno, a cada cual más rica… y bienvenida! me alegra q hayas descubierto el blog.

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    • Dear Ramesh,There is nothing hidden in EPF scheme and contribution. The contribution happens as following — 12% of your basic salary contributed by you to your EPF- 8.67% of your basic salary contributed by your employer to your EPF- 3.33% of your basic salary contributed by your employer to your “Employees Pension Scheme 1995″“Employees Pension Scheme 1995″ is pension scheme managed by EPFO, your EPF manager

    • This page appears to get a good ammount of visitors. How do you advertise it? It offers a nice individual twist on things. I guess having something authentic or substantial to talk about is the most important thing.

    • Mateus_LB disse:Eu to a muito tempo sem postar no blog esperando uma coisa bastante interessante e agora achei.Primeiramente eu queria saber quem fez a simulação,normalmente essas simulações são feitas por instituições sérias e simuladores ñ são simples videogames ou jogos de pc,as simulalões são feitas com a máximo de informações possíveis sobre a aeronave.Segundo,vcs já viram o tamanho do su-35bm em relaçao ao gripen ng?O gripen ng além de ser bem menor q o su-35 bm,é mais moderno tb o q resulta num RCS bem menor,o q em parte justifica as vitórias do gripen ng.Mas eu confesso q tb fiquei surpreso 6:1?

    • Io voto per un manuale per coloro che hanno troppo tempo libero e una buona videocamera.Alternativamente possono anche essere le indicazione minime per la decenza, sotto le quali lo Stato non garantisce incolumità nella metro…

    • Scot,Sorry to hear about the layoff…it seems as if you have the right attitude about it though. Take some time off and jump into the job search after the first of the year.I have a few contacts in the Seattle area that I’d be happy to share once you start the search.RegardsEric

    • Congrats on the new you! “What is left is a smile that almost never fades – and lots of laughter.” Amazing!Thank you too for stopping by our blog and liking our latest post “I could have danced my way home”.

    • Vous devriez essayer Dominique. Qui sait ? Peut-être qu’on se laisserait faire ? Avec des durs à cuire comme vous, tout peut arriver.Mussolini aussi voulait faire « la cage sans les oiseaux », nous déporter en Abyssinie et installer des gens de la péninsule à notre place. C’était avant que les partisans ne le pende par les pieds à des crochets de boucher. Votre merveilleuse idée, comme vous voyez, à un précédent célèbre.W.

    • dank!@bert: meer lijkt mij inderdaad noodzakelijk Gaan we doen zo langzaam aan… en I*am*a*niche is een goeie!@gurdonark: weird translation But funny. I think I should put my KlankBeelden on Melodiefabriek as well with a little info in English.

    • Zach, as the Boyz from say: Great Merciful Zeus, I hope you’re right!So far, I’m seeing the *Scott Brown* machine steamrolling along while support for Maatha is scant. She is conspicuous by her absence.I think I’ll need a new pair of rosary beads after this is over!

    • Plop,Le bug que j’ai eu est avec la conservatrice de la Flotte Impérial!J’ai fourni les fragments pour le cadeau de partenaire (normal ou prototype) et pas de cadeau en retour… Quelques déconnexion suite à la "transactions" avec les fragments qui reviennent dans mon inventaire…

    • Oh Naomi… your bringing a tear to my eyes. I moved out of a house about a decade ago and left my Chambers Model C because the new house could not accomodate it. That was the best non-commercial stove and oven I have ever used. I miss it to this day.

    • Mi inquieta il numero di post che tenta di spiegare l'effetto delle resine scambiatrici, del tipo "ah Paolo, non hai capito? Aspetta che te lo spiego…". Tanti neo lettori che non hanno ancora colto l'ironia?

    • I do agree with all the ideas you have offered in your post. They’re very convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are very short for starters. May you please lengthen them a little from subsequent time? Thank you for the post.

    • “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!

    • Great to hear from you, Alan. Re: the message to you from your body, some words came to mind that will be familiar to you. As my mentor would say, “What wants to happen here?” Peggy joins me in sending love and light.

    • Muchas gracias! Esperaré con ilusión los comentarios de los alumnos. Por favor llévate mi más sincero agradecimiento y transmiteselo también a los alumnos.Un gran abrazoTeresa

    • dimentichi una cosa, nella tua analisi: l’esistenza di carlo rambaldi e i suoi colleghi.Per quello che si può vedere nelle foto, potrebbero tranquillamente essere ricostruzioni fatte ad arte per shockare, come suggerisci.Esempi del genere sono visibili ormai quotidianamente in tv: ad esempio in e.r., dr. house o nip/tuck…Come mai non l’hai fatto presente?oppure non l’ho notato io?

    • "Btw, good luck taking "your" country back.I'd like to know how that works out with your teabagging bed buddies; you know, with the whole color difference and shit."Try watching the elections or is that too much for you to handle? Tea baggers are sweeping the country but you are too stupid to know. You should get to AA and NA as soon as possible before your IQ falls below 10. How long have you been out of prison, knucklehead?

    • >Oh pez! It's stunning. I luff luff luff the second picture (how did your hair get so long?!)… it's so whimsical and mysterious. It's definitely a dazzzling number and will look fabulous with your booties xoxo

    • Hey, maybe this is a bit offf topic but in any case, I have been surfing about your blog and it looks really neat. impassioned about your writing. I am creating a new blog and hard-pressed to make it appear great, and supply excellent articles. I have discovered a lot on your site and I look forward to additional updates and will be back.

    • Kaza« …ce n’est pas parce que l’on est confortablement installés dans nos fauteuils d’Européens … »Ce ON, à suivre de quel possessif ? et cet accord du participe, ce ON est une terreur…passons à nous. Mettons-nous d’accord , jetez-le dans votre fosse à purin , pour ma part j’ai une fosse à on.

    • Good morning Janell. I should be able to get a good start on the book this week. This is why I love the blog world–we meet great people and find gems that probably would not have been on our radar any other way.

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    • This book sounds so intriguing. I love the James Bond series, too. I know that I'm going to love this book. I love reading books that keep me on my toes as I turn the pages.

    • sweet. I’m building somthing related like that to exhibit rss /It will likely be mounted in my rest room. So enough time I expend there I employed to read through news without touching a information paper while seated.

    • „You’ve changed the desktop theme! What is this, ‘Coral?'” so there’s been suggestions in the new series that the TARDIS can change its appearance on the inside.When Tennant regenerated into Matt Smith, they made a point of showing that the regeneration energy damaged the TARDIS, knocking columns over etc. I think what happens is the Doctor goes away on his adventure and sets the TARDIS on a „self-repair” programme or something, so when he comes back it’s fixed itself and also redesigned the interior in the process.On a completely practical note, the set was rebuilt because apparently the previous one looked rubbish in HD.

    • 1. one-on-one conversations don’t value from video conferencing. You are never looking at each other anyway.2. phone consults will take less time.3. You don’t have to hold still to receive calls.4. I don’t have to hold still.5. Because your materials are so complete personal sessions will become more intervention and less coaching.6. I know for myself I wouldn’t call unless/until I have a “burning” question, so I’d expect to pay that premium.That’s just how I see it.

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    • I did not understood this post.Why bashing Cuba when one’s very own people is electing Obama?And I must say I disliked that assertion over Canadians… so, you want to tell them where to go on vacations? As if Americans don’t do the same in Southeast Asia… That blockade has been the main factor for the survival of Communism in Cuba. And you know what? Even if Cuba becames capitalist I doubt the Cubans in Miami will return.

    • Perdona Tania, ens podries donar l’adreça del wiki?. Quan dius que està bloquejada, et refereixes a la pàgina d’inici? o és el wiki en general?. Gràcies.

    • ecThanks for another wonderful article. Where else may anybody get that type of info in such a perfect approach of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I am at the look for such info.

    • This is gorgeous, Bev. I can't do clean & simple, nor can I stick to 3 colors, lol. You did a FAB job though! I have that same paper & am hoarding it because I only have one sheet ~ you've inspired me to dig it out & use a little snippet of it!! Have a great Sunday!

    • Hi charlie I told you i would join your website. I can only talk to you on Bs1 so please be on there Friday night. I cant wait to talk to you again you are so gorgeous!

    • henk zegt:hmmm, DAT doe ik dus fout………. je laat de verbeterde verpakking zitten, en dan smaakt het wel….heb ik toch nog 2 dingen geleerd vandaag… 1 til nooit alleen zware dingen, dat scheelt de pijn in mijn rug die ik nu heb, en 2 laat de verbeterde verpakking zitten om de mora broodjes… dan smaken ze henk   0 likes

    • peh.. ko siap buat game lagi kan.. memang amarika mu ayeem.. tapi kan, pesal dia lari laju sgt.. menggelupor duh aku nak baling taik.. 5kali je kena.. pui~

    • Every day you open your eyes and can figure out how the caps lock works is even better!God bless us every one!Sorry it's been that kind of year.

    • Casual readers, they always create drama from nothing Don’t worry too much about it. It’s someone else’s opinion not Sookie’s    15 likes

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    • it!LinksThe View – Website / Myspace posted March 16th, 2009 at 12:28 pmUncategorizedThe View It is time to get back to work! Lets surf! – 03/16/2009 Well, the vacation is now long over, and after getting a few other

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    • One of the cultural enrichers at that event was also waving a Hezbollah flag.I believe Toronto recently started allowing female Muslim police officers to wear hijabs on the job. Feh!

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    • aaah, voilà exactement pourquoi je ne m’habille pas toujours comme j’ai envie…*sic*. parce que, habitant à la « campagne », ca serait ça tous les jours, et y’a des jours où j’ai envie d’être tranquille, lol

    • Szopen / 25 Mayıs 2012Haritanın en alt katmanında Bedrock denilen kayalar var onları hiç bir ÅŸekilde Survival modda kıramıyorsunuz. Creative modda kırarsanızda boÅŸluÄŸa düşüp ölüyorsunuz. Dediklerim pc versiyonu için geçerli tabiki.Cevaplamak için giriÅŸ yapın

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    • Post-It notes are brilliant! And yes! – World's Grossest Bidet – ACK. And I hate those center top buttons too, because you could really hurt yourself trying to push that down with your shoes.

    • Quel chemin !Depuis le « Jour J », « Impact Project », tel Tim Roth, ce fût dès le début le succès assuré.Félicitations

    • There are always and only two people who previously knows who is the winner and who is not. And these two speople have nothing to do with the Oscar cerimony organization. And the folks from Oscar cermony organization really thought that Meryl Streep would win her third Academy Award. That is the only explanation for putting Sandra Bullock winning after Jeff Bridges, and not before.

    • Good luck! I’m running the Urban Dare in NYC tomorrow (it’s a scavenger hunt with obstacles and trivia questions from what I can gather…I don’t know much about it haha) and I cannot wait! The beer at the end won’t hurt .

    • Olá! Tenho uma dúvida: eu não tomo a pílula e eu e o meu namorado tivemos relações e usamos preservativo. Que nos apercebêssemos este não ficou danificado mas tenho muito medo.Há alguma hipótese de estar grávida?

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    • Bleeding disruptions intrigued to snris and ssris [u]prednisone 20 mg tab side effcts[/u] have ranged from ecchymoses, hematomas, epistaxis, and kaliuresis to life-threatening hemorrhages.

    • 4afకొండపల్లి కోటేశ్వరమ్మ గారి పుస్తకం నచ్చినట్లయితే, ఇది కూడా చూడండి. “మనకు తెలియని మన చరిత్ర: తెలంగాణా రైతాంగ పోరాటంలో స్త్రీలు ఒక సజీవ చరిత్ర”, 1986. H.B.T. వాళ్ళు ఈ మధ్య మరలా ముద్రించారు. మంచి పుస్తకం. అప్పట్లో బాగా చప్పుడు చేసిన పుస్తకం కూడాను. — శ్రీనివాస్P.S. I know who is going to follow up to this message about the availability of its recent edition .

    • , I think race is not the real issue. It is the mindset of the individual and their belief in freedom AND responsibility that counts. Just as there are millions of Americans who hate our culture, there are millions of foreigners of all colors who are Americans at heart, just born in the wrong place. Makes me want to see if there is some way we could make a trade. Our liberals/leftists for your entrepeneurs/freedom-lovers.

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    • I think it’s about where you’re putting your effort, not that there is effort. Effort on the right things in life – things that make you feel good and say ‘fuck yeah’ to the day – are totally worth the effort!


    • Bonjour Emeline,Je tiens quand même à préciser (pour éviter toute confusion) que la formation n’est pas faite pour devenir pro à la fin évidemment, mais que je suis content si certains de mes élèves arrivent jusque là bien sûr !Effectivement, quand on est autodidacte, on a tendance à aimer fouiller et assembler les pièces du puzzle soi-même (je le sais, je le suis aussi). la valeur ajoutée de la formation est vraiment dans la structure, la méthode et l’accompagnement

    • “Slight”? Well no more slight than ours, that is. Only 3 weeks back did we actually start married life by living together! (We were based out of 2 different cities till now)So I guess it’s all justified!

    • Es un alien…Miren la foto fijamente por 30 segundos, despues miren una pared blanca y verán un alienígena.Así que por allí debe ser la publicidad… si, suena a Fringe

    • protestant: “Je to podobné, jako by Karel ÄŒapek popisováním zla ve společnosti ve svých románech byl obhájcem toho zla.”Hovorím o krutosti biblického boha. A to nielen starozákonného, ale aj novozákonného (vyhrážky pekelným ohňom), ak prijímame dogmu o sv. Trojici.protestant:Vy jste biblická fundamentalistka?

    • You need people who know the legends of Foster Ghosts and can give you the real story not the made up ones. Actors who tell the real story would do well. We have been on channel 36 and other stations with the stories. Others in town know them.

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    • Godt sagt! Jeg vet ikke om hun i det hele tatt har satt seg inn i hvordan adopsjon foregÃ¥r i Norge, men hvis hun tror det er en lett prossess tar hun skammelig feil. Neste gang hun skal mene noe sÃ¥ sterkt om mennesker hun ikke kjenner, kanskje hun bør sette seg litt bedre inn i saken?

    • Hei Mirjam! Ja, det var helt utrolig artig, synd du ikke kunne bli med! Vi satser pÃ¥ en ny runde neste Ã¥r; ikke vel? Ha en fi helg, klem

    • I can definitely hold out another 6 weeks for this phone. Question is what are the actual specs and how will they stack up against the Thunderbolt 2 and Droid HD? If the rumored specs are true this will be the phone that sets the pace for devices in 2012.

    • Jonny and Emma — BEST OF LUCK! You are both truly lovely, hard-working peo­ple and deserve this to be a mas­sive suc­cess, which I am sure it will be! Hope to see you soon. Sarah x

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    • que le ridicule ne tue pas… Vous avez entendu parler de Persepolis, la BD de Marjane Satrapi ? Sinon, lorsque vous aurez vécu la peur au ventre, connu les arrestations arbitraires et la torture, vous arrêterez peut être de raconter des inepties.

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    • "I bet white Americans are wondering the same thing: Why do I have to identify myself as white American, why can't I just be an American….?"Yeah, right.

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    • Tarde mas cheguei a tempo de dizer que assino por baixo tudo o que dizes sobre o Zeca. Também sinto saudades de ti, e pensar que hoje em dia as tuas letras estão cada vez mais actuais, até parece mentira que já passaram tantos anos. Um Abraço.

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    • la coincidental amusingly writes:Herman Cain is in a long line of GOP token minorities who are useful until they stop towing the party line….towing the party line. Towing. That's funny. Again you make your misunderstanding of simple concepts as plain as could be.You need a lesson in the idiom of English.It's "toeing", as in following the playbook. Not pulling something on a rope. But I understand your confusion.

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    • Liberals never let facts get in the way of their argument. And they think that the Iraq war is the cause of the deficit. Our economy is so tied in with government spending that if we had a balanced budget we would add to unemployment. Politicians don’t want to do that, especially in an election year. So they borrow more and spend it to keep employment high. It can’t last forever.

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    • . If I use liberal logic…since more people die from auto accidents than gun violence each and every day, shouldn’t we ban the use/ownership of cars?

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    • Gano Ferrer y por fin tendra la gran posibilidad de ganar un M1000, un titulo que su brillante carrera merece, por este luchador y batallador del circuito. Y no habra otro que pueda parar a Crazy Jerzy que el correcaminos español. En londres, Del Potro espera, pero quien duda a esta altura, cansado o no, lo duro que es Ferrer…

    • Well, considering that Brad has the schedule set in a manner so that each person has exactly one month’s time to get a hold of each film, I don’t really see how much further the schedule could be set in advance…

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    • Francesa is a pompous jerk who purports to know everything when it comes to sports. His opinion is always right, so don’t disagree with him! Even when he gets something wrong (as he OFTEN does), he’ll spin his way out of his mistake.

    • Thanks Harry for the update.With Congressional leaders at home for the recess, is there anything we can do from our localities/messages we can bring to our elected leaders, etc. Or, would you prefer that we wait and see. M

    • Thanks for the plug of our activities. We are deep into community meeting across the country and EVERYONE is welcome to these multimedia and participant-heavy-involvement encounters seeking direct input from the public on a matter of greatest importance to us all — our health care system.

    • Colin, Afraid to say that there was no influence from S.O.A.P. on my novel (though I have subsequently seen the movie). I do, though, much enjoy writing scenes that involve aircraft, as I spent 6 years in the Air Force, many years doing volunteer work with a group called The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) restoring a WW2 B-17 bomber, and have been around aircraft, in one capacity or another, for pretty much all my adult life. This likely shows in the writing where aircraft are involved in some way.233d

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    • Letadlo rolovalo na startovací dráhu, najednou se zastaviloa vrátilo se zpátky. Po hodinovém čekání znovu odstartovalo.Znepokojený cestující se zeptal letuÅ¡ky, co se stalo.LetuÅ¡ka na to odpoví:Pilotovi se nÄ›jak nelíbil zvuk motoru a trvalo nám skorohodinu, než jsme sehnali pilota, kterému by to nevadilo…Takhle nÄ›jak si pÅ™edstavuji že hledali sponzoÅ™i ODS „kvalitní politiky“ do současné vlády

    • I hope Ivison is just blowing hot air with his story of Horwath. The NDP platform is even scarier than the Libs. They propose to build no additional nuclear power plants ever.Makes one wonder just where our electricity needs would come from.A Lib-NDP arrangement would constitute a nightmare scenario, but Ivison notwithstanding, I think it is a bit early to talk of it.

    • пишет:Хм, а вот такого рода списки я люблю, потмоу что ненадо париться и нет вероятности “лоханутся”. Спасибо за подборку!VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)

    • Thanks for the sensible critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research on this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more from this post. I’m very glad to see such great info being shared freely out there.

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    • Wow! Your week sounds insane, but in a positive way. Hope all is well, and you find some time for yourself this weekend. Take care.

    • Tudo lindo! Só uma grande observação: o vídeo que vc fez ficou com qualidade muitoooo melhor que os brasileiros, inclusive o detalhe da segunda câmera. É uma pena![]

    • Sir Andriotakis,Confus peut-être; Peut-être vaut une lecture et d’aujourd’hui sur le thème "mémorandum" livre publié par AA. Livani (2011) titré: "Les contrats de prêt ILLEGALES DE GRÈCE – Les documents ont révélé la subordination servitude du pays "George CassimatisChristos Kallitsis

    • Gee, thanks Joe, I’ve never really been keen on these things either, but I’m doing it this year (well, next year to be exact). Happy new year to you too and good luck to yourself!!

    • एक बात और … जो लोग सोचते हैं कि कठिन शब्द और शुद्ध हिंदी के प्रयोग से ही केवल अच्छी कविता लिखी जा सकती है उन्हें इन क्षणिकाओं को पढ़ना चाहिए …

    • visit to the local rail yard last year. You can see a previous composition from the same location here. It was one of those days where I knew I was going to pass something interesting on and errand, so

    • I always think/say "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride" I think if wishes were fishes is from the same rhyme. Sometimes I think Anger is a very healthy emotion, it is ok be angry but it makes me angry when someone tells me it is ok to be angry, who the hell are they to say that…think I'm just saying "still here" x

    • I have not checked in here for some time as I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my daily bloglist. You deserve it my friend

    • suggerisco di leggere l’articolo di Pingback, che, secondo me, mette in luce, l’assurdità di questo conflitto interno nella chiesa su uno dei suoi elementi più di spicco, che per le sue posizioni sulla realtà odierna era stato messo un pò da parte dal vaticanoe sul quale non c’è, tuttora una precisa, pur se generica valutazione del suo operato

    • pardon, une erreur d traduction: ce n’est pas « massacre » mais:  » l’égorgement en masse des buffles a commencé…

    • I was curious if you ever thought of changing the layout of your website? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 images. Maybe you could space it out better?

    • Reviewed on: February 28, 2012Shes still awesome Shania is so great in concert. Not only is she beautiful, but she can really perform! her show did not disapoint! We left singing her best songs and wanting to see her again!!

    • I want to build a blog in wordpress where I can share photos, have people upload photos and everyone can rate them. Can anybody recommend a good theme or some tips? Free is preferred or like, under $100.Thanks!

    • that Jesus is the Lamb of God, but under no circumstances do I take that to mean that He is a member of the species Ovis aries. Nor does anyone else, no matter how “literalistic” they claim their approach to biblical hermaneutics might be.Come on, people! A little common sense, please!

    • Hey are using WordPress for your blog platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and create my own. Do you need any html coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!

    • 20) Jesus rose from the dead, jews eat unleavened bread.Every fucking thread.On a more fun note, has anybody read the website "newsflavor" supposed interview with a "White House Insider". My guess is fake, but its pretty fun and well done. It reads like a Tom Clancy novel (or rather what I imagine a Tom Clancy novel reads like, since I have never read a Tom Clancy novel).

    • Gagdetblog startet zum Weihnachtsfest ein Gewinnspiel zum Thema – ihr werdet überrascht sein – Gadgets! Gadgets sind sooo cool sagt die eine Seite,

    • We have a washer disinfector which has recently arrived in our practice. We are used to using ulra sonics. And we still do have ultrasonics. My question is that I have no idea what involved in the testing side of a washer disinfector for effeciency, protein test, soil test. What equipment do I need to order for my practice to carry out these tests?

    • The minute I saw this news on the New York Times website I had to run over here to see what you would say.This is a joke. I am not a fan of Mr. „I love Sean Hannity” Steele at all.

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    • apparently fake weed doesn’t have THC, so it shouldn’t show up a all. but that’s retarded so I’m guessing it just has less THC.. normally- with normal weed- it takes about 2 weeks for a few sessions to get out of the system (as long as its not being abused/ if you only had a small bit it would be less than that). .. Btw tests only look for the chemical THC (and not the others that are present in weed)

    • Fik lige lyst til at shoppe lidt Essie neglelak efter at have set billederne pÃ¥ din blog 🙂 har dem til 38 kroner lige nu. Jeg har bestilt 6 😉

    • dit :Daniel…You really make it appear so easy along with your presentation but I find this topic to be really one thing that I believe I’d never understand. It kind of feels too complex and extremely vast for me. I’m taking a look ahead on your next put up, I wi…

    • Shalima dit :Del4yo, j’espère que tout coeur que tu vas pouvoir allaiter, c’est une relation tellement incroyable, et c’est ce qu’il y a de mieux pour une maman et son bébé ! Enfin, tu le sais tout ça… J’ai mis du temps à accepter ce sevrage, maintenant la page est tournée, mais j’en garde de très bons souvenirs, et un lien particulier avec mon ptit loulou.

    • Thanks! We had been hoping that we were out of that stage, since the kiddos are 3 and 1. Hopefully, we can get her back to normal. Hopefully, you’ll be getting some rest soon as well too!

    • Ignore the ones who tell you to choose between sexes are whatever! That makes me sick, because you think that maybe they would accept you more, but please, there's no sense in trying to have someone else accept you. Just accept yourself!!!!

    • That is so rude, even if it was from ANY blog reader! I personally think £80 is quite a large budget for an outfit. The fact that the woman is actually FROM HoF horrifies me. Her stupidity and rudeness have tainted the brand for me now. I never really shopped there anyway but I won’t be now if this is how they look down on their customers with smaller budgets. Don’t they know we’re coming out of a recession! 😉 I really hope that HoF deal with this in a suitable manner. Not in an infantile way like this.

    • according to trudell:“I’d wondered aloud (or in words, two paragraphs ago) about whether or not L.A.’s defense could lock down for a stretch , and it’s certainly fair to say that they did as Phoenix managed just four points from the 7:16 to 2:35 mark of the quarter. The score had been 91-90 Lakers, before the home team stretched it to 103-94 … Quite the time for a 12-4 run, right?”

    • hugely significant…Thanks a great deal in terms including expressing the considering the following. The a number of additional a person point could be who any time an issue develops together having a personal very personal pc motherboard, persons can’t have the financia…

    • I have been to many overseas countries where indignation is not a strong cultural attitude, however expressed, and they certainly don’t practise medieval punishment techniques. I was merely wondering if the strong ties to the community and family (in contrast to ours) was a reason for the growth of indignation and outrage in our society.Maybe my use/misuse of the term ‘communal’ mislead you, but I simply meant societies that had a stronger sense of community as opposed to the individualism that pervades our society. And we have our own ways of ostracising non-conformists as well.

    • Admiring the commitment you put into your site and detailed information you present. It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same unwanted rehashed information. Great read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.

    • Thanks, Desiree! I do think money complicates things – it definitely adds to the pressure/expectations when your art becomes your source of income. But yay for having a passion in the first place – I think we forget sometimes that lots of people don't ever find theirs!

    • My love, I’m glad you’re back online and what a relief that your operation went well – at least you’re minus some metal bits for now! I’m holding thumbs that the fluid drains soon and that the pain subsides without help from the morphine. Tell that new lady in your life to take special care of you for me. I heard you guys had a super time at the wedding!Pandi sends puppy kisses and Serge sends man-love from Sri Lanka. Keep us updated. We love and miss you as alwaysxxxxx

    • Great stuff as always Bret! It sounds like you have access to an amazing facility and are connected with extremely intelligent coaches/professors. Glad to hear things are going well. Just one question, Can you give me some recommendations for literature (books) relating to biomechanics that provide practical as well as scientific information? Thanks man.

    • Makinde enjoyed the beat when the music was sweet .He should be ready to dance to the new music of prosecution. Shikena. EFCC should stop at nothing to make him face the music. Youth is not a licence for immoral behavior

    • Howdy are using WordPress for your blog platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and create my own. Do you require any html coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!

    • x Francesco (# 84) e Maria (# 83).E’ la solita storia del chiodo che vi ho racccontato, con una sarda (anzi, una Sardina) al posto del bulgaro. Lei batte il chiodo con la testa e io, da buon albanese, con la testa gli impedisco di avanzare.CiaoRitvanP.S. Se mi preferite ipocritamente falso modesto dovreste inventarvi un altro Ritvan a vostro esclusivo uso e consumo: io non sono disposto a cambiare.

    • Bruk banc-tskjorter som veggpynt! 🙂 Jeg har selv hatt det som veggpynt. Band-tskjortene mine blir brukt for skjeldent, men kan ikke kastes, og da er det fint som veggpynt! 🙂

    • Hi, perhaps this posting could be off topic but anyhow, Having been surfing about your website and it appears truly professional. It is obvious you know your topic and you are passionate about it. I am setting up a new site and I am struggling to make it look great, as well as present the best message. I’ve discovered much from this site and also I look forward to further posts and will be back soon. Thanks.

    • H.R,j’aime beaucoup le travail de Nina Companeez. Il me semble que J-Y Tadié regrette essentiellement qu’elle n’ait eu que deux soirées pour exprimer son cheminement.Je vis dans un voyage entre créations : celle de l’auteur et toutes les variations qui naîtront de la rencontre avec son oeuvre. Certaines sont sacrées et inégalables, pour d’autres, il m’est arrivé de préférer l’écho à l’original.Chacun rencontre l’oeuvre de Proust à sa façon…

    • By October 24, 2012 – 9:42 amThese are great tips. For me, the biggest change occurred when I started eating more REAL foods. Get rid of most of the package, processed foods in your pantry and eat more fruits and vegetables, and the weight will come off.

    • Merci Patricia pour ce bon moment de fou rire. A lire certaines phrases, on a du mal à croire qu’elles soient réelles et pourtant…J’adore particulièrement celle-là :« Selon certains critères, je ne suis pas du tout professionnel. Les heures de sommeil, la diététique, les soins, la maturité : OK, zéro professionnalisme. Mais à ma manière, dans mon fonctionnement, je suis un grand pro. »

    • Hey ErlyBrd and Beat Dad!!!Great answers!!!Though I think some readers might not pick up on Wayne’s inside jokes. ;^)Erly — what do you mean what did you do? You did fine. ;^)

    • Hey! This put up couldn’t be written any higher! Studying through this submit reminds me of my previous room mate! He always stored chatting about this. I’ll forward this web page to him. Pretty sure he will have a superb read. Thanks for sharing!

    • I shot a wedding once wehere they hired a babysitter. I thought it was brilliant. The kids were still there and cute but when they got tired, bored or started crying or something they could go hang with the babysitter in the other room.

    • Otra perdida de otra leyenda: Lou Rawls. Hace un año se nos fue, una verdadera lastima, ya que había posibilidades de recuperación. De cualquier manera siempre tendremos sus canciones que nos haran recordar momentos inolvidables. Espero que se le rinda un tributo al mismo nivel del desaparecido Luther Vandross. Y sería fantastico que pudieramos contar con toda su discografia reeditada y remasterizada. Pero supongo que esto último es un brindis al sol. Descanse en paz.

    • Hi ne sorry ist ein anderes Projekt ich arbeite an meiner Privateb Seite :-Wie gesagt der Mailversang geht soweit das die Anfragen im StorageOrdner angelegt werden – auch die Absender und Empfänger Adressen sowie der Text wird Angezeigt auch die Tolle Grafik mit der Statistik füllt sich mit meinen Testmails. Es geht irgenwie eben nicht aus Typo3 raus. Ich habe die oben genannte Quellcode ins Setup eingebunden -ganz unten ? aber es geht leider einfach nicht —

    • Yea, but they don’t play really good in their national teams. And as an example, because I’m a German, the youth of Germany has got a big future. Like Mesut Özil, Mario Götze, Toni Kroos, Andre Schürrle.. Do you think they are good because of money? And btw we are talking about national teams, nobody can buy players there. So the countrys has to trust on their own talents

    • I have a 4 week old and although I realize it may be to early to implement all of these ideas, I am definitely trying to learn as much as I can now so I am better prepared in the future. Thanks so much for your expertise! I look forward to better sleep in the weeks and months to come!

    • Mas joe, -Semoga Alloh memberikan Hidayah kepada kita- Tetap saja dengan memberikan tanda petik atau tidak namun masih meng-link blog saya pada kata “mengkafirkan” itu sama saja anda menuduh saya melakukan takfir atau mengkafirkan orang lain.Sekali lagi saya mohon anda menunjukkan kata-kata saya dalam tulisan2 saya yang mengkafirkan orang lain? Jika tidak maka anda telah menuduh saya, dan ini merupakan fitnah.

    • Sosiaalifoorumin käynnistys tapahtui New Yorkista käsin ja Rockefellereiden ja Fordin säätiön rahoilla. Eli siis kovan linjan kapitalistit kesyttivät protestiliikkeet merkityksettömiksi vertaistukiryhmiksi,voi voi.

    • I was curious if you ever considered changing the layout of your website? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or two images. Maybe you could space it out better?

    • Antes que nada no me pagan por criticar a Gnome Shell, bueno, de hecho no me pagan ni por eso ni por nada, así de sencillo como lo lees.Se han publicado artículos acerca de LXDE y de Xfce, quizás alguno de ellos pueda ayudarte.salu2

    • You guys need a way so peoplecan add captions over videos and a title or credits…just video and music doesn't say too much

    • Oh my goodness!!! I love this theme and how you used the locations. Seriously so amazing and of course Chelsea looks gorgeous. I must say the black and whites are my favorite.

    • suis sans illusions, il n’y a pas de bon gringoIl y en a un autre qui disait « un bon indien est un indien mort »L’histoire continue (avec vous).Pierre Henri

    • Domnule Siuleape romaneste singura solutie onorabila ar fi fost sa isi de Basescu demisia. Dra nu si-a dat-o. Asadar, cea mai putin perdanta solutie (pentru tara) este sa fie demis, indiferent cum.

    • Hi Laura,I'm your newest follower although I've been reading for a while. I have a food blog too, although I'm NOT a photographer! And, I only have 14 followers and one of them is myself! HA hA. I just got a Cannon 50D and I LOVE IT, so maybe photography is not far behind!Krysta

    • yusuke dit :hh ça n’a jamais été mentionné dans le manga .. Si vous avez le numéro du scan où il a été dit se que vous avez dit sur le nidaime , alors donnez le moi ..Aime : 0

    • Hi Caroline – I guess one disadvantage to playing it safe is that one will not discover the unknown gem. When it comes to most other things in life such as food, music, etc., I am really all over the place on what I try and love to discover the obscure and unknown. Reading is so time consuming that such free choices become a problem.There are however much lesser known classics and great works that few others reading that at least partially fill in the gap for me.

    • satu perkara saja saya nak cakap..mintak maaf byk2. susah nak perbetulkan sekiranya aqidah terpesong iaitu menolak hukum hudud. allah Maha mengetahui melalui apa yang diperkatakan. tak nak buat dengan alassan pelbagai kaum hanya alasan orang2 yang terpesong aqidah. wassalam

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    • Thanks for jogging my memory Ellen, I was able to go back and look at Sumal and also found the space to re-read Tessa’s article in more detail The POCA element in these 2 cases seem to result from more than just breaching HMO licensing. Planning regs and statutory dangers appear to have paved the way and make them different from Sumal.My excuse? I’m tired and I spent a happy hour in my local county court being shouted at by a DJ reluctantly forced out of retirement to meet the shortage and taking it out on me.

    • A few things i have seen in terms of pc memory is the fact there are features such as SDRAM, DDR etc, that must fit the specific features of the mother board. If the pc’s motherboard is pretty current while there are no os issues, modernizing the ram literally requires under an hour. It’s one of the easiest personal computer upgrade procedures one can think about. Thanks for expressing your ideas.

    • Chachachoubidou dit :Bonjour!Merci pour le concours! Je suis très joueuse alors je me devais de participer Je verrai bien cette petite lampe dans la chambre de mon bebe qui arrivera mi-février!Je suis à fond dans la deco et je me dis qu’elle serait parfaite!Voilà! Au plaisirChacha

    • Note: Dec.4th for link references, including Booker: EU dream and Kyoto expire together, Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade” as in enter the ‘valley of death’ for emerging out the other side. Best roundup incorporated here. Hannan’s recommending the time for action is imminent for the UK. Wouldn’t the amendments/changes to the Treaty absolutely mean democratic referendums, without which, a dictatorship by Merkel/Sarkosy is established (in fiscal terms) and that would be a total infraction on the democratic process.VA:F [1.9.20_1166]please wait…VA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)

    • Nei har du sett, adventsstemning de lux 🙂 og med de omgivelsene utendørs blir det jo litt ekstra. Smilte litt for Marshmellowsen er jo like stor som den søte lille Noah munnen jo 🙂

    • You should watch a NeweggTV video on monitors. It explains how contrast ratios aren’t actually realistic after a certain point. Especially when you start hearing things like 10,000,000…I don’t do it justice, so just check out their channel.

    • Had a conversation with a girl a while back who is neither “gentle” nor “quiet” on the surface.She thinks (and I do as well) that the Biblical version of those are not necessarily about “personality” but your “heart” (or … spirit?).It would be a difference of internal vs external. Meaning, when it comes down to one on one conflict resolution or some other such thing, a gentle and quiet spirit is an incredibly different quality then someone who on a social level is neither of those things.Make sense?

    • I should apologize to all the East Asians who are going to be offended by this, but… speaking as an American, is the embrace of globalism by East Asian elites bad for us? An immigration restrictionist Japan doesnt do us any favors. The media will not permit the public to see it as a model. But there are billions in the third world and many billions to come. China, certainly, could soak up alot of African migrants that might otherwise head here. Korea and Japan could mop up alot of southeast Asians. We've had to contend with a tremendous influx of MesoAmericans. We wont be able to handle much more.

    • Concordo com o Fábio, a volta saudável do Gronkowski é fundamental pros Pats. É bem provável que ele jogue, agora se vai estar saudável ou não é difícil saber!!

    • J’espère que ce n’est pas la culinosphère qui te plombe le moral, ça n’en vaut pas la peine ! Je viens encore de me faire avoir et ze chante, hihi … attends, ze vais aussi, bien que pas velue, monter un club … ;-)) Bon courage

    • Jens, Det sker heldigvis meget sjældent, at de dør. Oftest falder de til jorden og sidder og er groggy et langt stykke tid, hvorefter de kan flyve igen. Jeg sidder imens og er vÃ¥gekone, hvis en kat skulle komme forbi 🙂

    • I love the combinations you’d put together. I would’ve never thought of styling the outfit this way. That’s the thing about reading blogs. You get inspirations that I’d probably never read about in magazines. BTW, I saw a gorgeous lady at Selfridges recently wearing a pair of Willows and I had to force myself not to keep gawking at her shoes!

    • “jump”, USA pols ask “how high”. Perhaps it is a convergence of interests, here, between BIG MIL and BIG ZION, with the other BIGS (BANKS, OIL, etc) just seeing no reason to interfere. Perhaps the recently spawned tribe of “neocons” which are often considered a manipulation of AIPAC are actually (or also) manipulations of the MIC, because surely the MIC must have profited from the Trillions spend in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    • ГеллаНу що у нас за ******************** при владі сидять… І головне, куди дивляться?!? Вже ж ясно як білий день, що не дасть їм ніхто нічого на тому божевільному Сході, ні, треба ще посидіти, попросити. Краще б уже закрили той дурнуватий “Інтер-фільм”, то їм би всі й подякували… Кляте ганчір’я… Тьху та й тільки!

    • / I once had a problem sorta similar. I was already advertising in a local publication. They told me that if I had pictures from recent events at the shop that they would publish them in the next issue. I had to get every parent’s permission to use photos from a recent event only to find out that instead of putting them in the publication, they put the pictures in my ad. My ad looked awful by the way. It was horrible. Because of that, I did not advertise with them anymore, and I guess they must have had other problems because they went out of business not that long after that.

    • Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with a few pics to drive the message home a bit, but instead of that, this is fantastic blog. An excellent read. I’ll definitely be back.

    • 25 julio, 2007AnónimoNo hay que activar ningun servidor propio. Bueno si lo quieres hacer lo puedes hacer pero no es necesario.Si lo suyo sería poner un from propio. Bueno lo voy a corregir.Sacaré una versión nueva en breve.Un saludo.  

    • Cozy, elegant and inviting living room! Who else could had designed this kind of living room other than Vicente Wolf!? Love the 3 mirrors on the wall! Unique…

    • Portretowo Å‚adnie wyszÅ‚a ciekawe jak siÄ™ prezentowaÅ‚a w caÅ‚ej postaci, bo jednak ma to trochÄ™ znaczenie patrzÄ…c po JugosÅ‚awii 31. Gdzie portret caÅ‚kiem fajny natomiast 100% postaci nie za bardzo

    • This is precisely why the bbplan is flawed. If the goal is to get broadband to more rural customers, then look at what's currently working. The plan as I understand it, wants to install the rules that have led to these areas with no broadband, everywhere. Seems counter intuitive.

    • Nej de er vist bare lidt pylret…den skal jo ikke glide af. Den skal ko trække skidtet med ud, men det gør overhovedet ikke ondt eller noget….pjat med dem:)

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    • "Luôn nhìn thẳng vào mắt của người mà bạn Ä‘ang nói chuyện."Điều này có thể làm người đối diện cảm thấy không thoải mái.

    • I could watch Love Actually any time of the year because Liam Neeson is so dreamy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, thanks for all you do.

    • What a cool contest!Zivah -Purple/ButterflyGabriella – Pink/HeartSofia – Blue/FlowerThank You for the opportunity to solve the never ending “belonging retrival and wretling match”!!! Keeping everything crossed!

    • I'm with Stranger…wait, no, I'm gonna split with Stranger by listing his preferences in the opposite order.Which makes this a heck of a lot like the Church of the SubGenius, wherein one's first official act (for given values of official) is supposed to be to declare a schism.Praise Bob!

    • Two thumbs up for this beautiful post on chennai. will check out on chronicles I-III.I too find the chennai city vibrant and lively along with all that you mentioned.

    • My new blog seems to still be at zero, I really thought it would gain a pagerank this time (last time it was just a few posts into existence so it didn’t surprise me). From what I remember though the page ranks can fluctuate for a couple days so maybe I will be lucky and get an increase.Addiction Rehab Blogs last blog post..

    • The mexican fisherman story really caught my attention. A few weeks ago Pauline posted a summarized version in one of her comments and it was the first time I had read it but it made so much sense.Tackling Our Debt recently posted..

    • Very useful tutorials to understand the basics of this framework, which we are just starting to use. But here’s the thing, I am not doing the YII and php and database stuff, I am just responsible for tweaking the css that controls the look and feel.I see that there are several copies of styles.css (in our case for detailview, listview and gridview. There are single copies of form.css, main.css, pager.css.I’d love a tutorial (or pointer to one) that explains how to manage the css for a YII project. Thanks.

    • Amy’s Party Ideas is giving away – Over $750 worth of Halloween Party Supplies including 2 sets of edible fondant cupcake toppers! (Ends October 20/USA)

    • unbelieveable. Can I just say how angry judgemental people make me??? You are right, even bubble wrap can’t protect our kids from everything and isn’t quality of life as important as quantity. I certainly hope the judgemental jogger wasn’t hit by a car, because I am pretty sure joggers are hit by cars You had far greater restraint than I would have in that situation. Hugs to you and your babies, they are lucky to have such a great mom!

    • no the vita uses game cards? kinda like the nintendo since the vita doesnt have a real memory hard drive. game saves into the card as well.

    • I adored James Dean as a teen, 30 years after his death. Had his posters everywhere. Related to his rebel stance. And he was so fleeting here on Earth, and so young. I dont believe in curses but funny how coincidence is. Like the curse of Poltergeist. Is his car Christine not in motion? GREAT post! Thanks for reminding me of my childhood crush.

    • Thanks. I looked at the Focus today. It has a gorgeous screen and it is very light. However, it seemed to have all kinds of fingerprints on it. More noticeable than the iPhone I think. Has this been a problem for you at all, or maybe it was just because it was at the store with everyone touching it?

    • Tack för att du röstar!LÃ¥ten heter “A new morning” och är med pÃ¥ en cd som jag köpte av indianer som spelade pÃ¥ gatan i Göteborg för 3 Ã¥r sedan.Kram!

    • DEIXE SUA MENSAGEMsaindo aqui da italia,minha filha vai levar duas malas de 23 ela levar mais uma d e 23 kilo.qto ela deve pagar por essa mala a mais?obrigado

    • Technology Aide jobs are typically min wage up to $12/hr and usually found in public libraries and college campus computer labs. Essentially act as a babysitter to the facility and it’s shared resources. Change the toner cartridge, reboot the computers, assist with minimal troubleshooting, and act as an assistant or mentor to whomever uses the lab. Generally part time only work with no benefits and unless your a recent grad or still a student little chances of being hired.

    • Salar. We are trying to keep this simple for patients of all ages. Take the shot at face value. What number do you see in the photo? I create dynamite smiles… hexadecimal numbers is not my area of expertise.Good Luck!

    • E' imbarazzante segnalare errori, ma come tutti sanno o dovrebbero sapere, è impossibile definire il precedente e il successivo di un numero decimale come richiesto nel test d'ingresso per la classe quinta. Questo è a mio avviso l'errore più importante, ma ci sono altre imprecisioni nei test di terza e quarta.Ringrazio comunque per il prezioso aiuto che questo sito offre a noi insegnanti.SalutiClara C.

    • When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove people from that service? Bless you!

    • Don, congratulations on your sale to HBR!I’m not sure I understand the situation. Do you have 2 cartoons that have been on hold for a couple years at HBR? If so, I would resend them and clip a note with them with the details and ask if they are still under consideration. HBR has regular cartoon meetings and I’m not aware of them holding cartoons for months or years.

    • Almost all of the things you claim happens to be supprisingly precise and it makes me ponder the reason why I hadn’t looked at this with this light previously. This article truly did switch the light on for me personally as far as this particular subject goes. Nonetheless there is actually just one issue I am not really too comfy with and whilst I attempt to reconcile that with the actual main theme of the issue, permit me see just what all the rest of the visitors have to say.Well done.

    • Este artículo carece de contenido y comprobación. Bastante inexacto para ser exactos, basado más bien en sus prejuicios y corto ideal, de lo que cree debería ser un estudiante sobresaliente.Le recuerdo que el hecho de que estudiantes activos promuevan integraciones al interior de la universidad, no significa que estos muchachos no la aprecien… dado que ud es economista, debería entender que las personas hacen valoraciones marginales diferentes a las que ud hace.

    • I am starting to like the back more than the front!!!! The panels look great and I love the comparison to concrete…my initial reaction to the ‘rear yard’ photo was metal.

    • salihkurnaz diyor ki:slm ben elektirikvsellozik kaynakcısıyim gazaltı çıplalkve özlütel kaynağıda yaparım 15 yıllık tecrübeliyim yurt dışlarında genelde çalıştım tank ve boru kaynakcısı olarak iÅŸ arıyorum ilgilenirseniz memnun olurum tel 0538 371 8893 telefondan ulaÅŸa bilirsiniz

    • My “Jade Mica” was a 97 Honda Accord – “Bordeaux”. I see her siblings around everywhere. And point them out to my boys – like they care.I’m sorry for your loss.

    • I haven’t read Sarno but I’ve heard about his work. And it’s an interesting point you make, about how one kind of pain can distract from another. It’s not exactly somatization but something related.

    • Bruno’s own words reveal his character and class (or lack thereof). Good riddance. Baseball shows us a lot about what people are made of.Hot debate. What do you think? 14  6

    • LO que me cuentas sobre las Fallas, claro que se pueden aplicar a casi todas las fiestas, sobre todo aquéllas que ocupan una ciudad entera… La Feria de Sevilla, cabe muy bien en tu descripción. Que disfrutes, Bea, que lo pases muy bien. Besos miles

    • Oh! Et bien ça, ça m’a l’air d’être du bon Je m’en irai à sa recherche derechef! (enfin, quand il sera sorti bien sur)

    • Hello POPTARTCAT,thanks, I know sandboxie. :)On x64 the safety sandboxie provides is limited (so be careful), but anyway I would never run any kind of malware on my system, even if sandboxed. Better to use a virtual machine.

    • Penelope, I so needed this today. Thanks! It almost makes me feel like crying, it’s such a relief. I knew I could ditch some stuff, but it’s good to read it from you instead of just telling myself in my head.

    • Em S. Vicente que é onde moro, a recolha porta-a-porta funciona muito bem: lixo indiferenciado no saco preto, recolhido de 2a a Sábado; embalagens no saco amarelo, recolhido às 3as e Sábados; e papel no saco azul, recolhido às 5as. A junta distribui gratuitamente os sacos. Os moradores só têm de os deixar à porta nos dias respectivos, após as 19h.

  • Very good post. I’m experiencing a few of these issues as well..

  • When I initially commented I clicked the „Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each
    time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the same comment.
    Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Thank you!

    • Great post with lots of imarotpnt stuff.

    • Oh and a thought Abdullah,from my readings, the gap between Jesus life and John’s writing is much smaller than that between Muhammad’s life and the earliest extant accounts of his life. Both sides can claim excellent memories etc. before writing.ian

    • Helt rätt av KHK att förstärka innan det är för sent. Blir spännande att se om Butler kan fÃ¥ fart pÃ¥ laget. Tror dock ändÃ¥ att KHK hamnar i kvalserien. Väl mött där KHKare!

    • Those institutions can cooperate only in moderate way, due to their national task which often is counter-intelligence. Therefore cooperation in fighting terrorism is lesser than in fighting crimes, because national institution are not so eager to exchange certain types of information.

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    • Rihanna looks like an evil witch and that dress is cheap looking; she has a long chin and a wide but pointy nose.Love Kelly and already pre-order 2 copies of the Deluxe version of “Here I Am.”Chris Brown, so talented and he still looks like he’s 16/17, but I wish he would mature a little. He’s young, but dresses a bit too young.Halle Berry, age has finally caught up with her and OMG at her daughter, she’s growing up so fast!

    • Ik had al een filmpje van hoe je mooi eyeliner opdoet gezien en daar zei je al dat gel liner erg fijn is. Ik ga die van essence is uitproberen.Kan niet wachten!!

    • oh sure that funny it wait everybody be toss they PC in the shop today try like geek squad telling they it was joke watch the news network today bonk?

    • motivation (and why we won’t do sticker charts) on disagreements and choosing a different path on being open you are not what you do on perspective taking on the most important thing when the going gets hard

    • AFJ. I’m not sure I should answer that question…but if I did answer it…I might say something like: …I don’t think the rules would apply to Connor as he has no faerie blood in him at all…but the real question is whether someone with half-Faerie blood would love one person forever. In other words, if Tania has the “love forever” gene – can she ever stop loving Edric – and if she doesn’t get back with him, can she “settle” for Connor, if her other option is to have no one at all???

    • Há umas boas imagens que podem ser coladas nos cacifos do Pingo Dôce: Zero de Dignidade.Não sei se perceberam, mas a ideia era implementar a taxa única para os bens da alimentação. Uma ideia vinda da mulher mais asquerosa (e nazi) que temos no governo: Assunção Cristas.

    • Underligt.. Sender beskeder og beskeder.. men de kommer ik frem pÃ¥ din side.. Noget er galt.. æv.. Prøver igen.. Tak for dit svar.. Nu ligner min hækleting en pære.. Men jeg har forstÃ¥et det med maskerne.. men nÃ¥r jeg nÃ¥r til 30 masker kan der ikke hækles mere.. HVA F::: GØR JEG FORKERT.. Tænk at man kan blive sÃ¥ sur at jeg bliver ved.. hi hi.. NÃ¥ men sku du fÃ¥ lyst og tid skal jeg vist se det hele i billede form..Utroligt.. KH Iben

    • Hi Mirco,ich kann Dein Problem leider nicht nachvollziehen… ThumbSniper läuft auf Deiner Website doch super! 🙂 Ich nehme mal an, die Thumbnail-Einstellung steht auf “external”. Fahre z.B. mal mit der Maus über die externen Links in Deinem Footer. Sieht gut aus, find’ ich.Gruß,Thomas

    • hey, running is mostly mental…so so long as u decide to believe 10k = 5 miles i say it works…i mean if that doesn’t work we’ll just blame it on mathematics. i’ve had kelp noodles, do u like them more than shiritaki ones??

    • Ich frag mich wie das weiter gehen wird, die nächsten ähm.. 60 Jahre oder so. Wo soll ich dann mit den ganzen Büchern hin *kicher*. Ich kann die ja auch nich einfach weggeben, da häng ich zu sehr dran :). Ja, okay die 5 Sterne Bücher merkt man sich natürlich am Besten! Ja, gell mit den Rezensionen und den Communities merkt man sich das halt besser, bzw. lässt es sich merken! 🙂

    • Cong. Allan West lost. This nation ,unfortunately too late,will learn why the Natural Born Citizen clause was a prerequisite to becoming President or Vice President.We got the government we deserve.CW, I was thankful North Carolina went Republican. I read that the Dems still owes quite a bit of money for the convention.Well back to the drawing board for the next congressional and one third senatorial elections in two years.

    • Oliwko, zobaczyÅ‚am ten link na NK i bardzo mi siÄ™ spodobaÅ‚. Na razie wirtualnie (majÄ…c na uwadze krÄ™goslup naszego miÅ‚ego pana listonosz) piszÄ™ do Ciebie. Spodziewaj siÄ™ jednak również ode mnie przesyÅ‚ki pocztowej. CaÅ‚uski i ciekawe czy zgadniesz kto do Ciebie napisaÅ‚?

    • I am so surprised to hear you say that it’s been awhile since you created anything. It doesn’t seem like that to me. But, I understand all the personal factors, challenges, perceptions and desires that make it feel that way for you. I think you are making exciting progress and embracing new possibilities. It doesn’t have to happen quickly. I’m enjoying your process. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    • Hei sweety;)I'm back, hi~hi…….og nyyyter din herlige inspirasjon og nydelige bilder!!!Dette var bare knæsj!!!Kan godt hende jeg knabber litt inspirasjon herfra med kvist og fugler….;)))Og se det vakre skapet med smukke lampeskjermer, hekleduker og jisus!!! Me ♥♥♥! Takk min kjære inspirasjonskilde! Du er gull verdt!Tusener pÃ¥ tusener av klemmer;o)

    • I like the cartoon, and your application to religion. I keep having to remember to restrain myslef and not try to convince people. I’m just so excited about it that I want to SHARE it, but I have to keep remembering that no one I know even wants to know the evidence, let alone why I believe it. So I (mostly) keep my mouth shut.

    • Siempre hablando con la verdad, todos sabemos que las “varitas magicas” no existen, màs que en los cuentos de adas claro, con trabajo dedicación y amor a nuestra ciudad se pueden lograr muchas cosas, además depende de todos los morelianos salir adelante y tener una ciudad de Diez. Muy bien Wilfrido, se nota la experiencia y vamos contigo.

    • 146I think it is important to note that this is also not a call for “Protestant-ization” of the Orthodox Churches. Holy icons, chants, and all should remain in tact. I don’t think anyone is seriously stating that we must emulate the local United Methodist parish hall.

    • it all weird too! Men!I think Lil Bit makes a perfect Vivian. That’s also the street we live on and I love rattling off our address! It sounds fancy and fun!

    • Well, Field, he could have blamed his disappearance on black men. No, he's the wrong sex.Well, there's always those pesky little green men from the Pleiades!

    • Implicada: La verdad es que cualquiera que hubiera visto a este animalito lo recoge y se lo lleva. Mas bien no entiendo como alguien tuvo el corazon de dejarlo ahi.

    • Hola, Manu:Nos encantaría ayudarte, pero no disponemos de esa información cartográfica. Los planos que podéis bajaros desde esta web se dibujaron antes de la convocatoria y ahora estamos ya preparando los de la siguiente, no tenemos más recursos humanos para redibujar estos últimos. Puedes encontrar planos más generales en los servicios cartográficos del Gobierno Vasco y en los servicios de urbanismo municipales.El aparcamiento es de titularidad privada. El ámbito de intervención es decisión del concursante. Nosotros hacemos la pregunta, no ponemos el solar.Gracias a tí por tu interés.

    • WOW!! We went to tortilla flats and swam in the lake…visited the resturant, put our dollar on the wall. we Did the wild west town and a trip in the mine shaft. we went to an old native dwelling in the side of a mountain…did I mention I love Arizona??

    • on As a former school trustee who wanted to scream everytime I heard “social justice”, “self-esteem”, “diversity”, etc all I can say is AMEN!!Our current system does not unite, it divides.

    • Oh my God !! I want to know what colours will be displayed in it !! Bon, pas trop de pailletés/nacrés j’espère car ils aiment ça chez Urban Decay 🙁 Allez, des fards bien mats c’est joli aussi ^^

    • parabens ao bernardo cavaleiro que ia na frente era o virtual vencedor e partiu a corrente a 5 km da meta e acabou a prova com uma bicicleta com os pedais difrentes das travessas.Parabens pelo esforço grande BERNARDO

    • Hi! I’m at work browsing your blog from my new iphone 3gs! Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward to all your posts! Carry on the superb work!

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    • Jag har precis kommit hem frÃ¥n New york och saknar pulsen, livet, känslan och nätterna där. SÃ¥ en sjuhelvetes fest i stockholm skulle vara ett bra plÃ¥ster pÃ¥ sÃ¥ren! 🙂

    • Flotte bilder Rune! Helt enig, man kan helt klart ta bildet av det samme flere ganger, de vil aldri bli helt like. Og det viser du tydelig her. Tror jeg liker det siste best. Ha en fin helg!

    • Livro fantastico. Um romance no qual Orewll Realiza um ensaio sobre as ideias e o modo de pensar dos diferentes tipos de pessoas. Mais dificil de perceber que a literatura chamada comum mas muito mais proveitosa.

    • Families enjoy Belgium for its to take too much gear, and end up unable to. Rather, they often share the culture of their surrounding area, and reflect the taste and.

    • Peter – TrÃ¥kigt! :(Linda – Lite läskigt är det allt fast jag vet att det finns par den den ena har ms som lyckats och jag kan inte se vad som skulle hindra mig dÃ¥? Lustigt att folk har sÃ¥ mycket Ã¥sikter om en sjukdom dom oftast inte har koll pÃ¥. Tycker ni är häftiga med 5 barn sÃ¥ skit i vad andra tycker och bevisa motsatsen istället! 😉

    • Gabriela Lizarraga – Oh my! This is just BREATHTAKING exponentially… wow the colors are all so soft and beautiful and romantic, the couple impeccable, the details, the location, perfection lara!

    • That's a pretty heavy duty vid you put up there Aa. All these powerful yet evil people with connections all over the place and over generations. It's almost unbelievable and for that reason it won't be believed.

    • In addition to who is dating who, a focus is also placed on celebrity fashions. In fact, where are many out there who wish that they could dress and look like one of their favorite celebrities. While this feeling is quite common, it often leaves many others wondering why.

    • i hope you enjoyed your special day dear.☺ sorry for this late greeting but as the cliche goes, better late than never. many happy returns!

    • Ã…hh et sødt mønster.Har lige lavet et med Granny strips, sÃ¥ dette ville være super godt at prøve.Venter spændt pÃ¥ en DIY.

    • last month is one where the software industry has materially, structurally and … Read more on Enterprise Irregulars Related Products: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsMarking the next-gen console debut of

    • I would like an apple that has no worm holes in it, but all the apples harvested by the two parties continue to be rotten. I think I’ll just have an orange instead. Now if enough people opted for the orange rather than the rotten apples, the apples would do a better job avoiding worms. Instead, you choose to promote the rotten apple with 20% less of an infestation than the other rotten apple.To each their own. 😛

    • no need to apoligize for the word in the back, it kind of adds character 🙂 love the pop of turquoise against your black & gray getup. so pretty.

    • If that’s the case then maybe your DRL actually control by the negative ground wire, some cars do that. You just have to connect to the correct ground wire of your DRL and it should work.Mine is oposite it uses the same ground for the DRL and headlights but separate power source, my DRL power source is only half power at 7V vs 12V of the regular lamp.

    • Pray for the family of Dr. Camacho, whose wife went to be with the Lord. Together they served as pastors, editors and directors of Editorial Evangelica, directed the Pentecostal Bible College in Puerto Rico and in various positions as Overseers. Dr. Camacho was a professor at Lee University, and preached at the General Assembly.

    • This is literally a gold mine of opportunity for the hard-working SEO! But it’s not something that you can accomplish over night. After you’ve created the ability for your analytics reports to generate the right data points (easier said than done), you’ll then need to analyze that data and finally begin to chip away at the large number of projects this analysis will create as outcomes. Long live analytics!

    • Confession is part of my private prayer/worship times. The church leaves it to individuals to reflect on God as we prepare for worship. Perhaps during that reflection session confessions may take place.I however would prefer a private and or corporate confession session (non scary) before entering into worship so that everyone is aware of its significance as a prelude to entering into the courts of praise and worship.

    • T. Ellis exhibit, “Let Me Tell You My Story” featured at The Sylvan Gallery in Charleston, SC, Nov.4-30, 2011 | Tellis Fine Art I was recommended this web site by my cousin. I’m not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my difficulty. You’re amazing! Thanks! your article about T. Ellis exhibit, “Let Me Tell You My Story” featured at The Sylvan Gallery in Charleston, SC, Nov.4-30, 2011 | Tellis Fine ArtBest Regards SchaadAndy

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    • Specjalistyczny powinien kalibracjÄ™ plotera wykonać po dowolnej interwencji serwisowej, nawet jeÅ›li byÅ‚a to tylko wymiana paska napÄ™dowego w ploterze bÄ…dź wymiana rolki transferowej. Ważne jest to, że by osiÄ…gnąć kapitalny wydruk, to wzorcowanie plotera musi siÄ™ wykonywać w regule dla każdego rodzaju papieru. WiÄ™cej dowiesz siÄ™

    • External drive just for pictures. ALL pictures go on it when downloading camera, after we’ve picked the ones we want to keep. They are organized by year, then within that folder month, then they are labeled something like: Halloween or Recital or Hilton Head. If there are videos taken at the same time from the same camera, they go in the same file with the pictures. I have not really adapted to using my phone as a camera…yet, so there aren’t so many photos…maybe only 300 or so…so they are not organized in any fashion.

    • Alessandra comentou em 12 de abril de 2012 às 10:40. Julia, você lembra qual foi o primeiro pincel que usou nos olhos no Base aliada desta semana? Foi o que você usou pra passar o delinador em gel. Perguntei no outro post, mas não obtive resposta… :/ Eu chutei que é da Contém 1g… será que é isso mesmo? Beijos!

    • Jajaja…yo estoy de acuerdo, esta semana caí con las compras de mi ropa para el civil…supuestamente iba a ser relajado y nos ibamos a ir con ropa de todos los días, jean incluso, pero bue, me surgió la imagen en la cabeza, y la semana pasada me compré un pantalón, el finde un sweater que combina, y esta semana hasta me fui al shopping para comprar expresamente unos zapatitos dorado clarito que iban a quedar di-vi-nos…. y los simple a dónde se fue? no sé…alguien sabe?

    • Sounds so good. I've had Moroccan food, but not North African. I liked that the eating style was communal. Looks like at this restaurant everyone had their own dishes.

    • T’inquiete je le sais que j’ai l’air cave sur la photo c’etait voulu et sa change quoi de toute façons, c’est pas a cause que Harrison Ford était le président dans Air Force One qu’il a déjà été président !En passant Martin, si tu brûle toute ton essence t’en aura pu de feu Comme vous avez pu le constater, ne prenez pas au sérieux mes commentaires.

    • Eu desisti de testar ele na VM. acabei instalando no meu netbook. mas não gostei muito da forma como a MS dispos a interface.vamos esperar os proximos betas!Usando Internet Explorer 9.0 em Windows 7 x64 Edition

    • Código: 1915155472553703Por favor entra na pagina das instruções que você vai encontrar o passo a passo de como usar o código.Se tiver alguma duvida pode entrar em contato.Abraco!

    • What's wrong with the designers – You can't say clearly looking from back-end if that is a MB E-Class, CLS, Tesla Model-S, Jag XF… – everywhere the same design clues (lights etc.)!

    • I think other web-site owners should take this web site as an model – very clean and great style and design, in addition to the content. You are an expert in this area!

    • Thank you. This skin was inspired by a blog layout I saw a long time ago and haven’t been able to find again since. No, I’m afraid I don’t understand the ins and outs of WordPress themes well enough to make a themes.

    • ordinarysparrow I found it quite ‘Rodgers and Hammerstein ish ‘… musical theater … i can appreciate it as the Asian culture… but then i love Asian movies…Something like this would be a brilliant suggestion for the prospective presidential wives at the conventions the night before their husband delivers their big speech. You think? We are almost there…:)

    • Morrn.Mina bilder är frÃ¥n i dag, faktiskt sÃ¥ var jag ute pÃ¥ Fm. för att testa nÃ¥gra innställningar pÃ¥ kameran.NÃ¥g on kallar det „flax”.

    • I only recently tried a Thirsties Duo AIO, and it’s my new favorite. SO CONVENIENT!! I turn the diaper inside out, like a sock, before I put it in the dryer to help it dry faster. I need more of these diapers!

    • Lovely to chat with you last night Vix and thanks for the reassurance. I hope we hear from her today – it's is amazing how much you can care for a person you have never even met. This makes our meet up next month even more poignant – I am going to squeeze her so hard! Love, Sarah xxx

    • Thank you…I’m not sure I really expressed myself well on this one. It’s funny, though, because I didn’t plan to write this one at all…I planned to write about my week…and then I had a thought.. and it seemed like such a profound thought…I’m not really sure I was able to get it out, though…so thanks for getting it….

    • Jag gillar nog ocksÃ¥ avsnitten om konditionsträning mest av alla, framförallt för att jag gillar konditionsträning mest av all träning. Vi kommer absolut fortsätta, nästa avsnitt kommer nu pÃ¥ söndag. Tack för kommentaren och för att du lyssnar, spread the word!

    • Another pair of fab curtains! Loving Stephen getting in on the photo!Bless the oddball, every town/village has one. Ever felt like giving him a blast of Turn Back Time?! :)Great buys, love those sunglasses.X x

    • Galit: By now, you must know that you have become one of my favorite people in the blogosphere. I love tweeting with you. The words you assigned to this post are the words I would use to describe most of your posts.The one you recently did at spoke to me on eleventeen hundred levels.You are beyond amazing. I’m so glad to have found you.

    • Gracias por ayudarnos ayer Bidan, al final pinche el 3 puesto en un torneillo de 40€ de entrada XDMe mola más el horario de esa sala que el del penique, a las 9 ponerse a jugar un viernes es muy temprano.

    • You will need a laptop computer with enough memory to save files.RCA Cables and some Cords to split the TV and the capture deviceA USB video capture device (Usually these are around 60 ish dollars but I recommend the Pinnacle Dazzle DVD Recorder Plus) its extremely easy to use and the quality is great. Its also only $50After you record, the files should be on your computer.

    • [..YouTube..] hay un equivoco de traducion muy grave, La chica dije ” somos brasileiros e não desistimos nunca” y lo traducirán como “somos brasileños y no lo quisimos nunca a LULA”, se cambió todo el sentido, muy feo CQC Argentina!

    • Zeca,Teacher, thank you for your kind words.I still feel like I’m a student here, so much yet to be learned.And Zeca, every day when I wake up,I shit, start up my computer, make coffee while waiting, and then first thing, I check Loronix !Thanks a million !Moos

    • Lauren Nicole hits the top 10 craziest things Christian women believe about relationships: If you ever meet a man who says “Oh I won’t marry a girl unless she’s a virgin,” run for the hillllllsss are alliiiiiive with the souuund of conntroollll problemmmmms. Spare yourself from a lifetime with a man who hasn’t yet grasped God’s grace or the reality of brokenness within his – and your – heart.Â

    • franky26 war dort am und meint: Der Zockclub ist einer der umfangreichsten Plätze im Netz wo man seine Lose schnell anbringen kann, oder auch um den persönlichen Losestand etwas vergrößern möchte. Gut strukturiert, superklasse Design, gute Spiele. Für jeden etwas dabei. Sehr zu empfehlen.lGFranky26

    • Oh how awesome!! You know, I would love to see a movie under those settings. I’m the one trying to hide from the too-loud sounds, the strobing lights and the fear that getting up with annoy someone. We’d love to come see one this way. Maybe the smurfs?

    • Wonderful blog! Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you recommend starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely confused .. Any ideas?

    • Je suis d’accord avec vous. A l’encontre des tartuffes qui ont beaucoup alimenté cette page, il peut sembler légitimement injuste que des élèves de la République, dont les études ont été financées par la collectivité, partent immédiatement à l’étranger contribuer à la finance globale. Cela est injuste relativement aux étudiants de la plupart des université qui coûtent tellement moins chers à l’Etat qu’on ne chauffe plus les amphis l’hiver…

    • Intent in criminal law terms is not motivation. Motivation is your ultimate reason for doing something, whereas intent is more immediate. Iago intended to kill Othello, but his motivations were murky. When I throw a brick at a wall, I intend that it hits the wall, but my motivation could be to protest the existence of the wall.It used to be that Courts could assume that you intended the natural and probable consequences of your actions. Nowadays there needs to be some extrinsic proof of such intent in criminal cases.

    • lol Gorilla bhaii’m not a Hrithik fan…although i like some of his workBut i genuinely felt that LBC was a good movie.Nice songs/different style/different cast – Farhan & Konkana were v.good

    • excelentes los conceptos,sobretodo, que esta diciendo los errores que cometemos algunos magos, yo en lo personal ,que a veces trabajo en un colegio en la mañana, en la tarde una fiesta infantil,y en la noche una reunion de adultos,estos consejosme vienen bien, porque hay veces que en la mañana actuo en un colegio, en la tarde una fiesta infantil, y en la noche un evento solo para adultos, y tiene razon danny davis,cada evento requiere una presentacion diferente. gracias

    • Un pelín demasiado clásico para mi gusto, aunque con algunos detalles muy bonitos. La galería, la escalera, las vistas, el primer comedor, la habitaicón blanca. Tampoco me importaría pasar alguna noche ahí.Besos!!

    • Its amazing how many legitimately famous people arent deemed famous by The Committee. Who the hell are the members of The Committee anyway? From the looks of the people they deem famous, its a bunch of jocks who can remember the name of every third base coach from the 1930s and half-talent wrestlers but overlook well-known actors, actresses, musicians, etc.

    • de stock. El pasado lunes os hablamos de cómo este servicio había decidido cambiar la marca de agua que usa en sus fotos para hacerla más útil. Hoy os traemos un curioso vídeo promocional de

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    • Tinnitus………………………………………….?Alright, hopefully there are some health experts out there…I have an almost constant ringing in my right ear. It comes and goes. I should add that when I wake up in the morning, it is not present; but when I stretch or yawn, it comes back.This tells me that it is some sort of pressure problem.Would Ginkgo biloba help the situation?????And what else would help?????

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    • Hi Terri! The link to their neutral colors is . They group colors by color family (you’ll see the other groups listed on the right column). I’ll show the colors I got when I do a follow up post on the walls.

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    • oi Jane fiquei feliz com o seu depoimento, minha cirurgia esta marcada para o dia 06/01/12, sexta feira, estou ansiosa, preocupada, enfim, é uma mistura de sentimentos.Gostaria de saber sobre a cicatriz… o que achou?

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    • Bien mauvaise posture pour Roger! Ca sent le roussi… Les têtes tombent de jour en jour à Roland! Ca contraste avec la monotonie de ce Grand Chelem depuis plusieurs années. Ca me fait penser à un vrai western ce RG09, les sioux attaquent Fort Knox à coups de fleches, invraisemblable! Esperons que toute cette agitation profitera enfin aux Français, surtout Monfils, qui pour moi a vraiment les armes pour aller choper la coupe des mousquetaires avec les crocs! Messieurs, les jeux sont faits, rien ne va plus!

    • Hola! a mi me faltan 81 dias! y el modisto sigue sin llamar! cada vez mas sueño con que entro desnuda o con el equipo de gimnasia a la iglesia! ayuuudaaaa!!! besos a todas

    • I’m gay, and don’t think we need a ‘pride’ week at all. Advertising this only suggests ‘gay people’ are different and there is no need to market this anymore. It is counter productive organised by radical gays.

    • You know, it just might be the name … our Maggie is a total loon. And has had constant, well, let’s just call them “issues” since day 1. Circles are her best friend … and we have had her from puppyhood on …

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    • Whew! I got picnic shoulder today for .69 a pound. What to do with all of this fat? Thank you so much! It is so good. OMG! The simmer trick with the baking soda is a must try! Thanks!

    • SÃ¥ fiiiint:) Det er sÃ¥ koselig og lunt med heklede ting -her gÃ¥r det i puter!God kveld til deg og dine – klem fra Bente.

    • Hi there! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading through this post reminds me of my good old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

    • births in another country, the non-attending Hawaii physician signed Hawaii Department of Health issued and Hawaii Department of Health Director certified Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth also IS the Hawaii birth record."A physician can't sign off a birth that he or she didn't attend.

    • First Bill, God Bless all our Real Americans, the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and other little known danger spots around the world. Semper Fi to you all. Were it not for these patriots, (exclude the current president of the United States, their Commander in Chief), then this country would not have the right to vote. It is just a shame that our politicians are so self serving, myopic, greedy, corrupt and pathetic or else we might be able to have some real CHANGE in our voting system. I guess the real Audacity of Hope is to hope for real change!

    • Bob,Are you guys gonna comment on Bennett and the last Hard Knocks? Will you praise the rookie or bash him because of what was edited last night?

    • cynthia: heh I think he was stunned.Rob: thank you thank you.ront: Yes which is why her friend pointed it out in the photo too. girlstar7: I love randoms! As mentioned, my fav was Bob Sinclair. The others were good in spurts. But I did dance longer than I did at Two Tribes last year.

    • Sumamente interesante, pero bastante difícil de llevar a la práctica, conoce Ud todas las implicaciones que ello tendría en el cálculo de los agregados económicos de un país? El cálculo de las Cuentas Nacionales se afectaría enormemente

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    • Is she too polarizing? Is she sincere? Is she a good leader?1. Yes2. Only when taking a far left of center position I think.3. I don’t think she’d gotten as far as she has if she were a bad leader, but as I do not agree with the vast majority of her politics I do not intend to vote for her. I don’t intend to vote for Mitt either should it come to that unless I see the Brethren pull back on their deep involvement in politics.

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    • Viene a Perú también. ¡Qué emoción!Por cierto, soy nueva en esto del bloggermundo como le llamo, pero llevo algún tiempo siguiendo tu blog. Est´´a bueno.Saludos.

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    • puisque que tu le soulignes, je choppe la balle au bond !et je lance mon appel du 18 juin 15lovien : nous avons besoin de quelques éclaireurs pour défricher la première semaine de wimbledon !!!de préférence quelqu’un qui n’aurait pas beaucoup écrit ces derniers mois au pif : JC, montagne, Pierre, Sylvie, fieldog, who else ?s’il y a d’autres volontaires j’achète !1942

    • Anton!We need larger sizes in the 110!I'm like a 16 and can't get a pair of shoes for shit, would love to see some sasquatchian sized minimus,I know you have little card in that game, but for once I'd love a rad pair of shoes that actually fit and I have no idea how to get my voice heard by big cat companies,Keep the blog rolling your an inspiration and an entertainer Emerson

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    • We use this stuff for certificates at work, its so fun! We've found that if you run it back through the laser printer as a blank print on card stock (I usually set up a layer of big white block) your fuser will heat the foil enough to adhere it to the toner! You just have to make sure you use repositionable tape to tape off the edges of the foil. I had no patience for the iron 🙂

    • 21/06/2012 at 14:51 · Trong 5 Ä‘iều này thì mình má»›i chỉ làm 3 Ä‘iều. Vẫn chÆ°a có bussiness card và má»™t dá»± án thú vị. Phải cố gắng hÆ¡n má»›i được

    • No fair teasing about the good news. But I guess I can wait for good news and not bad news. Your pie looks yummy indeed. Sorry about the time issue that is extremely rude and you are exactly right in today's age a phone call would be easy to make.Your ornament is gorgeous.

    • Renata 16/12/2008 ResponderConcordo com os virais que vocês citaram. Mas, acho que não houve nada tão viral esse ano quanto o conceito de “viral”. O que será que vem depois? *musiquinha de mistério*

    • If the above calculations are correct, why does the 2012 tax table show a tax amount of $876.00 on $8,700.00, that comes to more than 10%. Wouldn’t that come to 10.065% IRS is calculating? 10% would come to the $870.00 you stated above.Thanks

    • Ohhh nein, wie süss ist dass denn?! Der kleine Henry ist ja total herzig und mir gefallen die Farben und wie Du ihn in Szene gebracht hast. Total super! WOW!Liebs Grüessli und bis glii,Francine

    • Looking forward to see how offline then online editing is performed. As all this is dependant on timing media to the correct start frame. I wonder how the frame counts and frame starts are carried over to the compositor or 3D view background?

    • PS. I found on Peter Ryan. Read it and keep in mind that the NSW police force was (and always has been) perfectly rife with corruption. Then ask yourself 'what would a battle between a saturation-level corrupt police force and an honest, uncorrupted police commissioner look like'?

    • Die Bilder sind noch bei Natalia. Ich habe an sie ein Brief geschrieben mit der Bitte mir die Fotos zuschicken oder dir am Dienstag zu geben.

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    • dit :Humm je te verrai bien en wonder woman avec une doudoune en train de manger une raclette en plein mois de juillet. Bon trêve de balivernes, elles sont superbes ces shoes. Madame a du goût. Elle était bonne la clope ? 🙂

    • I love how your kids spend so much time outdoors. There not sitting there watching television and watching the days pass by. They are living life to the fullest.-Zane of

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    • Happy New Year FN family!Hope it was fun and enjoyable for all of you.Just back in from a few days in The Big Easy New Orleans.Things are still rough in the 9th Ward and we should never forget our brothers and sisters who are still displaced.

    • Qué risa eso de que sintes al mismisimo Batman en el ombligo jaja. Pues nada a ponerse rodajas de pepinos en los ojos para las ojeras y a resignarse, qué mas! …. Queríamos ser mamás.

    • Thanks for the nice words, Patrick. In a team project, using a framework is even more of an advantage as it standardizes all the code and processes. If you weren’t to use frameworks, you’d have to spend a lot of time deciding how code would be written, who would do what, etc. So I would definitely consider Yii. If not, then you really need to plan everything out well. And you should look into using a version control system regardless.

    • Bonjour,Tres beau cliché de mes fleurs préférées…J’en ai planté tout autour de ma maison…C’est vrai que la lumière du soir est toujours tres belle.Cet été je me suis lancé dans la photo de concert en découvrant un groupe montpellérain très sympa : “Delph et les chics types”A bientotMARC

    • I like your blog and I see that you have a good following of people. Take a look at my site and let meknow what you think. I am always looking for some fresh commetns on how we can improve our site.

    • Jim and family, My prayers are with you all and also for your mother. May God Grant her eternal life and may his face shine upon you and your family.Ken Guay

    • This is gracefully executed and brimming with poetic zeal, particularly your handling of the first person POV thoughout and especially stanza 3, I love the language and unique tone, imagery.

    • I had dinner at JSG last Tuesday and ate the lamb chops with chanterelles and I have to say it was fantastic. In fact I told Marc that when he gets chanterelles again to let me know as I just can't stop thinking about this dish…

    • Thank you for such a fantastic web site. On what other blog could anyone get this kind of information written in such an insightful way? I have a presentation that I am just now working on, and I have been looking for such info.

    • Chris – you are a moral coward. Those photos are of people who are fighting for thier country. Even after this, they still keep lining up to serve as policemen and in the Army.And, the Americans closest to this, US Military members, see this everyday and choose to stay and help. Your smug comments simply illustrate the decadance of your detached point of view.

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    • I think alot of people misread my facial expression, I got it from my mom. Smiles just doen’t naturally appears on my face I have to make them stay even though I’m usually smiling on the inside.That baby is too cute even with that angry face. Awwwww.

    • Don’t forget, Michael, Sleep No More is successful not just because I had a vision and went after it. It succeeded because every Wednesday morning at 2am during 40 Days for Life I’m on the sidewalk for two hours.

    • Dogguie, no sé si “raro” es la mejor palabra, pero que ya no funciona, eso es seguro. Mientras ellos apoyaban ese uso, les convenía, ya que ganaban enlaces y nosotros más ranking. Evidentemente algo no rindió, o se les hizo inmanejable el volumen de peticiones, no sé, lo único cierto es que a Fabián de PuntoFape, le confirmaron que ya no apoyan esa “iniciativa”.Saludos.

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    • when it comes to operating systems, but in the last few years it has received major defeat on the Internet Browsing market, competing with companies like Google, Mozilla, Opera, Safari and so on. Of course,

    • so humbled and yet proud to know people like Kathlyn and my other friend Evelyn Cheatham (who I’ve written of previously). The difference they make in people’s lives is tangible and immediate. It is also

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    • O tiririca havia prédito;”Pior que está não fica”!.A verdade é que piór do que estava,está se tornando cada vez mais!.Principalmente, com a eleição de votocidío dos eleitorado tiririquense.Ocupando um lugar de um candidato preparado, ético,quem ficou de fora do Congresso Nacional.

    • Det är inte säkert att en befolkningsökning kommer att vara positivt för LHF. Se bara pÃ¥ UmeÃ¥, en stad som växer sÃ¥ det knakar, men befolkningen är inflyttade studenter. De har sin lojalitet annorstädes, eller är fotbollsfantaster. Faktum är att man under de tio Ã¥r jag bott i UmeÃ¥ generellt sett fler AIKare och LuleÃ¥fans bland befolkningen än Lövenfans.

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    • She may be "Hellary! on Wheels" however the Rage Machine is carrying Obama, if she steals the nomination from him all hell will break lose; I’d rather see Hillary moveon.orged than McCain, he doesn’t seem to notice just how vicious is the Left when they want something.

    • angel lol yeah seeing Billy kissing on Anya.. was like what!!?Josh has only been away 4 mos for goodness sake! haso much for NA 2.0 being about Janya!

    • Actually, emigration of French Jews should rise, after the recent slaughter and the fact no one who believes in self-preservation would dare wear a kippot on the street in many French cities.Remember that while a number still live there for now, the relevant question is how many have bought homes in Israel.

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    • #32 Free -> Creo que desde que se estrenó el programa de puntos, los puntos de tarjeta y los puntos de contratos nunca fueron ni costaron lo mismo por lo que (corregidme si me equivoco) no se ha variado nada sea un HTC Magic o un Nokia 9500. Sobre un precio o el otro, dependerá de lo que más te convenga a tí, si quieres seguir siendo de tarjeta o si te quieres pasar a contrato. Creo que no hay ninguna novedad en este campo siendo así de toda al vida :-/

    • Dear Mr. Milliken:On the subject of the map, that particular map represents an older version of the plan, which included a proposed PHase Two area. That option is no longer being considered, and that’s why we are not using that map. Thank you

    • I’m Burmese, and Michelle Yeoh did a damn good job playing Aung San Suu Kyi! I’m impressed that her Burmese is so? clean and precise… if anyone’s ever seen Burmese writing before, it’s all loops and squiggly lines, and for her to learn the Burmese language, that’s awesome.

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    • I’d have to say, not crazy about the name. Too long, for one. It also sounds very “kid” — which is okay if you’re not doing any writing with/for adults. I do like the suggestion of using 4am. Scribbling Squid actually makes me think of doing Japanese calligraphy — probably because of the ink, and because ‘scribbling’ to me, has more of an art feel than a writing feel.Good luck in the endeavor!

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