„Audi A4“ – baisiai malonu vairuoti

Dainius Juodelis

Per metus įprastai yra pagaminami 3 ar 4 tikrai labai geri automobiliai. Tačiau 2003-ieji buvo išties ypatingi. Tais metais pasirodė „Rolls-Royce Phantom“. Tuomet jis buvo laikomas tobulu meno kūriniu bei absoliučiu inžinerijos stebuklu. Galiu drąsiai sakyti net taip: „Phantom“ patenka tarp penkių geriausių kada nors pagamintų automobilių pasaulyje. Ir tokios pozicijos jis dar ilgai nepraras. Jų nebuvo nupirkta išties daug, bet, kita vertus, „Kempinski“ viešbutyje irgi ne kiekvienas gali sau leisti smagintis. Jūs žinote apie ką aš.

Taip pat pasirodė ir „Volvo XC90“. Švedų inžinieriai sukūrė vieną universaliausių automobilių pasaulyje. Gerą pravažumą turintis, patogus, ne toks įžūlus kaip „BMW X5“, septynių vietų automobilis. Būdamas toks pat tvirtas kaip „Mjölnir‘as“ bei turėdamas dizainą, kuris dar ir šiandien atrodo puikiai, jis sulaukė tokio populiarumo, kad nauji modeliai buvo užsakomi net metams į priekį. Žinoma, prie jo didžiulės sėkmės prisidėjo ir faktas, jog automobilį kūrė inžinieriai, kurie patys turi šeimas ir žino, kas yra vaikai, o ne tik skaitė apie juos vadovėliuose. Daugybė konkurentų bandė pakartoti „XC90“ sėkmę, tačiau dėl menko supratimo, kaip turi atrodyti universalus, šeimai pritaikytas automobilis, tą padaryti pavyko toli gražu ne visiems. Manau, kad dauguma jų nė neįtaria kaip vaikai atsiranda apskritai.

Tuo metu išties patobulėjo ir automobilių saugumo sistemos. Šioje srityje pirmauja „Renault“. Antros kartos „Megane“ modelis buvo pirmasis šeimyninis hečbekas pasaulyje, kuris gavo aukščiausią „Euro NCAP“ saugumo testo vertinimą – penkias žvaigžutes. Be abejo, aukščiausius vertinimus tuomet pelnė ir kiti modeliai: „Laguna“ bei „Espace“. Deja, tačiau to meto „Renault“ vienintelė gera savybė ir buvo saugumas.


Liūdniausia tai, jog nei vienas iš šių automobilių nebuvo gaminamas taip, kad jį būtų iš tiesų malonu vairuoti. „Phantom“ galima prilyginti Žydrūnui Savickui, bandančiam įveikti 100 metrų bėgimo atstumą su kliūtimis. „XC90“ iš esmės buvo gamintas tenkinti gausios šeimos poreikį. Taigi inžinieriai negalėjo sau leisti gaminti posūkius skrodžiančios raketos, kitaip vaiko skrandžio turinį tektų matyti dažniau nei galite įsivaizduoti. O su „Megane“ apskritai net nepasieksite greičio, kuriam esant įmanoma padaryti avariją. Panašu, kad laikai vis dėlto keičiasi ir vis daugiau gamintojų pradeda investuoti ne tik į kokybę, saugumą, dizainą, tačiau ir į vairuotojo šypseną.

Šį sykį mano rankose „B9“ kėbulo kodu pažymėta naujausia „Audi A4“. Pasirodęs šiais metais, perkamiausias „Audi“ modelis jau spėjo susišluoti krūvas apdovanojimų už saugumą bei inovatyvias technologijas. Vokietijoje šis modelis gavo „Auksinio vairo“ apdovanojimą kaip geriausias savo klasės automobilis, o tai yra jau labai rimtas apdovanijimas. Visiems „BMW“ fanams, kurie mintyse bando suregzti lėkštą, nejuokingą bei idiotišką juokelį apie „bulką“, iš karto siūlau „užsimušti į sieną“ ir toliau nebeskaityti.

Vizualiai nesunku suprasti, kad tai tikra „Audi“. Nuo paskutinio modelio dizainas mažai kuo pasikeitė, tačiau anot vokiečių, nebūtina kiekvieną sykį iš naujo išradinėti dviračio. Tiesios bei horizontalios kėbulo linijos suteikia solidumo ir brandos jausmą, o priekiniai bei galiniai LED žibintai įneša šiuolaikinio modernumo. Maždaug 90 procentų naujosios „A4“ komponentų yra visiškai nauji ir daugiausia jų slypi automobilio viduje. Gamintojas būtinai turėjo visiškai atnaujinti savo perkamiausią modelį tam, kad galėtų sėkmingai konkuruoti su trečios serijos „BMW“ bei C klasės „Mercedes“.

Santūrus bei rimtas „Audi“ eksterjeras slepia pasakišką interjerą. Vos įsėdus į saloną, apimą be galo malonus prabangos jausmas. Naujoji „A4“ turi visiškai naują salono išdėstymą, kuris panašus į neseniai pasaulį išvydusį „Q7“. Priekinė konsolė neapkrauta tūkstančiais mygtukų, viskas išdėliota patogiai po ranka. Vos įsėdus tapo viskas aišku, kur kas yra ir nereikėjo nieko ieškoti. Didelė padėka vokiečiams už jų loginį mastymą dėstant prietaisus. Kaip ir anksčiau, „Audi“ rodo pavyzdį, kaip reikia išbaigti interjerą. Prie kiekvienos rankenėlės ar mygtuko, rodos, kad buvo pasamdyta po atskirą žmogų, kuris visą savo dėmesį skyrė išbaigtumui. Naudojamos tik geriausios medžiagos, kurios tarnaus tikrai ilgai. Salono linijos nėra tokios elegantiškos kaip C klasėje, šį sykį jos paryškina dabar kiek sportiškesnį „Audi“ charakterį.


Salonas yra erdvesnis nei prieš tai buvęs modelis. Iš tiesų, tai pati didžiausias„A4“ per visą gyvavimo istoriją. Dydžiu ji pranoksta jau kultine tapusią, kiekvieno rajono gyventojo svajone ilgą laiką buvusią „Audi 100“. Būdami didesnio nei vidutinio ūgio, priekyje sėdintys žmonės sugebės įsitaisyti visiškai patogiai, šitaip paliekant pakankamai daug erdvės įsikurti keleiviams ir ant galinių sėdynių. Niekam neteks kęsti nepagaidaujamo intymumo. Sėdėjimo pozicija yra pakankamai žema, tai leidžia labiau jaustis, jog sėdėtumėte pačiame automobilyje, o ne ant jo. Tokia sedėsena, be abejonės, leidžia jaustis užtikrintai bei saugiai.

Paleidus į darbą variklį yra vos juntamas jo skleidžiamas garsas. Įsijungus radiją net tyliau nei įprastai, variklio skleidžiamas garsas išnyksta visai. Čia gamintojas išties pasistengė, sukurdamas puikią garso izoliaciją. Iš tiesų, garso iziliacija paliko geresnį įspūdį nei buvo galima tikėtis. Gamintojas net stiklus padengia specialia plėvele, kuri padeda apsaugoti saloną nuo išorinio triukšmo. Iš ratų bei pakabos taip pat neteks girdėti ausiai nemalonių bildesių. Iš tiesų, salone tyliau nei bažnyčios bibliotekoje, nes „A4“, jei lygintume su konkurentais, turi mažiausią vėjo pasipriešinimą. Taip pat veidrodėliai yra suprojektuoti taip, kad nukreiptų vėją tolyn nuo šoninių langų, šitaip nesukeliant papildomo triukšmo. Tokios klasės automobiliui to daugiau nei pakanka.


Bandytas modelis buvo varomas 2.0 litrų darbinio tūrio dyzeliniu varikliu, išvystančiu 190 arklio galių bei 400 niutonmetrų sukimo momentą, kuris buvo suporuotas su 7 pavarų automatine „S-tronic“ greičių dėže. Jautresnius žmones bei hipsterius perspėju, kad tai nėra tas variklis, dėl kurio „VolksWagen“ grupė užsitraukė nemalonę dėl CO2 dujų emisijų skandalo. Tai yra visiškai naujas variklis, kuris jau nepatenka į aplinkosaugininkų akiratį. Todėl kelionę tęsiau ramiai nesibaimindamas, kad automobilį kiaušiniais apmėtys koks nors entuziastingas veganas, kovojantis prieš gamtos taršą bei važinėjantis dvidešimties metų senumo „VW Passat“, kuris techninę apžiūrą dėl per didelio dūmingumo „praėjo“ davęs kyšį.

Iš esmės variklių pasirinkimas yra pakankamai didelis. Galima rinktis nuo 150 arklio galių turintį benzininį variantą iki 272 arklio galių dyzelinio V6. Manau, kad bandytas modelis visoje Europoje bus pats populiariausias, kadangi tai yra labai geras galios bei ekonomijos santykis. Variklis dirba išties švelniai, labai aktyviai reaguoja į akseleratoriaus paspaudimą  ir smagiai „traukia“ plačiame sūkių diapazone. Važinėjant toli gražu ne pačiu ekonomiškiausiu režimu, mieste pavyko tilpti į kiek daugiau nei 8 l/100 km. O tai yra išties labai neblogai, žinant, kad variklis slepia beveik 200 arklių bandą. Gamintojas sugebėjo padaryti sunkiai įmanomą dalyką – padidino galią, o degalų sąnaudos tapo mažesnės.

„Audi“ niekada negalėjo pasigirti esantis tikro vairuotojo automobilis. Daugumai modelių visuomet trūko aštrumo ir staigumo pojūčio. Kai kurie senesni modeliai sverdami tiek pat kiek Atlanto vandenynas ir dėl priekinių varančių ratų savo važiavimo ypatybėmis labiau priminė riedantį akmenį. Kad ir kaip suksite vairą, automobilis vis tiek važiuos tiesiai. Dėl šios priežasties „BMW“ visuomet stovėjo gerokai aukščiau. „Audi“ inžinieriai šį sykį nustebino taip, kad aš iš automobilio nenorėjau išlipti. Aš tiesiog norėjau jį vairuoti ir juo mėgautis. Pasirinkus dinaminį varavimo režimą, automobilio pakaba tampa standesnė, pavaros perjungiamos greičiau, o vairas tampa kiek „sunkesnis“. Visa tai leidžia leidžia įvažiuoti į posūkį tiksliai, užtikrintai ir automobiliui nesukeliant streso. Nors vairo stiprintuvas yra elektrinis, tačiau jis pakankamai tiksliai perduoda visą informaciją apie priekinių ratų būklę ir leidžia tiksliai projektuoti automobilio važiavimo trajektoriją. Automobilis puikiai greitėja, fantastiškai stoja ir stabiliai važiuoja į posūkį. Net važiuojant dinaminiu režimu, pakaba dirba labai komfortiškai, tyliai sugerdama visus kelio nelygumus. Taip pat prie viso to prisidėjo kiek daugiau nei 100 kilogramų sumažėjęs svoris.  Lyginti su trečios serijos „BMW“ būtų kiek rizikinga, tačiau šį sykį vairavimo savybėmis „Audi“ pranoko patys save.


Kaip ir minėjau, naujasis „A4“ yra gavęs prestižinių apdovanojimų už panaudotas technines inovacijas. O jų čia išties yra daug. Tiesą pasakius, viskam aprašyti, abejoju ar užtektų netgi atskiro straipsnio. Gamintojas daug dėmesio skyrė saugumo ir vairavimo pagalbos sistemoms. Gamintojas jas skirsto ne pavieniui, o ištisais paketais: kelionių, miesto bei parkavimo. Kiekvienas iš jų turi toli gražu ne vieną funkciją. Pavyzdžiui, kelionių paketas – tai krūva fukcijų, kurios padeda laikyti atstumą tarp kitų automobilių bei taupyti degalus. Automobilis sugeba ne tik išlaikyti pastovų greitį užmiestyje, tačiau gali stabiliai likti neišvažiavęs iš savo juostos. Automobilis jaučia, kada vairuotojas nejučiomis pradeda blaškytis po kelią ir pats pataiso vairo kryptį, šitaip išvengiant nemalonių incidentų. Taip pat mieste automobilis sugeba stebėti aplinką bei iš anksto informuoja apie iš visų pusių artėjančius eismo dalyvius.

Jis taip pat gali savarankiškai sustoti, jei netyčia nepastebėtumėte artėjančios kliūties. Taip pat „A4“ buvo pristatyta ir „Virtual Cockpit“ fukcija – tradicinį prietaisų skydą pakeičia skaitmeninis ekranas, kuris gali virsti navigacijos žemėlapiu, multimedijos ekranu ar tradiciniu spidometru. Aš jau nekalbu apie tokias funkcijas kaip beraktė užvedimo ar atrakinimo sistema, parkavimosi kameros, palydovinė navigacija su „Google Earth“ žemėlapiais, „Bang & Olufsen“ audio sistema ar belaidis telefono įkrovimas. Beje, navigacija paliko išties puikų įspūdį. Viskas veikia nepriekaištingai tiksliai ir suprantamai. Čia yra naudojama iš „A8“ paimta sistema, kai kelionės adresą galima užrašyti tiesiog savo pirštu piešiant kiekvieną raidę ant multimedijos valdikio. Ši funcija išties veikia. Geriausia yra tai, jog visos saugumo ar komforto sistemos funkcionuoja visiškai neblaškydamos vairuotojo. Visų funckijų bei multimedijos valdymas yra labai intuityvus. Visas grafinis pateikimas yra malonus bei labai stabiliai veikiantis.


Inovacijos, kurias anksčiau galėjome matyti nebent S klasės „Mercedes“, nenumaldomai beldžiasi ir į žemesnės klasės automobilius. Deja, tačiau visas malonumas skaudžiai suplėšo kišenes. Bazinis „A4“ kainuoja 31 500 eurų. Norint galingesnio variklio, visų varančiųjų ratų „Quattro“ sistemos, sportiškų sėdynių, visos galimos saugumo bei komforto įrangos, teks pakloti 60 000 eurų. Tačiau net ir ties šia riba toli gražu viskas nesibaigia ir kaina gali pakilti pustrečio karto, jei lygintume ją su baziniu modeliu. Ar verta mokėti tiek pinigų? Pasakysiu taip: gerai įrengtas „A4“ kainuoja panašiai tiek, kiek naujausias, ne prastesnėmis technologijomis aprūpintas „Volvo XC90“, kuris šiemet konkuruoja su ta pačia „Audi Q7“. Taigi, spręsti Jums.

Pabaigai –  „Audi A4“ šiuo atveju – tai tikrų tikriausias trečios serijos „BMW“ košmaras. Pamirškite visas „bulkas“ ir meskite į šalį visus, iki šiol apie „Audi“ sklandžiusius stereotipus. Čia ne „bulka“, čia aukščiausios klasės, saldus, gomurį kutenantis, kreminis desertas prabangiame restorane, į kurį tipinio „bulkos“ vairuotojo neįleistų net jei jis bandytų elgtis pagal etiketą. Šis desertas kainuoja daug, tačiau kiekvienas turi suprasti, kad už prekės ženklą bei jo kokybę reikia mokėti krūvą pinigų ir tai skirta ne kiekvienam. „A4“ metų automobilio rinkimuose pirmos vietos neužėmė būtent dėl per didelės kainos. Nuo savo pirmtako, stilistiškai pasikeitęs mažiausiai, tačiau techniškai visomis prasmėmis ištobulėjęs labiausiai.

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  • Caro Luís AlmeidaQuando elaborei este artigo tambem me interroguei, mas não consegui obter resposta por muito que procurasse.Grato pelo seu comentárioCumprimentosJosé Leite

  • it’s from Google, and they know Google does this kind of thing (and may not know it’s only valid on the Google page). So it’s *click*, and game over.I’m glad to hear you’ve helped hundreds of thousands of users, but I don't know that I'd go as far as saying that the notice is not a risk to additional users.

  •   5 novembre 2012Super vidéo comme toujours, très pratique ! J’aurais peut être rajouté PB cosmetics également qui a l’air assez abordable. Je sais que tu a fait une vidéo test de cette marque mais tu n’a pas parlé de leurs palettes et j’aurais bien aimé savoir ce que vaut leur palette 78 couleurs ombres à paupières et blush, j’hésite trop à la prendre ! est-ce que tu l’a déjà testé ?

  • 我同意這是現實問題,的確不應過份流於理論。不過不知你有否遇過這個情況:有人覺得XX苦難事情很慘,很同情事主……不過很快就想,after all,苦難的存在「其實也不是一件壞事吧」(teleologically?)。我聽過有人宣之於口;相信不少人即使沒出聲,心裹也是這麼想。對不起又說理論了,不過我覺得這個跟現實相關。這是價值 (value) vs 可欲 (desirable) 的問題,不可欲的東西不一定沒有價值。聽過一位教授舉的例子:我認為D-Day時盟軍將士所作的犧牲很有價值,但不可欲 (I value their sacrifice, but I don’t desire it [in any order].)。這種心理大概也解釋了為何那麼多基督徒無視世間苦難,只顧傳「福」音吧?這層「價值」沖淡了他們改變苦難狀況的動機;他們就只集中於”love your neighbors as yourself”(真的只有neighbors而已)了。這暫時是我思考的瓶頸。當然,實際上,能夠聚集到一群不這樣想的人,再相互交流對話,已經很好了。而in the mean time,你就繼續做他們的輔導組大哥哥好了……呵……

  • Scamp, weren’t you wearing that dodgy pink top last time you were in Campaign? I told you before pal, that sort of thing belongs on a Golf course and nowhere else.

  • massimo / ok after playing a few games im just gonna report that main deck mana leaks and teck edges are supper good against vala (8-3 in game ones), just keep a counter/kill for thier 6+ drops and then then dont let them get many triggers off the valas and in comparision to how hard it used to be this is a cake walk

  • lol, I was thinking more along the lines of two people serving to hold up the gameboy. One could be the A + B buttons and then the other person would hold up the screen. They’d have to walk horizontally and lay down to play, but lol it would be hilarious.

  • Doctor Steven Guo I am a 78 year old man and I was suffering with Sciatica pain in my left leg for over 2 weeks. it got so bad I couldent sleep, I then got on the internet and found your book, I bought and tried your treatment. I was amazed with the results, I was relived of most of my pain immediately after treatment. The rest of the pain was gone at bedtime, and I got my good nights sleep in over 2 !/2 weeks. I thank you with all my heart.I will continue to use your system for the next 2 weeks Your PAIN FREE friend Arthur C. Theurer

  • Keep up the excellent piece of work, I read few blog posts on this site and I believe that your web site is really interesting and holds sets of fantastic information.

  • yes…venus seems to be happiest tending to creature comforts, (Taurus) a keen awaireness to the thoughts of others, (Libra), the inability of retreat, a desire to be noticed and included at all levels…A friend had this placement opp my aries merc I can still see her wince then cover it up with laughter.Nice description of Libra Venus reacting to Aries Directness–thanks, Lucy

  • I just made these as I found them on Pinterest. I used real pumpkin so I had to bake them 3 minutes longer. I put all the batter into one mini muffin pan because I didn’t read that you should separate it until after I did it, lol. So they turned out to be mini muffins! They were so light and fluffy! Thank you for the recipe![]

  • Kedves Károly!Azt eddig is(tavaly is) tudtuk, hogy a kamera belsÅ‘ hÅ‘mérsékletét látjuk, de tájékozódásul mégis jó volt…Köszi, hogy válaszoltál!Ãœdvözlettel: Anna

  • Great article but it didn’t have evihgtreny-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!

  • Straipsnis kaip visada – SUPER. Panasu, kad ne be reikalo isgirtas modelis. Kemsam kiaule taupykle 🙂

    • I’m quite pleased with the inimoratfon in this one. TY!

    • Le tabagisme passif est le fait d’inhaler de façon involontaire la fumée de tabac de quelqu’un d’autre. Cette fumée secondaire du tabac est un mélange de fumée principale expirée par des fumeurs actifs et de fumée latérale émanant du tabac en combustion et diluée dans l’air ambiant. Le tabagisme passif a généralement lieu dans des endroits fermés, mais peut également s’appliquer aux espaces ouverts. Les fumeurs passifs inhalent des substances cancérigènes ainsi que d’autres composants toxiques présents dans la fumée de tabac.

    • Thank you for this post! You should take a look at what the city has been developing with 1000's of hours from volunteers with the “Urban Wilderness”, 35 miles of hiking and biking trails dug in the past 2-3 years! While these volunteers have been creating this awesome system of wilderness, TDOT has been planning their way on dissecting the wilderness with a highway! The Urban Wilderness would be DONE if this project goes through! outdoorknoxville.com

    • Ce qui m’étonnes avec Apple, c’est qui n’ont pas encore attaque Google, pour violation de brevet sur Android… Concernant la web radio, on verra comment Deezer resiste…. , sauf si deezer porte plainte pour violation de brevet !!!!

    • Buongiorno un part time 5 ore lun-ven come impiegato contratto metalmeccanici – artigianato in quale livello possono inserirmi ? e quale sarebbe lo stipendio netto mensile ? la 14esima non c'è vero ?

    • It does seem pretty pathetic that some responses are saying “I don’t care what he’s done, how DARE you speak out against him!”It truly seems like, if they’ve even bothered to read the post in-depth and look into it, that they’re just digging their heads in the sand and getting riled up in defence of Doug to avoid having to consider things – and of course, others just appear to not even have bothered to look at what’s been presented, but are just defending him by default.

    • Greetings I am so glad I found your blog page, I really found you by error, while I was looking on Digg for something else, Anyways I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a tremendous post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to browse it all at the minute but I have bookmarked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the superb work.

    • Love seeing your place, Nora and Steven! Really nice what you’ve done with the place. ;0)Very nice to see quite a few of the things of yours I remember from our times hanging out, Steven.

    • January 28th, 2007 at 8:48 pmhe walks into a lions den and you wonder why people snap at him ? He’s doing us a favor. You don’t have to agree with him, but there is no value in treating him like sh–

    • Excellent! Your article has a ton viewers. How did you get so many people to see your post I’m envious! I’m still learning all about posting articles on the net. I’m going to view pages on your blog to get a better understanding how to get more visable. Thanks for the assistance!

    • I think NH’s point is that the church’s sizing system doesn’tallow for women (or men, likely) of the same heightbeing different thicknesses.It sounds like NH is on the thin side, and that Gs madefor her height are too wide for her. And the size ofGs that are made for her width, are likely too short.

    • Pour contribuer, j'ai toujours entendu dire que dans nos sociétés européennes, le fait d'être mat de peau signifiait être de basse condition (lié au travail aux champs) et pâle était donc associé à une haute extraction.On retrouve je pense cette signification avec le terme péjoratif Redneck: a la nuque "rouge" celui qui travaille la terre et prend le soleil.Ce que je ne sais pas c'est: cela était il vrai pour les hommes uniquement, les femmes ou les deux?Symmaque

    • Now at #1 of Slodive's “Inspirational Collection”… what can I say… all 4 posts have been truly fantastic… I am really glad I started “backtracking” my rss feeds… that I never seem to have the time to really do them justice !! But I am still glad I have them… thank you Slodive and everyone involved with all of these tributes at Slodive !!

    • Fernanda comentou em 9 de novembro de 2011 às 18:39. Meninas, eu estou querendo comprar o rímel da Maybelline, o The Falsies… mas queria saber qual é a diferença dele pro The Colossal… alguém pode me descrever? Adorei o delineador marrom!!! Super dica!!! Bjos a todas!

    • even though I am terrified of death, I found the early Christian catacombs in Rome utterly spellbinding. All those spaces for dead humans from 2000 years ago. The scale of humanity through history writ largemarc nash

    • The dichotomy is kind of ironic.Here the Nats have one of the most popular and storied minor league parks to go to and see a game and play according to players (Harrisburg) and what might be one of the very worst (Potomac).

    • Hallo und Gruß an alle Heggestorze und Mitläufer ,großes Lob an die Veranstalter und Organisatoren, die Veranstaltung war nicht nur super organisiert, durchdacht und ausgerichtet, es hat zudem eine Menge Spaß gemacht.Für einen ambitionierten “Asphalt-Geradeaus-Läufer” wie mich, war eure Veranstaltung eine willkommene Abwechslung mit mächtig viel Spaßpotenzial !!!Lob auch an die Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter, die sicherlich mit mir einer Meinung sind: Nächstes Jahr gerne wieder wieder wieder … Gruß Ducky

    • Being attractive and pretty is really important to some girls. Scarlett should be blessed that people do consider her to be beautiful and “hot”, because I would do anything for that kind of positive attention. She’s famous, and she has it easy.. I just think she’s lucky.

    • This was a very thought-provoking talk; thanks for sharing it. Watching friends or family pull out their cell phones while supposedly sharing a meal at a restaurant is an ongoing frustration of mine. I proudly keep mine put away, even through a lull in the conversation or a moment when someone adjourns to the restroom.

    • Independente em alguns setores de outros países. Por isso nossa moeda nao e forte. Mas na verdade somos dependentes da nao evolução Tecnologica. Somos dependentes de nos mesmos. Da falta de investimento na Educação em todos os sentidos.

    • Not only do I cringe look at my college portfolio but also some of my early cards here at HMK. Bless my first AD's heart — she had to have seen potential….. I guess.

    • LoL – try picking out a “white” – you’d think that would be easy to! The green you’re referring to in a gray is actually yellow. It may be difficult to find a warm gray that doesn’t have yellow which will make it look green – wow – that was weird – but true! I like Penthouse CSP 35 . It’s a light gray, a little warm but not too green. Keep in mind you’ll have to see an actual color swatch of these hues- seriously do not rely on the color representation you see on-line.

    • I have to say I’m not a big liver fan, but I that really does look quite tasty. For me the trick is soaking the liver in a few changes of water to get some of the blood taste out.

    • Wonderful blog! I found it while surfing around on Yahoo News. Do you have any suggestions on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Cheers

    • Goji-marjat on naurettavien viherpiipertäjien epäekologista apetta…ja sitten siirrytäänkin viettämään Halloweenia asiaankuuluvan rekvisiitan ja kurpitsakisailun merkeissä?Ei toi ohjelma kyllä ihan vakuuttanut mua.

    • I love traveling a lot n recently completed a Road Expedition by car covering 11600 Kms, 13 Indian States, Bhutan n Nepal…You must try Benaulim Beach in Goa and Varkala in Kerala…

    • Miguel disse:Apesar de considerar o Super Hornet um excelente caça,não vejo com bons olhos a possibilidade da FAB operar por 30 ou 40 anos um vetor que é uma evoluçao de um projeto de 30 anos atrás.

    • Nexso, Ma se AOL la utilizzo come email tutt'ora?Non ne dubito. AOL esiste ancora, ma non è che l'ombra di quello che era all'epoca, quando era talmente pervasiva nella sua campagna di disseminazione di CD d'installazione allegati alle riviste (sì, allora servivano i CD d'installazione) che fu avviata una campagna di protesta per le tonnellate di plastica dei CD inutilizzati.

    • she sang on flavor of love. the chick could BLOW. she had a voice u wouldnt expect to come from her. it was one of those strong church singing sounding voices. this song just doesnt do her justice. TRY AGAIN

    • Hi Madeline,Thank you for your example. I wish more teenagers would take a stand for conservative principals like you have. Could you please post your video on your website so we can share it through other channels?Thanks,Ed

    • Le nettoyage ethnique projeté en Irak est une avant première d’un futur exercice contre les noirs ramenés en Afrique et les latinos au Mexique.Qui sait avec des fous comme GW on peut s’attendre à tout, n’est ce pas « midi idées, maxiconneries ».

    • És ha jönnél a közös varrásra, minddel személyesen találkozhatnál :)) (Majdnem minddel)Nagyon jó címeket találtál a játékomra, de nem említenéd meg a blogodban ?(az is feltétel lenne a sorsoláshoz)Puszi Gina

    • Andrea R. Monday, February 25, 2013 at 10:15 pm What a sweet giveaway! I love the Taia flats; such a cute mix of details with the little feminine bow. Thanks so much for hosting p.s. Love the new site design!

    • Thiѕ is really interesting, Υou are a verу ѕκillеd blogger.I have ϳoinеd your feed anԁ look fοrωard to ѕеeking mοre of your exсellеnt post.Alѕo, Ι’ve shared your web site in my social networks!

    • parabc3a9ns pra vc falcc3a3o muitos anos de vida muita luz muita paz muito suecsso pra todos vcs brothers da banda o rappa vcs sc3a3o foda adoro escutar as musicas de vcs me sinto bem de alma lavada pra mim c3a9 a melhor banda do Brasil velho mo faia energia positiva sempre . valeu um grande abrac3a7o ..

    • My sister spent many months in the US and I remember her blasting Greyhound services quite vividly. Said it is the worst bus company in the world ever. You’re right to go with Megabus.

    • je vais pas vous faire un cours d’anatomie féminine ici, j’en ai assez dit dans mon billet…m’enfin vous avez quel âge ? ou alors vous êtes ignare (dsl)

    • Nous revoilà dans la Rue des Mauvais Garçons, en pein marécage parsien.C. Girard, c’est toujours le même ? Celui qui voulait créer le billet de 1 euro pour les parisiens ?Que faire de chaussures usagées ?Cède ma paire de valenki contre une petite louche de caviar.

    • “Ok, you guys ready? It’s called Jack the Giant Slaver! Jack teams up with his autistic best friend named Meepers and enslaves giants!” – Joe King

    • Welcome, Tom & TJ. We look forward to hearing more about your journey. I’ve heard that after the kids fly the nest is a great time to cruise. Right now, it’s a bit maddening!

    • ‘बदले-बदले मेरे सरकार नजर आते हैं. घर की बर्बादी के आसार नजर आते हैं’ ही है. रफी जी के दिलकश गीत के लिए shkriya.

    • Interesting thoughts.I’d be tempted, if I ever work on an RPG, to make an NPC generator – have it spit out a bunch of basic characteristics, and build (or have the character designer build) the NPC up from that base.There’s no reason characters can’t be diverse, but as you say, it’s hard to overcome our “defaults.” Pseudorandom number generators don’t have that problem :V

    • HAL’x, roi de la référence bidonnée (genre … invoquer les lois de Morgan pour leur faire dire l’inverse de ce qu’elles disent en matière de contraposée) et de l’argument fallacieux, ferait parfois bien de faire profil bas, Kevin Kelly étant un amateur à côté de lui. VÅ“ux utopique, je sais…

    • I’m hoping to try out Crossfit soon – but like you, I don’t plan on making it my main source of exercise. it looks like a great workout, but I’d rather balance in out with other things, like lifting, running, intervals and yoga.

    • It was your brains coming out you worthless piece of ZIT talking to an infant who wants to give you love because they see you have a “boo boo” and want to help you. You don’t want to take care of your children – what a gorgeous baby – I’ll be happy to raise them for you. The mother of the child too wrapped up in plucking out pus. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your children deserve so much better.

    • Bonjour YaëlMerci pour cette petite vidéo qui ma était bien utile, je viens de faire ma Likebox très Facilement.A bientôtDominiqueDéveloppement Personnel recently posted..

    • M.A.C er helt vildt billigt i London i forhold til Denmark. Der er ogsÃ¥ ret mange penge at spare i The Body Shop. Jeg kom i hvert fald med 6 styks body butters forrige gang jeg var derover.Neglelakker er ogsÃ¥ sindssygt billigt og deres kosmetik butikker har som regel en del mere at byde pÃ¥ end Matas fx har.

    • Creo que lo primero que te debe importar es terminar bien la carrera, recién estás comenzando debes darte cuenta en el camino si realmente es por vocación, si es por dinero enfocate en otra cosa! date cuenta que una vez egresada tendras muchas vidas bajo TU responsabilidad! Que te vaya bien!!!!

    • UTS:One of these days you are going to cross that river son,and when you get to the other side you will exclaim damn was it that simple.That might be too deep for you this morning,but don't worry you will catch it next week.

    • Billet très intéressant.J'ignorais l'anecdote ô combien symbolique des maisons qui brûlent… En poussant l'image, on aurait envie de dire : "les Américains croient encore que nos maisons sont loin les unes des autres" (comme à l'époque des premiers colons).C'est sûrement une inteprétation très caricaturale, mais j'ai du mal à y échapper !

    • Archerr: Actually, I thought I looked like a bug, too. I can’t tell you how glad I was to be rid of those things!Wes: I see really well new. But it takes up to three months for visions to stablise, so I don’t know for sure how it’ll end up, though it’s sure to be good.

    • sy bmarsalah dg jrwat dan bekas hitam bekas jerawatx,,,uda hampir penuh nih jrawat dg bekas2 hitamx,,,,bs kasi solusi gak dg obat ini? hargax brp?trimakasih

    • Ico, rapaz, você se superou.esses quatro últimos posts, mais a dica da entrevista com o Fritz d’Orey, que eu não tinha lido ainda, estão excelentes.nem vou comentar esses 4 posts, porque renderia assunto pra umas boas 5 horas de conversas de bar com a turma que frequenta esse bolg seu.e, comparando com uma boa conversa de bar, ao vivo, comentar post fica muito sem graça.abraços a todos.

    • I’m really enjoying the theme/design of your blog. Do you ever run into any web browser compatibility issues? A number of my blog audience have complained about my blog not working correctly in Explorer but looks great in Chrome. Do you have any suggestions to help fix this issue?

    • Това не мога да Ви го кажа на 100%, но е възможно при това положение да имате проблеми при смяна предназначението на земята.

    • Charlotte, you did great with your certification, and I was honored to be able to sweat it out with you Congratulations on becoming a Master Trainer!Thank you for all your encouragement regarding our thoughts. This is an area I struggle in, and right now I feel overwhelmed with all the info from the retreat, and everything I’m going to have to learn to get a PTC and do a T-Tapp cert next fall. Your advice to stay consistent and do a little at a time is just what I need. Thanks

    • Synes næsten kjolen afslører for meget. Er sgu nok lidt snerpet pÃ¥ nogle omrÃ¥der.MEN du ser brandgodt ud, smuk krop og smukt ansigt 🙂 En heldig pige der fÃ¥r/har dig pÃ¥ krogen 🙂 God søndag.

    • Great piece! You’re dead-on in description of the medical student’s life and witty, plus I’m really liking the idea of an alarm clock that snoozes upon impact with a wall. I’d wait in line for one those..

    • Gracias por tu comentario!Ya está, ya estamos los tres enganchados a BBT. Como tú bien dices el personaje de Sheldon es fantástico, y lo atribuyo tanto a los buenos guiones como a la impresionante interpretación de Jim Parsons, que hasta en los tics físicos acierta.Yo ya estoy en la segunda y la estoy disfrutando.Un saludo!

    • There are some attention-grabbing points in this article but I don’t know if I see all of them heart to heart. There’s some validity however I will take hold an opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well.

    • Kia ora Bob, I agree with Donald, the focus of the NZ media on every possible negative aspect of these games is just absolutely the lowest common denominator vile, racist, and bigoted shoddy sabotage. Instead of bridging gaps and creating understanding and togetherness we create the exact opposite of the real meaning. I for one am enjoying the games.Cheers,Robb

    • Luiger, parabéns a vocês todos.A Isabel, meus sinceros aplausos. Não é qualquer mulher que passa por uma obra com sorrisos no rosto.É isso aí…Família que reforma unida, permanece unida.Sucesso!

    • This is AWESOME, Sarah! Sounds like you’ve got rule #1 down already. Rule #1 is loving your child no matter what, of course. hehe We should try to get together sometime! Thanks for commenting and keep in touch! (You should “like” the Facebook.com/LivingOneHanded page, too!)

    • I’m so sick of these promotions. The last one I missed out on getting my animals because everytime I clicked on “ask friends” nothing happened. I was close to finishing the bull but instead of giving it to me they gave me another animal I already had. They never give enough time to finish these promotions unless you buy everything to get finished quickly. It’s just another money grab.

    • Eu também esperava mais. porque ele não arruma a questão.Simplesmente não encontro ninguém que vá mais longe que ele.E ele fez um bom balanço histórico- desde os tempos da Inglaterra colonial.Agora os liberais de pedra e cal são assim mesmo- uma variante da fezada comuna.Por isso é que também não leio estes Lucianos- é sempre a mesma k7.(este é tão obtusamente neoliberal que até consegue fazer retrospectivas da economia do salazarismo aos olhos do Hayek. É uma fraude, o tipo).

    • We’ll see how this pans out but to rag on Royals fans after repeatedly getting pissed on in their damn faces by the ownership for the past twenty years is a bit much to shoulder. For anyone to consider themselves a hardcore fan of the Royals at this time pretty much classifies you as a hardcore sadist. Even Cubs fans smell the playoffs every now and then.

    • Fabíola ´D’Ávila comentou em 9 de abril de 2009 às 12:10. Júlia… esse site é tudo!!!Utilidade pública…Amo tudo dos anos 80. Vc arrasou..Esse vestido é antigo? Nossa….super atual

    • Howdy! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back often!

    • David was a wonderful person and good friendI met him at Terrys Bar in Oshkosh when he worked thereThe word is out here in Oshkosh of Daves passing and there is much sadness

    • fapturbo evaluation Hello! I just desire to make a big thumbs up for the amazing information you’ve here on this post. I’ll be returning to your internet site to get much more comprehensive soon.

    • Very touching to know what Jennifer Sky has been through, the writings of her life moved me, in a way opened my eyes to know the true horror behind what people feel ‘fame’ is. I am honored to read the words of a true survivor, her gift of writing is truly something special.

    • zegt:Hoera! Wat een fijn kado. Gefeliciteerd en ik hoop dat je zult genieten van je verjaardagsweekend!En tuurlijk doe ik graag mee aan de give-away. ‘Go wherever the wind takes you’ staat hier al te pronken, maar sindsdien heb ik mijn oog laten vallen op de ‘never grow up’ poster..

    • Egr. Professore,prima di essere stato titolare per 14 anni, ho lavorato, come laureato, associato in partecipazione di utili nella farmacia di mio padre per oltre dieci anni. Gli anni come associato valgono al fine del punteggio nel concorso straordinario? Grazie Giorgio

    • FabianaEita trem bão, rsrs, agora sim vocês vão arrasar com a Wabbers para IOS, como usuária do iphone e indo sempre para SP fiquei feliz por demais, assim que lançar já espalho para todos amigos de SP… Parabéns!

    • dit :purée ce buffet, il est a tomber par terre!ce club est vraiment top!je connais bien le club med, il y a des sites meilleurs que d’autres, mais celui la est superbe!

    • am gasit tool-ul perfect ca sa fac rost de comentarii :)) scriu cu greseli de ortografie. glumesc, bineinteles. multumesc de atentionari, am rezolvat.probabil daca nu-mi spuneati, asa ramanea articolulÃŽÅ£i place? 0

    • Le livre ce ferment ,qui nous gonfle ,nous pétrit ,nous malaxe ,pour s’acompagner d’une tasse d’expresso  » pur » de désillusions ,..homme découpé ,morcelé ,recousu ,rapiécé ,écarté ,retrouvé ,et abandonné en marionnette articulé moribonde ,..homme gigolo ,homme de toutes les hontes ,sans dignité ,..rapace,…de dédein et méprisable de prudence,.. soupe à lait de vernis de culture ,..Oui !,..homme à oublier !

    • including two or three companies you may not have you’ve heard of yet (below). Meanwhile, as I mentioned was coming, LinkedIn is out with those “big, not-yet-specified changes” to profiles. Here’s some of

    • 1c5Paulinha,Não tive tempo de ler todos os comentários… Vc sabe q minha vida anda corrida, mas fiquei feliz por vc, apesar de todas as coisas ruins continuar achando que as boas superam a inveja e a mesquinharia das ruins.Saiba que ao menos uma amiga você conseguiu com seu blog e isso é uma coisa que eu acho mto mais importante do que qq pessoa invejosa.Adoro vc!Beijos

    • Articles that cause my brain cells to activate are perfect for me. Your views gave me plenty to think about and consider. Thank you for interesting and thought-provoking reading material.

    • I have noticed that of all types of insurance, health care insurance is the most controversial because of the issue between the insurance company’s necessity to remain profitable and the customer’s need to have insurance policy. Insurance companies’ income on wellness plans are certainly low, hence some organizations struggle to generate income. Thanks for the thoughts you talk about through this website.

    • Thanks for your posting. I also think that laptop computers are becoming more and more popular lately, and now in many cases are the only form of computer used in a household. The reason being at the same time that they’re becoming more and more cost-effective, their computing power is growing to the point where these are as effective as personal computers from just a few years ago.

    • Wow, looks very organized! I have always been on the fence about those kid leashes too…I finally caved and bought one like yours when Landing (Crash) was 1 1/2 and I was preggers with Bauer. He actually really loves it, and asks to put it on when we get out of the car. I have had a few ugly comments (probably from people who don’t have small or multiple children) and I just respond that at this point, it is more important to insure that my child is safe than to worry about other people’s opinions. Mostly though, people laugh and think it is cute.

    • And another thing:Doesn’t anybody realize that all this is going on EXACTLY ACCORDING TO THE PLANS OF OSAMA BIN LADEN?This is EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTED!!! Get us bogged down in a horrendously expensive war, then bankrupt us!Just like what happened to the USSR in Afghanistan. (Internal corruption in the USSR had its part then, just like it does with us now.)Why can’t anyone see this???????We are so fucked.

    • 144f1 – e3excellent put up, very informative. I wonder why the other specialists of this sector do not realize this. You must proceed your writing. I’m sure, you have a huge readers’ base already!c7

    • JenX this was so poignant. I never had a father like yours, and I will never know what it's like to lose a parent I love like that. But reading your vividly-phrased description, I can actually forget the relationship I have with my parents, and almost pretend it was like yours. And then it hurts. Or maybe it just hurts because of what wasn't.Thank you! ♥

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    • OsobnÄ› by mÄ› zajímalo, co je na 70 – 60 miliardách polehčujícího. Nepočítám-li, že takovýto schodek by dosáhla jakákoliv vláda, byla-li by u moci.A stále nikdo neodpovÄ›dÄ›l na otázku, jak se zodpovÄ›dnost takových za nÄ›chž zaplatí Å¡kolné rodiče, liší od dotyčných za něž platí stát.

    • siger:Am discutat multe ,printre care si acest subiect .Ti-am spus ca nu ma consider o tipa citita ,chiar daca lumea crede acest lucru ,insa lucrurile elementare sau de cultura generala ,este trist sa nu le stim .Sa spui ca ai citit poeziile lui MIHAI CREANGA si ca-ti plac atata de mult ca ai mai citi ceva scris tot de el ….este chiar penibil .Mika recently posted..

    • i love this clutch katy and what i love even more is your middle finger painted so sparkly so that when you need to flip someone off it looks super pretty! xo

    • If it wasn’t so darn hot I would jump up and try this recipe right now. However, I don’t even want to turn on the stove – it might make it hotter here!Great looking food though!

    • Foarte inspirata prezentarea retetei. Cum a iesit?Andreea B a scris pe blogul sau… [] Reply:October 19th, 2012 at 23:03belea!! mai fac o tura saptamana viitoare irina bartolomeu a scris pe blogul sau… []

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    • Łukasz pisze:hmPo pierwsze: ile to żre prÄ…du z tego Com-a,po drugie: czy potrzebne jest +-10V? Może wystarczy +-5V skoro na wyjÅ›ciu i tak mamy mieć sygnaÅ‚ max +-2V?JeÅ›li pobór prÄ…du nie jest wygórowany, oraz jeÅ›li wystarczy +-5V to proszÄ™ zainteresować siÄ™ kostkÄ… MAX660 i wtedy wystarczy pobrać zasilanie z USB a kostka MAX660 da nam na wyjÅ›ciu piÄ™kne +-5VNota katalogowa ukÅ‚adu do pobrania ze strony producenta (MAXIM) a zmontować to jest genialnie prosto, WedÅ‚ug producenta wystarczy sam ukÅ‚ad i dwa kondensatory (od 1 do 150uF)

    • 1. Never go to the supermarket when you are hungry!2. Overripe bananas are great for baking Banana Bread (have non secret recipe). You don’t have to eat the result if you are worried about putting on weight. Put a ribbon around it, and give it to your neighbour.

    • So you don’t deny the film is a fake interesting. You don’t know me, and haven’t a clue what I believe, understand or accept outside of what I have told you, yet you pontificate and pronounce on my beliefs. I stand by my observation, this is obviously a fake and anybody with half a brain can see that.

    • May 28, 2011 at 10:57 amOMG! Muss ich das alles lesen??? Muss ich das alles kommentieren??? Dann nennst du mich womoeglich ‘faul’ weil ich den ganzen Tag Internet surfing tue. Du wirst es nicht glauben! Ich bin so intelligent, dass Griechisch meine Muttersprache ist, und dass ich Deutsch in Dt gelernt habe.Und weil dein Kommentar beleidigende Ausdruecke beinhaltet, halbiere is es eben!

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    • Gracias Eric, este Droid777 esta como para caerse de la silla “como lo dices tú”, en realidad muy bueno. A mi me queda algunas dudas solo en lo de las anualidades, lo digo porque yo tengo Droid4pro con un millon de licencias por lo cual hice un solo pago, y aqui me parece que ahora hay que pagar por año.

    • Dar ti s-a intamplat sa te duci la magazin sa ceri ceva si sa se uite ciudat la tine?Sa ceri inca odata si sa spuna ca nu are?Si tu vezi respectivul obiect in rafturile magazinului?:)) .-= Ultimul articol al lui MidSuMmEr NiGhT’s DrEaM – =-.ÃŽÅ£i place? 0

    • Miks mul see poolik lause sinna alla jäi? No teeme nii, et ma nagu oleks tahtnud seda lauset lõpetada nt nii:…lõpetan ja lähen teen midagi kasulikku.

    • Olá, Maryanne,Tenho mais uma pergunta: como você faz para saber das promoções de hotéis e do Cirque du Soleil? Muito obrigada pelas dicas.

    • I love this look. Gaga is a love/hate phenomenon and I’m definitely on the love side. As well, her performance look was incredible and the statue that was made for her performance was UNREAL (uh, yes, giant armadillo heels).

    • Olá Leonor, só entrando em contacto com alguém da editora, que tem uma pagina na internet. Todavia sei que a edição normal esgotou, agora só há uma edição especial.gratoJoão

    • Interesant si util acest articol. Totusi, mai multa atentie la detalii va rog. In poza 2 puteati sa puneti niste protectii prizelor, ca tot vorbeste articolul de siguranta copilului.

    • Haikel Mustafa Posted on Bueno veo que la gente se ha motivado mucho con este tema.Pronto les escribo algo interesante que salio por ahi.Saludos

    • I think this is just a rumor, but you may as well try since you are definitely far enough along that you don’t have anything to worry about. I wouldn’t eat more than a serving or so every few hours. Personally, I think walking is more likely to help than anything else…

    • Posted on December 18, 2012 at 4:41 amHow well do you do for him, especially for free. The Certified Welder program is a good place to start – post up pictures of your desired size. Having a wide variety of seam tracking operation visually performed by the welder, or semiautomatic , in which the work is done by the software and profile monitor. {||||

    • Los estudiantes chinos me parecen el rival más duro para cualquier universitario español medio . Son disciplinados ,aplicados y mínimo ya nos sacan dos idiomas de ventaja .

    • According to a press release from SoftBank Mobile, the Japanese service provider has secured an agreement with Apple to bring the iPhone to Japan this year. The deal will ensure the iPhone’s first official access in Japan’s market.

    • Clearly, the ‘workshop’ you went to was bullshit. This woman makes money recycling her out of date seminar. You and I will have to fight for James Franco.

    • – Pictures look so inviting, Betsy. Let Jeff know that even though we may get a hurricane from time to time, look what we get to deal with the rest of the time! Fortunately, we were not hit too badly in our area. It is sad for all of those that were, however.

    • We were there at the same time as you! We’ve gone for 7 years and love the announcer guy. Each year there are families who use Disney names for their family instead of their real names. It’s hilarious. It is our family tradition now that we are a small family, but we have gathered other orphan families and now it turns into a group of 15+ each year. But the best is our family photo with Santa every year.

    • i remember playin this on the ps2…..just after i got rid of the gamecube….. wish they’d do a new robocop game for the ps3 tho…. one that really kicks ass with the new abilities and graphics….maybe peter weller voicing or something… that would be cool to see

    • I would also hope you can find a way around ads on your site. I find it almost unbearable trying to read articles while a muslim ad is staring me in the face. At the Brussels Journal they have them and I can only tolerate a short period of time at their site. Just have a quarterly reminder of your financial need to wake up people like myself who don't notice the tip cup.

    • One other issue issue is that video games are normally serious in nature with the principal focus on mastering rather than entertainment. Although, there’s an entertainment element to keep your kids engaged, each game is frequently designed to develop a specific group of skills or course, such as mathmatical or science. Thanks for your article.

    • Stefan, das waren noch richtig durchdachte Sachen, die von Ingenieuren und nicht von Erbsenzählern erschaffen wurden. 36 Jahre? Respekt, da hat er sich ne neue Lampe aber redlich verdient. Bei meinem alten Sparkäfer konnt man das Lämpchen vom Kofferraum aus tauschen. Pappe ab und gut…

    • I love your web site.. very great colors & design. Did an individual design this site yourself or perhaps did an individual hire someone to do it for you personally? Plz reply as I’m seeking to construct my own, personal blog and would like to know exactly where u acquired this via. kudos

    • · Beh Maurizio, semplicemente qui non si parla di contenuti perché il problema non sta nei contenuti. Anzi. :)Tanto per dire: io non faccio marketing, ma essendoci fra i miei interessi cose come la psicologia sociale, le dinamiche dei social network e filosofia del linguaggio (oltre che come sai essere uno dei co-organizzatori del BzaarCamp e del RitaliaCamp) mi intrometto quando vedo un uso di un termine come “Camp”, mentre mi limito a leggere sui blog tuo, di MCC e del MarketingCamp. 🙂

    • Thank you for Bill Warner! This is not common knowledge. I was schooled by European Catholic nuns in the '50s and they must have given me some knowledge because, years later, on 9-11, I knew INSTANTLY, 1) Muslim / Arab attack and 2) their goal to kill all INFIDELS (Any non-Muslim). I have read all the "experts" and never got the complete history as Mr. Warner presents.

    • Christine..You are such a talented lady. Every time I see your pictures, they look so natural and effortless. How lucky these glowing faces have you to capture their true inner and outer beauty. Thank you for letting us glimpse into what you see through your lens.

    • By , November 28, 2012 at 6:37 amI admire your strength to post this. That alone proves you’re a winner in this entire situation. It’s never easy to dive so personally deep into your past publicly, but it is an amazing way to heal. I have known you online. for so many years and you’ve always been a genuinely sweet person. I happen to see past the tough exterior that most see online. You say pretty profound stuff when your guard is down. I am proud of you Chanel and I haven’t forgotten about your offer. 🙂

    • Heckling? My incisive, witty margin comments, often leading to profound thoughts on the nature and structure of the work are a form of heckling? How rude to suggest such a thing. And whilst I understand just what you mean by the lure of being able to write on books without harming them in any way, I still wouldn’t really go for the e-book thing. Not yet.

    • Lucas Provenzano disse:Estou degustando este charuto agora mesmo. Realmente um espetáculo, fluxo extremamente aberto. Todas as características que descreveu estão em cada baforada! Ultimamente tenho me guiado por suas avaliações.Abraço

    • A term without any real meaning should belong equally to everyone. If someone’s mother’s maiden name is not Feldmann (as mine is) then they should go have it changed. Then they are Jewish and no one can make a convincing case that they aren’t.

    • My guess would be that it is not the women so much as their desire for women that they find so difficult to control, and as it is always easier to blame someone else rather than take responsibility yourself, the punishments are assigned accordingly.

    • Oh, since my oldest is only 7 I so know the feeling! To have serious allergies added to that? I think I’d be hard pressed to let her out of my supervision before she was 22 or something.That said, that party sure sounded like a good time to me. Peace to both of you.

    • OFD wrote:“The State has no business educating our children. Period. And it has no business doing vastly MOST of the stuff it does now.”If parents want to send their kids to state schools that’s there business. It’s not my first preference, but then neither is home schooling.  Miles_Teg

    • Posso capire che non ti piace,ma giudicarla cosi da schifo mi sembra troppo.A me piacciono gli One Direction ma preferisco Demi perchè la seguo da quasi 4 anni,invece gli 1D da 1 anno massimo 1 e mezzo.Ascolta qualche sua canzone forse ti potrebbe piacere

    • J’ai hâte de voir le récap. Elle est superbe ta photo. Je suis de l’avis général, le HDR ne se voit pas trop. Après avoir vu beaucoup d’exemples sur flickr, ta photo reste sobre et pas trop bruitée. Le niveau de maîtrise est trop haut pour moi ahaha. Petit padawan devient grand.Quand tu expliqueras le HDR, je serais aux aguêts (je suis le toujours en vérité) . Je vois le principe, mais pour arriver à l’assemblage final, mystère.

    • Jéssica adorei as dicas (:Realmente o layout de um blog é extremamente importante, falando nisso, adorei o seu (: Bem organizado!Estou seguindo aqui, curti bastante seu blog! Te convido a conhecer o meu e se gostar, retribuir ^^ Beijos@diariodelooks

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    • I heard your story on This American Life w/ Ira Glass. I think that was a big score for your company, you just reached out big time as I live in Statesville, NC (40 mi north of Charlotte). My girlfriend and I are very interested in a sustainable lifestyle and possibly going to try a CSA for our friends around here. We are trying to educate them in food origins and the commercial food chain of today. I’m considering a visit to Portland now, so thank you and hope to see you in the near future.Wishing you much success,Matt

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    • Aslında bir devrim sayılmaz zira vardı parfümlü kokulu ojeler. Bunların güzel yanları kokularının çeÅŸitliliÄŸi bence. Bir de tabi deneyip bakma lazım nasıl kokuyorlar diye. Bulunca hemen alıp yazacağım tabi ki.

    • Is there likely to be any production of other bound word editions as opposed to the common church type one – e.g. with softer (although not expensive leather), more “friendly” to hold type covers? in the way there is with Hymns & Psalms, which are nicer for presents for peoples personal use

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    • that’s a really nice thing of the choir boys to do. I mean, it poses a bit of a dilemma, but it’s really sweet of them anyway. i’m sure your cats at home would be jealous of the new one if they finally get up to using skype.

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    • you are quite frankly retarted. How does Michael Phelps have a “secret weapon” if the suit is widely available to even a 10 year old swimming for his damn pathetic summer rec team.

    • OH… I have to say, I followed your link up there to the little vinyl toys. I just got one of these "color your own" vinyl mickeys on our recent trip to disney world. I think I need about 20 more! I have a pink 3" one, and it's just too cute! I'm too cheep to actually buy more (now) but they're really great. Nice to see that others are into them too. 🙂 So cute!

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